The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

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I agree, she didn't want the car. I wonder if she thought that someone had actually stolen the car after it was towed. She had to consider the possibility that Amscot would have it towed, and we have not heard anything about her calling Amscot or the tow lot to see if her car was there. There was no good reason for Casey to leave that car that long and not once inquire about it, she knew she couldn't keep the car with that smell.
That's another good point. If she really wanted the car back. Why didn't she call Amscot to find out if it was towed? Or why didn't she leave a note on the windshield to let them know she ran out of gas and would be back to retrieve it?

She was a single mom who had to get back and forth to work and get her baby to daycare! She needed that car!

Mama Bear, I believe you are so right about her trying to get either Amy or Jesse to drive that car to throw the scent (pun intended) off her.
This is a different incident. I'm talking about the FIRST time KC has TonE pick her up because her car is out of gas. He picked her up somewhere on the road, not far from her house. It may have been on June 20. The only explanation is that perhaps the decomp in the car didn't stink yet.. it was too soon after Caylee's death.
I don't want to sound morbid, but the smell probably would have began around 2 days after death, particularly there in FL.
Thank you for the info. Still the car was dumped. She never went to retrieve it. She never called George to let him know the car was having "mechanical problems"

And why didn't she get the car detailed?
IMO she had plenty of money available when she got a hold of Amy's checks.

Prolly because the car smelled like decomp and she couldn't stand the smell anymore.
Also, for the reason mentioned in an above she didn't have to drive TL to the airport in a decomp smelling car.
That may be a mistake, the car was at Amscot for three days...from June 27th to June 30th, the day it was towed.
You are correct it was only three days because at the top of the transcript it says today is July 24, 2008. My bad. It was at the tow yard for a long time.

How does the fine work in that case? Is it a flat fee or is it a daily fee?
The car was towed on June 30. June 30 to July 15 -- she had to know it was gone, did not try to find it, did not call and report it stolen, and led her friends to believe that George was taking care of it and having it fixed. Nope, sorry, but I don't think this shows she was trying to retrieve it.

I've wondered about how Casey explained away "why she no longer had the pontiac" to everyone
Have any text messages/interview transcripts (other that what TL said, that Casey told him George would take care of it) show if she ever explained her lack of personal wheels thus borrowing TL's and Amy's vehicles.
I thought that when AL picked KC up at Amscot, she told him that her dad would pick the car up. Am I wrong? I just assumed that she didn't want anyone around the car.
Yes, Casey told Tony that the car had broken down. She knew that if she told him that she ran out of gas, he could have just offered to go and put gas in it. She said that her father picked the car up and was having it worked on, Tony said she went into detail about this...I believe. This will be another piece of evidence for the state...she told Tony it broke down when the truth is she drove it until the gas was on empty.
This is a different incident. I'm talking about the FIRST time KC has TonE pick her up because her car is out of gas. He picked her up somewhere on the road, not far from her house. It may have been on June 20. The only explanation is that perhaps the decomp in the car didn't stink yet.. it was too soon after Caylee's death.
Thanks for clearing that up. Perhaps Tony knows more than he's telling?
That's another good point. If she really wanted the car back. Why didn't she call Amscot to find out if it was towed? Or why didn't she leave a note on the windshield to let them know she ran out of gas and would be back to retrieve it?

She was a single mom who had to get back and forth to work and get her baby to daycare! She needed that car!

Mama Bear, I believe you are so right about her trying to get either Amy or Jesse to drive that car to throw the scent (pun intended) off her.
That reminded me of when Cindy told the Detectives that Casey had left a note on the car at Amscot. Of course this is BS, the tow lot guy and maybe someone at Amscot will be able to testify that there was no note.
The facts show that KC did not abandon the car. She set about talking Amy into buying a gas can (described in latest documents). Amy and KC actually bought the can on 30th July but were just too late to retrieve the car before it was towed from Amscot. KC DID NOT abandon the car because she tried to retrieve it?

True, but I think she went back to the car because GA/CA told her to because since nobody stole the car so they had to get it off that lot before it was towed or the cops might smell it. Thats why they needed to trap Amy into gittin her prints there. Since nobody stole it they still needed them prints. But KC and Amy got there to late. She didn't tell her rents cuz she can't do anythang right and she didn't want them holler at her. Well, at this point I really don't think CA knew about it yet.
Yes, Casey told Tony that the car had broken down. She knew that if she told him that she ran out of gas, he could have just offered to go and put gas in it. She said that her father picked the car up and was having it worked on, Tony said she went into detail about this...I believe. This will be another piece of evidence for the state...she told Tony it broke down when the truth is she drove it until the gas was on empty.

OK, so maybe the plan was to NOT get the car back UNTIL Tony had left for New York (June 30, I think), so KC could use his car while he was gone, but then to get the car back after he left so she could figure out what to do with the smell/evidence.

She had to tell Tony the car broke down so he wouldn't just go put gas in it and thwart her plan....but she told Amy she just ran out of gas so that Amy would help her get gas and retrieve the car.
No way in the world if I was guilty of murdering someone would I take the car with the decomposition smell to get it detailed. That's a smell that is "distinct" and the person who would be detailing the car could possibly become suspicious and notify the police.

(KC tried to say it was the smell of an animal, but human decomposition is "distinctly different" from that of an animal).

She wanted to get rid of the car because of the smell, and I'm thinking that she also changed clothes somewhere too before getting into TL's car. Otherwise, she too would have been "reeking." (Probably was the clothes that CA found and washed). Seems she left everything - that smell will also permeate everything.

I think somebody picked her up after she dropped the car and took her home. Member she had gros. from rents house? Didn't she take a shower at JG's. MAybe at home---anyway when Toni picked her up she wasn't inside the car.
True, but I think she went back to the car because GA/CA told her to because since nobody stole the car so they had to get it off that lot before it was towed or the cops might smell it. Thats why they needed to trap Amy into gittin her prints there. Since nobody stole it they still needed them prints. But KC and Amy got there to late. She didn't tell her rents cuz she can't do anythang right and she didn't want them holler at her. Well, at this point I really don't think CA knew about it yet.

I don't think Amy went with her, though. Amy had to work and KC didn't head in that direction until Amy was gone.

ETA: And then right about the time she got to Amscot, KC called a friend of hers who happened to work for Amscot (Stephanie K/ "Special K")--maybe to say, "dude, where's my car?"
Yes, Casey told Tony that the car had broken down. She knew that if she told him that she ran out of gas, he could have just offered to go and put gas in it. She said that her father picked the car up and was having it worked on, Tony said she went into detail about this...I believe. This will be another piece of evidence for the state...she told Tony it broke down when the truth is she drove it until the gas was on empty.

I just am not 100% on the Pontiac being out of gas, but since GA put gas in it there is prolly now way of being certain, other than we know the Gas gauge did work properly.
She kept going back to her parents home, if they kept money in the home for emergencies, she could have been taking a bit here and there and of course there was Caylee's piggy bank, so she could have put gas in the car, even $10 or $20 worth. Just a theory.
Then there's the location of where she ran out of gas. She just happens to run out of gas at the intersection of SR50/Colonial and Goldenrod (a very busy intersection and if I remember was under road construction at that time as most of Colonial Rd was) and 2 guys (who have yet to materialize) help, NOT PUSH into the closest parking spot but BACKED the car into a spot next to a dumpster. And of course she left her purse but didn't forget to take the frozen food for TL and his roommates.
I have driven by the Amscot there are gas stations in the immediate area.
Any way just my little ole opinione :)
Thanks for clearing that up. Perhaps Tony knows more than he's telling?

Oh no, I don't think so. I tried to find the interview but couldn't find it.. and I'm slammed at work... if anyone else can post a link to it, I'd appreciate it! If not, I'll search more tomorrow. This is an interview where he's riding around in a car with investigators, showing exactly where he picked her up after she ran out of gas.
That's another good point. If she really wanted the car back. Why didn't she call Amscot to find out if it was towed? Or why didn't she leave a note on the windshield to let them know she ran out of gas and would be back to retrieve it?

She was a single mom who had to get back and forth to work and get her baby to daycare! She needed that car!

Mama Bear, I believe you are so right about her trying to get either Amy or Jesse to drive that car to throw the scent (pun intended) off her.

Thanks-------but didn't she in fact call somebody at Amscot. Seems like i member that from the phone #s released.
It is obvious girl friend wanted that car off her hands because it was smelling so bad. She told Amy it was smelling so bad because she ran over a squirrel. And who drives around with a trash bag full of garbage in their car? More smelly stuff to cover up the smell of decomposition?

I take that back about perhaps Tony knowing more than he is telling. The reason being that in some countries where they don't embalm dead bodies they leave them out for people to observe for a couple of days. I think you have to have the body in the ground by day three though. That's part of the Jewish custom too. (Don't quote me on that but, I think in an Orthodox Jewish family the body has to be buried by day three. I've been to an Orthodox Jewish funeral/wake and I could not smell the body. It must have been the same night or the next day after the person died.
OK, so maybe the plan was to NOT get the car back UNTIL Tony had left for New York (June 30, I think), so KC could use his car while he was gone, but then to get the car back after he left so she could figure out what to do with the smell/evidence.

She had to tell Tony the car broke down so he wouldn't just go put gas in it and thwart her plan....but she told Amy she just ran out of gas so that Amy would help her get gas and retrieve the car.

Amy also eventually came to believe the car was being repaired. That is why she allowed KC to borrow her car when she was in PR. See page 15-16 of AH interview -- KC knew at that point that the car was gone, but did not make any effort to find out where it was or if it was stolen.

Again, Amy bought her a gas can, but her interview leads me to believe this was Amy's idea. Amy gave the can to KC, but there is no indication what, if anything, KC did with it.
Thanks-------but didn't she in fact call somebody at Amscot. Seems like i member that from the phone #s released.
:doh: You're right. I've got to research better. Another poster said she called Stephanie K who works at Amscot to perhaps find out what happened to her car. Do we have a transcript of an interview by LE with Stephanie K?

IMO once the car was towed. She definitely didn't want it. She was probably sweating bullets afraid that someone would notice that smell.

:eek: Hey! Maybe that explains the partying. She knew the jig was up and was gonna party like its 1999!
Oh no, I don't think so. I tried to find the interview but couldn't find it.. and I'm slammed at work... if anyone else can post a link to it, I'd appreciate it! If not, I'll search more tomorrow. This is an interview where he's riding around in a car with investigators, showing exactly where he picked her up after she ran out of gas.

I member that--was audio. Him and 2 cops and it was close to the A's house. The cops thought that was when she dumped Caylee. Poot---maybe a W/Ser not cops thought that was when she dumped Caylee.
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