The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 17th June - Trial Day 5 - Week 2

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4:02pm: Constable Braunberger said he took details about Mrs Baden-Clay from Mr Baden-Clay after he arrived at Indooroopilly police station on April 20, 2012.

He said he asked Mr Baden-Clay whether his missing wife would have any access to money.

Mr Baden-Clay made a statement to the effect that they were "on the bones of their arse", Constable Braunberger told the court.

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Ummm. To all you ladies out in WS land. Quick question.

If you spent approximately $80-100 on having your hair done (probably more) for a conference the following day, would you seriously get up and go for a walk first thing in the morning? Put hair in pony tail, have to have a shower and probably wash when you got home. Makes no sense to me.

Also, if you had to leave for a conference by 7am, why would you go for a walk that morning?

Lets face it, no matter how much of a fitness nut you are (and by the comments from Venessa and ABCs friends she wasn't) wouldn't you forgo your walk that morning.

Facts are the BCs (every one of them) are lieing through their vicious teeth and have been since day one. Apart from Adam, who seems to have fled the controlling Patriarchal grasp of good ol Nige.


There is no possible way you'd mess up that 'do', you may even consider sleeping standing up like a horse that night, and it doesn't take much to make you miss a morning workout routine .. new hair, an early start etc would be enough to do it .. yes you are right, it makes no sense. Also .. I'd have worn a waterproof parka, not just a top and pants ..
sorry if someone has already posted this but the anti malerial medicine lariam, which caused allison depression on her honeymoon in london has been banned now, could have been the trigger to her years of depression?

Lariam had been linked to neuropsychiatric disorders including, depression, suicidal tendencies and unusual behaviour, nightmares and psychosis, among other symptoms.
He said the US military had banned it in 2009 and other armies around the world had dropped it as a “first line” drug, while the British issued it only with strict advice to avoid alcohol. The trial was also told that distributors Roche products had issued “guidance to healthcare practitioners” which listed potential side-effects as including depression, suicidal tendencies, paranoia, unusual behaviour, amnesia and restlessness.
I hope so Squizzey, I hope so. Where's the bus stop in all of this. Hope they've saved it for the trial

on the right track bikerchick the bus stop and roundabout will come into it later just wait
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Next on the stand is Sergeant Andrew Jackson. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 58s
Sgt Jackson arrived at the Baden-Clay house at 8.30am on April 20. #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Jackson was rostered on at Indooroopilly station April 20 and went to Brookfield just after 8.30am #badenclay
So this would fit in with NBC babysitting on the night of the 18th while ABC and GBC went for coffee. To have the 15 minute "chat" doesn't fit because Gerard says they had the chat on the if they were only meant to have it every 2nd day.....doesn't add up. I would say they did have the "chat" on the 18th when the NBC babysitting thing happened, and on the 19th......well something else happened...
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 43s
Jackson, the shift supervisor, was with Snr Sgt Narelle Curtis. Ash and another Constable already there #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 52s
Sgt Jackson says he was the shift supervisor for his station that day. #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 55s
Jackson turned on a tape recorder as he arrived #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 44s
Sgt Jackson says he saw Gerard walking down the steps as he arrived. He was dressed in business clothing, shirt and tie. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 52s
Sgt Jackson said the wounds appeared fresh. They hadn't "scabbed up" at all. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Sgt Jackson: As soon as he looked at me straight on I saw a couple of large lacerations to the right side of his face. #badenclay doesn't fit because Gerard says they had the chat on the if they were only meant to have it every 2nd day.....doesn't add up. I would say they did have the "chat" on the 18th when the NBC babysitting thing happened, and on the 19th......well something else happened...

Yes, agreed.. who other than GerRed, would be able to say when they had their chat. I do Believe it was on the 18th- fits with their quick trip out for 'coffee' they may not have even gone anywhere for coffee, perhaps they just went for a drive to talk away from the kids.
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 47s
Sgt Jackson entered the house and sat down at the table with Gerard and another officer. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 43s
Sgt Jackson says Gerard told him he wanted to talk about something private. They asked Olivia and another officer to leave. #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Jackson: At a dining room table Gerard said he had something very private to talk about #badenclay
It wasn't depression at all it was OPPRESSION

Beat someone down long enough and they look depressed.

Bring on further arrests. <modsnip> (and please don't take that the wrong way, hopefully you know what I mean).
Kate Kyriacou &#8207;@KateKyriacou 1m
Sgt Jackson said the wounds appeared fresh. They hadn't "scabbed up" at all. #badenclay

All the police that showed up were on 'wounds watch' no doubt they were told .. we've got a missing woman, husband's been cheating, two gaping scratch marks down side of face, says she went for early morning walk and hasn't returned .. homicide have already been notified.
Kate Kyriacou &#8207;@KateKyriacou 1m
The court is being shown photographs of the inside of the house. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou &#8207;@KateKyriacou 1m
The photograph of the dining room table shows Allison's wallet on the table. There are credit cards missing from it. #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou &#8207;@KateKyriacou 2m
Sgt Jackson says Gerard told him he wanted to talk about something private. They asked Olivia and another officer to leave. #badenclay

Ooopsie .. you mean the affair that everyone all over Brisbane real estate circles had been talking about all day for months?????
David Murray &#8207;@TheMurrayD 55s
Jackson: main bedroom was very clean and clear and the bed made #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou &#8207;@KateKyriacou 58s
Sgt Jackson says the main bedroom was very clean and the bed had been made. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou &#8207;@KateKyriacou 51s
Sgt Jackson says the bed had been neatly made. The photograph, taken a little later, shows the covers disturbed. #badenclay
4:13pm: Sergeant Jackson said he met Mr Baden-Clay on the front stairs and immediately noticed a "couple of lacerations" on the real estate agent's face.

"Their appearance to me was that they were slightly jaggered and the wound to me was quite recent in that it was very moist it wasn't scabbed up at all," Sergeant Jackson said.

He said he sat a the kitchen table with Mr Baden-Clay, who told him that he needed to divulge something in private.

Sergeant Jackson said he then asked Mr Baden-Clay's sister Olivia Walton and another police officer to step outside.

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Re the walk version...

Text copied from bail hearing doc...

The defendant initially told police and other witnesses that it was usual for the deceased to take a morning walk on week days and that he was concerned that morning because the deceased was due to attend a work seminar and had planned to leave the house at 7am. The defendant told his sister Olivia Walton of the deccased's walking route at about 6.30am on 20 April 2012. The defendant told another witness, Elise Nielsen, a long term friend of the deceased, that the deceased normally went for a walk at about 10pm in the evening. The defendant identified two possible walking route to uniform police, however, three hours later told the deceased's parents that he did not know the walking route. That is, within a few hours the defendant provided four differing accounts about the walking routines undertaken by the deceased. Enquiries with the deceased's parents and close friends indicated that the deceased was not known to walk for excercise and was unlikely to have gone walking late at night. Extensive enquiries were conducted along the suggested walking routes with no persons coming forward having witnessed anyone matching the deceased's description walking at either of these times in this area.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*

Thank you! I had been under the impression that talk of a night walk was mis-reporting from the media.
David Murray &#8207;@TheMurrayD 50s
Jackson being shown photos from inside the house #badenclay

David Murray &#8207;@TheMurrayD 44s
Jackson asked all available units to come to Brookfield #badenclay
Is that a South African phrase I wonder?

"Bones of our arse" is commonly used in all Africa not just South Africa.
Remember Baden-Clays are not South African.
Nige was born in Tanzania, lived most his life in Zambia and about 2 x years in Zimbabwe. The rest of his time here in Oz.
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