The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 18th June - Trial Day 6, Week 2

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Actually I've just been reading the bail application document and G contacted 1 insurer on April 12th, and his financial advisor contacted another on 17th of April, both phone calls about Allison's life insurance policies. It's all starting to look premeditated to me now.

I see your point, however Allison herself was also contacting them in that period to try and eliminate duplicate cover to reduce costs. This part could be coincidental.
Sorry to be quoting a post from a few pages back but I've had an idea.

"when we went to bed.. when I went to bed"

So GBC corrected himself. The first is the truth - they went to bed together. The second is a lie- I went to bed. So my assessment is that they both went to bed and perhaps he's smothered her. She screams and scratches his face from underneath the pillow, grabs at his clothes causing the other marks.

Once he has killed her he tries to take her out to the car and drops her, hence the thumping sound heard by witnesses. She is injured because of being dropped and bleeds in the car. He leaves her there until later in the night and we all know what happens next.
I keep wondering if Hawkins will pop back in. Or Indromum. Remember she went and chatted to the trolley boys at Coles Kenmore about the car park chains?
Sorry to be quoting a post from a few pages back but I've had an idea.

So GBC corrected himself. The first is the truth - they went to bed together. The second is lie- I went to bed. So my assessment we be that they both went to bed and perhaps he's smothered her. She screams and scratches his face from underneath the pillow, grabs at his clothes causing the other marks.

Once he has killed her he tries to take her out to the car and drops her, hence the thumping sound heard by witnesses. She is injured because of being dropped and bleeds in the car. He leaves her there until later in the night and we all know what happens next.

I've been thinking the same LouH. He waited til she fell asleep then smothered her.
I can't imagine sending my children to school if my husband was missing. I would want them with me to look after them and try to reassure them and, if the worst happened, to comfort them. Those poor girls were sent to school not knowing where the Mum was. How frightening for them. I'm not surprised the principal rang GBC. What were the teachers supposed to tell the girls. Why weren't the children sent to GBCs mother if they wanted them out of the house. Why didn't Olivia suggest the girls go to her mother's with their cousins.

All good thoughts and what most of us would have done under the same circumstances
I keep wondering if Hawkins will pop back in. Or Indromum. Remember she went and chatted to the trolley boys at Coles Kenmore about the car park chains?

And what about CC - curiousasacat from memory. She was great. Miss you people & hope to hear from you again. X
A friend received a threatening phone call and rang the local police station. They didn't arrive until the next morning. The police advised her to always ring 000 if she is scared because they HAVE to attend immediately. GBC was probably unaware of this.

I'm not so sure about this. I witnessed my local trolley guy getting held up against a wall by his neck by the local delivery guy and I called 000. I was hiding behind a car in the car park (lol I'm suck a chicken) and relaying to the operator what was happening.
When I told her it's all over and they'd gone their separate ways she asked ME if I think the police should come!!
I'm not so sure about this. I witnessed my local trolley guy getting held up against a wall by his neck by the local delivery guy and I called 000. I was hiding behind a car in the car park (lol I'm suck a chicken) and relaying to the operator what was happening.

When I told her it's all over and they'd gone their separate ways she asked ME if I think the police should come!!

Not sure, but the time I called 000 I asked for the ambulance as my son had managed to stick a rake through his foot. The police turned up also ....unasked for
So he did not go to sleep while Allison was watching the Footy Show.

Allegedly Allison was watching the footy show. Alleged by someone known as GBC .... a not so reliable or truthful witness IMO. A not-so-reliable or even truthful individual either. Some might use words like: Fraud, trickster, or common con-artist.
Not sure, but the time I called 000 I asked for the ambulance as my son had managed to stick a rake through his foot. The police turned up also ....unasked for

When I found my neighbour dead , I rang the ambulance and after I gave the details I asked if I would need to inform, and I was told no, the operator would let them know.
When I found my neighbour dead , I rang the ambulance and after I gave the details I asked if I would need to inform, and I was told no, the operator would let them know.

That sounds awful. What happened?
Do we know if GBC is left or right handed? Because, to me, the screwdriver story only makes sense if he's left - i.e. holding it in his left, slips and damages the right.

Don't get me wrong - I don't believe the story for a second, but wonder if the police were thinking that too?

I'm wondering about Allison's chipped eye tooth with sharp edge - as the forensic dentist said.
I think someone else must have been involved after Allison's death. Her body was taken to Kholo Creek but I wonder if it was someone else, not GBC. If one of the girls had woken up and someone other than their parents was there they would remember. However, if they woke up and came out and Daddy said "shh, Mummy's asleep, go back to bed' they would be none the wiser.
I don't think Olivia knew what happened until later, if at all. I don't think she would risk being convicted of a crime and spend time in gaol away from her own children.
I've been thinking the same LouH. He waited til she fell asleep then smothered her.

Dunno about anybody, but who is even thinking about going to bed etc, when in the midst of an almighty argument? This is an unresolved argument to boot.
In a way. First, I responded to another post which said they didn't believe Olivia had been at the house at 6 am. that morning

I replied that Constable Ash's statement did not say Olivia had been at the house at 6 am. Ash's statement claimed OBW said that 'shortly after 6 am. that morning, Gerard had told the girls - walk, hole, not coming back

Later, I responded that I was not sure OBW was being facetious when she made that remark to Constable Ash. Certainly she made that remark (walk, hole, not coming back) as noted by Ash

Some believed OBW made that remark as a show of hostility to police. I'm not sure that was the case. Silly time to show hostility. And by making the remark she is quoted as making (walk, hole, not coming back) she was dicing with Fate. And would she dice with Fate when it was GBC's fate she was playing with? If she'd wanted to portray Gerard as a normal, concerned father (which is how HE was playing it), surely she would have told Ash that Gerard had told the girls mum was a bit late but everything was fine. Instead she made the 'walk, hole, not coming back' response. To my mind, if she'd been hostile towards police (who after all had arrived as summoned by GBC) I think she might have pushed past with the 'Not now, can't you see we have an emergency here' or something similar. But to give the 'walk, hole, not coming back' response says to me she was simply repeating what the girls (or GBC) had told her

I get what you mean. In my thinking though, it would be stranger (and pretty dumb) for her to say that comment in seriousness. I mean, I'm sure the lady is no fool - if her brother really said that then I think she'd have the sense to not repeat it.

I truly think the tone of the comment has been lost in translation to text - I'm thinking she didn't even consider how such a thing would sound minus the sarcastic tone she used (imo).

Of course, I don't know what actually happened, but this scenario seems to make the most sense. It was a stupid, rash and smart *advertiser censored** comment - just my humble opinion :)
I called 000 after a car in front if us ran off the rd and rolled. I told them that all passengers were out and seemingly OK, they asked me if they'd need an ambo, I said no that they seemed fine, but actually yes they shod be checked out. They asked me if we could stay and wait and I think 4 ambos and 4 police vehicles came - we're rural and they came from surrounding towns. For something minor they were full on and all over it!

So I guess part if it is up to what resources are available?
Address of offence: CREEK - KHOLO CREEK, MOUNT CROSBY,QLD 4306
Is there a map with the location of where ABC was found?
Or coordinates and I can look up a map?
TIA :seeya:

Just type Kholo Creek Bridge into Google maps :)

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