The Flashlight.....

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Was The Flashlight The Weapon?

  • Yes, The Flashlight Was The Weapon.

    Votes: 29 35.4%
  • No, The Flashlight Was NOT The Weapon.

    Votes: 28 34.1%
  • I Have No Clue!

    Votes: 25 30.5%

  • Total voters
Solace said:
Trose, I believe it took a year and a half to even get the DA to authorize this.
As I said, it took one year for the BPD to ask for the clothes.

clothing worn by the Ramseys 12/25/96: the clothing was requested by the BPD 11/97
Trose said:
As I said, it took one year for the BPD to ask for the clothes.

clothing worn by the Ramseys 12/25/96: the clothing was requested by the BPD 11/97
What Solace is saying is the BPD could not request it without authority granted by the DA.
coloradokares said:
What Solace is saying is the BPD could not request it without authority granted by the DA.
The BPD requested it a year after the murder. Obviously they were given authority.
Trose said:
The BPD requested it a year after the murder. Obviously they were given authority.
Well do you think the DA did that on a normal timely basis? Do you think a year is expedient. I think its proof of preferential treatment they'd of gotten not one other place on the planet except maybe ....Atlanta or Charlevoix and I doubt they'd of gotten it there. JMHO.
coloradokares said:
Well do you think the DA did that on a normal timely basis? Do you think a year is expedient. I think its proof of preferential treatment they'd of gotten not one other place on the planet except maybe ....Atlanta or Charlevoix and I doubt they'd of gotten it there. JMHO.
They didn't get special treatment. They were not asked for the clothes for a year. It wouldn't have mattered where they were living. If they were not asked for something by an inept police department, it is not their fault. You are implying that they had something to do with not being asked. They did not.
Trose said:
They didn't get special treatment. They were not asked for the clothes for a year. It wouldn't have mattered where they were living. If they were not asked for something by an inept police department, it is not their fault. You are implying that they had something to do with not being asked. They did not.
And you know this how? You were there when Steven Thomas tried and tried to get subpoenas for many many things? And the subpoenas were rejected time and again by the DA's office and had to be rewritten over and over again. This is not something that people just make up Trose. It has been all over the news recently how the DA handles cases; more recently, the newborn who died with countless broken bones, and to this day, almost two years later, no one is being held accountable. He must have fallen out of his very expensive bascinet that his very wealthy grandparents bought for him. Apparently, they bought a few other things too because his parents are free as you or I and somebody killed him.

That DA in Boulder is a joke. If you want to commit a crime, do it in Boulder, takes forever to get a subpoena and sometimes you never do.
Solace said:
And you know this how? You were there when Steven Thomas tried and tried to get subpoenas for many many things? And the subpoenas were rejected time and again by the DA's office and had to be rewritten over and over again. This is not something that people just make up Trose. It has been all over the news recently how the DA handles cases; more recently, the newborn who died with countless broken bones, and to this day, almost two years later, no one is being held accountable. He must have fallen out of his very expensive bascinet that his very wealthy grandparents bought for him. Apparently, they bought a few other things too because his parents are free as you or I and somebody killed him.

That DA in Boulder is a joke. If you want to commit a crime, do it in Boulder, takes forever to get a subpoena and sometimes you never do.
Before you jump all over me, please reread the posts involved between me and ColoradoKares. I said very clealy, and posted the information, that the BPD did not ask for the clothes for a year. She posted back that they got special treatment. I then posted back that they didn't get special treatment, that they gave what they were asked for when they were finally asked for them from an inept police department. Had the BPD done their job correctly to begin with, they would have asked for those clothes immediately.
Trose said:
They didn't get special treatment. They were not asked for the clothes for a year. It wouldn't have mattered where they were living. If they were not asked for something by an inept police department, it is not their fault. You are implying that they had something to do with not being asked. They did not.
How long have you been and in what manner have you followed this case. Just out of curiosity. Yes it did matter. When requested they could have simply complied not waited and held out till official papers were signed. If they had nothing to hide why let it go. Get on past it furnish and cooperate fully without hesitation. Isn't that what other notable innocent parents have done. Klass/Lunsford others. For you information I have followed this since the news break hit the screen. JonBenet Ramsey daughter of John and Patsy Ramsey appears to have been kidnapped from her home so and and so forth.... And since I am a local it hit the screen pretty fast as John Ramsey while not a household name was close to it with his ownership of Access Graphics and relationship to Lockheed. They were Boulder socialites. It is your opinion nothing was their fault. I am not of that opinion. Its only my opinion but there is much to be considered here. They were thwarting the police in favor of appearances on television. Lets ask you this. If you daughter had been murdered. Would you cooperate fully no matter what or would you been on television right after the funeral? I'd be doing whatever it took to find the murderer with little regard to appearances. If I wasn't guilty and I wouldn't be. Then what in the world would my total cooperation at any and all levels do to prove I did something I did not do?
Trose said:
Before you jump all over me, please reread the posts involved between me and ColoradoKares. I said very clealy, and posted the information, that the BPD did not ask for the clothes for a year. She posted back that they got special treatment. I then posted back that they didn't get special treatment, that they gave what they were asked for when they were finally asked for them from an inept police department. Had the BPD done their job correctly to begin with, they would have asked for those clothes immediately.
Trose, I did read your posts and I am responding to you. I am not jumping all over you. I am responding to your statement with a question. I am asking you how you know what you posted.

You do not know it as fact and yet you post it as you do. This case is all about the Ramseys getting special treatment from Alex Hunter, District Attorney of Boulder. How do you know they did not ask Hunter for permission to get the clothes or a zillion other things? They wanted to wire the Ramseys home but Hunter refused that also.

You are assuming it there was no preferential treatment. This case screams it from the time they were allowed to leave on December 26th instead of being separated and brought down to the Police Department. Steve Thomas says they asked and asked for many things and it was refused them. It is well known that Assistant DA Hofstrom was very good friends with Mike Bynum, Ramseys lawyer. They had breakfast every morning before this case. The Ramseys were most definitely given preferential treatment by Hofstrom and Alex Hunter and all the rest of the DA's office. The joke is Alex Hunter believed Patsy guilty.

If you are going to post what you did, I would think you might expect a post that did not agree. That is all. It is a board and I am reacting to your post.
coloradokares said:
How long have you been and in what manner have you followed this case. Just out of curiosity. Yes it did matter. When requested they could have simply complied not waited and held out till official papers were signed. If they had nothing to hide why let it go. Get on past it furnish and cooperate fully without hesitation. Isn't that what other notable innocent parents have done. Klass/Lunsford others. For you information I have followed this since the news break hit the screen. JonBenet Ramsey daughter of John and Patsy Ramsey appears to have been kidnapped from her home so and and so forth.... And since I am a local it hit the screen pretty fast as John Ramsey while not a household name was close to it with his ownership of Access Graphics and relationship to Lockheed. They were Boulder socialites. It is your opinion nothing was their fault. I am not of that opinion. Its only my opinion but there is much to be considered here. They were thwarting the police in favor of appearances on television. Lets ask you this. If you daughter had been murdered. Would you cooperate fully no matter what or would you been on television right after the funeral? I'd be doing whatever it took to find the murderer with little regard to appearances. If I wasn't guilty and I wouldn't be. Then what in the world would my total cooperation at any and all levels do to prove I did something I did not do?
For your information, I have followed this case extensively for the past ten years. I don't post much on forums, because all forums do is go round and round and round with two sides arguing about the same stuff. Nothing new has been brought to light in ten years.

I don't give out where I hail from. It very well could be Boulder, CO, but that does not mean I know more than anyone else. Being from somewhere that a crime happens does not make anyone an expert. If it did, this case would have been solved by me and you. I don't see either one of our names in the headlines, therefore, I don't think being from there makes any difference. I've seen the Ramseys, the Whites, the Fernies, the house, the yard, the street. Nope, still not an expert.


Where does it say they held out? Please provide the link for this. Where does it say anywhere that they were given special treatment as far as the inept BPD not asking for something they should have asked for? Please provide the link for this.
Trose said:
For your information, I have followed this case extensively for the past ten years. I don't post much on forums, because all forums do is go round and round and round with two sides arguing about the same stuff. Nothing new has been brought to light in ten years.

I don't give out where I hail from. It very well could be Boulder, CO, but that does not mean I know more than anyone else. Being from somewhere that a crime happens does not make anyone an expert. If it did, this case would have been solved by me and you. I don't see either one of our names in the headlines, therefore, I don't think being from there makes any difference. I've seen the Ramseys, the Whites, the Fernies, the house, the yard, the street. Nope, still not an expert.


Where does it say they held out? Please provide the link for this. Where does it say anywhere that they were given special treatment as far as the inept BPD not asking for something they should have asked for? Please provide the link for this.
I can see I am going to have to go back to the red ink. You are having trouble following again. The Ramseys were probably holding out since they both could crawl, that is how well they did it. Are we going to start with the links again. You remind me of some of those pesky CourtTv posters; they want a link for everything. I will tell you what start at December 27, 1996 and google and you will get every article written and I think you will summize that there was preferential treatment for the Ramseys. Orrrr, you can start reading and if you think Steve Thomas is too biased, that is okay. Try Lawrence Schiller's book.

You see the problem with people being given links all the times is they tend to get lazy and then they never ever really know what is going on. So you are going to have to do some work on your own. THE RAMSEYS WERE GIVEN PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT from day 1.
Trose said:
For your information, I have followed this case extensively for the past ten years. I don't post much on forums, because all forums do is go round and round and round with two sides arguing about the same stuff. Nothing new has been brought to light in ten years.

I don't give out where I hail from. It very well could be Boulder, CO, but that does not mean I know more than anyone else. Being from somewhere that a crime happens does not make anyone an expert. If it did, this case would have been solved by me and you. I don't see either one of our names in the headlines, therefore, I don't think being from there makes any difference. I've seen the Ramseys, the Whites, the Fernies, the house, the yard, the street. Nope, still not an expert.


Where does it say they held out? Please provide the link for this. Where does it say anywhere that they were given special treatment as far as the inept BPD not asking for something they should have asked for? Please provide the link for this.
Well you are not alone then if you do hail from around Boulder. Of course it does not make you or me experts. You have seen in person more of the local names mentioned than i have by far. I know a few people on the peripheal edges. And your right that makes me no one special and I have said that not only on this forum but others. It does make my position a little more unique that someone from across the country but as highly publicized as this murder has been .......well I think alot is out in the public. You say what you want until your prepared to contact Steve Thomas I heard hes in Australia I think it is and call his truthfulness into question what held up the requests was the DA's office. Do I know that for fact like I work for the BPD or DA's office. No I just choose to believe that was the case. You of course have the right to choose to believe what it is you do. No problem there as far as i am concerned. Why is it you feel that the Ramseys are innocent. I am always interested in hearing theories.
Trose said:
For your information, I have followed this case extensively for the past ten years. I don't post much on forums, because all forums do is go round and round and round with two sides arguing about the same stuff. Nothing new has been brought to light in ten years.

I don't give out where I hail from. It very well could be Boulder, CO, but that does not mean I know more than anyone else. Being from somewhere that a crime happens does not make anyone an expert. If it did, this case would have been solved by me and you. I don't see either one of our names in the headlines, therefore, I don't think being from there makes any difference. I've seen the Ramseys, the Whites, the Fernies, the house, the yard, the street. Nope, still not an expert.


Where does it say they held out? Please provide the link for this. Where does it say anywhere that they were given special treatment as far as the inept BPD not asking for something they should have asked for? Please provide the link for this.
Oh and PS ....just another side thought. You say if it did this case would have been solved by me and you. I got some free time this afternoon. Think we should meet and get this wrapped up.....just kidding ......I don't divulge my exact location either.....I guess my hat gives some of it away though.
There are some of you posters who do not believe the flashlight was used to cause the head blow.

Believe this: The flashlight was used to write the ransom note...the "strange lights" the neighbor witnessed. It was also used to navigate through the home when the staging was taking place.
Trose said:
For your information, I have followed this case extensively for the past ten years. I don't post much on forums, because all forums do is go round and round and round with two sides arguing about the same stuff. Nothing new has been brought to light in ten years.

I don't give out where I hail from. It very well could be Boulder, CO, but that does not mean I know more than anyone else. Being from somewhere that a crime happens does not make anyone an expert. If it did, this case would have been solved by me and you. I don't see either one of our names in the headlines, therefore, I don't think being from there makes any difference. I've seen the Ramseys, the Whites, the Fernies, the house, the yard, the street. Nope, still not an expert.


Where does it say they held out? Please provide the link for this. Where does it say anywhere that they were given special treatment as far as the inept BPD not asking for something they should have asked for? Please provide the link for this.
Oh and one more curiosity. I don't know......I was just thinking how would I recognize your name in the headlines if I saw it. And how would you know if mine has been there .....or not if you don't know my name? And if you know my I don't give it out on whim you know. Someone could recognize it.....or not.....but then how would you know that? My name is not MS. Coloradokares after all. Well not legally binding anyhow.....
Strangest kind of parasol of persecution I ever did see or hear tell about. How can any rational thinking person not see that if you or I or they did something like this we'd not be given the same treatment we'd be hauled in approximately 3 minutes after the cuffs were firmly in place and that is a fact. The rest would have been history.

Quite correct.

They wanted to wire the Ramseys home but Hunter refused that also.

If you want to keep a secret, don't tell the boss.

You are assuming it there was no preferential treatment. This case screams it from the time they were allowed to leave on December 26th instead of being separated and brought down to the Police Department.

Sadly true.

Why is it you feel that the Ramseys are innocent.

Now, in Trose's defense, I have not actually seen him/her(?) actually say that yet.
Nope,I don't think it was the murder weapon,why leave it there,clean of prints or way.Would have been the 1 thing to get rid of IMO,why risk anything.
Nope,I don't think it was the murder weapon,why leave it there,clean of prints or way.Would have been the 1 thing to get rid of IMO,why risk anything.

I agree with you on that Madeleine. I also think the physical characteristics of the skull damage indicate a low-velocity/high-pressure action.

Some mention that she was bludgeoned but I don't see anything in the autopsy that indicates that. I think it mentions "blunt force trauma" instead.

Steve Thomas's book doesn't suggest bludgeoning either. I think several of us agreed to disagree about this a few years back. :waitasec:
I don`t have a clue on this one, the flashlight played a part imo, but maybe not as the weapon. There are databases of weapons and the injuries they have caused i haven`t managed to access one yet.
I'm wondering by where the flashlight and the baseball bat was found if it was done so trying to throw off LE...I mean who ever done this knew about the head wound...Like Patsy saying I don't see any blood do you,some say she was looking at the head of the bed...So maybe they was hiding what cause the head wound,lead them away from where it happen at....

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