The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

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I think a charge of one of them would make mouths flap. Charge them already! Long past due.
IMO they were all targeted. If they only wanted Misty and/or Tommy they could have arrested them on one of the earlier business transactions but they waited until RC had incriminated himself as well.

The whole deal thingy that RC must testify truthfully in Haleigh case says to me that a) they think he knows something and b) he can't be trusted to testify truthfully unless there is something in it for him. It should be a given that a missing child's father testifies truthfully in the trial without any deals but it's not.

Why didn't he come out with whatever he knows on Day 1?
I think a charge of one of them would make mouths flap. Charge them already! Long past due.

No hurry.
Someone will be charged before their long prison terms are served.
Patience grasshopper. :)
I think a charge of one of them would make mouths flap. Charge them already! Long past due.

Absolutely. If Tommy were the suspect that some claim he was (last I heard was that nobody was poi or suspect) then charge him.
Bottom line is this (for me anyways).....there isn't enough evidence to prosecute anyone, no matter WHO they are. There is no evidence of a break in (dispite what Mr. Cummings says). The police don't know when the crime happened. They don't know where it happened. Most and foremost is they really don't know if HaLeigh is alive or not. When putting all of this together, it appears to me that LE can't charge ANYONE b/c they have NO CLUE as to the who/what/when/where/why. and until they can answer these questions, they will never get any charges to stick.
Absolutely. If Tommy were the suspect that some claim he was (last I heard was that nobody was poi or suspect) then charge him.

They will charge him in time.
It's not simply 'that some claim' Tommy is a suspect..

From the article. (if gone, I saved it all)

"... Lewis said Croslin only came forward when he faced a lengthy prison sentence. He said he did not consider that Croslin cooperated because investigators still do not have a full picture of what happened the night Haleigh vanished.

“He is still a suspect in that case,” (state attorney, Jason) Lewis said...."
LE does know 'when the crime happened'.
It's called the time line.

LE knows who did not harm HaLeigh.
Ron and Crystal.
LE states they are not suspects.

Leaves a few Croslins.
Possibly an Overstreet.
LE does know 'when the crime happened'.
It's called the time line.
LE knows who did not harm HaLeigh.
Ron and Crystal.
LE states they are not suspects.

Leaves a few Croslins.
Possibly an Overstreet.

BBM No they don't or shall I say they didn't know.. Who knows what they know now..

LE stated there was NO evidence of a crime ever being committed at 202 Green Lane. They also stated IF a crime had been committed, they didn't know where or when.

Also, LE has stated they are fully aware family members have lied since day one..
Bottom line no matter how anyone tries to spin it.. The Croslins were not family members when Haleigh was falsely reported as being abducted....JMHO
Bottom line is this (for me anyways).....there isn't enough evidence to prosecute anyone, no matter WHO they are. There is no evidence of a break in (dispite what Mr. Cummings says). The police don't know when the crime happened. They don't know where it happened. Most and foremost is they really don't know if HaLeigh is alive or not. When putting all of this together, it appears to me that LE can't charge ANYONE b/c they have NO CLUE as to the who/what/when/where/why. and until they can answer these questions, they will never get any charges to stick.
We here, know more than the average folks, (except for LE), and we don't know diddly. And if LE charged someone,at least half of what we know, wouldn't be there you go. It just went from a bare bones case, to nothing. I'm not even sure Tommy's 'confession' would be admissable. I pray that LE has a lot we don't know about, but sometimes I wonder. LE testified that Tommy had narrowly escaped another trafficking charge. Without proof, I don't see how they could say that, but they did. And then he was called a it seems IMO, anyway, that LE was desperate to get Tommy in the pen, and IMO, there must be a good reason for that. This LE is so tight lipped, that I kind of took Tommy being called a suspect, an act of real seriousness, not an act of carelessness or misspeak. JMO.
No matter how things may be spun, we don't know if the Croslin(s) were considered (step)family since Ron and Misty were for all intents and purposes 'married' by living together with the children.
"Family"- in some circles.
It was a very short relationship at that point, a few months, but Misty seems to have considered herself a family member since she took ownership of Haleigh in the 911 call "our daughter". I am quite willing to consider unmarried partners of a parent who live with the child "family" because family for a child is not names on a marriage certificate, it's who takes care of them and who is close to them. I personally think that it usually takes longer than a few short months for the relatives of the new stepparent to become "family" of the child since they may not meet at all often. But maybe Ronald's family and the Croslins were thick as thieves (no pun intended), I don't know.

There could be some variability in terms of who all LE refers to as family depending on the context. Sometimes they might think in terms of "Haleigh's family" which would not IMO include the Croslins (e.g. they wouldn't call them in order to inform the family that this is a homicide investigation), and sometimes they might define family in broader terms of "The extended family of everybody in the household" which would include the Croslins and could be important in the sense of "these are people who may have had frequent contact with household members".

So IMO we need the exact statement and the context to be better able to guess which kind of family LE is referring to
We here, know more than the average folks, (except for LE), and we don't know diddly. And if LE charged someone,at least half of what we know, wouldn't be there you go. It just went from a bare bones case, to nothing. I'm not even sure Tommy's 'confession' would be admissable. I pray that LE has a lot we don't know about, but sometimes I wonder. LE testified that Tommy had narrowly escaped another trafficking charge. Without proof, I don't see how they could say that, but they did. And then he was called a it seems IMO, anyway, that LE was desperate to get Tommy in the pen, and IMO, there must be a good reason for that. This LE is so tight lipped, that I kind of took Tommy being called a suspect, an act of real seriousness, not an act of carelessness or misspeak. JMO.

Tommy was called a suspect by someone in the drug case. I've yet to see him named anything in anything directly related to HaLeigh. The last info we have that was suppose to have come from LE was that nobody was considered a suspect or POI. If that statement isn't true, then the statement about Ron and Misty being the POI would be the last info we have.

Tommy already proved that he would say anything if he thought it would give him a get out of jail free card. It worked for him when he claimed that he went to the MH at 10 o'clock and nobody was there, so why not try it again?

Does anyone have a list of all the times that Tommy was suppose to have been at the MH that evening?
No matter how things may be spun, we don't know if the Croslin(s) were considered (step)family since Ron and Misty were for all intents and purposes 'married' by living together with the children.
"Family"- in some circles.

So, the correct thing is to just pretend the LE meant the Croslins were family even though no one knows for sure? I seriously cant do that and cant see how anyone else can either. jmo
So, the correct thing is to just pretend the LE meant the Croslins were family even though no one knows for sure? I seriously cant do that and cant see how anyone else can either. jmo

The Croslins were Ron's in-laws AFTER he married Misty which is after HaLeigh was gone. If anything they were "step" related to Junior -- hard to say they had any connection to HaLeigh.
The Croslins were Ron's in-laws AFTER he married Misty which is after HaLeigh was gone. If anything they were "step" related to Junior -- hard to say they had any connection to HaLeigh.

And as much as I have heard, Annettes Dad was a cop 60 years ago and people act like the LE loved the Cummings and all that, so I have no doubts that the LE knew exactly who Rons family was, to leap so far to insinuate the Croslins were considered Cummings/Sykes kin is absurd. I am sure the cops responded to altercations between Ron and his teen du jours frequently. jmo
Tommy was called a suspect by someone in the drug case. I've yet to see him named anything in anything directly related to HaLeigh. The last info we have that was suppose to have come from LE was that nobody was considered a suspect or POI. If that statement isn't true, then the statement about Ron and Misty being the POI would be the last info we have.

Tommy already proved that he would say anything if he thought it would give him a get out of jail free card. It worked for him when he claimed that he went to the MH at 10 o'clock and nobody was there, so why not try it again?

Does anyone have a list of all the times that Tommy was suppose to have been at the MH that evening?

Misty claims he was there with her nephews and her niece between 5:00 -5:30/45 however to my knowledge Tommy has never confirmed her claim or ever stated he was there at that time.

Tommy claimed he was there around 10:00 pm on the night of February 9, 2011..

IIRC... Someone is now stating Tommy is claiming he was at the MH sometime after midnight in the early hours of the morning on February 10th.

Personally, I don't believe Misty's claim of him being there in the early afternoon because I don't believe Misty was even there at that time..

In regards to the 10:00 pm visit I don't believe that happened either, eventhough I do believe the part of his story where he claims Misty was not at the MH at 10:00 pm. I believe Misty was at her parent's residence, as was Tommy...

I can believe he was at the MH after midnight helping to stage a scene and removing drugs from the MH before LE was called...JMHO
Misty claims he was there with her nephews and her niece between 5:00 -5:30/45 however to my knowledge Tommy has never confirmed her claim or ever stated he was there at that time.

Tommy claimed he was there around 10:00 pm on the night of February 9, 2011..

IIRC... Someone is now stating Tommy is claiming he was at the MH sometime after midnight in the early hours of the morning on February 10th.

Personally, I don't believe Misty's claim of him being there in the early afternoon because I don't believe Misty was even there at that time..

In regards to the 10:00 pm visit I don't believe that happened either, eventhough I do believe the part of his story where he claims Misty was not at the MH at 10:00 pm. I believe Misty was at her parent's residence, as was Tommy...

I can believe he was at the MH after midnight helping to stage a scene and removing drugs from the MH before LE was called...JMHO

When were they smoking pot?

Wasn't part of them being there around 5 o'clock that she fed everyone? So why would HaLeigh & Junior be eating around 7 o'clock? Or is that part of AS's ever-changing stories with the clothes?
Tommy was called a suspect by someone in the drug case. I've yet to see him named anything in anything directly related to HaLeigh. The last info we have that was suppose to have come from LE was that nobody was considered a suspect or POI. If that statement isn't true, then the statement about Ron and Misty being the POI would be the last info we have.

Tommy already proved that he would say anything if he thought it would give him a get out of jail free card. It worked for him when he claimed that he went to the MH at 10 o'clock and nobody was there, so why not try it again?

Does anyone have a list of all the times that Tommy was suppose to have been at the MH that evening?
I've actually thought about this, but I don't think so. If LE didn't agree with the label, they could have said so. They've made a few corrections in the past...Ron saying that he was told to make funeral arrangements, etc.. But a correction would be tricky, because LE made it clear, after the media mix-up, that Ron and Misty are not suspects. If none of these 3 are suspects, then who does that leave? And they've ruled out a stranger abduction...and if I remember correctly, they cleared JO, early on. He hasn't been arrested or hounded, so I guess that still stands? In my mind, all of these people are POI's, but that's just an opinion, based on what we've heard. Really, how can somebody be labeled 'the key but not be a POI? She's a person and what she has to say, should be interesting, so that's enough for me. JMO.
I've actually thought about this, but I don't think so. If LE didn't agree with the label, they could have said so. They've made a few corrections in the past...Ron saying that he was told to make funeral arrangements, etc.. But a correction would be tricky, because LE made it clear, after the media mix-up, that Ron and Misty are not suspects. If none of these 3 are suspects, then who does that leave? And they've ruled out a stranger abduction...and if I remember correctly, they cleared JO, early on. He hasn't been arrested or hounded, so I guess that still stands? In my mind, all of these people are POI's, but that's just an opinion, based on what we've heard. Really, how can somebody be labeled 'the key but not be a POI? She's a person and what she has to say, should be interesting, so that's enough for me. JMO.

I totally get what you are saying, but IOW where does Hope fit in here? I mean, if you are talking about those sitting in jail on drug charges.... Hope and Donna, and Donna well, i discounted her a long long time ago, she appeared after the fact. That leaves Hope, and not that i think Hope harmed HaLeigh, but we don't know if she was present that night or not.

Do you rememeber (and another poster brought this up a few weeks ago) when the first report came out that it was Ron's cousin at the home. it didn't make any sense to me at the time but then as time went on, i thought maybe there was a mix up in the i am starting to wonder if maybe there wasn't a mix up, and it was Hope that was at the home that night with the kids.

I don't know..... JMO
When were they smoking pot?

Wasn't part of them being there around 5 o'clock that she fed everyone? So why would HaLeigh & Junior be eating around 7 o'clock? Or is that part of AS's ever-changing stories with the clothes?

Not saying they didn't smoke pot whenever they had the oppportunity to do so, whether or not kids were present, but I doubt they were smoking pot at 202 Green Lane that afternoon..

IIRC Misty claims she starting preparing dinner for the children immediately after Tommy left, but since I doubt Misty ever in her life spent an hour or more cooking dinner for anyone, I'm going with her story being a crock....

GGMS has also given three different times as to when she last saw Haleigh eating dinner, the latest being close to 8:00 pm, so I'm going with GGMS's entire story about seeing Haleigh alive and well eating dinner that night is nothing but a crock too... JMHO
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