The Possible Abuse of Caylee REVISIT

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Some comments have been most respectfully snipped for the sake of clarity of response...:)
Bolding is mine. Blue is mine.

She was the mother - just how were they suppose to stop her? I don't for a minute think CA ALLOWED KC to drag Caylee around town --- I just don't think there was much she could do about it!!!
They could have sent her out into her OWN life instead of continuing to enable her to mooch off of theirs...

Caylee was "Nan's sunshine" wasn't she?
Caylee did not call Cindy Nan. That must have been her PawPaw's wife...Nan, her great grandma probably but it was NOT Cindy. She did not call her that.

certainly not with every tom dick and harry.
i was under the impression that it was JUST ricardo.:ashamed0005:
With Casey it was NEVER just one guy. She kept one in the oven, one on the eye and one in the crock-pot stewing.

IIRC, Amy said Caylee was flirting beyond what a 2 year old would do.
Why would a 2 year old have learned "flirtatious" behaviors unless she had seen them repeatedly and on a regular and ongoing basis?

Pick up a phone and call social services ... again and again and again with every single tidbit she had. If her alarm bells were going off ... protecting the minor child comes first in my book.
There you go!

There's such a thing as being willfully blind to the warning signals. (Don't wanna know.)
And I think George has so much as admitted that at least HE was in that he suspected things (like about the stick-up) and he just let them pass by and ignored them. He seems to do as Cindy commands, so I am sure he mimicks HER behavior where the kids are concerned.

Is there any evidence that the grandparents believed their daughter had a sitter for Caylee? Yes.
I have not seen one shred of "evidence" besides the lying words from the mouths of people who see nothing wrong with lies. What evidence? They did not meet her. They did not know where she lived. They did not even know her full name. They did not know her phone number. Tell me how much concern they showed for Caylee again? And if there IS such evidence why are they NOW begging for immunity and offering to tell stories without conflicting statements as they have done in the past? I am sorry, but they KNEW something entirely different than what you stated.

I don't think Caylee was abused at all. That final day is different, as no one knows what happened, but I am sure it wasn't at the hands of anyone other than Casey. GEorge and Cindy seemed to love her more than Casey, and if they thought for one second something such as what did was going to happen, Casey would not have left home with Caylee ever.
I do think its sad, along with Chilly that because a child has a bruise, that they are all of a sudden being abused. G
This was not just a child with a bruise. This was a child who had been missing for 31 days and that fact had not been divulged to ANYONE for the entire duration. This was a child whose mother's car wreaked of human decomposition. This was a child whose mother had searched such things as chloroform, neckbreaking, shovels, household weapons and missing children's sites. This was not just some random child with a bruise. It was Caylee.

Medusa's post is a great example (above). I am talking also about people I have known, not everything believe it or not is documented on the Internet. Guess you will just have to believe me or not.
I am not blaming them for the crime, it was a chain of events and poor judgement that led to a tragedy.
Pretty snarky about the ESP.
A mother should have some amount of instinct when it comes to her own children and although it may not be ESP exactly, I know many many times I have just had a feeling that I needed to check on a certain child and would find them on the edge of a precarious situation that could have ended badly. Mothers KNOW their children and for anyone to suggest that there is something wrong in this, IS a bit snarky.

bolded by me

We do not know what was happening in the bed where Caylee was so carelessly placed.
Ding ding ding-we have a winner. Odds are that Casey was having sex with Ricardo with Caylee in the bed. He states in one of his interviews that by the time he arrived home Caylee had already been "put to sleep" and I AM quoting him there...

In all honesty it's not fair to place judgements at this stage without truly knowing the dynamics. We only know the current stages of this family. Every family has it's fair share of quarrels and fights. Parents and grown children do not always agree on how they should live their lives. I, too, have a grown child who has no problem partying around her young kids. In KC's case, she is a grown woman. While some people might not agree on her conduct around her own child at times who are we to speculate that it was always that way?

We can love our children unconditionally but there are times where things are completely out of our control as well. I know from experience that I try not to butt into any of my children's lives nor judge them for how they may live their lives. I'm merely here for them when they have made poor choices along the way. I can worry all I want about my grandchildren. But ultimately their safety and care is up to the parents and them alone. And I do tend to turn my back on them when I can see them heading for disaster if they choose not to listen to the voice of reason. It is their life to live.

I don't believe for a minute that the child was abused. At least up until a certain point at least. I'm not going to speculate and judge the A's for not stepping in a more persistent manner along the way either. One thing we do know is that they loved that child. And at this point despite what people may think about them and their actions along the way? It would be inappropriate to judge them for what they have or did not do along the way. They are more than likely shouldering enough blame without the public adding to that. JMO
The family dynamics...hmmm. A mother who had told Casey's friends she was a liar, a sociopath, a user who would bleed them dry, etc. A mother who told Casey that she was not a fit mother on a regular and ongoing basis and also allowed Caylee to call her MOMMY in front of Casey. A mother who told Casey repeatedly that Caylee was her best mistake, but nontheless a mistake. A mother who stayed with a man that she despised and her children OBVIOUSLY were aware of this fact, because she did not want to pay him alimony or give him any share in the value of the house. A mother who manipulated everyone and everything around her and was suprised when she bred a child with the same exact qualities but lacking the work ethic that she so obviously did have. I could go on and on with each one of them in this freaky family in this Chiller Double Feature that they are playing out before us all, but I think I made the point...we KNOW the dynamics that we need to know to make at least a minimally correct judgement based on the facts to date...

If she was not abused then why is she dead again?

And how do we KNOW they loved Caylee at all, much less deeply? Because they bought things for her? What is the evidence of their LOVE for Caylee because all I have seen from them ALL is love of their own selves!:furious:

I don't know. Maybe because she was the type of person who wanted to turn one little bruise on a two year old into a life time of abuse at the hands of every adult who ever came in contact with her?
You do realize that Caylee is dead right? This was not just some random kid...this was a missing kid, with a mother full of lies and decipt...It was their duty to check out every bruise and scratch and rash for that matter. The smell of her AFTER DEATH lingered in the car.:waitasec:

It was a cause for concern because there was decomp in the car..that would lead anyone to think about a bruise in a different way.
Ding ding ding-another winner! There was HUMAN DECOMP SMELL in the mother's car so it would be safe to assume, since the child was MISSING and had been for 31 days that it was POSSIBLE that she MAY have been abused. A different light is shone on ordinary things once and extraordinary event occurs.

No link, sorry.

I am also a Gentiva employee, that's how I know.
So Cindy is in this "low level" position for years, never going any further up the ladder but is super well liked? I don't believe it for a second...If she was so well liked where are all her cronies that should be standing by her side and holding her hand and offering their support? No way. Uh-Uh...nope.

What behavior are you talking about? She seemed like a very normal, happy child. :waitasec:
What in the pictures or the very few videos of single and short-lived incidents? I am sure they would not have videotaped her if she were having a screaming fit or showing signs of abnormailty...That might make them look bad.:furious:

I wonder why people have this notion that only children who have been abused are killed by their parents? I suppose this makes us feel better about ourselves to think that anyone who does something like this is a "sociopath" or a "psychopath" or mentally ill instead of accepting the fact that human beings are capable of the most awful, terrible behavior to others and especially children who cannot protect themselves. Until we're able as humans to admit and accept the fact that we are ALL capable of committing horrendous acts, we'll never be able to do anything about fixing the problem.

Loving, good parents can snap or kill their children for reasons known only to themselves, it isn't always the child abusers or the rotten parents who do this kind of thing.
All I have to say to that is BULL! That is a huge load of MALARKY if I ever saw one...NO loving and good parent KILLS THEIR CHILD...what planet is this happening on again? Here on EARTH good and loving people do not MURDER their children.:furious:
With all due respect, I don't believe that all the blame can be placed on parents once a child is grown. I come from a large family, all raised the same way, the same levels of accountability and expectations of honor and integrity. One of my siblings is a sociopath and NOTHING WORKED..I watched my parents struggle with the lies, the passive resistance, etc. She has never killed anyone but if she ever did, it sure wouldn't be my parent's fault. Lord knows they tried!!!

Obviously your parents tried everything to help her. I bet they didn't enable and patronize her while growing up like the A's did Caysee. I just don't see Caysee all of the sudden becoming the person she really was. She grew up this way, a chameleon. I don't see any sign that her parents ever tried to get help for her, they ignored the situation and protected her.
No link, sorry.

I am also a Gentiva employee, that's how I know.
And so YOU like her very well is what you are saying?

Yuri actually SAW the bruises?

There is absolutely zero evidence of that child being abused. Zero. There is anecdotal evidence that KC was a good mother. Frankly, I think this hairdresser was trying to interject herself into the case.

Um...One HUGE and GLARING piece of evidence that cannot be ignored is that she is DEAD and she was carried around in the trunk of a car for around 3 days at least and she was bagged up as so much garbage and buried in a "dump". Loving parents do not DO this to their children so obviously she WAS abused in some form or fashion whether it was mental, emotional or physical or some horrendous combination of any of those goes almost without saying. She is MURDERED-that is a big one there for the case of abuse.
Casey was no mother of the year. However, there is not one reported instance of anyone saying anything other than that she was a good mother when she was with her daughter.
Oh my GOD! Do you know how much child abuse is kept secret just between the abuser and the abused? Well let me tell you, MOST of it is kept hidden from outside view and only the one inflicting and the one being inflicted upon are privy to the FULL knowledge. Unfortunately, sociopaths are masters at deception and at painting pretty pictures for people to "think" of them. Their children suffer horribly and INVISIBLY in most cases and are tormented and tortured to NO end. Believe me because I KNOW this of a certainty. I did not get it off a "link". Someone did not tell it to me. It is not something that I heard. It is something that I have SURVIVED and I am here to tell you no SIGNS of child abuse does not mean one da$# thing!

Great post, Deb. I'm swear I'm getting tennis neck on this forum reading on one thread how controlling Cindy was and on another how Cindy should have taken control. :waitasec:

I believe Cindy was more than willing to take on the responsibility of raising little Caylee if Casey would have allowed it. Actually, I don't believe she would have considered it a responsibility at all, but rather a joy. With whatever Cindy may have done wrong in her struggles to accept the truth, I really feel it's wrong for people to take away the one thing that she has to be proud of, and that's the way she loved and cared for Caylee. If only more children had grandmas that took them places, loved on them, read them stories, took them swimming, rocked them to sleep, etc......the world would be a much better place.

Cindy should have stopped sweeping it all under the rug for the sake of APPEARANCES and should have stopped PAYING OFF Casey's CRIMES and ignoring them. It was not about her letting go of her control. It was about trying to help her daughter BE as decent a person as she COULD and not enabling her to become a criminal and a murderer and that is EXACTLY what she and George have done. They enabled this. Without their enabling this would not have happened.
i think cindy DID know something was wrong hence the emails her mom wrote stating all the issues she was having with casey...someone had to have told her. Also, the myspace blog about how her lil granddaughter was gone. She wouldn't have threatened to get custody of caylee if she REALLY thought everything was great, casey didn't party, casey had a job, and caylee had a nanny.
I dont think Caylee was abused. maybe she was abused in a passive way - ignored, not taken care of perfectly. Jesse grund knew Caylee for the first part of her life. He said Casey was a good mom then. I find from my experiences that abusive parents don't just change into abusive parents. Abusive habits dont pop out of nowhere. You know, I may be wrong. I do think Casey cared for Caylee.

Here's something that reminds me of this case in the back of my mind.

When I was little I had a hamster. My parents told me not to take it outside because it would get hurt or run away. I took it outside, dropped it, and the poor hamster paralyzed and died in my hands. Obviously it was my fault & the hamster was dead. But for a while I tried to pretend it was alive. I played tea with it and such for a few hours. My parents came home and told me it was dead. I really didn't want to believe it. Then it hit me and I cried and cried and cried. I cared for that hamster, but I killed it. I never hurt animals - I am not violent towards animals one bit. But one act of irresponsibility made me kill one.

I'm not saying its accidental but when you kill something you really care for, it's so easy to go into denial and say she's sleeping or something like that. I also think that one mistake can cause you to hurt something that you're not violent towards.

Sorry if my analogy makes no sense but Its late & I'm tired.
Re: Casey's promiscuity- even though she spent a month living with Tony, when he went to NY over July 4th, she hooked up with another guy (again).

She was a *advertiser censored*- plain and simple. And she was teaching her daughter how to manipulate and be promiscuous.

Poor Caylee didn't have a chance to be a normal human being if she was raised by her mother. She would have learned to steal from friends, cheat on numerous boyfriends, lie to everyone around her..............
With all due respect CW, who exactly raised Casey to be the person she became?????

Sometimes no matter what you do, there's still just "a bad seed". Not saying Cindy and George were perfect, I don't know of any parents who are. But sometimes...there's just nothing you can do.
Quote from Magic-Cat:

Originally Posted by Mermaid
"No link, sorry.

I am also a Gentiva employee, that's how I know. "

And so YOU like her very well is what you are saying?

End Quote

Magic-Cat, take a look at Mermaid's post history. When I saw her post about having the same employer as CA I became suspicious and did exactly that- but what I found is that Mermaid is as troubled and disgusted as the rest of us with how this case has unfolded.

She is very critical of Casey and the Anthonys- and I give her credit for being honest enough to address that Cindy was well thought of at work despite her personal feelings about the case and the family.

Mermaid never said she liked Cindy- don't put words or inferences out there that do not exist.
Have any of you ever heard of Caylee participating in "Mommie and Me", swimming lessons, Sunday School, Gymboree or any other activities like these ? At almost three, most of the children I know have been well socialized in group activities, either formal classes or informal, but regular, play dates. It seems as if Caylee was really very isolated. :confused:
Quote from Magic-Cat:

Originally Posted by Mermaid
"No link, sorry.

I am also a Gentiva employee, that's how I know. "

And so YOU like her very well is what you are saying?

End Quote

Magic-Cat, take a look at Mermaid's post history. When I saw her post about having the same employer as CA I became suspicious and did exactly that- but what I found is that Mermaid is as troubled and disgusted as the rest of us with how this case has unfolded.

She is very critical of Casey and the Anthonys- and I give her credit for being honest enough to address that Cindy was well thought of at work despite her personal feelings about the case and the family.

Mermaid never said she liked Cindy- don't put words or inferences out there that do not exist.

A "well liked" employee huh? By whom? By the employers who kept her in the same "low level" management job for YEARS? and as I said before where ARE all these people who all liked Cindy so much? I have not heard any word from anyone anywhere that they really liked Cindy and that she was a favored employee and friend. I am not attempting to "put words or inferences out there that do not exist". I am attempting to discover if these folks "like" Cindy so much then where are they? Folks who think the world of you will defend you, and if a tragedy strikes in your life then those are the people who lend you their support and stand by your side. The ONLY people that I have seen standing by her side are the vultures in the "organizations" who have been feasting on the rotting corpse.
to be honest, the way casey had referred to caylee as 'the little snothead' when talking to the boyfriend, me it seemed as though the boyfriend had called caylee that to casey before and casey was using his words to make a point, as in, 'well, i can't come over unless of course you want the little snothead to come too...didn't think so'.


That is also my take on this comment. I get the impression (from the IM convo. between AR and KC) that AR has no particular fondness for children. He refers to Caylee as 'the kid' a couple of times. He also does not refer to CA or 'the nanny' very respectfully either IMO. It is quite possible that KC's choice of words here was either a repetition of some previous comment of AR's about Caylee, or was intended to mirror his attitude towards her.
Oh my GOD! Do you know how much child abuse is kept secret just between the abuser and the abused? Well let me tell you, MOST of it is kept hidden from outside view and only the one inflicting and the one being inflicted upon are privy to the FULL knowledge. Unfortunately, sociopaths are masters at deception and at painting pretty pictures for people to "think" of them. Their children suffer horribly and INVISIBLY in most cases and are tormented and tortured to NO end. Believe me because I KNOW this of a certainty. I did not get it off a "link". Someone did not tell it to me. It is not something that I heard. It is something that I have SURVIVED and I am here to tell you no SIGNS of child abuse does not mean one da$# thing!

Cindy should have stopped sweeping it all under the rug for the sake of APPEARANCES and should have stopped PAYING OFF Casey's CRIMES and ignoring them. It was not about her letting go of her control. It was about trying to help her daughter BE as decent a person as she COULD and not enabling her to become a criminal and a murderer and that is EXACTLY what she and George have done. They enabled this. Without their enabling this would not have happened.

But we're not talking about your situation. You have proof in your anecdotal evidence. Show me ONE instance where there can be proof outside of things other parents wouldn't do like taking their child to a party where there are adult things going on. Show me ONE instance where anyone has made the statement that Casey was a horrible mother to her child outside of one person saying Casey went into the bedroom to take it on with her boyfriend while her child was in the other room with OTHER adults to watch her. Give me one instance outside the hair salon gal who stated there were bruises on Caylee consistent with anything other than a normal toddler falling and/or bumping into things. Show me proof that this child was abused any time before her life was snuffed out and I'll agree with you.

But until that moment happens, until there is evidence, you have to separate what happened to you and stop projecting it onto this child. While Caylee was given all the trappings of a very pampered little girl, that does not prove love. While she was decorated and paraded out for friends and family does not prove attentiveness. But in no instance is there any reported, noted, mentioned, suspected, alluded to overt abuse to Caylee Marie Anthony, until the moment she died. And no one can even come to an agreement as to how she died.

I'll kindly take your anecdote and sympathize with your situation. But do not assume I will simply put your template over Caylee's life because you say it must be so.
I dont think Caylee was abused. maybe she was abused in a passive way - ignored, not taken care of perfectly. Jesse grund knew Caylee for the first part of her life. He said Casey was a good mom then. I find from my experiences that abusive parents don't just change into abusive parents. Abusive habits dont pop out of nowhere. You know, I may be wrong. I do think Casey cared for Caylee.

Here's something that reminds me of this case in the back of my mind.

When I was little I had a hamster. My parents told me not to take it outside because it would get hurt or run away. I took it outside, dropped it, and the poor hamster paralyzed and died in my hands. Obviously it was my fault & the hamster was dead. But for a while I tried to pretend it was alive. I played tea with it and such for a few hours. My parents came home and told me it was dead. I really didn't want to believe it. Then it hit me and I cried and cried and cried. I cared for that hamster, but I killed it. I never hurt animals - I am not violent towards animals one bit. But one act of irresponsibility made me kill one.

I'm not saying its accidental but when you kill something you really care for, it's so easy to go into denial and say she's sleeping or something like that. I also think that one mistake can cause you to hurt something that you're not violent towards.

Sorry if my analogy makes no sense but Its late & I'm tired.

You make perfect sense to me. Maybe CA kept warning KC that if she wasn't a better mom (like your parents telling you not to take the hamster out) that something bad might happen and it did and KC can't admit CA was right?
You know, Magiccat, I appreciate your passionate interest in this case but I don't appreciate the contemptuous disdain for the opinions of others. Human beings are so complicated that to fathom all the reasons why they do what they do is impossible. The only thing we can do is to try to understand people. In Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search For Meaning" he describes a prison guard in a nazi concentration camp who was one of the cruelest, most vicious guards, yet, when he was himself imprisoned by the Soviets he became one of the most compassionate and kindest of men. So yes, human beings are capable of the cruelest and kindest of behaviors and good, loving parents are capable of committing the most terrible of crimes against their children.

It's this recalcitrant view of the world, that everything in it must be a certain way, that parents are never allowed to be angry or feel defeated or just plain sick and tired of their children that keeps us from understanding and preventing this kind of crime - and this crime occurs every single day of the week. Maybe if Casey Anthony could have gone to her parents and said I can't stand this anymore or I hate being a parent at this time in my life and not made to feel that she is a complete failure or a horrible human being, we wouldn't be discussing this case.

I don't know the dynamics of this family, but I can speculate and I can imagine the extreme expectations that would drive someone to pretend she was working for TWO years. Can you imagine carrying out a farce like that for two whole years while taking care of a baby? And not one person has stepped up to say that baby was not well taken care of and healthy and happy.

Like many people here, I want to know not only how this happened, but why it happened and unless we're free to discuss our views without fear of being accused of "being on the side of the Anthonys" or "condoning abuse of children" or spouting "bull", we'll never get to that understanding.
A "well liked" employee huh? By whom? By the employers who kept her in the same "low level" management job for YEARS? and as I said before where ARE all these people who all liked Cindy so much? I have not heard any word from anyone anywhere that they really liked Cindy and that she was a favored employee and friend. I am not attempting to "put words or inferences out there that do not exist". I am attempting to discover if these folks "like" Cindy so much then where are they? Folks who think the world of you will defend you, and if a tragedy strikes in your life then those are the people who lend you their support and stand by your side. The ONLY people that I have seen standing by her side are the vultures in the "organizations" who have been feasting on the rotting corpse.

People don't have to like or admire somebody personally in order to acknowledge that they are a good employee or well thought of professionally. Many people are very good at what they do but are not people oriented.

There are many reasons Cindy may not have been promoted- in the Nursing field you have to have further education (BSN, Administration) in order to be promoted beyond a certain level. Perhaps Cindy did not have that education and was only and RN.

Or maybe Cindy wasn't interested in having people report to her- some people prefer to work independently. Some don't want personnel responsibility. Some people simply like what they do and are not interested in being promoted. Maybe she wanted a 9-5 job so she could spend time with her granddaughter or help babysit (after all, she thought Casey worked, right?).

You're right that nobody has come forward to say Cindy was a nice person. But that does not mean she was a bad nurse.
I remember CA telling LE that KC mentioned to her at one time that she wanted to get some therapy - LE asked her if she did but CA told LE that she herself got help but KC did not and blah, blah, blah'd for a while about herself. Maybe if someone had listened to KC's cries for help...?
Children's Services would have been very interested in KC's lifestyle had they been notified. There was no income besides stealing,no home, men in and out of the bed with the child in it.....mothers have had children taken away from them fo thse things. This was an emergency situation and part of loving your child or grandchild is to do what has to be done however unpleasant that may be. There were many many signs that KC was unstable before he daughter died.
What do you mean there was no home? They lived with Cindy and George until June 15th when Casey took off with Caylee "to bond".

I have said this before and I will say it again. Cindy had no right at that point to TELL Casey she couldn't take Caylee out. IMO, Cindy and George had no idea Caylee was being brought to parties. I beleive they were told Casey had to "work" and "Zanny" was watching Caylee.
My daughter and granddaughter have lived with us on and off for the past 3 yrs. I NEVER questioned where my daughter was going when she went out with Karmella. It was not my business. I have never seen anything between them that would give me a reason to question her. Stealing money and changing boyfriends is not grounds for having a child removed from the parent.

ETA: Cindy DID think Casey was working, so thought she DID have an income. So, what would the grounds be for calling in child services?
But we're not talking about your situation. You have proof in your anecdotal evidence. Show me ONE instance where there can be proof outside of things other parents wouldn't do like taking their child to a party where there are adult things going on. Show me ONE instance where anyone has made the statement that Casey was a horrible mother to her child outside of one person saying Casey went into the bedroom to take it on with her boyfriend while her child was in the other room with OTHER adults to watch her. Give me one instance outside the hair salon gal who stated there were bruises on Caylee consistent with anything other than a normal toddler falling and/or bumping into things. Show me proof that this child was abused any time before her life was snuffed out and I'll agree with you.

But until that moment happens, until there is evidence, you have to separate what happened to you and stop projecting it onto this child. While Caylee was given all the trappings of a very pampered little girl, that does not prove love. While she was decorated and paraded out for friends and family does not prove attentiveness. But in no instance is there any reported, noted, mentioned, suspected, alluded to overt abuse to Caylee Marie Anthony, until the moment she died. And no one can even come to an agreement as to how she died.

I'll kindly take your anecdote and sympathize with your situation. But do not assume I will simply put your template over Caylee's life because you say it must be so.

Mental and emotional abuse do not cause visible bruises...they cause invisible SCARS...We have not SEEN the interview with her VERY best friend ANNIE, and this is telling to me. I am sure there are things that Annie's statement and testimony are going to reveal that will reinforce the theories that Caylee was a victim of abuse.

Also, in regard to the one single incident at Tony's apt. when she walked out of the room and did not instruct ONE SINGLE PERSON to watch after her child, Caylee was in jeopardy right there of falling off the balcony and being harmed. A non-abusive parent would make CERTAIN someone was watching their child, they would not simply assume someone would. Also, add to that the fact she went in the back room to have sex with her boyfriend while her daughter could have walked in on them at any moment, and what do you have? Child abuse...clear cut.

Obviously you must not be familiar with the tenets of child abuse, because MOST abuse is not VISIBLE. And I am not only basing my belief that she was abused on my one single survival story. I have seen child abuse in action my entire life, in MANY MANY children in my family and have seen the destruction that has been wrought by it, and guess what? None of those who were horribly abused, tortured and tormented showed ANY visible signs such as brusies. Let me give you an example. I SAW with my own eyes, and reported to Social Services, one of my brothers KICK his 9 year old step-son in the back and knock him into a wall. This IS child abuse and yet to the outside world this was INVISIBLE...Let me give you another example. I SAW with my own eyes, this same man, my brother, who, by the way, is a SADISTIC sociopath, say THE most horrible and demeaning things to this boy that one human can say to another. Was this child abuse? YES! Was it visible? NO! Was there any "proof" or "evidence"? Nope. Sure wasn't, and when the social workers come the children LIE because they are TERRIFIED and so nothing is done in the end.

But as for Caylee, there were many signs that a person who has suffered and experienced and LIVED with abuse for a lifetime might notice where others would say: Show me the evidence. Call it intuition. Call it what you want. Caylee was abused by her mother, in secret, when nobody would see. Perhaps she pushed her around, or jerked her about roughly, or screamed and yelled at her. Perhaps she pinched her if she made her angry, or made her sit in time-out for unreasonable amounts of time, like hours on end. Perhaps she would threaten her favorite toy if she "bothered" her. Perhaps she would do something to her doll and tell her this is what I am going to do to YOU if you do not behave. There are many many things that Casey could have done to Caylee that would leave no evidence, until years later when the behaviors would come that inevitably do under circumstances of abuse...

I do not expect anyone to place my "template" over Caylee's. What I expect is for reasoning adults to hear the cries of children who suffer, in silence, in secret and without any visible signs. What I expect is for reasoning adults to hear the cries of an abused child, who was found dead, with DUCT TAPE around her head and mouth. What I expect is for Caylee to be heard...not me.

Oh yes, and for the record, giving a child Xanax or Chloroform would CERTAINLY fall under the classification of SEVERE and AGGRAVATED child abuse. Obviously Casey did not WAIT for 3 months after she did her computer searches to OBTAIN the chloroform, and I seriously doubt she waited 3 months to use it on her defenseless daughter.

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