The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 11th -12th June - Trial Days 2 & 3 - Week 1

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Methinks this little one's answers are just too good. Police Officer asks an open question and the little girl's reply volunteers two key matters i.e. parental 'arguments' and 'the duration of parental arguments'. Interesting IMO.

I don't know now - I just now asked my daughter of a similar age the same question about being happy at home and she immediately started talking about the relationship between hubby and me.
A refresher on the scratches....


OMG, and I presume he uses safety razors!! lol
"There was very little time for coaxing or de-briefing?" Auntie Olivia took them to school, and was gone quite some time. An hour or so from memory. Plenty of time and opportunity there to "explain" important things. Ten to fifteen minutes should be sufficient.

Yes, you're right LB. I wouldn't put anything past OW and co.
Hi all, thanks for the updates. The girls' interviews were very sad.

Just my two cents on the 'shaving cuts' - I managed to actually cut myself along the front of my shin while shaving my legs the other day. It looks absolutely nothing like GBC's - it's a very evenly shaped cut and rather straight. Incidentally, when I was a kid I had a fight with my brother which resulted in two scratches down the side of face. Looked pretty much exactly the same as the ones pictured.
Officer: Describe mum and dad's relationship to us. Are they good friends? Girl: Yes. (Crying) cause they never fight. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 34s

Officer asks about Gerard's health. Girl: He was sick last night but now he's better. How do you know? Girl: Because he told me. #badenclay

This is a contradiction between emotion and cognitive response IMO. This girl knows otherwise ...
"There was very little time for coaxing or de-briefing?" Auntie Olivia took them to school, and was gone quite some time. An hour or so from memory. Plenty of time and opportunity there to "explain" important things. Ten to fifteen minutes should be sufficient.

Plus they were collected from school early....and went to Granny's house.
Lots of time to 'go over' things. IMO
Wow, that early? And no questions of any disturbance through the night. But how could anyone ask a small child that? They don't want to get daddy into trouble. jmo

BBM. Agree. Most likely at that point. Note that their security & care arrangements were subsequently changed into the Dickie's care - allegedly following a recommendation by trained Child Welfare Officers from the Family Court.
Officer: Describe mum and dad's relationship to us. Are they good friends? Girl: Yes. (Crying) cause they never fight. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 34s

Officer asks about Gerard's health. Girl: He was sick last night but now he's better. How do you know? Girl: Because he told me. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 43s

Girl says her dad was watching TV with her mum after she went to bed. She said she knows that because he told her that's what he was doing.

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 39s

Dad went round the school cause that's where Mummy normally walks. She says her Auntie went to the "old people's centre" to look.


The complete and utter trust these little girls have in their father just breaks my heart. So innocent and believing of everything their father tells them.

And GBC has the audacity to sit in the dock sobbing! I have to sit on my hands now so that I can't type what I want to say! :banghead:

Daddy was sick last night....why? .lack of sleep can make you look sick.

Kids are parrots all ears, eyes and questions. They'll trust and believe.

the problem is the jury don't know the children said they were debriefed later on.
Plus they were collected from school early....and went to Granny's house.
Lots of time to 'go over' things. IMO

So if this was the case, it indicates that the Baden-Clays and OW all knew that morning what had really happened to Allison.
Aarrgghhh been stuck in bed for 3 days with a monster headache... Have so much catching up to do!!!!! Can someone please confirm- can general public go Into the court? Im on leave for the next 6 weeks, and would love to go in- never even seen the inside of a courtroom and have followed this tragic story since day 1...
and before she even goes missing, her insurance policy is enquired about.

and while she is missing, her husband continues his arrangement with his woman friend.. ......but under another name..

and before her body is indentified, the husband claims on the insurance.

That's makes me think the best is yet to come Troopster.
Eat your veggies and then you get dessert.
I'm hanging for the dessert with the cherries on top. :cupcake:

Whilst her husband, wearing pyjamas and shoes does the ironing late at night.

(Haven't got to the bit yet, where size 10.5 mud covered shoes were found in his bedroom cupboard during search.)

Would the tests show it was river silt?
Now, THIS is sounding much more suss. No-one wanders around the house while shaving with a razor and foam. He wanted the girls to make the shaving connection BEFORE they saw the cuts. How on earth does such clear thinking immediately follow an act of madness?

Agree. This shows calculation on his part: ensuring that the children see him with foam on his face, then he could 'influence' with a rational explanation around that - influencing their anticipated report to others. My opinion only.
I can't wait till NBC takes the stand. Definitely interested in what he has to say about the iPh face time call from his son at 12.30am on Friday, April 20. It's alleged the call lasted 1 min 23 sec, so short and sweet.
I'm pretty sure it will be explained away, some business matter came to mind, thought he'd ring dad, run it by him. meh. :aktion1: jmo

Sorry to disappoint, PS, but the Facetime call never happened. The police and prosecution have admitted that it was an aberration in the way the iPhone's software logged events, and that it was a mistaken analysis.

But the phone going off then back on the charger may need some explaining...
I can't wait till NBC takes the stand. Definitely interested in what he has to say about the iPh face time call from his son at 12.30am on Friday, April 20. It's alleged the call lasted 1 min 23 sec, so short and sweet.
I'm pretty sure it will be explained away, some business matter came to mind, thought he'd ring dad, run it by him. meh. :aktion1: jmo

I think that call has been debunked as some type of tech glych by the tech forensic people...
Just catching up for the day. A couple of questions have been asked about the order of witnesses. This is a murder trial so the obvious place to start the prosecutions case is with the body and the circumstances of finding and retrieving it then the autopsy and cause of death. The jury then have this info right at the start and the pictures they have seen are to show the realism of what happened to Allison's body after she died. They then carry these images and info with them throughout the trial. Makes them focus on the reason they are there.

The next witnesses are people who saw and spoke to Allison on the Thursday to show there appeared nothing unusual and particularly that Allison did not appear suicidal. She was planning on helping out on the Mother's Day stall, she had her hair done for a conference and she had meetings at work to make future plans. Some of these same witnesses knew about the TM affair so they were questioned about that at the same time as you only want to question witnesses once so there was some overlap with these witnesses.

Then the children and their take on what happened to their mum. We did not know until now that they were interviewed at the police station on the Friday afternoon, presumably with their father's permission. It doesn't sound like they know anything other than what their father told them. There may be contradictions later when the children were interviewed after their father's arrest, we will have to wait and see.

So the prosecution are following a timeline now from the morning of the Thursday. I'd say Olivia and NBC will be up soon as they were on the scene early Friday. Then we may hear about witnesses that heard or saw things on the Thursday night/ early Friday morning.

Then once all the immediate timeline witnesses are done we will hear from witnesses about the state of the finances, business, insurances and affairs, particularly the evidence from Toni. The prosecution are painting a picture and it will become clearer to the jury as it goes forward.

Thank you for this interpretation Alioop.
BIB I wonder if their father was present during their interview with the Police? Most likely they would not want to 'get him into trouble'.This was traumatic for them, their mother lost without explanation, so their security with their father would have been all important to them. My opinion only.
Ms Mollah said she attended a real estate seminar with Ms Baden-Clay and signed up to do a course together a year or 18-months before her death.

She said Ms Baden-Clay told her she didn’t want her husband to know about the course and it was just something she wanted to do for some extra money.

Ms Mollah said she had phone contact with Baden-Clay on April 20, 2012 asking whether she had seen his wife.

She said the next day she also received text messages from Baden-Clay, asking her if she had heard anything.

Ms Mollah agreed Baden-Clay told her the next day in a text that he had been unable to join the search because police wanted to use ``professionals’’.

In re-examination by Crown prosecutor Danny Boyle, she said Baden-Clay sounded ``quite casual’’ when enquiring after his missing wife.

``If your wife is missing you would… but, he sounded quite casual to me,’’ she said.
Thanks to everyone posting updates as we go. As a local, I've followed the case from the start and it's what brought me to Web Sleuths. Can't believe the day has come for the trial. I just hope the prosecution has a strong enough case. I'm hoping to get to the trial for at least a day here and there so will live post if I do. Thanks again to everyone for their awesome updates!
So if this was the case, it indicates that the Baden-Clays and OW all knew that morning what had really happened to Allison.

Personally, I would say they did.
However, if they did not they were sure going to make sure (or try to) that GBC 'looked' innocent (Certainly at that stage.) I think they anticipated the 'kind' of questions the girls would be asked by the police and 'helped' the girls as to how they should respond. IMO
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