The John Ramsey 2012 Roadshow

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I could not believe what I was reading! Unfreaking believable!!!!!!!


Patsy shrugged, then examined the doll in the box and gave a
shudder. Leaning toward me, she whispered, “John, this doll lying in the box like this with her blond hair spread out and eyes
closed—my gosh, it looks like a child in a casket! It kind of gives
me the creeps.” { WHAT?????? WHHHHATT????? This is insane!}


Later Patsy remembered
the life-sized doll and agonized that perhaps it had been a warning.
If it was a warning, it went right over our heads. We were too busy
being happy. { I wasnt aware that the My Twin doll was life size and how was it a warning?

There are so many more lies and inconsistencies that I wanted to vomit.
Yet another lie/exaggeration. The MyTwinn doll is NOT life-sized. It is a large doll, however. It is about 23-26 inches tall, so around two feet. If the child was a toddler it would be almost as tall, but still not life-size.
The American Girl dolls are 18 inches, by comparison.

Only the Patty Play Pal (and similar dolls) was "life size" at 36 inches, she was supposed to be the size of the average 3-year old.
how can he say that he doesn't think the pageants are why she was killed in the anderson interview, then a few days before that saying that a suspicious man was watching her at the parade and that he wished she was never in the pageants because it might have had something to do with her killing?

does he not remember how to keep his stories straight - even within days of each other?
how can he say that he doesn't think the pageants are why she was killed in the anderson interview, then a few days before that saying that a suspicious man was watching her at the parade and that he wished she was never in the pageants because it might have had something to do with her killing?

does he not remember how to keep his stories straight - even within days of each other?

See, that's the thing with liars. If you don't remember which lies you tell, you run the risk of saying something different each tine. If you tell the truth, you don't have to worry about this.
The Rs, especially JR, have been lying about that night for so long that they probably believe what they are saying.

I could not believe what I was reading! Unfreaking believable!!!!!!!


Patsy shrugged, then examined the doll in the box and gave a
shudder. Leaning toward me, she whispered, “John, this doll lying in the box like this with her blond hair spread out and eyes
closed—my gosh, it looks like a child in a casket! It kind of gives
me the creeps.” { WHAT?????? WHHHHATT????? This is insane!}


Later Patsy remembered
the life-sized doll and agonized that perhaps it had been a warning.
If it was a warning, it went right over our heads. We were too busy
being happy. { I wasnt aware that the My Twin doll was life size and how was it a warning?

There are so many more lies and inconsistencies that I wanted to vomit.

Ah , the doll, is JR playing games here. Tossing the doll in as some kind of diversion, e.g. the doll is really significant we just all missed it?

Is he suggesting Patsy had a premonition?

See, that's the thing with liars. If you don't remember which lies you tell, you run the risk of saying something different each tine. If you tell the truth, you don't have to worry about this.
The Rs, especially JR, have been lying about that night for so long that they probably believe what they are saying.


It's sort of expected that Mr Ramsey show his disdain for kiddie beauty pageants. I'll say this, kiddie pageants are weird -- little kids forced to act like sexualised adults is not healthy! More and more people are showing their disgust at them.

His words almost strike me as the words of "thou protest too much".

It's sort of expected that Mr Ramsey show his disdain for kiddie beauty pageants. I'll say this, kiddie pageants are weird -- little kids forced to act like sexualised adults is not healthy! More and more people are showing their disgust at them.

His words almost strike me as the words of "thou protest too much".

Its amazing how the pageants were "Fun" for Patsy and Jonbenet but "Bizarre" for everyone else.

As if the bleaching of his 6 y/o daughters hair wasnt extreme and bizarre.
how can he say that he doesn't think the pageants are why she was killed in the anderson interview, then a few days before that saying that a suspicious man was watching her at the parade and that he wished she was never in the pageants because it might have had something to do with her killing?

does he not remember how to keep his stories straight - even within days of each other?

Its arrogance! His daughter was found dead in his home and from day one he has changed his story, been evasive, given inconsistent answers to questions and out and out lied and he hasnt spent one hour behind bars, nor has he sat in front of judge and jury. After all, he's "Job" and its Job who put God on trial.

I'm including a link that I feel explains who JR really sees himself as. Its a good insite into his way of thinking so its worth a read....

PUTTING GOD ON TRIAL: The Biblical Book of Job
A literary, legal and philosophical study- Robert Sutherland.
how can he write it was all right, the perfect family, perfect christmas,etc...etc..... when JBR has been sexualy abused by someone?!?

why has anyone asked him about the sexual abuses?

and if he did not read the autopsy, how does he know about the injuries with the string in her neck?

Somehow reading this just made me more convinced that some random sex pervert did not do this, nor any outsider. Maybe John is just a poor writer, but what parent wouldn't take a moment to consider whether to call the police if they took that ransom note at all seriously. With hardly even a breath, nearly simultaneously with his 'absortion', John tells Patsy to call 911, then she calls all their friends to come over and help, then he considers how to get the money even though the note says they are watching them?

To me it seems you would err on the side of caution, not invite a bunch of friends over so the house is obviously busy. Caution the 911 or LE that a note claims they are watching them and could they come unmarked.

  • He arranged the money and called the people they were to meet in another state before searching the house?
  • He only goes downstairs because he suddenly remembers the broken window from months before?
  • Patsy is just upstairs rocking, clinging to a cross, and waiting to vomit?
  • The police tell him how to answer a call but he complains they should have told him to search the entire house first (he never says anything to them about it though or ever has the urge to do it himself from the start)?
  • It's afternoon before he realizes all those people are contaminating the crime scene?
  • I find it disturbing that when he finally sees JonBenet his reaction is not horror at finding her looking the way she did, but basically, "we finally found her!" - then he goes on quite a while musing she might still be alive although he says she is cold and stiff as he carries her (and seemingly unconcerned with moving her body).
  • Why was their priest already there anyway?

This is from the horse's mouth after all these years, lots of time and space to edit, and he can't even make this sound logical? I know people have different reactions to crises, death and such horrors, but I always wonder when I watch someone's response to a homicide - do they seem to be mimicking something like you'd see on tv or how they think it should look rather than represent normal (even within a broad range) reactions.
Did John say, when asked about Patsy finding the ransom note that morning, that Patsy "came" downstairs, rather than "went" downstairs? If they were Both upstairs that morning, wouldn't he say Patsy "went" down the stairs? If he were already downstairs, he'd say she "came" downstairs, right? Or am I missing something here?
Did John say, when asked about Patsy finding the ransom note that morning, that Patsy "came" downstairs, rather than "went" downstairs? If they were Both upstairs that morning, wouldn't he say Patsy "went" down the stairs? If he were already downstairs, he'd say she "came" downstairs, right? Or am I missing something here?

chem ... you are probably referring to something JR said other than what is in his book, but in the book excerpts he says he hears Patsy in her bathroom getting dressed then she's 'down the stairs' to make coffee. He then says he hears her shrieking and saying JonBennet is gone... then he says (it's because) she found a ransom note on the stairs. Then they go look in the kids bedrooms (upstairs but she obviously didn't bring the ransom note)... then he 'hurls' himself down the spiral stairs and picks up the note and spreads it out on the floor to see all three pages at once (inserted text of entire ransom note). He says Patsy is already standing by the phone when he screams at her to call 911. He's says he goes upstairs to get clothes and then back down and Patsy 'rushes to check on Burke.'

Seems pretty vague. I'm sure others have commented on this.... he says Patsy first said "JonBennet is gone!" and several words later gets to "Someone has taken JonBennet"??
More (of the same) from Anderson Cooper:

[ame=""]ACWEJR1 - YouTube[/ame]
Ah , the doll, is JR playing games here. Tossing the doll in as some kind of diversion, e.g. the doll is really significant we just all missed it?

Is he suggesting Patsy had a premonition?


Premonition or voicing her thoughts? Maybe what he is really thinking but couldnt say is that he should have listened to Patsy's warning.
Did John say, when asked about Patsy finding the ransom note that morning, that Patsy "came" downstairs, rather than "went" downstairs? If they were Both upstairs that morning, wouldn't he say Patsy "went" down the stairs? If he were already downstairs, he'd say she "came" downstairs, right? Or am I missing something here?

Its sounds as if JR were already downstairs....
I heard him say "came downstairs" in Part I of Anderson Cooper's interview...right after he thanks John for joining him. It grabbed my attention right away, since it indicates he was already downstairs. :what::

I could not believe what I was reading! Unfreaking believable!!!!!!!


Patsy shrugged, then examined the doll in the box and gave a
shudder. Leaning toward me, she whispered, “John, this doll lying in the box like this with her blond hair spread out and eyes
closed—my gosh, it looks like a child in a casket! It kind of gives
me the creeps.” { WHAT?????? WHHHHATT????? This is insane!}


Later Patsy remembered
the life-sized doll and agonized that perhaps it had been a warning.
If it was a warning, it went right over our heads. We were too busy
being happy. { I wasnt aware that the My Twin doll was life size and how was it a warning?

There are so many more lies and inconsistencies that I wanted to vomit.

Heyya Agatha_C,

Ya, iirc JR has mentioned these types of premonitions before.
His type of Christianity accepts these premontions as divine messages.

Agatha _C, there's just something about JR, that I find disingenuous.
I can't say specifically what it is, but it's off-putting and uncomfortable to watch him.
I don't think I'm projecting any level of guilt upon him, it's not that I've been indoctrinated into or support any specific RDI scenario.

Even with all the inconsistencies, JR pr tour and the book, ties up a lot of the 'loose ends' that the forum has covered.
Ties 'em up pretty, like pretty dead.
Somehow reading this just made me more convinced that some random sex pervert did not do this, nor any outsider. Maybe John is just a poor writer, but what parent wouldn't take a moment to consider whether to call the police if they took that ransom note at all seriously. With hardly even a breath, nearly simultaneously with his 'absortion', John tells Patsy to call 911, then she calls all their friends to come over and help, then he considers how to get the money even though the note says they are watching them?

To me it seems you would err on the side of caution, not invite a bunch of friends over so the house is obviously busy. Caution the 911 or LE that a note claims they are watching them and could they come unmarked.

  • He arranged the money and called the people they were to meet in another state before searching the house?
  • He only goes downstairs because he suddenly remembers the broken window from months before?
  • Patsy is just upstairs rocking, clinging to a cross, and waiting to vomit?
  • The police tell him how to answer a call but he complains they should have told him to search the entire house first (he never says anything to them about it though or ever has the urge to do it himself from the start)?
  • It's afternoon before he realizes all those people are contaminating the crime scene?
  • I find it disturbing that when he finally sees JonBenet his reaction is not horror at finding her looking the way she did, but basically, "we finally found her!" - then he goes on quite a while musing she might still be alive although he says she is cold and stiff as he carries her (and seemingly unconcerned with moving her body).
  • Why was their priest already there anyway?
This is from the horse's mouth after all these years, lots of time and space to edit, and he can't even make this sound logical? I know people have different reactions to crises, death and such horrors, but I always wonder when I watch someone's response to a homicide - do they seem to be mimicking something like you'd see on tv or how they think it should look rather than represent normal (even within a broad range) reactions.

Heyya time.

Just a question for the long time JBR forum posters, but is this the first public mention that JR heard PR getting dressed. I remember that PR wore the same outfit twice in a row, negating ST premiss that she would not have done such.
Heyya time.

Just a question for the long time JBR forum posters, but is this the first public mention that JR heard PR getting dressed. I remember that PR wore the same outfit twice in a row, negating ST premiss that she would not have done such.
Hey Tad,

It doesn't negate ST's premise, PR claimed she used the same outfit the following day.

This from the 1997 interview:

TT: Patsy, let me back you up just a little bit. Um, actually to the, to the very beginning of the morning. You and John woke up. (Inaudible) Did you have an alarm clock set or anything?
PR: Uh, I think he had it set, but I don’t think it went off. I think we woke up about, you know, I don’t remember it going off or anything.
TT: Okay.
PR: I think he just maybe might of, I don’t know how you can turn it off.
TT: Okay. So, John’s alarm I set.
PR: Yeah. It’s on his side of the bed.
TT: You don’t have an alarm that was set on your side of the bed at all?
PR: Hum um.
TT: Okay. Got up, got dressed. Do you remember what you wore that morning?
PR: Black velvet pants and my red sweater.
TT: Okay. Now you went downstairs. When you stopped there at the laundry room

Here is an excerpt from DOI:

DECEMBER 26, MORNING I HEAR JOHN turning on the water in his bathroom and realize that it is still dark. As we always do before departing for an early morning trip, John and I will get dressed before waking up the children. Just before we’re ready to leave, we’ll get the kids up. Sometimes we even load them in the car in their pj’s so they can resume sleeping in the airplane. Slowly the normal routine for an early morning flight comes into focus. Take a shower, get dressed, get going. I swing out of bed and abruptly remember that my shower is still broken.

Don’t need one this morning, I think to myself. Just put my clothes on. And, of course, my makeup. I remember my mother’s words. “Never leave the house without your makeup.” Plus we are going to be with Melinda’s fiancé, Stewart, so I want to make a good impression.

Got to be at the airport by 6:30 or so. Going to push us to get everyone going because time is so short. I reach for my clothes and start dressing.

Minutes later I hurry down the back stairs from our bedroom to the second floor, where the children’s bedrooms are located. I stop at the top of the spiral stairs that lead down to the first floor, and I turn to the laundry area.

Need to get a few things together for the trip, I think to myself. Not much, since we’ve already got clothes and most necessary items at the house in Charlevoix. I quickly shove some of the laundry into a plastic garbage sack that will go on the airplane as-is. John likes us to pack in soft-sided bags because it makes loading the plane easier. I hurry down the spiral staircase to the bottom floor and stop.

What’s this? I wonder. I turn around to look at three pieces of paper on a step near the bottom. I bend over. Must be a note from the cleaning lady, Linda, I think. Probably reminding me that she needs to borrow twenty-five hundred dollars. I must leave a check on the kitchen counter before we leave.

“Mr. Ramsey,” the note is addressed across the top. I look again more closely. “Listen carefully!” My eyes fly across the top lines. “At this time we have your daughter in our possession. She is safe and unharmed and if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to the letter.” I quickly scan the page. “$118,000,” the writer demands.

I gasp for air. For a moment my heart pounds so hard I can barely move. I race back up the stairs and stumble toward JonBenét’s bedroom, pushing the door wide open. The bed is empty!

“J-o-h-nnn! John-n-n-n! Help!” I scream. “JonBenét’s gone!” He meets me wearing only his underwear.

“There’s a note downstairs.” I can barely speak. “Someone has taken JonBenét!” I feel the blood rushing from my head. For a moment I feel like fainting. “She’s gone!” I cry. “JonBenét is gone!” My stomach wrenches.

John tears down the stairs; he seems to be shouting, but nothing makes any sense.

“Burke!” John yells. “What about Burke?”

Both of us race to Burke’s room at the far end of the second floor and find him apparently still asleep. Best not to arouse him until we figure out what’s happening here, I think. He’s better off asleep for now. I step into the hall.

John runs down the main stairs and into the back hallway. I grasp my stomach and run after him. By the time I get to him, he is down on his hands and knees, staring at the sheets of paper spread out on the floor in front of him. He is examining the ransom note, under the ceiling lights of the back hall. The note reads:
I believe this is the longest interview with JR so far this year.
The interview is from the Daystar Television Network, the interviewers are Marcus and Joni Lamb.

Part One:
[ame=""]DSJR1A - YouTube[/ame]

Part Two:
[ame=""]DSJR1B - YouTube[/ame]

Part Three:
[ame=""]DSJR1C - YouTube[/ame]

Part Four:
[ame=""]DSJR1D - YouTube[/ame]

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