The death of Princess Diana

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Dear Czechmate,
Here is my response to your post;
dark_shadows said:
Dear Czechmate :) ,
You appear resigned to knowing all of the facts and thinking that everyone should "accept the fact that she was in a horrible, fatal car accident".

Czechmate7 said:
You have grossly misread and twisted my comment. NOTHING in my post claims that "I know all the facts" NOTHING. NOTHING in my post suggest I know all the facts. NOTHING
These quotes by you were not grossly misread and twisted. I stated that you "appear resigned" by your posts.
Czechmate said:
Why is everyone so sure that it was murder? I mean, what is the motive? Embarrassment to the royal family? Then they should'a knocked off cute little Harry a few years ago if that were the case.
It sounds like an unfortunate accident to know that happens (even to famous folks).
Czechmate said:
why can't everyone accept the fact that she was in a horrible, fatal car accident. Why does it have to be anything more than that?
Czechmate said:
Do you have facts that this was murder and not an accident? You can speculate, but do you have a solid fact? Please let me and the rest of the media know if so.
You state "why can't everyone accept the fact that she was in a horrible, fatal car accident. Why does it have to be anything more than that?"

Do you have facts that it was an accident and not a murder?You can speculate, but do you have solid fact? Please let me and the rest of the media know if so.

Czechmate said:
I do feel that was a personal attack on me. You have taken my post out of context and put words in my mouth. I am simply speculating just as everyone else here because the truth is NO ONE knows the exact truth.
It was not a personal attack on you, this is what I posted in my questions to you;
dark_shadows said:
Please do not think that this post is with ill intent.I just want to get a perspective on why you feel the way that you do. I Respect your opinion and I am looking forward to your post.
I did not attack you, nor did I put words in your mouth, your opinions are quoted in their original form. I asked for a post on how you feel and stated that I respect your opinion.I am sorry that you feel the way that you do about me. I will still continue to read your posts and value what you have to say. From now on, I will not ask you to explain anything.
I'm jumping in here without reading all the threads.. I believe Diana death was an accident.. nothing more, nothing less.. AND, it bugs me that her conversations were being invaded.. No privacy what-so-ever anymore :(
Official report: Diana's death a 'tragic accident'

Police probe quashes conspiracy theories in Princess of Wales' car crash

LONDON - A British police inquiry released Thursday concluded that the deaths of Princess Diana and her companion in a 1997 Paris car crash were a “tragic accident” and that allegations of murder are unfounded.

“Our conclusion is that, on all the evidence available at this time, there was no conspiracy to murder any of the occupants of the car. This was a tragic accident,” said Lord John Stevens, former chief of the Metropolitan Police, who led the investigation of the deaths of Diana, 36, and her partner Dodi Fayed, 42.

They were killed along with chauffeur Henri Paul when their Mercedes crashed in the Pont d’Alma tunnel in Paris on Aug. 31, 1997, while being chased by media photographers.

That's great for people who are comfortable with the "official story". Its what the official story has been all along.

I would still like an explanation as to why Diana told her friend that she would shortly be murdered in a car crash, though. :doh:
BirdieBoo said:
That's great for people who are comfortable with the "official story". Its what the official story has been all along.

I would still like an explanation as to why Diana told her friend that she would shortly be murdered in a car crash, though. :doh:

It would be very interesting to have an "official" (but real) response to all the peculiar factors/questions in this case. I don't see how her sons can stop themselves from looking into it. Obviously it may implicate their famiily, but still, they loved her, and they seem to have some character. Maybe someday rebellious Harry will do something. I know, I know, I won't hold my breath.

I agree Eve. I would like to see the official report, too, rather than just an MSN story stating the findings of the official report. Especially how there may have been a mixup of the driver's blood in only the highest profile car crash ever.

If no one ever questioned official reports we'd still be living on a flat earth with illnesses caused by demons and evil spirits.
BirdieBoo said:
I agree Eve. I would like to see the official report, too, rather than just an MSN story stating the findings of the official report. Especially how there may have been a mixup of the driver's blood in only the highest profile car crash ever.

If no one ever questioned official reports we'd still be living on a flat earth with illnesses caused by demons and evil spirits.

Hi Birdie,

You said it.

Also, don't you think the whole monarchy thing makes it seem even more possible there was a plot and a cover-up? The royals have sooooooo much money and the class system is alive and well there (imo). That is why I don't think it far-fetched that there is something sinister behind this. I usually don't go for conspiracy theories but this one just sticks in my craw. I think the royals were so mad at Diana - contemptuous of her, in fact.

eve said:
Hi Birdie,

You said it.

Also, don't you think the whole monarchy thing makes it seem even more possible there was a plot and a cover-up? The royals have sooooooo much money and the class system is alive and well there (imo). That is why I don't think it far-fetched that there is something sinister behind this. I usually don't go for conspiracy theories but this one just sticks in my craw. I think the royals were so mad at Diana - contemptuous of her, in fact.

And everywhere else, we all have class systems..

Anyway here is the latest news from MSN (lol)

Diana's death not murder: inquiry
narlacat said:
And everywhere else, we all have class systems..

Anyway here is the latest news from MSN (lol)

Diana's death not murder: inquiry


I knew someone would say that but I think England's monarchy makes it more intense. The royals are different than anything we have here, for example.

Think of fairly recent history -- just picture the wedding of Diana and Charles. Also do you think Charles could have married just anyone? No - she had to be titled, a virgin, etc. What leader do we have here with those kinds of openly stated "requirements?"

I'm not saying there's no snobbery or class discrimination elsewhere, but England is quite distinct when it comes to royalty, titles, nationalities etc.

Regarding the subject at hand, some reports said a "CIA source in the field" claims in a document that Prince Phillip said of Diana's relationship with Dodi:

"Such an affair is racially and morally repugnant and no son of a bedouin camel trader is fit for the mother of a future king". (Al Fayed owns Harrods, a large and beautiful London department store. I've been there, no (live) camels in sight).

Who knows if that is true or not!? I don't! But it wouldn't surprise me.

Anyway, as I said it is just my opinion.

eve said:

I knew someone would say that but I think England's monarchy makes it more intense. The royals are different than anything we have here, for example.

Think of fairly recent history -- just picture the wedding of Diana and Charles. Also do you think Charles could have married just anyone? No - she had to be titled, a virgin, etc. What leader do we have here with those kinds of openly stated "requirements?"

I'm not saying there's no snobbery or class discrimination elsewhere, but England is quite distinct when it comes to royalty, titles, nationalities etc.

Regarding the subject at hand, some reports said a "CIA source in the field" claims in a document that Prince Phillip said of Diana's relationship with Dodi:

"Such an affair is racially and morally repugnant and no son of a bedouin camel trader is fit for the mother of a future king". (Al Fayed owns Harrods, a large and beautiful London department store. I've been there, no (live) camels in sight).

Who knows if that is true or not!? I don't! But it wouldn't surprise me.

Anyway, as I said it is just my opinion.

Well, you can rely on me to state the obvious lol

I wouldn't put anything past Phillip, I knew an old lady once that worked in Buckingham Palace many moons ago....she told me Prince Phillip is into nappies LOL
Dontcha love second hand gossip :p
Can I just dispel a few myths about our royal family. Firstly, in the big scheme of things, the British monarchy are no longer 'rich'. The Queen (our monarch) sits at #177 in the Times UK rich list - Mohammed Al Fayed is 81st on the same list!! Therefore, our monarchy is not quite what it ued to be in terms of wealth (or indeed power, the role of the monarchy now is lip service to tradition and is largely ceremonial). The Queen would feature waaaaay down the pecking order of any rich list that included the US and Japan. Also, Diana was a 'commoner', as were/are the spouses of all Charles' siblings, indeed as was our beloved Queen Mother (now dead) when she married the future King (the now Queens' father).

Most of the UK just want this sorry affair to be put to bed. if there was any conspiracy, why would it have been left to a scenario with so many variables....had she been wearing seat belt she might have survived....Henri Paul was twice the UK drink drive limit which hardly means drunk, its 4 glasses of wine - this in not enough to really notice in terms of behaviour, unless the drinker is very unused to alcohol consumption, which henri Paul would have been. No car crash is guaranteed to kill anyone. I have seen people scramble from 100mph+ crashes when they have been p*ssed as farts and walk away unharmed....thats just the unfairness of life. If I were conspiring to kill Diana, I wouldnt leave it to maybe she wouldnt wear seat belt, maybe Henri Paul would have had enough drink and/or go fast enough to make him crash. Even adding the Fiat Uno, is one car hitting another guaranteed to result in a crash that causes death?

Not sure about anyone else but I personally am waiting to skip a generation and see William on the throne. Not because of who his mother was, but because he appears to most of us to be a fine example of a decent and well rounded young man (which his mother will have influenced).
Exactly Britlaw, though I did read that Henri Paul had 3 times the legal French limit of alcohol in his system.

But I would really like to see everyone let her rest in peace. Nothing is going to bring her back.

And even if it could be proven without a doubt that the Royals had her murdered, (which I don't believe for a second) then so what? You think anyone is going to behead the queen and stake her head to the Tower of London? Nopety nope. She will live out her life exactly as she's been doing the past 10 years. Absolutely nothing would change.
Not that I care either way about the Royal family...but I'd like to see William take the throne too, Charlie doesn't deserve it, nor Camilla.
I'm not sure what to think now, but one thing that dampens the conspiracy theory is that her best friend Rosa Monckton stated that unequivocably was Diana not pregnant- she'd had her period 10 days beforehand while on their vacation and her hormone levels also didn't register for HcG.
I hadn't heard this one before:

Princess Diana feared she and Camilla Parker Bowles were to be eliminated in a royal plot, paving the way for the Prince of Wales to marry another woman.
She believed the two rivals were to be 'put aside' to make 'the path clear' for Prince Charles to marry royal nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke.!/

And the band played on . . .
LinasK said:
I'm not sure what to think now, but one thing that dampens the conspiracy theory is that her best friend Rosa Monckton stated that unequivocably was Diana not pregnant- she'd had her period 10 days beforehand while on their vacation and her hormone levels also didn't register for HcG.

My personal theory wouldn't include the alleged pregnancy or racism against Dodi, maybe racism would play a minor factor but maybe his alleged cocaine abuse more than that. I don't have time at the moment to write it all out but it involves primarily Diana's influence over popular opinion worldwide rather than her sexuality.

I also never heard the arms dealer theory before but IMO even if it wasn't true was a good thought. I guess you don't get to be "The People's Princess" without ticking a few people off along the way.
julianne said:
Good points, AlwaysShocked.


Henri Pauls (the driver) family tried numerous times and made many attempts to get unbiased, 3rd party tests done on the blood samples. When refused, they then went through the courts to legally either obtain the blood samples, or have them independently tested. They were shot down each and every time----They were NEVER allowed access to the blood samples, nor were the samples ever allowed to be independently tested. Hmmmm. Why not? What were they hiding? I think the first thing they would've found out is that the samples did not belong to the driver.

I have heard that the hospital she was taken to was only 3 miles away, and yes, they did pass up another hospital. It took over an hour to get there. Why??? Well, some say the reason it took so long to get there was because her injuries were so life threatening that they stopped a couple of times to administer aid to her. HUH? Since when does an ambulance have to STOP to have the 2 or 3 medics in the back with the patient administer aid to her? Plus, the hospital that they bypassed was actually a higher level trauma center with many more capabilities to treat her "serious" injuries. Yet, they passed it up and continued on to the hospital with lesser abilities. Hmmmm.

As far as the seat belts go, it was widely known that Diana was a staunch supporter of seat belts, and virtually always used them. Not this time. Hmmm. The ONE time she doesn't use her seat belt, she dies. I think that the seatbelts were rendered unuseable, so she COULDN'T wear hears. Plus, Trevor Rees Jones, the lone survivor, reported that he put his seat belt on shortly before the accident. Now, don't you think that while donning his seatbelt, he would've, at the very least, urged Princess Diana to put hers on also???
the focus of an ambulance medics is to stabalize the person there-not to rush to a is just the way it si..they believe the first contact is the best one to save the life makes sense to me in a lot of cases..but it is completely differnt than our focus-speed them to an emergency area of the hospital.
newtv said:
the focus of an ambulance medics is to stabalize the person there-not to rush to a is just the way it si..they believe the first contact is the best one to save the life makes sense to me in a lot of cases..but it is completely differnt than our focus-speed them to an emergency area of the hospital.
I understand the need to attempt to stabilize a patient, but that is why there is normally a driver AND one or two medics. The drivers responsibility is to get the patient to the hospital, and the medic(s) responsibility is to treat the patient. By utilizing a dedicated driver and dedicated medics, the patients gets to the hospital w/o being compromised on the way there.

This is especially important when a patient is in the throws of an massive MI (heart attack) and en route to the hospital, because the most important stabilization occurs when they arrive at the hospital if they are in need of a heart cath, certains meds not normally available in an ambulance other than the basics, or any other patient needing immediate surgical intervention that can only be done at the hospital.

I can only speak to how it works here in the US, but I can't imagine it would be that much different in the UK?? There's no cardiologists or cath labs or OR's on the ambulance, and without the proper diagnostic equipment on board like they have at the hospital, I imagine it would be risky to delay medical treatment by a physician. The medics had no way of knowing what her most serious injury was because the tear wasn't found until she was operated on, in the emergency dept.
London news 12/23/06

The father of a man who was driving a white Fiat Uno in Paris the night Princess Diana was killed has sensationally admitted his son had the car painted red just hours after the fatal crash and revealed his suspicions that his son was involved.

Speaking publicly for the first time, Le Van admits he was driving his car in Paris on the night Diana was killed and, in an exclusive interview, his father Francois has provided the most compelling evidence yet that his son was involved in the crash and took part in a cover-up after fleeing the scene.

He recalls Le Van, then 22, returning home from his job as a night-time security guard in a frightened and bewildered state but unwilling to tell his father what was troubling him.

Instead, he had a whispered conversation with his brother Dung, who worked as a mechanic, which culminated in the brothers rushing off in the middle of the night to radically alter the appearance of Le Van's 15-year-old car.

During the next two hours, and with no one else around, the brothers resprayed the white Fiat a bright red.

Breaking a nine-year silence, Francois said: "I do not want to believe that Le Van was in the tunnel that night but I know as a father that he has said things which just do not add up.

Tellingly, he also admitted to detectives that he had his muzzled rottweiler in the rear of his car - eyewitnesses to the devastation in the tunnel described the Fiat Uno as having a large dog wearing a muzzle or bandana in the back.

But it is understood Lord Stevens has sent a 5,000-page report to Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, the judge who will preside over the inquest, and that it includes more information about the involvement of the Uno.

His published report gives the names of dozens of witnesses and other parties.

Bizarrely, Le Van is the only person referred to but not named - Lord Stevens simply calls him "the second Fiat Uno driver".

Article dated 12/25/06
Good Girl Darki_Shadows! WOW! Now that's gonna make big news after just hearing that Henri's driving so drunk is what caused him to crash. I thought that was a pot of crock, personally.

DS, do you read from the way this article is written that this kid was part of a conspiracy? Or do you think the kid just had an accident and painted the car so he wouldn't be charged by LE for negligent driving?


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