The Duggar Family: 18 Kids & Counting

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Holy Cow! Did you see the pictures of their house? It is HUGE! They have a 2000 sf family room!

Obviously money is not an issue. What does he do for a living?

That house is HUGE! 7,000 sq foot. I only wish I could have a house that big.

They are both licensed real estate agents. Jim Bob served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2003 and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2002.

They also are speakers for Finacial Freedom. That's how they are able to buy what they want. Savvy saving, no credit, pay as you go, investments etc.

I go and look at their pics sometimes and I get a lot of neat ideas for raising a lot of kids. With my 7, plus all their friends I sometimes have up to 20 teenagers and tweens over on a weekend.

I need a drink dispenser like that! I've also told dh when we move that I'm getting another washer/dryer set just to be able to keep up. I already do the color coding and names on the cups. It was much more important when they were smaller because they had to have the SAME color. I have one of those tape machines that you can print out things with. I thought they would be easier as teens but some days I wonder.

I don't think they are strange. Then again, one of my grandmothers had 22 kids, not to mention that nearly all of my friends have many children. 6 or 7 is the norm in my world.
I cannot say I embrace their lifestyle, their religion, their politics or the whole "Quiverful" thing BUT I do feel they are doing some things right. No debt, no credit, everything bought with cash, buying in bulk, shopping at thrift stores and auctions (they do buy, clean up and resell items they buy at auctions) and now that they have a "proper" house for 18 children, I think they have the right to have as many as they want. It is, after all, their decision and since they support ALL their kids (including the ones who are over 18) and ALL the kids live at home and are home schooled and the Govt assists in NO WAY - well, that may not be what WE would choose, but it's what THEY choose that matters. When you pull 100% of your own weight without outside assistance - well then you get to set your own limits (or decide there ARE NO LIMITS) - as far as your family is concerned. The Duggars certainly are NOT breaking ANY LAWS and their kids seem healthy, happy and well behaved. Some couples with ONE KID can't manage what the Duggars have with 17 (and a half, LOL).

I'm not worried, so much of their life is tied to their faith and their personal choices that eventually one of those children is going to rebel - with at least 18, it's inevitable. It will be interesting to see how the Duggars deal with a child who defies everything s/he has been taught. Will the "respect and unconditional love" from the family continue for a daughter who gets her belly-button pierced, a tattoo, wears revealing clothing (jeans even :eek:), dyes her hair pink and chops it into off into spikes and wears black eyeliner and fingernail polish?

You see, the thing the Duggars haven't had experience with (YET) is a child who at 18 says "bag it" to the restrictive lifestyle and the unlimited babies and living in a house on the family compound next to M&D and takes off to see the big wide world outside Arkansas ALONE - and the Duggars won't be able to stop him or her. All parents know that despite your best efforts, children have a mind of their own...and listening to parental advice doesn't come naturally to a 20 year old. Right now it looks like perfection...but it only takes ONE CHILD to upset the whole apple cart. There's a rebel (at least ONE) in The Duggar family - how they deal with THAT will be the true test of the strength of their family.

My Opinion
I already do the color coding and names on the cups. It was much more important when they were smaller because they had to have the SAME color. I have one of those tape machines that you can print out things with.
maybe write on them w/ a permanent magic marker? I don't know since I've never tried to run one thru the dishwasher though.
..they said the oldest,Josh,had a surprise,too.I wonder if he's getting married?If so I imagine it would be to someone from a large family as well.

Maybe he hit it off w/ one of the girls from that family of 14 that the Duggars are close with.
I cannot say I embrace their lifestyle, their religion, their politics or the whole "Quiverful" thing BUT I do feel they are doing some things right. No debt, no credit, everything bought with cash, buying in bulk, shopping at thrift stores and auctions (they do buy, clean up and resell items they buy at auctions) and now that they have a "proper" house for 18 children, I think they have the right to have as many as they want. It is, after all, their decision and since they support ALL their kids (including the ones who are over 18) and ALL the kids live at home and are home schooled and the Govt assists in NO WAY - well, that may not be what WE would choose, but it's what THEY choose that matters. When you pull 100% of your own weight without outside assistance - well then you get to set your own limits (or decide there ARE NO LIMITS) - as far as your family is concerned. The Duggars certainly are NOT breaking ANY LAWS and their kids seem healthy, happy and well behaved. Some couples with ONE KID can't manage what the Duggars have with 17 (and a half, LOL).
well,the thing is,if you run a daycare,even a home daycare,you're required to have a minimum no. of bathrooms and sq ft per child, and a minimum no. of caregivers per child,to keep them all safe and healthy,esp. in case of fire.In the case of renting,there are usually only so any ppl allowed per bedroom.Again,this helps keep everyone safe.I recall one of those 911 shows where a lady was having to drop several babies out of a window when her apt. caught on fire.That's the reason for that...if it weren't for the ppl below who caught them,probably not all of them would have been ok.They were lucky as it was,being dropped that far.It was several stories up.
I know they aren't running a day care,but there were still some safety issues,at least b/f they moved.

I'm not worried, so much of their life is tied to their faith and their personal choices that eventually one of those children is going to rebel - with at least 18, it's inevitable. It will be interesting to see how the Duggars deal with a child who defies everything s/he has been taught. Will the "respect and unconditional love" from the family continue for a daughter who gets her belly-button pierced, a tattoo, wears revealing clothing (jeans even :eek:), dyes her hair pink and chops it into off into spikes and wears black eyeliner and fingernail polish?
for sure and those are all such minor things,that I would hope it would be no big deal to them,I mean,chose your battles wisely would be the best course of action in that case.
WOW, that is a huge house.. I have to say the kids look happy and well adjusted.. They are probably better off than a lot of kids.. I give her tons of credit because I certainly wouldn't do what she is doing.. Heck, I don't have kids and if I did, one would be too many.. hehe :waitasec::crazy:
When I saw one of the TV specials, I saw that they had at least two of those nice, big, front-loading washing machines and dryers. Those things are very expensive, at least $800 each. Plus all their fancy new kitchen equipment. If they pay as they go, did they really pay cash for all this stuff, or was some of it donated by Discovery Channel? Our dryer's about to quit, and we're trying to scrape up enough cash to buy one (we also don't do credit), but we're looking at something $400 or less. I can't imagine having the cash on hand to buy those more expensive ones.

TLC had one of their decorators come in and help decorate.
Beds, linens, applicances, everything for FREE.
I like their big communal closet. It would be nice to have that right off the laundry room. Putting away clothes would be so much easier.

I don't know about having a 7000 sq. ft. house, though. I can barely keep my 2800 sq. ft. house clean, and it doesn't look nearly as tidy as the Duggars'.
That's because Ms. Dugger sits around all day while the worker bees -ie- her children, do it all.
At least 15 of those kids are old enough to help with house work...think about it. ;)
That's a lot of help.
The kids look happy. If this is the way they choose to live their life, more power to them. It's not my place to say they shouldn't. It's just not how I'd do it.
About the kids helping out with the younger children...SO? Many of us helped out our parents. That is what a family is all about, loving and helping each other through life.

that's not what is happening here...Michelle has baby after baby,and they get passed off to the older ones to take care of.It's not the same as 'hand me a diaper',or 'get me the baby wipes'.
I sooooooooo agree with you jm
children taking care of their own siblings, not mom and dad taking care of baby # 18
any bets on what the new kid's name will be? Jessica? Jemma? Jared? Jeremy? Jacob? Jerusha? Jeffery? Jethro? Jordan? Jericho? Jewel? Jasmine? Jemima? Jezebel?......etc.....?????

and I still can't wrap my tongue around the name 'Jedidiah'. Was that a typo on the birth certificate, or can't they at least change the D to a B.......?? LOL
They already have a Jerimiah and a Jedidiah. lol
I like Jemima and Jethro.... ;)
I agree they seem to be fairly thrifty.
Have you seen the NEW house?
A friend of mine is a camera guy for TLC, he said that house is worth over a million.
and can you imagine the paycheck they are taking in from TLC- I have watched their story- to each their own- but I was not impressed
From what I understand, Mr. Duggar owns properties, and that is at least part of their income. The live debt-free and pay as they go, so I imagine that helps. I think it took a long, long time for them to complete their huge house.

However, and tell me if I'm wrong, didn't the Discovery Channel finish the house, the final decorations and all?

And I assume they get money from all those specials.
yes- they did=
what about Jeronimo? lol.

seriously,I like Jasmine Jade for a girl.Jordan for a they have middle names though?
Someone said that they wanted a large family: their growing family is more based upon religious belief... not want. As long as she is fertile, she will keep having them... they look at having children as "god's will" in the quiverfull religion. It is not about if they can afford it... if they can handle it in a good manner... it is about following their religion.

Not that I am against following their religious belief... but do not mistake beliefs for wants. They see having children as their duty to their god. It does look like the Duggars are doing okay with following their beliefs... more power to them as long as they aren't living off of my tax dollar, is how I see it.
Can someone say birth control??!! Those poor kids should be enjoying their childhoods yet they have to take care of the babies their mama keeps birthing out!! =p

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