The Duct Tape Match #3

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Under today's article in the Orlando Sentinel about the defense's filing motions, there are some comments. the one I found interesting and am wondering if I have missed it posted somewhere else, if it is true, rumor, or false, is that this duct tape was "pinched from the Lexus Dealership" where GA worked.

If the word 'pinched' means stolen, or taken, I don't recall reading in any of the reports that the duct tape was matched to tape from the Lexus Dealership.
If the word 'pinched' means stolen, or taken, I don't recall reading in any of the reports that the duct tape was matched to tape from the Lexus Dealership.

The only problem is that GA wasn't working at the Lexus Dealership. Not during the week of 06/16 to 06/20.
The only problem is that GA wasn't working at the Lexus Dealership. Not during the week of 06/16 to 06/20.

Oh gag - didn't somebody (I'm thinking BJB, JWG or someone equally precise with the facts) indicate that the Lexus number that originally appeared was a misprint and it was really the number to Gentiva?? I have no idea how long it would take me to look for this, but does anyone remember where that was posted here? TIA+.
Oh gag - didn't somebody (I'm thinking BJB, JWG or someone equally precise with the facts) indicate that the Lexus number that originally appeared was a misprint and it was really the number to Gentiva?? I have no idea how long it would take me to look for this, but does anyone remember where that was posted here? TIA+.

I have forever been confused on the Lexus versus Gentiva number. Every time I think I have a handle on it, some one throws me a curve ball and I go into a tailspin.

BUT - GA was not working at Lexus during June, so the confusion on the phone number doesn't even matter for that part.
I have forever been confused on the Lexus versus Gentiva number. Every time I think I have a handle on it, some one throws me a curve ball and I go into a tailspin.

BUT - GA was not working at Lexus during June, so the confusion on the phone number doesn't even matter for that part.

There was quite an animated discussion around this on the George/Lexus & Casey's Contact Pattern thread beginning with [ame=""]post 356[/ame] and continuing at least to post 375.

The net is that there are two sets of phone records - those taken from the cell towers and those taken from the billing records. The records generally line up exactly, but on [ame=""]this post[/ame] I itemize where they differ. For whatever reason, the tower records show a number for Lexus and the billing records show one for Gentiva.

I lean strongly towards the calls being to Gentiva for the following reason, which I shamelessly quote from my own post:

In one of George's interviews where he describes the gas can incident with KC on June 24, it is KC's comment "Oh by the way, I talked to mom, I understand something happened here at the house" that prompts George to want to look in the trunk for the gas cans.

Remember that George discovered the gas cans were missing just that morning.

Anthony home phone records released in the April dump show George called Gentiva at 9:49 AM, and then he called Cindy's cell at 10:21 AM and 10:22 AM. KC showed up at the house at roughly 2:30 PM.

The cell tower records do not show any calls between Cindy and KC on June 24 until 2:45 PM, where based on the pings it appears Casey is leaving the home - gas can incident done. However, the "CDR Live" records do show a six minute call to Lexus at 11:20 AM. In the "billing records" the 11:20 AM call shows as a call to Gentiva.

It appears that the only way KC could have spoken to Cindy between 9:45 AM and 2:30 PM is if the call was in fact to Gentiva and not Lexus. :eek:
I am well aware that some will simply say that we cannot believe anything George says, but I cannot see why he would lie about the above. What he describes does nothing but implicate KC.

At this point LE has had months to work with ATT to understand the differences and prepare for cross-examination around them. And they better have a good reason, otherwise the defense could simply say the calls to the nanny must be missing because ATT cannot keep their records straight. :banghead:
The only problem is that GA wasn't working at the Lexus Dealership. Not during the week of 06/16 to 06/20.

Since I do not know if the comment has any merit or not, it may be a moot point, but IF he had taken the duct tape from the dealership, it wouldn't have had to have been that week, they could have had that tape in the house long before, takes a while to use up a roll of duct tape.
There was quite an animated discussion around this on the George/Lexus & Casey's Contact Pattern thread beginning with post 356 and continuing at least to post 375.

The net is that there are two sets of phone records - those taken from the cell towers and those taken from the billing records. The records generally line up exactly, but on this post I itemize where they differ. For whatever reason, the tower records show a number for Lexus and the billing records show one for Gentiva.

I lean strongly towards the calls being to Gentiva for the following reason, which I shamelessly quote from my own post:

I am well aware that some will simply say that we cannot believe anything George says, but I cannot see why he would lie about the above. What he describes does nothing but implicate KC.

At this point LE has had months to work with ATT to understand the differences and prepare for cross-examination around them. And they better have a good reason, otherwise the defense could simply say the calls to the nanny must be missing because ATT cannot keep their records straight. :banghead:

My bolding. The thank you button is never enough for what you contribute! JWG, first I want to thank you for exceeding your tithe of time, insight and intelligence for Caylee. It would not be a surprise to me if LE searched (at least on a weekly basis) for your name and several others to see what analytical info you have revealed.

I'm praying that LE really has prepared well enough to explain this difference/omission because if they haven't it will only lend more weight to the statement that I remember Cindy saying that she knew there were calls left out of her bill. Obviously, she was referring to calls like the one Casey claims she got from Zanny and Caylee the day before her arrest. It upsets me because I think this is exactly the type of errors that the defense team will build their entire case on ~ because it puts into question the validity of the entirety of the billing/pings input.
Since I do not know if the comment has any merit or not, it may be a moot point, but IF he had taken the duct tape from the dealership, it wouldn't have had to have been that week, they could have had that tape in the house long before, takes a while to use up a roll of duct tape.

Well, to be clear on where I stand, I don't doubt for a minute the duct tape came from the Anthony home. What I was speaking to was the theory it could have come from the dealership. We have no evidence that George ever worked for the Lexus dealership prior to Caylee's disappearance/murder. Nor do we have any evidence he did afterward.

I mean, we have the timesheets from March 2008 and then from June 2008 and he was working at the same place in both months. It's fairly safe to assume he worked at the same place from March to June.

I just don't see any evidence to point at George lifting duct tape from a dealership we can't even tie him to.
The only other theory I heard postulated was that the Lexus dealership was across the street from Tony's and he might have gone over there to talk with KC. Somehow, that just doesn't make any sense at all to me; he had his own cellphone obviously and the Lexus number that we believe may have erroneously showed on the phone bill was the main dealership number.

Most car dealerships only take incoming calls on their main lines and transfer them by receptionist to either salespeople or service departments immediately to keep them free.

I have worked in the past for AT&T and, I must say, anything is possible. A few years ago they finally re-acquired the last of the "Baby Bells" (after SBC absorbed PacBell and Ameritech.) That would be Southern Bell, which services FL. IIRC, the old GTE serviced land lines in that area as well. Some of those old land line billing records may have gotten (I've been dying to use this word, Valhall) "kerflunkelled" in the merger/s. However, I'm sure AT&T can straighten things out by trial time.
Hmmmm, I know I'm slow on the uptake some times, but I just realized something. There wasn't a single roll of duct tape in that house in December of 2008 when the two searches were made...not unless it was well hidden because LE didn't find any.

Wonder where the roll went that the piece on the gas can came from? George doesn't seem like the type of guy to not have duct tape, does he? Looks like some one took it off the property for some use, huh?

Let me know if I've overlooked anything, but I can find no where that they found any rolls of duct tape in their searches of that house.
Forgive me but..


After reading those texts about 'man meat', hooking up, casual sex with friends, being too drunk to remember the sex from the night before, etc, and then:

4.38 pm- Outside of ric its been far and few between for me too. Its like guys dont know how to treat a lady anymore

hahaha <snort>

I'm glad there is at least some comic relief in this otherwise tragic situation. :crazy:
Forgive me but..


After reading those texts about 'man meat', hooking up, casual sex with friends, being too drunk to remember the sex from the night before, etc, and then:

hahaha <snort>

I'm glad there is at least some comic relief in this otherwise tragic situation. :crazy:
Yeah the "lady" comment tickled me too, I wonder who told her she qualified ?
I dunno if this has been mentioned, but I have a thought here and wanted to talk it out: Do you remember who said that KC stole her duct tape? A girl? Missing duct tape that was in her purse? Was it Dante's girlfriend? Didn't Dante race cars? Would he use the tape?

It was Amy H. from the No Clothes Party.

I have also wondered/can't remember, what happened to that duct tape??
Here ya go!!! It's Friday and time for HAPPY HOUR!!


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Since I do not know if the comment has any merit or not, it may be a moot point, but IF he had taken the duct tape from the dealership, it wouldn't have had to have been that week, they could have had that tape in the house long before, takes a while to use up a roll of duct tape.

Or, it could have been duct tape from his father's dealership.
Well, that would explain why there wasn't any in the house in December. They used it all on posters.
WFTV today pored over early case footage they had and discovered some pretty decent shots of the same Henkel duct tape being used to hang Caylee posters on July 20, 2008.

Go Kathi! :)

No story link yet...

ETA: Story link - no video yet tho.

Here's a link to a video of GA using duct tape to hang posters - it's still on YouTube[ame=""]YouTube - Nancy Grace 4/2/09 Part 4[/ame]

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