The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

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The facts show that KC did not abandon the car. She set about talking Amy into buying a gas can (described in latest documents). Amy and KC actually bought the can on 30th July but were just too late to retrieve the car before it was towed from Amscot. KC DID NOT abandon the car because she tried to retrieve it?

You are correct, as usual HP! I think KC was totally shocked to find the car gone from Amscot's lot. While the idea of her leaving the car for someone to steal is interesting....I just do not think KC could plan that action all the way through. I do agree with Leonard P., et al, that she doesn't plan anything beyond 10 minutes. She is just not that smart.

Also, I want to say it is nice to see you back in the threads, HP. Have you been on holiday? :wave:
I don't think Amy went with her, though. Amy had to work and KC didn't head in that direction until Amy was gone.

ETA: And then right about the time she got to Amscot, KC called a friend of hers who happened to work for Amscot (Stephanie K/ "Special K")--maybe to say, "dude, where's my car?"

If I'm not mistaken, I don't think Stephanie K works at the Amscot where the car was left. Was there, in fact, a call made to SK during this time frame?
That's another good point. If she really wanted the car back. Why didn't she call Amscot to find out if it was towed? Or why didn't she leave a note on the windshield to let them know she ran out of gas and would be back to retrieve it?

She was a single mom who had to get back and forth to work and get her baby to daycare! She needed that car!

Mama Bear, I believe you are so right about her trying to get either Amy or Jesse to drive that car to throw the scent (pun intended) off her.

Bolded by me,
hahahahahahahahahahahaha, man, that's funny!!!:blowkiss:
Yes, Casey told Tony that the car had broken down. She knew that if she told him that she ran out of gas, he could have just offered to go and put gas in it. She said that her father picked the car up and was having it worked on, Tony said she went into detail about this...I believe. This will be another piece of evidence for the state...she told Tony it broke down when the truth is she drove it until the gas was on empty.

You're right! There was some info that came out just recently indicating cell phone pings show that KC drove around and around before the car was left at Amscot
If I'm not mistaken, I don't think Stephanie K works at the Amscot where the car was left. Was there, in fact, a call made to SK during this time frame?

There was a call to SK (unanswered), and a call back from SK much later that night.

But last time we were looking at this subject, we couldn't figure out which Amscot SK worked for or if she started working there shortly before or shortly after Casey's arrest. Do you have some information about her working for a different Amscot?
Long time lurker..First time I felt I could contribute a good decent thought. The jailhouse interview it is asked by CA"why didn't she come back for the car?" Her reply was "I don't know mom". Then it is left alone. She IMO is telling them that she abandoned that car because Z told her to,it was part of the script. She had to lie to everyone else because she was in fear for their lives.,or whatever she tells them. Yeah? May be I am way off...just had to jump in somewhere and thought this may be good. Of course we all get it, but this may be what they are using.

WELCOME, AMYMB, great to have you join us! I joined about the same time you did and I still feel like a newbie most of the time. So happy to have you here!:blowkiss:
There was a call to SK (unanswered), and a call back from SK much later that night.

But last time we were looking at this subject, we couldn't figure out which Amscot SK worked for or if she started working there shortly before or shortly after Casey's arrest. Do you have some information about her working for a different Amscot?

fwiw, towards the end of rev grund's interview he mentions seeing stephanie at the vigil wearing an amscot T-shirt and yuri points out that while she does work for amscot, it's not the amscot where the car was left.
I think somebody picked her up after she dropped the car and took her home. Member she had gros. from rents house? Didn't she take a shower at JG's. MAybe at home---anyway when Toni picked her up she wasn't inside the car.
You are right! I had forgotten that! She had taken a shower at JG's...I think that's what he said. She must have gone by her house afterwards for the frozen foods. I still can't imagine why she would want that would take "special detailing" to get rid of that smell and someone at the detail shop would be asking questions and would be suspicious.

I don't know...:banghead: I can't figure her out!! I can honestly say that I have never known anyone like her before... she's hard to figure.
fwiw, towards the end of rev grund's interview he mentions seeing stephanie at the vigil wearing an amscot T-shirt and yuri points out that while she does work for amscot, it's not the amscot where the car was left.

You are right! I had forgotten that! She had taken a shower at JG's...I think that's what he said. She must have gone by her house afterwards for the frozen foods. I still can't imagine why she would want that would take "special detailing" to get rid of that smell and someone at the detail shop would be asking questions and would be suspicious.

I don't know...:banghead: I can't figure her out!! I can honestly say that I have never known anyone like her before... she's hard to figure.

I'm telling you girlfriend didn't want that car. I don't care what nobody say! She wanted to get rid of that car because of the stench. If she had wanted that car, she would have had it back from the tow yard.

A simple note on the windshield, a quick call to Amscot would have saved her car from being towed.

She knows how to lie, cheat and steal to get what she wants. She would have found a way to get that car back.

Again, she had 700 plus dollars from Amy's checking account. More than enough money to get her car.

OT. Thanks for laughing at my jokes. This is such a tragic case. I have to laugh to keep from crying (LA and I have something in common I guess).:confused:
I think somebody picked her up after she dropped the car and took her home. Member she had gros. from rents house? Didn't she take a shower at JG's. MAybe at home---anyway when Toni picked her up she wasn't inside the car.

this is the part that puzzles me most. the amscot manager is adamant that the car was already abandoned there when he arrived that morning, yet it would be hours until she calls for help, at which point tony arrives to rescue casey who was standing around carrying a bag of groceries which seem to have come from the anthony house and the ice-pops were even still frozen. who was driving miss casey?
this is the part that puzzles me most. the amscot manager is adamant that the car was already abandoned there when he arrived that morning, yet it would be hours until she calls for help, at which point tony arrives to rescue casey who was standing around carrying a bag of groceries which seem to have come from the anthony house and the ice-pops were even still frozen. who was driving miss casey?
Do any of her friends live near there? Zanieda perhaps?
I don't think there ever was any pizza. It was just another of Casey's lies - hoping her mother would believe this was the reason for the smell.

The empty pizza boxes are part of the evidence. There are many photos of them.
Do any of her friends live near there? Zanieda perhaps?

i'm not aware of anyone in particular living unusually close to the amscot (would be interesting to know) but then all casey's friends live within her comfort zone which is all of about about 4sq yards so it's not as if anyone is ever far away. casey doesn't know zenaida, never did.
How far is Amscot from the house, could she have walked?

i don't think the ice-pops would still have been frozen.

does anyone have a scale map of the area regularly traversed by casey or a good idea of the distances involved? it strikes me that there's likely one already been posted somewhere.
this is the part that puzzles me most. the amscot manager is adamant that the car was already abandoned there when he arrived that morning, yet it would be hours until she calls for help, at which point tony arrives to rescue casey who was standing around carrying a bag of groceries which seem to have come from the anthony house and the ice-pops were even still frozen. who was driving miss casey?

Bold by me.

That's what I want to know too!
As Hercule Poirot wisely points out, KC wouldn't have gone with AH with the gas can she talked AH into buying for the Pontiac if she indeed abandoned it. Maybe on that particular day that she ran out of gas she was headed back to Tony's or another pal's place from her parents home and the car had nothing left to give. I often wondered why she would leave the car in a place on her mother's likely route to work in Winter Park. Cindy very likely could have seen the car well before that time. ITA with other posters who say while she may have some smarts she certainly isn't that smart. And while still others have made mention of her wild crowd of friends apparently, other than KC, they were all occupied during the day with jobs and school. Certainly, they didn't have all day to cart her around. Hence, why she needed the car. More than ever it appears as though she was winging it. She stayed close to home the whole time Caylee disappeared from this world. Was she either getting up the "courage" to kill the rest of her family OR was she simply in denial about the fact that the GP's were just going to give up on trying to see or to talk to Caylee? I think it is the first one. Sure, she needed the vehicle to get around...but if I had committed what most of us believe she had...or even if less likely what happened was an accident, I would want to get out of Orlando as fast as I could. Change my name, change my hair, move out of the state. Ditch my cell phone. Open up a pre-paid card service...not flitting around town where she was nearly caught partying by her brother who was hot on her tail. Granted, she is not all that bright...but surely she had something larger in mind than just gas canning her way around Orlando for the next decade. The car being towed probably really scared the daylights out of her. Which, if you had not done anything wrong and/or were not planning anything nefarious for your parents, why not at least approach Lee with the bogus kidnapping story and beg for help...again...not very well thought out unless the car once towed destroyed the second part of her plan, offing her parents and gaining the house. The nanny took Caylee + offed my parents = dangerous people. I get the house. I get the insurance money. I can continue living this way forever.
You are right! I had forgotten that! She had taken a shower at JG's...I think that's what he said. She must have gone by her house afterwards for the frozen foods. I still can't imagine why she would want that would take "special detailing" to get rid of that smell and someone at the detail shop would be asking questions and would be suspicious.

I don't know...:banghead: I can't figure her out!! I can honestly say that I have never known anyone like her before... she's hard to figure.

Hey Mamabear & Debbie0604:

Do you know the date that she stopped by JG's for the shower? I can't find the link right now but I seem to remember that was an entirely different day. I could be totally off base here since my memory plays tricks on me sometimes. I think that "shower day" occurred after Tony was gone and she was floating from place to place. Didn't she tell Jesse that she couldn't get in Tony's apt?? I stand corrected if I am wrong. Thanks! :blowkiss:
IMO she dumped the car because she did not try to get it from the tow yard. Perhaps she was truly trying to retrieve it from Amscot. But, once that car was off the Amscot lot she did not try to get it. And I am so sorry, common sense tells you a person who is trying to prevent their car from being towed will talk to the business owners of the lot where the car is stalled. So, iif t took her two or three days to get gas to the car, she could let the owner know the status of her plight and try to get the car going asap.

That's what a normal sane rational person would do. It's happened to me people. Something happened to my car and I had to leave it in a parking lot. I told the owners and they said ok. They gave me a time limit as to when the car had to be towed. I got their card and kept them abreast of the situation. As soon as I could I got the car towed to a garage. I thanked the owner for allowing me to leave my car there. I think the car was only there a day or two but, I kept in touch with that business owner until my car was out of that lot.

There are too many lies surrounding this car coming from Casey, the car ran out of gas, the gas gauge is broken, the car had mechanical problems, I hit a squirrel with the car and its stinking up the car. I left pizza in the car. My father will pick up the car... on and on the with the lies about the car.

Where there is smoke there is fire. IMO the things that could get Casey in trouble are the things she lies about the most.

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