The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18

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Lin Wood is saying on Twitter there is no proof Jonbenet ate pineapple. Sure enough, the autopsy says "which may represent fragments of pineapple" . Playing devils advocate here, how sure can we be that it is pineapple?
If I recall correctly it was a WS radio interview. Does Tricia keep them somewhere where it would be available?

I stayed up way too late last night reading Kohler's Reddit Ask Me Anything. (I had previously tried to read Beckner's AMA, but he had deleted all of his answers.) The question was, is there not a way you can describe your hypothesis without getting sued? And he says that there was an interview he did with Tricia of True Crime Radio, where he 'expressed a little more of' his hypothesis. He said he thinks it was his second interview with her, but definitely was not the last one (and he remembers because he had the flu during the last one.)

I need to listen to that interview.
I have no issues with the videos of Burke being shown in them interviews , it just proves what we had already heard that he was a weird troubled boy. His behaviour is not that of a well adjusted 9 year old (1 month away from being 10) and it's showing us what he was like.
I think its possible some digestion occurred after her actual death which could mean that she was killed much closer to when she ate the pineapple.

The article I found before said that bacteria in the stomach can keep on digesting even after death and gasses in the body build up and can move things along even after death.

So I think the timing could have been much closer than the digestion made it appear. JMO

The bacteria could change the breakdown of the food and the release of fades, however it isn't what controls the position if food along the intestines as it is muscles contractions that move food through the intestines.
I'm arguing with my sister here about this, help me out. Has it been determined and accepted mostly - assuming RDI theory obv- that the garrott , the duct tape, the bindings were staging by parents and not part of "play" between JB and B.?
Great post, I agree with you completely, particularly about Burkes interview being shown to us, that really didn't sit right with me. Along with the 9 year old child being made to hit the pig skin covered blonde wigged skull(just wrong! Disgusting and offensive to jonbenet and anyone that cared about her). I would guess most people watching haven't thought much about the case since the nineties, and will just take the show at face value, and so now Burke is the killer in the publics eye...

But the thing is, It's just a theory.

The experts on the show all agreed on a theory they think fits. There are a myriad of other theories that could also fit.
now Burke has been named on a prime time International tv shows as the killer, when it hasn't been proven. I think that is so unfair to him.

i have no idea who did this crime, watching the cbs doc, as someone who isn't in one 'camp' or another, it was very biased.


If there is any injustice in this, the Ramsey's have no one to blame but themselves. And since team Ramsey had no trouble pointing a finger at so many people over the years they should be the last people calling foul.
Cobalt Sky - I do agree with a number of the points you have made here, especially concerning the "brain death", the garrote and the glossing over the sexual assault issue (and the supposed evidence of prior sexual assault that some investigators have mentioned in the past). However, I do personally agree with the conclusion that BR was involved in and was the cause of the events that ended Jon Benet's life. The scenario that was laid out in the show makes the most sense based on all the evidence. It really is the only scenario that fits the events that occurred, the ransom note, and the fact that the Ramsey's did not support any true investigation of the house and what happened that fateful night.

In my opinion, what occurred was a tragedy - one made much worse by the ensuing cover up. I believe that the Ramsey's lives would actually have been better if they had told the truth and called 411 after JonBenet was found with the head injury. Instead, the parents created a cover up - a really bad cover-up - and used their influence and money to stymie the investigation - just to save face. (I don't believe they cared about saving Burke; I believe it was done to prevent them from the shame of having their not-so-perfect son kill their perfect daughter. Did the family really benefit from such a cover-up? In my opinion, NO. I bet that Patsy suffered from knowing the true events that her son killed her precious daughter, and ended up dead of cancer, John Ramsey has had to live with his actions for years, and Burke has never received the treatment he so desperately needs. Does Burke really have a job where he works from home? I doubt it. It's just a convenient cover-up - I know a number of people who claim they are Computer Techies/whatever who work out of their home and in reality they are jobless and unable to get and maintain a job due to mental illness, psychological problems, etc.

Does it really matter that JonBenet's murderer has never faced justice. To JonBenet, no. To her father and brother, probably not. To the rest of the world - only a few really care at this point. And we at websleuths are among the few. Like I said, this scenario makes the most sense based on how the Ramsey's reacted after JonBenet's murder.

EDITED TO ADD -- Regarding the video's shown of Burke's interviews when he was 9 years old. They were absolutely chilling. I have worked with children with Asbergers, and Burke exhibits many similarities in his behavior. His reaction to the bowl of pineapple was very telling. It's like his mind cannot go there - it's off limits.

Also - the members of the team of investigators have had a lot of experience with murder cases and examining the psychology behind crimes. If all of them have come to the same conclusion - that is also very telling.

I get where you're coming from Penelope, and I agree that it is very possible that Burke caused JBR's death and the parents covered it up. But that is just ONE possibility. PR or JR could have done it as well, or any combination of the three. An "intruder" unknown to the family, imo there is an extremely low possibility of this. But I do think that it is possible that someone else besides the 3 in the home was involved in the crime, ALONG WITH one or both of the adults in the home. I personally feel that there is a large piece of the puzzle missing in this case. And I also feel that no theory has been proven at this point.

I think it is possible that JR (and less likely PR) committed the murder, then told the other that it was actually Burke that did it in order to get the other to help cover. With Burke having no idea that he was blamed. I also think it is possible that someone else was let into the home by JR who took things too far with JBR, and a cover up ensued. There are many possibilities of what happened, none have been proven.

As has been mentioned many times, if BR was the killer and the parents covered, that decision was a disaster for them. This would have been evident within a week or two of the murder, the Ramseys were educated, intelligent people. They would have to have realized their mistake in doing so, and by then would have known that BR at 9 years old would not have been charged with any crime. They clearly had the support of the DA, and would have known that they would have got off easy for whatever part they played. They could have easily gone with their attorneys to LE and explained that they made a mistake, they panicked and were trying to protect their son, and now they want to make it right. BR could have received the appropriate follow-up mental health support. There would have been headlines for a week or two, then within a few months the story of JBR would have been a distant memory.

Instead, by keeping up the charade, their entire lives imploded. They lost all of their friends, their status, their reputations, pretty much everything that was important to them. Worst of all, despite the sacrifice, their remaining child has had the finger pointed at him regardless. I find it hard to believe that they, especially JR, wouldn't have realized that this was never going to go away, and just gone to LE within a few weeks to make things right. But they continued with the lie for two decades! This is what makes me think that Burke is probably NOT the one responsible.

Maybe Burke is tired of carrying this burden, regardless of whether he is guilty in any way or innocent. Maybe his "slips" on DP weren't slips at all. Maybe he wants a shitstorm so that the truth can finally get out there. Hard to know what he's thinking, his behavior really is bizarre at times. The whole family is bizarre. All imo.
Case of JonBenet Ramsey made its way into some mainstream UK papers, with a picture Burke as a child and one from the Dr Phil show where he is looking up to the side, wide-eyed and grinning.

He is named as JonBenet's killer outright, so I'm willing to bet BR's phone is ringing off the hook, and he will attract the usual social stalkers, never mind the story oriented paparazzi.

It's not looking good for BR's future prospects, unless he becomes the bad guy to be interviewed: Hey they say you killed your sister? What does DS think now, or did he know all along?

Not sure I agree with Kolar's conclusion, here's why: If the case is BDI and BR did some minimal staging, then why did he not cleanup the breakfast bar? Also all the Barbie Nightgown and missing pink pajama bottoms, they do not fit in to a breakfast bar scenario?

Still Kolar is probably right that BR and JonBenet had some kind of altercation, just where is likely a moot point.


I found this part of Kohler's Reddit AMA very interesting. He's asked "Do you believe the partially unwrapped Christmas toys in the basement had anything to do with the crime and if so how? And Kohler's replies, "I believe the torn wrapping on the Christmas presents photographed in the wine cellar played a part in the circumstances surrounding the murder. I can't say how because it is part of my hypothesis."

Also in the same AMA, he is asked if he believed it possible that the head blow was delivered from behind while JBR was seated in the kitchen while eating pineapple, and he replies, "It's hard to say if she was seated or standing when the blow was struck."
Lin Wood sees a big paycheck in his future as does Burke Ramsey.

Rolling Stone got so much wrong in their article that I don't have time to address it. Shameful.

Burke Ramsey's prints were on the bowl of pineapple and the iced tea glass, his boot print in the WC (yes, he admitted on DP he had a pair of hiking boots with a compass on the shoelace and we know from otg (?) that HiTechs had compasses on the shoelaces in the 1996 era), his DNA on the nightgown found next to he body, he roamed the house alone that night by his own admission, he was heard by the 911 operator on the call, he admitted on DP that he was awake and only pretended to be asleep in the morning. These are hard facts. The reaction of the parents to all of these facts was to deny, disown, disavow. Why?

A bowl of pineapple and milk with an iced tea glass should be innocuous items in anyone's home. What was the response of the Ramsey adults? "I didn't serve that like that", "that spoon is too big for that", "is that one of the good spoons?", "I don't remember having pineapple in the house", "that's a big bowl", "JBR didn't have a snack before bed", "no pineapple was served at the White's", 'are you sure Burke's prints are on that bowl and glass?", "the intruder must have fed her that", "Santa must have fed her that". Mic drop. They twisted and contorted themselves to get as far away from that bowl of pineapple with Burke's prints as possible because and only because JBR had pineapple in her digestive tract at autopsy. Guilty knowledge that the pineapple factors in to what happened later - the murder of JBR. Lastly, but surely not least, Burke's reaction to the photo of the bowl of pineapple. There is no reason for him to react to this photo as if he had seen a ghost, or been caught strangling a cat, unless that particular item was relevant to something he did not want to talk about or own. He was at a loss for words and then kneeled on his hands on the chair as he pretended to not be able to identify an obvious object in the photo. When asked what kind of snacks JBR liked, he responded "she didn't get a snack". Twenty years later, he "maybe" ate pineapple and then "would you remember what you ate 20 years ago?".

The HiTech boot print that Lou Smit used as evidence to bolster his perverted intruder theory. Again, contorted, twisting responses to distance anyone in the family from being in the WC. "we didn't own any HiTech boots", "Burke had some boots but I don't remember the brand, they had little compasses on them", "he was asleep", "the intruder wore these boots". Even Lin Wood stated on the DP show that the Ramsey family never owned a pair of HiTech boots! But, Burke admitted he owned hiking boots with a compass on the shoelace and otg(?) found an add for HiTech boots from 1996 which depict the signature compass on them. Most telling is that after Burke admitted that he owned the dang HiTech boots, he stated "I was always in the basement playing so what does that prove?" Mic drop. The Ramseys allowed Lou Smit to develop a theory of an intruder using, in part, the boot print, knowing full well that Burke owned those boots. Why? Because that boot print puts him IN the murder scene. Does it prove he was there that particular night? No. But the denials tell us it is important.

Burke Ramsey is heard on the 911 call at 5:52am. They can all talk about the enhanced recordings and subjective interpretations of the sounds forever and ever but the fact remains that the operator, Kim Archuleta, heard 3 distinct voices after Patsy stopped talking to her. Again, the lies and distortions. "Burke was asleep, he knows nothing", "we woke him at 7am to go to the White's house". BUT, Burke himself tells us he was awake, just pretending to be asleep after Patsy came into his room, which by her account, she did before the 911 call. Why is it important that Burke be sleep? So no one will question him. Why are they afraid for Burke to be questioned by LE who arrived to investigate the overnight kidnapping of his sister? Add it up and you know. Twenty years later, Burke continues to claim it wasn't him on the call, unless someone erased his memory. Wha?? Apparently, he had not heard of Kim Archuleta yet.

The Grand Jury voted to charge both parents with accessory to first degree murder, assisting or conspiring to assist in the cover up of FDM, among other charges. Neither was charged with first degree murder, so just who were they assisting after the murder? Well, they weren't assisting the elusive intruder. There were three people in the house and 2 are charged as conspirators, accessories after the fact. I do not think it takes a quantum leap of faith to deduct that they were charged with assisting in the cover up of the crime committed but the 3rd person in the house - Burke Ramsey.

tDNA is irrelevant to the case. Dr. Lee performed DNA tests on panties from a brand new, unopened, package of panties and found what? DNA. Yep, DNA deposited during the manufacturing and packaging process. He explained how simple it is to have other people's DNA all over us and how easy it is to transfer DNA from one object to another, object to person, and even object to person to person. tDNA can be analyzed from a single cell. He opined that this tDNA likely came from someone who sewed the panties, worked in the sewing room or the packaging department of the manufacturer. It is hardly worthy of being THE key piece of evidence that exonerates the three people in the house the night of the murder. Let'snot even go to where some have, that there was tDNA from 5-6 people on JBR, non of which could be sourced because following Mary Lacy's logic and Lin Wood's acceptance of that, it would mean that there were 5-6 unidentifiable people, all touching JBR before, during and after her murder.

The spider web. JR admitted that he broke the window to gain entry into the house one night after he locked himself out of the house about a year before the murder. FW noticed the window on his first visit, the window was unlocked and slightly open. JR told FW that he had done this. When asked to look for entry points, JR never brought up the broken window because he knew it was insignificant. However, Lou Smit decided that this was the entry point and demonstrated how a person could get into the house from the window, completely disregarding the presence of a spider's web that remained undisturbed and the accumulated debris in the window well that also was undisturbed as evidenced by crime scene photos. An entomologist determined the species that created that web and stated that such spiders do not create webs in the winter, that the web was old and left over from a previous season and the spider could not have rebuilt the web overnight after the intruder entered. CBS showed that no one could climb through that window and leave the spider web intact or the debris in the window well undisturbed. Riveting, compelling, proof that the basement window was NOT the entry point. But, the Ramseys latched onto it to support the mythical intruder theory to deflect from the truth.

Burke Ramsey hit his sister in anger with a golf club. Judith Phillips, who has no dog in this fight, told CBS that Patsy Ramsey herself said that the mark under JBR's eye was caused by Burke when he was angry and hit JBR with a golf club. Period. It was not an accidental back swing as Burke suggested- Patsy would have said so. Even DP says the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. We know that Burke was capable of striking his sister with an object in anger. While one little episode of sibling argument may be meaningless, every memory that Burke expressed of his sister seemed to be one of conflict: fighting over space in the back seat of the car, fighting over who gets to press elevator buttons, squabbles over toys. The nicest memory he recounted was her falling off of her bike on Christmas day and then sitting on it.

Poop. Lots of poop stories. Poop on the walls, poop in the bed, poop stains on clothes, poop left unflushed in toilets, poop, poop, poop, but most important is the poop in the candy box. I can not get the comments Dr. Glass made in her interview with Tricia out of my head. She, a behavior analyst, said that poop in the candy was an act of 'violence' and 'hatred' towards JBR. I would have thought it was just a sick, disgusting thing to do but she describes it as an act AGAINST JB, personal, and done with malice.

I've moved on with my life. Thirteen days after the murder, Burke has moved on with his life. The entire city of Boulder is terrified by the thought that there is a sexually perverted, child killer loose in their community, Patsy told them so on CNN, yet Burke is not afraid. He isn't sad because he just plays, (insert noises) games on his machine. He is delighted that his school is surrounded by media who ask his friends about him as they go to and from school. He mimics them putting microphones in the kids' faces. When asked what he thinks happened, he states, with a bit of indignance, "I KNOW what happened" and then describes (and mimics) tip toeing downstairs quietly into the basement, maybe with a knife, and then "whoops" hit JBR in the head with maybe a hammer. This is at a time when both parents are claiming that they never discussed what happened with him. He draws a picture of his family minus JBR and 20 years later explains, "well, she was gone, so. . ."

The black tape. IIRC it was in ST's book where we read of the black, red and white jackets/sweater jackets that Patsy and Priscilla owned, which were almost identical and that Patsy had put on Priscilla's jacket one night as she was leaving their house. It seems that Patsy's jacket/sweater jacket had a loose button or hem that was taped into place with some black tape. I remember it because it seemed so Patsy-like to try to 'exchange her defective jacket for PW's". The jacket does not become important until we realize that the sticky side of the black tape on JBR's mouth held fibers from Patsy's jacket and no black tape was found in the house. The next most curious fact is that John called AMX to try to figure out what Patsy bought at the hardware store, which just so happened to have sold the kind of tape and cord found on JBR's body.

Bring it Lin Wood. I will do my best to be in the courtroom to watch. CBS looked at all the evidence with fresh eyes and determined that it all led to one conclusion. The conclusion was opinion based on facts and expertise and your client exposed himself to the public and became a public figure before CBS aired its special. He should sue YOU for bad advice. As we used to say, you stepped on your own **** going on that show.
He may be completely repulsed by his parents cover up, or even excited by it. So the RN may mean nothing to him. I thought he showed very little interest overall in the case. And I believe there was some kind if apparent contradiction, in that BR indicated he sneaked back downstairs after everyone was in bed, and JR said BR wanted to play with the model and so they went and played together, and the he put him to bed with the flashlight. Classic JR covering for BR, and now BR taking some delight in letting a little piece out there. JR would just say BR was child and just remembers wrong.

And I am reminded how JR said he couldn't get Burke to bed, so he had to help him with a toy to try to get him to bed.

I'm thinking he did try. Trying is not the same as doing. So he tried and failed, but since he had to be up early because he was to pilot (or co-pilot) his plane, he needed to be well rested. So he took his melatonin and checked out, leaving Patsy to deal with everything.
I'm arguing with my sister here about this, help me out. Has it been determined and accepted mostly - assuming RDI theory obv- that the garrott , the duct tape, the bindings were staging by parents and not part of "play" between JB and B.?

Ya know I have been wondering a similar thing. I know it might sound weird but a lot if kids, even well adjusted kids do like to play games were they tie each other up. Now most don't do it when they should be sleeping, or take it as far as maybe BR did, fashioning garrotes and what not.....but I have thought the same thing. Perhaps the tieing if the hands, etc could be a weird form of "play"

Taking it to a slightly darker place....IF the kids were being sexually abused....often grooming involves exposing children to sexual explicit material and it possible one or both of the kids had seen material they were "recreating"?
oh yes. He refused to identify what was in the bowl. His body language was choice -- looked like he wanted to launch himself off that chair and out of that room STAT.

In that grainy BR interview video, it was hard to make out exactly what picture BR was actually being shown, however he did identify the tea bag in a glass so hopefully it was the exact picture the TV special showed to us the viewers.
I found this part of Kohler's Reddit AMA very interesting. He's asked "Do you believe the partially unwrapped Christmas toys in the basement had anything to do with the crime and if so how? And Kohler's replies, "I believe the torn wrapping on the Christmas presents photographed in the wine cellar played a part in the circumstances surrounding the murder. I can't say how because it is part of my hypothesis."

Also in the same AMA, he is asked if he believed it possible that the head blow was delivered from behind while JBR was seated in the kitchen while eating pineapple, and he replies, "It's hard to say if she was seated or standing when the blow was struck."

Interesting! I had been thinking they may be significant too. Especially since Patsy was so adamant she had been they one to rip them.

I have a few friends with Xmas time bdays, and two things that drive them nuts are birthday presents wrapped in Xmas paper, and getting shorted on presents. It's possible teasing over this could have really hit Burke in a place it hurt and sent him into a jealous rage.
Here is an interesting quote taken from Forums For Justice at this link (quote follows):

Post #11

Source: NE book Page 163-164:
I just sort of remember Priscilla standing in my mother's living room, family room, you know, just kind of like this and saying , "Well, I know what's going on," and she said, "If you would give me a few minutes of your time, I could let you in on some things." And I turned to her and I said, "Priscilla, how can you know so much?" and I said, "I am the mother of this child. And I know nothing."

TH: What was she referring to?

PR: I dont have a clue. I really, I mean, you know, so many times I wish I would have taken her up on it to see what the hell she was talking about. There was just her - you know, it was just this kind of, "I know what's going on here and you don't. And if you give me a few minutes of your time I could clue you in."

Good stuff at that link, thanks for posting.
Lin Wood sees a big paycheck in his future as does Burke Ramsey.

Rolling Stone got so much wrong in their article that I don't have time to address it. Shameful.

Burke Ramsey's prints were on the bowl of pineapple and the iced tea glass, his boot print in the WC (yes, he admitted on DP he had a pair of hiking boots with a compass on the shoelace and we know from otg (?) that HiTechs had compasses on the shoelaces in the 1996 era), his DNA on the nightgown found next to he body, he roamed the house alone that night by his own admission, he was heard by the 911 operator on the call, he admitted on DP that he was awake and only pretended to be asleep in the morning. These are hard facts. The reaction of the parents to all of these facts was to deny, disown, disavow. Why?

A bowl of pineapple and milk with an iced tea glass should be innocuous items in anyone's home. What was the response of the Ramsey adults? "I didn't serve that like that", "that spoon is too big for that", "is that one of the good spoons?", "I don't remember having pineapple in the house", "that's a big bowl", "JBR didn't have a snack before bed", "no pineapple was served at the White's", 'are you sure Burke's prints are on that bowl and glass?", "the intruder must have fed her that", "Santa must have fed her that". Mic drop. They twisted and contorted themselves to get as far away from that bowl of pineapple with Burke's prints as possible because and only because JBR had pineapple in her digestive tract at autopsy. Guilty knowledge that the pineapple factors in to what happened later - the murder of JBR. Lastly, but surely not least, Burke's reaction to the photo of the bowl of pineapple. There is no reason for him to react to this photo as if he had seen a ghost, or been caught strangling a cat, unless that particular item was relevant to something he did not want to talk about or own. He was at a loss for words and then kneeled on his hands on the chair as he pretended to not be able to identify an obvious object in the photo. When asked what kind of snacks JBR liked, he responded "she didn't get a snack". Twenty years later, he "maybe" ate pineapple and then "would you remember what you ate 20 years ago?".

The HiTech boot print that Lou Smit used as evidence to bolster his perverted intruder theory. Again, contorted, twisting responses to distance anyone in the family from being in the WC. "we didn't own any HiTech boots", "Burke had some boots but I don't remember the brand, they had little compasses on them", "he was asleep", "the intruder wore these boots". Even Lin Wood stated on the DP show that the Ramsey family never owned a pair of HiTech boots! But, Burke admitted he owned hiking boots with a compass on the shoelace and otg(?) found an add for HiTech boots from 1996 which depict the signature compass on them. Most telling is that after Burke admitted that he owned the dang HiTech boots, he stated "I was always in the basement playing so what does that prove?" Mic drop. The Ramseys allowed Lou Smit to develop a theory of an intruder using, in part, the boot print, knowing full well that Burke owned those boots. Why? Because that boot print puts him IN the murder scene. Does it prove he was there that particular night? No. But the denials tell us it is important.

Burke Ramsey is heard on the 911 call at 5:52am. They can all talk about the enhanced recordings and subjective interpretations of the sounds forever and ever but the fact remains that the operator, Kim Archuleta, heard 3 distinct voices after Patsy stopped talking to her. Again, the lies and distortions. "Burke was asleep, he knows nothing", "we woke him at 7am to go to the White's house". BUT, Burke himself tells us he was awake, just pretending to be asleep after Patsy came into his room, which by her account, she did before the 911 call. Why is it important that Burke be sleep? So no one will question him. Why are they afraid for Burke to be questioned by LE who arrived to investigate the overnight kidnapping of his sister? Add it up and you know. Twenty years later, Burke continues to claim it wasn't him on the call, unless someone erased his memory. Wha?? Apparently, he had not heard of Kim Archuleta yet.

The Grand Jury voted to charge both parents with accessory to first degree murder, assisting or conspiring to assist in the cover up of FDM, among other charges. Neither was charged with first degree murder, so just who were they assisting after the murder? Well, they weren't assisting the elusive intruder. There were three people in the house and 2 are charged as conspirators, accessories after the fact. I do not think it takes a quantum leap of faith to deduct that they were charged with assisting in the cover up of the crime committed but the 3rd person in the house - Burke Ramsey.

tDNA is irrelevant to the case. Dr. Lee performed DNA tests on panties from a brand new, unopened, package of panties and found what? DNA. Yep, DNA deposited during the manufacturing and packaging process. He explained how simple it is to have other people's DNA all over us and how easy it is to transfer DNA from one object to another, object to person, and even object to person to person. tDNA can be analyzed from a single cell. He opined that this tDNA likely came from someone who sewed the panties, worked in the sewing room or the packaging department of the manufacturer. It is hardly worthy of being THE key piece of evidence that exonerates the three people in the house the night of the murder. Let'snot even go to where some have, that there was tDNA from 5-6 people on JBR, non of which could be sourced because following Mary Lacy's logic and Lin Wood's acceptance of that, it would mean that there were 5-6 unidentifiable people, all touching JBR before, during and after her murder.

The spider web. JR admitted that he broke the window to gain entry into the house one night after he locked himself out of the house about a year before the murder. FW noticed the window on his first visit, the window was unlocked and slightly open. JR told FW that he had done this. When asked to look for entry points, JR never brought up the broken window because he knew it was insignificant. However, Lou Smit decided that this was the entry point and demonstrated how a person could get into the house from the window, completely disregarding the presence of a spider's web that remained undisturbed and the accumulated debris in the window well that also was undisturbed as evidenced by crime scene photos. An entomologist determined the species that created that web and stated that such spiders do not create webs in the winter, that the web was old and left over from a previous season and the spider could not have rebuilt the web overnight after the intruder entered. CBS showed that no one could climb through that window and leave the spider web intact or the debris in the window well undisturbed. Riveting, compelling, proof that the basement window was NOT the entry point. But, the Ramseys latched onto it to support the mythical intruder theory to deflect from the truth.

Burke Ramsey hit his sister in anger with a golf club. Judith Phillips, who has no dog in this fight, told CBS that Patsy Ramsey herself said that the mark under JBR's eye was caused by Burke when he was angry and hit JBR with a golf club. Period. It was not an accidental back swing as Burke suggested- Patsy would have said so. Even DP says the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. We know that Burke was capable of striking his sister with an object in anger. While one little episode of sibling argument may be meaningless, every memory that Burke expressed of his sister seemed to be one of conflict: fighting over space in the back seat of the car, fighting over who gets to press elevator buttons, squabbles over toys. The nicest memory he recounted was her falling off of her bike on Christmas day and then sitting on it.

Poop. Lots of poop stories. Poop on the walls, poop in the bed, poop stains on clothes, poop left unflushed in toilets, poop, poop, poop, but most important is the poop in the candy box. I can not get the comments Dr. Glass made in her interview with Tricia out of my head. She, a behavior analyst, said that poop in the candy was an act of 'violence' and 'hatred' towards JBR. I would have thought it was just a sick, disgusting thing to do but she describes it as an act AGAINST JB, personal, and done with malice.

I've moved on with my life. Thirteen days after the murder, Burke has moved on with his life. The entire city of Boulder is terrified by the thought that there is a sexually perverted, child killer loose in their community, Patsy told them so on CNN, yet Burke is not afraid. He isn't sad because he just plays, (insert noises) games on his machine. He is delighted that his school is surrounded by media who ask his friends about him as they go to and from school. He mimics them putting microphones in the kids' faces. When asked what he thinks happened, he states, with a bit of indignance, "I KNOW what happened" and then describes (and mimics) tip toeing downstairs quietly into the basement, maybe with a knife, and then "whoops" hit JBR in the head with maybe a hammer. This is at a time when both parents are claiming that they never discussed what happened with him. He draws a picture of his family minus JBR and 20 years later explains, "well, she was gone, so. . ."

The black tape. IIRC it was in ST's book where we read of the black, red and white jackets/sweater jackets that Patsy and Priscilla owned, which were almost identical and that Patsy had put on Priscilla's jacket one night as she was leaving their house. It seems that Patsy's jacket/sweater jacket had a loose button or hem that was taped into place with some black tape. I remember it because it seemed so Patsy-like to try to 'exchange her defective jacket for PW's". The jacket does not become important until we realize that the sticky side of the black tape on JBR's mouth held fibers from Patsy's jacket and no black tape was found in the house. The next most curious fact is that John called AMX to try to figure out what Patsy bought at the hardware store, which just so happened to have sold the kind of tape and cord found on JBR's body.

Bring it Lin Wood. I will do my best to be in the courtroom to watch. CBS looked at all the evidence with fresh eyes and determined that it all led to one conclusion. The conclusion was opinion based on facts and expertise and your client exposed himself to the public and became a public figure before CBS aired its special. He should sue YOU for bad advice. As we used to say, you stepped on your own **** going on that show.

.....slow clap.....

GREAT post!

The part about the grand!!! I'd really LOVE to read transcripts or something about the GJ.....what information do "they" have that has not been released? I just know there's more.

I found the 911 operator 100% credible and I felt very badly for her, that she was never called to testify. WHY NOT???

I found Ms. Phillips less credible about the golf club, but I do believe her nonetheless.

Do we know what the relationship is like between JR and BR? Were they ever on screen together in the Dr. Phil interviews? I can't remember. Is JR in charge of BR's finances/trust fund? Does BR need JR financially to survive? Since he knows he can't be prosecuted because he was a child, maybe BR will finally tell the truth after JR passes. Someday....we can hope.
Lin Wood sees a big paycheck in his future as does Burke Ramsey.

Rolling Stone got so much wrong in their article that I don't have time to address it. Shameful.

Burke Ramsey's prints were on the bowl of pineapple and the iced tea glass, his boot print in the WC (yes, he admitted on DP he had a pair of hiking boots with a compass on the shoelace and we know from otg (?) that HiTechs had compasses on the shoelaces in the 1996 era), his DNA on the nightgown found next to he body, he roamed the house alone that night by his own admission, he was heard by the 911 operator on the call, he admitted on DP that he was awake and only pretended to be asleep in the morning. These are hard facts. The reaction of the parents to all of these facts was to deny, disown, disavow. Why?

A bowl of pineapple and milk with an iced tea glass should be innocuous items in anyone's home. What was the response of the Ramsey adults? "I didn't serve that like that", "that spoon is too big for that", "is that one of the good spoons?", "I don't remember having pineapple in the house", "that's a big bowl", "JBR didn't have a snack before bed", "no pineapple was served at the White's", 'are you sure Burke's prints are on that bowl and glass?", "the intruder must have fed her that", "Santa must have fed her that". Mic drop. They twisted and contorted themselves to get as far away from that bowl of pineapple with Burke's prints as possible because and only because JBR had pineapple in her digestive tract at autopsy. Guilty knowledge that the pineapple factors in to what happened later - the murder of JBR. Lastly, but surely not least, Burke's reaction to the photo of the bowl of pineapple. There is no reason for him to react to this photo as if he had seen a ghost, or been caught strangling a cat, unless that particular item was relevant to something he did not want to talk about or own. He was at a loss for words and then kneeled on his hands on the chair as he pretended to not be able to identify an obvious object in the photo. When asked what kind of snacks JBR liked, he responded "she didn't get a snack". Twenty years later, he "maybe" ate pineapple and then "would you remember what you ate 20 years ago?".

The HiTech boot print that Lou Smit used as evidence to bolster his perverted intruder theory. Again, contorted, twisting responses to distance anyone in the family from being in the WC. "we didn't own any HiTech boots", "Burke had some boots but I don't remember the brand, they had little compasses on them", "he was asleep", "the intruder wore these boots". Even Lin Wood stated on the DP show that the Ramsey family never owned a pair of HiTech boots! But, Burke admitted he owned hiking boots with a compass on the shoelace and otg(?) found an add for HiTech boots from 1996 which depict the signature compass on them. Most telling is that after Burke admitted that he owned the dang HiTech boots, he stated "I was always in the basement playing so what does that prove?" Mic drop. The Ramseys allowed Lou Smit to develop a theory of an intruder using, in part, the boot print, knowing full well that Burke owned those boots. Why? Because that boot print puts him IN the murder scene. Does it prove he was there that particular night? No. But the denials tell us it is important.

Burke Ramsey is heard on the 911 call at 5:52am. They can all talk about the enhanced recordings and subjective interpretations of the sounds forever and ever but the fact remains that the operator, Kim Archuleta, heard 3 distinct voices after Patsy stopped talking to her. Again, the lies and distortions. "Burke was asleep, he knows nothing", "we woke him at 7am to go to the White's house". BUT, Burke himself tells us he was awake, just pretending to be asleep after Patsy came into his room, which by her account, she did before the 911 call. Why is it important that Burke be sleep? So no one will question him. Why are they afraid for Burke to be questioned by LE who arrived to investigate the overnight kidnapping of his sister? Add it up and you know. Twenty years later, Burke continues to claim it wasn't him on the call, unless someone erased his memory. Wha?? Apparently, he had not heard of Kim Archuleta yet.

The Grand Jury voted to charge both parents with accessory to first degree murder, assisting or conspiring to assist in the cover up of FDM, among other charges. Neither was charged with first degree murder, so just who were they assisting after the murder? Well, they weren't assisting the elusive intruder. There were three people in the house and 2 are charged as conspirators, accessories after the fact. I do not think it takes a quantum leap of faith to deduct that they were charged with assisting in the cover up of the crime committed but the 3rd person in the house - Burke Ramsey.

tDNA is irrelevant to the case. Dr. Lee performed DNA tests on panties from a brand new, unopened, package of panties and found what? DNA. Yep, DNA deposited during the manufacturing and packaging process. He explained how simple it is to have other people's DNA all over us and how easy it is to transfer DNA from one object to another, object to person, and even object to person to person. tDNA can be analyzed from a single cell. He opined that this tDNA likely came from someone who sewed the panties, worked in the sewing room or the packaging department of the manufacturer. It is hardly worthy of being THE key piece of evidence that exonerates the three people in the house the night of the murder. Let'snot even go to where some have, that there was tDNA from 5-6 people on JBR, non of which could be sourced because following Mary Lacy's logic and Lin Wood's acceptance of that, it would mean that there were 5-6 unidentifiable people, all touching JBR before, during and after her murder.

The spider web. JR admitted that he broke the window to gain entry into the house one night after he locked himself out of the house about a year before the murder. FW noticed the window on his first visit, the window was unlocked and slightly open. JR told FW that he had done this. When asked to look for entry points, JR never brought up the broken window because he knew it was insignificant. However, Lou Smit decided that this was the entry point and demonstrated how a person could get into the house from the window, completely disregarding the presence of a spider's web that remained undisturbed and the accumulated debris in the window well that also was undisturbed as evidenced by crime scene photos. An entomologist determined the species that created that web and stated that such spiders do not create webs in the winter, that the web was old and left over from a previous season and the spider could not have rebuilt the web overnight after the intruder entered. CBS showed that no one could climb through that window and leave the spider web intact or the debris in the window well undisturbed. Riveting, compelling, proof that the basement window was NOT the entry point. But, the Ramseys latched onto it to support the mythical intruder theory to deflect from the truth.

Burke Ramsey hit his sister in anger with a golf club. Judith Phillips, who has no dog in this fight, told CBS that Patsy Ramsey herself said that the mark under JBR's eye was caused by Burke when he was angry and hit JBR with a golf club. Period. It was not an accidental back swing as Burke suggested- Patsy would have said so. Even DP says the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. We know that Burke was capable of striking his sister with an object in anger. While one little episode of sibling argument may be meaningless, every memory that Burke expressed of his sister seemed to be one of conflict: fighting over space in the back seat of the car, fighting over who gets to press elevator buttons, squabbles over toys. The nicest memory he recounted was her falling off of her bike on Christmas day and then sitting on it.

Poop. Lots of poop stories. Poop on the walls, poop in the bed, poop stains on clothes, poop left unflushed in toilets, poop, poop, poop, but most important is the poop in the candy box. I can not get the comments Dr. Glass made in her interview with Tricia out of my head. She, a behavior analyst, said that poop in the candy was an act of 'violence' and 'hatred' towards JBR. I would have thought it was just a sick, disgusting thing to do but she describes it as an act AGAINST JB, personal, and done with malice.

I've moved on with my life. Thirteen days after the murder, Burke has moved on with his life. The entire city of Boulder is terrified by the thought that there is a sexually perverted, child killer loose in their community, Patsy told them so on CNN, yet Burke is not afraid. He isn't sad because he just plays, (insert noises) games on his machine. He is delighted that his school is surrounded by media who ask his friends about him as they go to and from school. He mimics them putting microphones in the kids' faces. When asked what he thinks happened, he states, with a bit of indignance, "I KNOW what happened" and then describes (and mimics) tip toeing downstairs quietly into the basement, maybe with a knife, and then "whoops" hit JBR in the head with maybe a hammer. This is at a time when both parents are claiming that they never discussed what happened with him. He draws a picture of his family minus JBR and 20 years later explains, "well, she was gone, so. . ."

The black tape. IIRC it was in ST's book where we read of the black, red and white jackets/sweater jackets that Patsy and Priscilla owned, which were almost identical and that Patsy had put on Priscilla's jacket one night as she was leaving their house. It seems that Patsy's jacket/sweater jacket had a loose button or hem that was taped into place with some black tape. I remember it because it seemed so Patsy-like to try to 'exchange her defective jacket for PW's". The jacket does not become important until we realize that the sticky side of the black tape on JBR's mouth held fibers from Patsy's jacket and no black tape was found in the house. The next most curious fact is that John called AMX to try to figure out what Patsy bought at the hardware store, which just so happened to have sold the kind of tape and cord found on JBR's body.

Bring it Lin Wood. I will do my best to be in the courtroom to watch. CBS looked at all the evidence with fresh eyes and determined that it all led to one conclusion. The conclusion was opinion based on facts and expertise and your client exposed himself to the public and became a public figure before CBS aired its special. He should sue YOU for bad advice. As we used to say, you stepped on your own **** going on that show.

I don't have time to address all of your "points" right now so I will for now focus on the 911 call, which I forgot to mention in my previous post. You could have 100 "experts" listen to the end of that call and hear 100 different things. NOTHING at the end of the call is clearly audible. Nothing. Even if there are voices, due to the artifact, it is impossible to know who the voices belong to, how many there are, and what they are saying. Even the investigators on the show had trouble making anything out, admitting that the words they hear aren't entirely clear. Yet they then used those unclear, unproven words to support their theory. Am I the only one who has a problem with this?

As for Kim, she stated that she heard two, MAYBE three voices. It is possible that she did hear voices. Are we going to ignore the elephant in the room...the fact that the words that Kim thought she heard DON'T MATCH what the investigators thought they heard??? That is HUGE. Why don't they match?

As for he Hi-tech boot, I thought John Andrew owned a pair. Was the boot mark measured? Did the measurement match up with Burke's shoe size? This should be pretty easy to clear up.
But the question remains - Why would he feel the need to conceal anything in the first place if it was Patsy who injured Jonbenet?

The only scenario where I can buy John covering soley for Patsy is if he had some kind of skin in the game. For example, either himself or JAR were the molester, and Patsy knew it.

Otherwise, there's no reason to believe that John would have agreed to this charade if his wife was the only one implicated in the crime.

Just speculating but Patsy's cancer probably played a part. I doubt John would've wanted his terminally ill wife to die in prison or have to go through a trial. I doubt if he'd want his son to have to deal with not only a younger sibling's death but also a mother who did it.
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