The death of Princess Diana

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LinasK said:
What bothers me the most is that Trevor Rees-Jones- the only survivor- is not talking and hasn't ever said anything about the accident. It's true he's blaming his loss of memory on his head injury, and that may well be the case,(we have to give him that benefit of the doubt), but... it's also a convienient excuse for him not to talk in the event some memory returned if he was being threatened by someone about the seatbelt issue!

Also, Henri's drinks could have been spiked, or he could have been paid a handsome sum to go to his family to crash (i.e. like a suicide bomber).
Dear LinasK,:)
I truly Respect all of your posts.
czechmate7 said:
I suppose Sarah Ferguson should be looking over her shoulder also....right?:waitasec:

I don't understand still not knowing "ALL" the facts...why can't everyone accept the fact that she was in a horrible, fatal car accident. Why does it have to be anything more than that? What if that IS all the facts??
Dear Czechmate :) ,
You appear resigned to knowing all of the facts and thinking that everyone should "accept the fact that she was in a horrible, fatal car accident".Then stating "Why does it have to be anything more than that".
You conclude that you believe that it is a fact that it was not an accident. (Your statement is "What if that IS all of the facts??)
Feel free to answer these questions with facts;

Please do not think that this post is with ill intent.I just want to get a perspective on why you feel the way that you do. I Respect your opinion and I am looking forward to your post.
julianne said:
True, many celebs do feel that way and those feelings lead them to live their lives recklessly.

However, I think the statement that Diana was no exception, thereby stating that as a celeb she lived her life recklessly, is undoubtedly highly inaccurate. I don't believe there have ever been ANY accounts of Diana living a "reckless" life, or having a "reckless" attitude or lifestyle. Quite the opposite, IMO. Paris Hilton she wasn't, thank God.
I think that depends on your definition of reckless. I think it was reckless of her to not fasten her seatbelt while traveling at 100 mph through the crowded streets of Paris with a drunk behind the wheel. You see I believe that when you have children to raise (and hers were 11 and 14 at the time of her death) you take very good care of yourself at least until the children are grown. To me that means staying out of cars being driven by someone you don't know. To me that also means putting your love life on hold, if that is what is in the best interests of your children.
Pepper said:
I think that depends on your definition of reckless. I think it was reckless of her to not fasten her seatbelt while traveling at 100 mph through the crowded streets of Paris with a drunk behind the wheel. You see I believe that when you have children to raise (and hers were 11 and 14 at the time of her death) you take very good care of yourself at least until the children are grown. To me that means staying out of cars being driven by someone you don't know. To me that also means putting your love life on hold, if that is what is in the best interests of your children.
Is this a statement of fact or opinion?
Can you prove reckless on this case? You think that Princess Diana was reckless and assume that she did not love her children.

I will never understand why it is so easy for people to assume and slander the dead.

There are people that are drunks that can function like a normal person.Some may not know that they have a high content of alcohol. Even someone you know that you choose to ride with can be one of those tolerant people. Also the factor of a malfunctioning seatbelt could come into play.
Pepper said:
I'm not Nova, but I am the one that made the comments in red above.

You still do not address how anyone could have been guaranteed that the crash would have killed Diana, since there is a good chance she would have survived if her seat belt had been fastened.

The report that Diana's phone was bugged by the CIA is just a report, and has been denied, so on that account there is no proof as yet. Seems pretty silly to me.

You still do not address how anyone could have been guaranteed that the crash would have killed Diana, since there is a good chance she would have survived if her seat belt had been fastened.I am not sure why there needed to be a guarantee? There are no guarantees in life.

The report that Diana's phone was bugged by the CIA is just a report, and has been denied, so on that account there is no proof as yet. Seems pretty silly to me. I read this in the article: the surveillance arm of the US has admitted listening to her conversations as she stayed at the Ritz hotel, but failed to notify MI6. An admission is not proof?

Like I said earlier, some people are comfortable with the "official" story, and some aren't. I'm not.
Pepper said:
I think that depends on your definition of reckless. I think it was reckless of her to not fasten her seatbelt while traveling at 100 mph through the crowded streets of Paris with a drunk behind the wheel. You see I believe that when you have children to raise (and hers were 11 and 14 at the time of her death) you take very good care of yourself at least until the children are grown. To me that means staying out of cars being driven by someone you don't know. To me that also means putting your love life on hold, if that is what is in the best interests of your children.

Staying out of cars being driven by someone you don't know? By that definition, anyone who ever takes public transit or a cab is reckless. Even if you never take public transit or a cab, and always drive your own vehicle, it still doesn't account for all the other drivers on the road.

Obviously Diana didn't feel the need to put her love life on hold for the best interests of her children. Her ex-husband certainly didn't feel that need either. Her children were also probably 2 of the most well-protected people on the entire planet. And still are.
BirdieBoo said:
Staying out of cars being driven by someone you don't know? By that definition, anyone who ever takes public transit or a cab is reckless. Even if you never take public transit or a cab, and always drive your own vehicle, it still doesn't account for all the other drivers on the road.

Obviously Diana didn't feel the need to put her love life on hold for the best interests of her children. Her ex-husband certainly didn't feel that need either. Her children were also probably 2 of the most well-protected people on the entire planet. And still are.
Dear BirdieBoo,:)
Thank-you for the post.
All of my Respect to you,
dark_shadows said:
Dear Czechmate :) ,
You appear resigned to knowing all of the facts and thinking that everyone should "accept the fact that she was in a horrible, fatal car accident".
You have grossly misread and twisted my comment. NOTHING in my post claims that "I know all the facts" NOTHING. NOTHING in my post suggest I know all the facts. NOTHING
Then stating "Why does it have to be anything more than that".
You conclude that you believe that it is a fact that it was not an accident. (Your statement is "What if that IS all of the facts??)
I simply stated "WHAT IF" this was just a terrible accident (which, I repeat, does not imply I KNOW ALL THE FACTS).
Another post suggested something about arms dealers. Maybe none of us know what was really going on enough to comment on the bugging, taped conversations, etc... WHAT IF Diana knew of all this and was trying to bring down arms dealers....She was being taped for years someone else stated.
Does this mean that the accident has anything to do with all this? Maybe, maybe not...which was my statement "maybe this was an unfortunate accident." WHAT IF this is all the facts regarding the accident.

Feel free to answer these questions with facts questions;
These are my opinions, I didn't realize our opinions needed to be backed up with facts. Do you have facts that this was murder and not an accident? You can speculate, but do you have a solid fact? Please let me and the rest of the media know if so.

Please do not think that this post is with ill intent.I just want to get a perspective on why you feel the way that you do. I Respect your opinion and I am looking forward to your post.
I do feel that was a personal attack on me. You have taken my post out of context and put words in my mouth. I am simply speculating just as everyone else here because the truth is NO ONE knows the exact truth.
dark_shadows said:
Is this a statement of fact or opinion?
Can you prove reckless on this case? You think that Princess Diana was reckless and assume that she did not love her children.
Did I not say this: "I think that depends on your definition of reckless. I think it was reckless of her to not fasten her seatbelt while traveling at 100 mph through the crowded streets of Paris with a drunk behind the wheel."
That reeks of "my opinion." No where did I claim it as fact. But I stand by my statement that I believe it is reckless behavior to allow a drunk to drive your vehicle at 100+mph through the streets of Paris while not fastening your seatbelt. No where did I say she didn't love her children. Of course she did. But her actions of that fateful evening were reckless.

I will never understand why it is so easy for people to assume and slander the dead.
How is that slander? It was a tragic accident. Nothing more. Diana was a beloved public figure who did a lot of good things for mankind.

There are people that are drunks that can function like a normal person.Some may not know that they have a high content of alcohol. Even someone you know that you choose to ride with can be one of those tolerant people. Also the factor of a malfunctioning seatbelt could come into play.
She should have had her own driver - someone she knew and trusted to place her safety first. And how many malfunctioning seatbelts are in new expensive Mercedes? I believe that was looked in to and discredited.

There are just some who loved her who will never accept the possibility and probability that she was not the victim of some sinister plot.
Top secret agency denies spying on Diana

National Security Agency issues statement in response to U.K. reports

LONDON - America’s super secret eavesdropping agency said Tuesday it had never targeted Princess Diana’s telephone conversations for monitoring.

The statement by the National Security Agency comes amid media reports in London about secret recordings of Diana’s telephone communications that apparently surfaced during the British investigation into her 1997 death in a Paris car crash.

Diana, 36, her friend Dodi Fayed, 42, and the driver of their car died in the Aug. 31, 1997 crash. An investigation later concluded that the driver, Henri Paul, had been drinking and was driving at a high speed.

An official British report into the crash, to be published Thursday, is expected to find her death was an accident, the London Observer reported over the weekend
czechmate7 said:
Top secret agency denies spying on Diana

National Security Agency issues statement in response to U.K. reports

LONDON - America’s super secret eavesdropping agency said Tuesday it had never targeted Princess Diana’s telephone conversations for monitoring.

The statement by the National Security Agency comes amid media reports in London about secret recordings of Diana’s telephone communications that apparently surfaced during the British investigation into her 1997 death in a Paris car crash.

Diana, 36, her friend Dodi Fayed, 42, and the driver of their car died in the Aug. 31, 1997 crash. An investigation later concluded that the driver, Henri Paul, had been drinking and was driving at a high speed.

An official British report into the crash, to be published Thursday, is expected to find her death was an accident, the London Observer reported over the weekend

No wonder there are conspiracy theories, there are so many different reports.

So the NSA denies bugging the phone, I thought the phone buggers were supposed to be the CIA, not the NSA. :slap: I'm sure the FBI denies bugging her phone too.

Of course the official report is "expected" to find her death an accident. That's not unusual at all.
According to the original article posted at the head of this thread, the report is also "expected" to concede that there was a mixup of the blood samples of Henri Paul, but it was an accident.

Highest profile auto accident of the 20th century, seems like there were other "accidents" in the investigation too.

I am looking forward to reading the official report, see how this story is pieced together. Nothing like being labeled a kooky conspiracy theorist for not believing the official report, when the "real" official report hasn't even been released yet. Or is that the "latest" official report? LOL :cool:
I think the website posted by Dark_Shadows (post 50) is very interesting. I have long thought there was something fishy about the whole thing. I really wouldn't be surprised if it were a hit. The royals are obsessed with the purity of their "line" and to them, appearances are everything. The fact that she had stated she feared she would be killed via an auto mishap is very odd. I do think there is evidence Dodi planned to propose that night and also that she very well may have been pregnant. She was still a young woman and loved children. This website gives specific names of people with interesting testimony. The reports of a flashing strobe light, accounts of Henri Paul appearing quite sober, the immediate embalming in the hospital (very peculiar), Fayed trying for British citizenship and being denied repeatedly, etc. I have always been convinced Diana was a seat belt advocate - it was reported many times. I think the belts could have been made to malfunction. It is unfortunate that no one in her family will likely pursue this - her sons probably wouldn't dare let themselves believe it no matter how much they loved her and they did. I believe her brother suspected it as well.

BirdieBoo said:
According to the original article posted at the head of this thread, the report is also "expected" to concede that there was a mixup of the blood samples of Henri Paul, but it was an accident.

Highest profile auto accident of the 20th century, seems like there were other "accidents" in the investigation too.

I am looking forward to reading the official report, see how this story is pieced together. Nothing like being labeled a kooky conspiracy theorist for not believing the official report, when the "real" official report hasn't even been released yet. Or is that the "latest" official report? LOL :cool:
I think when it comes down to it, people are going to believe what they are going to believe. There will always be an article or an "offical" story to back it up either way.
BirdieBoo said:
Staying out of cars being driven by someone you don't know? By that definition, anyone who ever takes public transit or a cab is reckless. Even if you never take public transit or a cab, and always drive your own vehicle, it still doesn't account for all the other drivers on the road.

Obviously Diana didn't feel the need to put her love life on hold for the best interests of her children. Her ex-husband certainly didn't feel that need either. Her children were also probably 2 of the most well-protected people on the entire planet. And still are.
How so Birdie?
Because she was going out with someone other than the father of her kids??
You can do both you know...
Why should she be expected to put her love life on hold?
I have thought this was murder from day one. Diana was going to make an announcement that would "rock the world" but never got the chance to make it so we will never know what that was.

In a programme screened in the UK the other night it stated that the owner of the fiat uno had been found and that the tests on the paint and rubber found on the crashed Mercedez matched those of that fiat uno. The owner of the fiat (cant remembr his name) had been involved in "hits" on people before. It was stated he had been bragging that he knew information about the night Diana died. He was found mysteriously burned to death in his car before he could talk.
There was also an ex-spy who stated that the way Diana was killed was exactly a carbon-copy of a hit that had been planned on some foreign official years before and he couldnt believe those plans had been used on Diana.
It isnt hard to believe that she was murdered, they called her a loose cannon, the monarchy wanted rid of her, Charles wanted to re-marry and I cant see the way being made rosy for him while Diana was still alive and grabbing the press.
There were rumours over Harrys paternity, she upset many with her land-mine work. The Queen Mother was supposed to have been a very ruthless woman and a big influence on Charles.
We will never know the truth, our Government lies to us continuallly and we all know what the results of this enquiry will be before it is even announced.
To the poster who said they drove past hospitals before taking Diana in, yes they drove past FIVE to be exact!
narlacat said:
How so Birdie?
Because she was going out with someone other than the father of her kids??
You can do both you know...
Why should she be expected to put her love life on hold?

I didn't think she needed to. I was responding to a post that said she should.
eve said:
I don't know but the lack of a seatbelt was suspicious for Diana, she was said to always buckle up and was adamant others in her car did, also. This was well-documented and reported in several articles and books I have read (sorry no links, too long ago). Also she had said she was afraid of being murdered by the royals in a car accident (her butler reported her writing a letter to that effect) - so would she not buckle up? I think some of the royals have been ruthless. Whether the ones who are/were are still around or did this, well, we'll likely never know.

I heard on one report about the investigation that her seatbelt was stuck or not working. Maybe that's why she didn't buckle up. As for the driver being drunk by 3 times the legal limit...wouldn't he be staggering or his eyes have that heavy-lidded look you get when you are 3 sheets to the wind? In the video of them walking out to the car, he has no problems walking, doesn't stumble, opens the door without any problems. There's no way I could do that at 3 times the legal limit. IMO he wasn't drunk.

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