The dead squirrel

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In my opinion, Dr. Lee did not return for further inspection of the car because:

1. Baez did not like the conclusions drawn by Dr. Lee. I know we heard him on NG talking about "spoiled meat" creating a smell in the trunk (an incorrect observation, given the lack of any said spoiled meat) but perhaps Dr. Lee also noted the smell of human decomposition (I'm sure that trunk STILL SMELLS TO THIS DAY). Any expert even suggesting the possibility of human decomp in the trunk would get an immediate "We need someone else who agrees to spin our tales" from the defense team. Have we even seen a single report from ANY of the defense witnesses? Is it true they haven't even inspected any of the evidence available to them??!!

2. Payment issues? Was Dr. Lee going to work pro bono or was Baez unable to give him enough money for his "services".

Just my opinion..........
Holy cow, what motion is that? Clearly Dr Henry Lee inspected the items in frrom the trash bag. Clearly the Defense has commented for months about discovery documents. Clearly the Defense was not allowed to be present at the dump site. HL did return and they wouldn't let him in.IMO

bold by me.

???????? Huh??????????? Please provide a link to support your assertion that "HL did return and they wouldn't let him in".

My guess on the links I provided earlier in the thread with regards to Dr. Lee is that he surmised that it was not squirrels...anything other than a dead body in KC's car and that is why he refused back then on NG to draw any conclusions...not that it was that the case was ongoing or anything. I think the defense is going to be hard pressed indeed to find credible experts at trial that would agree to the squirrel theory. Which is why they have LKB so she can poke holes in the science...which they refer to as junk. Really laughable when you consider that when the defense produces their own experts to testify on scientific aspects of a case then suddenly their opinions are not junk.

The above is only my opinion. Mine.
IMO, Dr. Lee is a little hinky, anyway. He has shown in the past not to be the most credible. IIRC, he made the statements about the pizza, meat and cheese and it had already been proven there was no rotten pizza or any sort of food in the car. It was also stated the smell/decomp/coffin flies could not have been from food. IMO, JB (or more likely an intelligent person on the defense team) realized Lee would be more a detriment to the case. Seems he made statements on tv he couldn't back up.

And, yes, there were two different stories about the dead animal. I can't imagine how the defense could actually try to use this.
My guess on the links I provided earlier in the thread with regards to Dr. Lee is that he surmised that it was not squirrels...anything other than a dead body in KC's car and that is why he refused back then on NG to draw any conclusions...not that it was that the case was ongoing or anything. I think the defense is going to be hard pressed indeed to find credible experts at trial that would agree to the squirrel theory. Which is why they have LKB so she can poke holes in the science...which they refer to as junk. Really laughable when you consider that when the defense produces their own experts to testify on scientific aspects of a case then suddenly their opinions are not junk.

The above is only my opinion. Mine.

Thank you so much for the link to the transcript of Dr. Lee on Nancy Grace's show. The whole interview was interesting and a good reminder of what he said after inspecting the car. He inspected the car on Nov. 14, 2008. The NG show was on Nov. 17, 2008. Here's the link for anyone that missed it:

In one part of the interview Lee makes this statement:
"I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Orange sheriff department, the crime scene investigator and detective. They're true professionals."

I just thought that was a nice thing for him to say and not something he'd say if was being denied access to any part of the car. JMO.
This is not a scientific statement, it would not hold up as evidence, but just something to consider.
Years ago a neighbor of mine driving a mini van hit a small deer at over 40 miles an hour. It was not a hit and run impact, but rather a hit and drag under the van incident. They were able to drive the van home and the next day did their best to hose down the grill and undercarriage as best they could. It sat in their driveway a few (3 or 4)days before they had it towed in for repairs. They noticed no smell of any sort coming from the car. They assumed they had gotten all of the remains off of the car until the repair shop told them about how much was actually embedded in the undercarriage, and assured them it had been cleaned. So.....perhaps this was a fluke, perhaps this was a one in a zillion....but I can not fathom that a squirrel (with limited tissue and "meat" due to size) could create a stench noticable enough to tell people about if a dead deer could be relatively undetected in another case. Like I said....this isn't proof, just something to think about. Maybe KC should have said a cat crawled up there, the screech was horrible, and she hosed it down. At least that would make more sense.
Wouldn't it be a huge kick in the *advertiser censored* if the prosecutors deposed Dr. Lee, then called him in trial as a witness??

Sorry...that thought just makes me giggle.
notthatsmart, here's what really happened, and it's not just IMO, it's sworn testimony, which I researched carefully, because the FACTS and the TRUTH of everything related to what happened to Caylee are very important to me, and because my integrity as a poster in this forum, and as a person, are important to me:

Henry Lee arrived at the OCSO forensics bay on November 14 at 10:18am. He was accompanied by Jose Baez and and an assistant from his office.

The office of Gerardo Bloise, the OCSO CSI tech, had made prior arrangements to place the vehicle on a lift if Henry Lee & his entourage so desired so that they could inspect the undercarriage.

At 12:48pm, Henry Lee, Jose Baez, and his assistant left the forensics bay for lunch for more than an hour, not returning until 2:15pm.

Henry Lee then continued his inspection.

At 4:10pm, Henry Lee ended the inspection because he wanted to catch a flight.

At no time did Henry Lee ask that the car be placed on the lift, despite his, and Jose Baez', knowledge that Bloise, who was there to assist Henry Lee, had all the arrangements made to do so.

Here's what Henry Lee subsequently said about his experience of inspecting the car:

"I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Orange sheriff department, the crime scene investigator and detective. They`re true professionals. So the whole examination took a whole day and very professional manner.."

As I look across the blogs it is amazing to see postings that walk a fine line of saying that they have not made up their mind on KC or that maybe she is guilty of something. They operate from a neutral focus of seeking the truth and offer some pertinent snippets to the threads while continually injecting and seeding mis-information. They are molding the truth based on an agenda.

A discussion ensues and typically the post is corrected factually with links but the desired impact has occurred, that some participants who did not read on or just dropped in are tainted by this seeded mis-information and mis-statement of facts.

Folks work very diligently and hard on this month-by-month strategy to seed mis-information and re-write history to refocus the general consensus to a softer view on KC and general confusion over the facts ---- levelling the playing field.

It is a strong undercurrent and these sources know better yet still seed this mis-information incessantly. I am sure though at WS I am preaching to the choir though. Just an observation

I am aware of this, cyberborg, and it is of grave concern to me, for a number of reasons. Thank you for bringing it to attention. It's important that people be aware of it.
notthatsmart, here's what really happened, and it's not just IMO, it's sworn testimony, which I researched carefully, because the FACTS and the TRUTH of everything related to what happened to Caylee are very important to me, and because my integrity as a poster in this forum, and as a person, are important to me:

Henry Lee arrived at the OCSO forensics bay on November 14 at 10:18am. He was accompanied by Jose Baez and and an assistant from his office.

The office of Gerardo Bloise, the OCSO CSI tech, had made prior arrangements to place the vehicle on a lift if Henry Lee & his entourage so desired so that they could inspect the undercarriage.

At 12:48pm, Henry Lee, Jose Baez, and his assistant left the forensics bay for lunch for more than an hour, not returning until 2:15pm.

Henry Lee then continued his inspection.

At 4:10pm, Henry Lee ended the inspection because he wanted to catch a flight.

At no time did Henry Lee ask that the car be placed on the lift, despite his, and Jose Baez', knowledge that Bloise, who was there to assist Henry Lee, had all the arrangements made to do so.

Here's what Henry Lee subsequently said about his experience of inspecting the car:

"I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Orange sheriff department, the crime scene investigator and detective. They`re true professionals. So the whole examination took a whole day and very professional manner.."


LKB is married to Dr. Baden! Why will he not be a witness for the defense? "things that make you go hmm"
notthatsmart, here's what really happened, and it's not just IMO, it's sworn testimony, which I researched carefully, because the FACTS and the TRUTH of everything related to what happened to Caylee are very important to me, and because my integrity as a poster in this forum, and as a person, are important to me:

Henry Lee arrived at the OCSO forensics bay on November 14 at 10:18am. He was accompanied by Jose Baez and and an assistant from his office.

The office of Gerardo Bloise, the OCSO CSI tech, had made prior arrangements to place the vehicle on a lift if Henry Lee & his entourage so desired so that they could inspect the undercarriage.

At 12:48pm, Henry Lee, Jose Baez, and his assistant left the forensics bay for lunch for more than an hour, not returning until 2:15pm.

Henry Lee then continued his inspection.

At 4:10pm, Henry Lee ended the inspection because he wanted to catch a flight.

At no time did Henry Lee ask that the car be placed on the lift, despite his, and Jose Baez', knowledge that Bloise, who was there to assist Henry Lee, had all the arrangements made to do so.

Here's what Henry Lee subsequently said about his experience of inspecting the car:

"I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Orange sheriff department, the crime scene investigator and detective. They`re true professionals. So the whole examination took a whole day and very professional manner.."

The thanks button wasn't enough! Thank you for bringing the truth out with links etc.
LKB is married to Dr. Baden! Why will he not be a witness for the defense? "things that make you go hmm"

Yep, and before LKB was sucked into this circus, Dr. Baden was on NG siding with the state. Haven't heard from him since . . . .

Although, the duo was pretty shifty during the Spektor trial, so it's probably a good thing he keeps his mouth shut now.
Even KC knew it wasn't rotting garbage in her trunk. KC is the one that said a dead animal, a dead squirrel had been plastered to her car. I actually believe that something was dead, we have objective evidence of human decomp. If not her missing child, what other human body was she toting around in her trunk? Wouldn't that need to be investigated? (Oh now I get it - maybe that was the investigation that CA was referring to on the Today show)
The only thing the defense can come up with at this point IMO is that someone else killed Caylee and placed her dead body in Casey's trunk to frame her.

Casey smelled the decaying body and thought it was a squirrel she ran over. When she opened the trunk and found out it was her own daughter's dead body she panicked.

She felt no one would believe her when she told them she thought Caylee was with a babysitter only to find her dead in her car trunk. So, she panicked and she dumped the dead body in the woods.
Wow! Except there was no babysitter. So where was she taken from?
Holy cow, what motion is that? Clearly Dr Henry Lee inspected the items in frrom the trash bag. Clearly the Defense has commented for months about discovery documents. Clearly the Defense was not allowed to be present at the dump site. HL did return and they wouldn't let him in.IMO
I'm not sure of protocol...but can we state something as fact and then say it's our opinion?
I thought HL was put out when he went to inspect the car and the trash bag wasn't there.
Or there really was parts of a dead animal underneath on the frame. I really wish LE would have let Dr Henry Lee back in there to inspect the frame. But they chose not to and now we have to deal with that.

Or, it was just a figure of speech. The real smell was the garbage. IMO

I have actually had a dead animal inside my engine compartment - it cooked (burned) but did not smell anything remotely like a dead body. I just took a deep breath of my garbage- it's a week old, waiting for collection, and it smells absolutely nothing like a decomposing body.
Fortunately both Cindy and George know the difference too.
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