The Possible Abuse of Caylee REVISIT

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DNA Solves
I just concluded reading this on Val's site (which I love!) And became nauseated. :(

I just finished reading it as well, Tulessa, and am not only heartsick, I am angry as H3LL!

I think this is only the beginning of what we may hear from the SA experts during trial, and think we are ALL in for a heartbreaking journey for Justice for Caylee...but do think think this kind of information is going to trump "reasonable doubt".

(But think we are getting OT...might have to bump the autopsy thread to discuss Valhall's outstanding work...)
What do you mean there was no home? They lived with Cindy and George until June 15th when Casey took off with Caylee "to bond".

I have said this before and I will say it again. Cindy had no right at that point to TELL Casey she couldn't take Caylee out. IMO, Cindy and George had no idea Caylee was being brought to parties. I beleive they were told Casey had to "work" and "Zanny" was watching Caylee.
My daughter and granddaughter have lived with us on and off for the past 3 yrs. I NEVER questioned where my daughter was going when she went out with Karmella. It was not my business. I have never seen anything between them that would give me a reason to question her. Stealing money and changing boyfriends is not grounds for having a child removed from the parent.

ETA: Cindy DID think Casey was working, so thought she DID have an income. So, what would the grounds be for calling in child services?

At one time George investigated Casey's story that she was working at Sports Authority. When he proved to Cindy that Casey was telling a pack of lies, there was NO job, Cindy did nothing about it other than remonstrate with George for 'spying' on Casey. Cindy knew all about the 'jobs'. Why she chose to enable that bizarre behavior only she knows.
Just when I thought nothing about this case could upset me more..... wow.

I hope the prosecution has experts coming to similar conclusions.
I'd say the possibility that Caylee was indeed an abused child is getting more and more likely the more that we learn. I have always believed she was abused and I always will unless someone can show me the proof that she definitely was NOT. There are too many indications that she was not the least if which is Casey and Ricardo having her in the bed with them. Poor Caylee....
If I could mention the blog or not as I am still a new member and don't want to make any more trouble than I would do just being myself let alone quoting blogs that are a no no.

I read there regularly, and really appreciated the synopsis preceding the abuse article. But this latest article has me shocked, sickened and heartbroken for poor little Caylee.

While I am convinced Casey alone is responsible for Caylee's death - no wait - I am being pc and civilized - Casey alone killed Caylee - I was still holding out some kind of hope that it was an isolated incident of rage after the argument with Cindy. In my heart I knew better but just didn't want to admit that Caylee had suffered almost her whole life from ongoing abuse from the very person who should have loved and protected her.
If I could mention the blog or not as I am still a new member and don't want to make any more trouble than I would do just being myself let alone quoting blogs that are a no no.

I read there regularly, and really appreciated the synopsis preceding the abuse article. But this latest article has me shocked, sickened and heartbroken for poor little Caylee.

While I am convinced Casey alone is responsible for Caylee's death - no wait - I am being pc and civilized - Casey alone killed Caylee - I was still holding out some kind of hope that it was an isolated incident of rage after the argument with Cindy. In my heart I knew better but just didn't want to admit that Caylee had suffered almost her whole life from ongoing abuse from the very person who should have loved and protected her.

Of course she did (poor Caylee). Any MOTHER that is capable of killing her own child is capable of doing all sorts of abuse before she arrives at murder! This whole case is an abuse of justice...This woman should have been given no attention from the "get-go"...She'd be a "nobody" languishing in jail for the murder of her daughter and nothing else if justice had been trully served. Hmmm...I have a strange hunch that despite Cindy's efforts...that's the way it will go anyway...
If I could mention the blog or not as I am still a new member and don't want to make any more trouble than I would do just being myself let alone quoting blogs that are a no no.

I read there regularly, and really appreciated the synopsis preceding the abuse article. But this latest article has me shocked, sickened and heartbroken for poor little Caylee.

While I am convinced Casey alone is responsible for Caylee's death - no wait - I am being pc and civilized - Casey alone killed Caylee - I was still holding out some kind of hope that it was an isolated incident of rage after the argument with Cindy. In my heart I knew better but just didn't want to admit that Caylee had suffered almost her whole life from ongoing abuse from the very person who should have loved and protected her.

Your sentiment is exactly what I expect will be the sentiment of the jury if SA does indeed have expert witnesses who are going to testify similarly to the expert Valhall engaged.

I have stated several times in the past on this forum that I believe we are all forming opinions WITHOUT the benefit of expert witnesses to interpret the documents we are seeing in document dumps, so we are left to assume what we BELIEVE they show (as laymen).

Is murder one appropriate? Is premeditation a factor? Was Caylee's death a random accident? Does the state have anything more????

I don't think we have all the information yet to make that determination, but I strongly believe that during trial, the jury will have additional interpretations
provided by accredited experts that will help lead the jury to the answers.

Heck, I read those autopsy reports and completely missed the information highlighted by Valhall in her series (I have no medical/science background) ....until this expert explained it in terms I understood.

And this was just ONE expert.....
i watched the bond hearings last night for the first time and found the testimony of YM interesting where he said they got a tip from a hairdresser that said she saw caylee with bruises all over her arms and legs and a mark under her eye...YM then found a photo of caylee that had been posted online showing a mark under her eye which in his mind substantiated the hairdresser's claims and that in turn led him to question the A's about the kind of mother casey is, how she would discipline caylee, etc.
i have no doubt caylee experienced some form of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her mother and it amazes me that cindy, a registered nurse, did not see that. (or if she did, she ignored it or took too long to take any action)

I don't remeber the hairdresser, so I'd have to see a link-But in the event the hairdresser was correct....It does not have to mean anyone else (except maybe RM) knew about this.
RM said KC got most impatient with Caylee at bedtime. KC wanted to have her grown-up glass of wine and romance time with RM, and Caylee's crying and refusal to go to sleep was ruining the atmosphere.
It could have bothered her enough to become overtly angry/aggressive with Caylee-and I'd rather not speculate on the rest. Just saying, some abusers can be very calculating, and she might not have done things in a way that CA/friends would see on a regular basis.
...I don't believe caylee was physically abused,at least I hope not...the reason being is that I don't think her friends would have let that happen or would have been quiet about it.I do believe that kc loved her ,in her own way,she was just never hers,that's what she resented,I also believe in kc's fantasy world she believed what she did was justified,for caylee to be in a better place,when she talked about caylee being at the beach,the park etc. I think she really meant for taking her along to parties or her bf house I don't see anything wrong with it.
According to the toxicology report, Caylee had not been dosed with drugs in the months before she died.

However, I'm not so sure she wasn't physically abused. Besides the claims of the hairdresser that saw bruises, there are pictures of Caylee taken by two different boyfriends of Caylee with bruises under different eyes.

Caylee at Ricardos with a bruise under her left eye:

Caylee at Tony's with a bruise under right eye:

That is at least 2, maybe 3 separate bruising incidents within a 6 month period. Christina Crawford's MOMMY DEAREST, illustrates how women that present themselves to family and friends as "doting moms" can be anything but "doting" when nobody is around. A woman who can tape over her child's mouth and nose with duct tape to "erase" the child and get even with her mother, might also get frustrated enough over being bothered during an important texting session to strike out.

I remember about the hairdresser from the hearing. I'll look for a link.

According to the toxicology report, Caylee had not been dosed with drugs in the months before she died.

However, I'm not so sure she wasn't physically abused. Besides the claims of the hairdresser, there are pictures of Caylee taken by two different boyfriends of Caylee with bruises under different eyes.

Caylee at Ricardos with a bruise under her left eye:

Caylee at Tony's with a bruise under right eye:

That is 3 separate bruising incidents within a 6 month period.

I sadly agree that there was probably a cycle of abuse that escalated with KC's aspirations and selfishness towards the ultimate final act, murder.

I don't think that given KC's temper and spite (she admits herself to being spiteful) that it exploded into murder absent plenty of other instances of taking her anger out on Caylee, someone defenseless.

I was sad to read Valhall's blog and analysis of abuse, which while it tends more to the abuse of restraining Caylee -- which shocked but did not surprise I am sure there were also moments of temper that lashed out towards Caylee with physical abuse.

Caylee probably paid the price for many arguments between CA and KC and also some of KC's lost seductive opportunities and moments.
Casey probably yelled and screamed at Caylee when there wasn't an audience around and ignored her the rest of the time. Some of the looks Caylee had in videos and some pics showed that something was wrong. Casey may have threatened her and been very mean at times. Caylee couldn't talk well enough yet to tell and was gotten rid of just as she was getting to an age where she could begin to talk and tell. She was of no further use to Casey since Cindy was wanting to get custody and was sick of all the stealing. Anyone who would use their child and then kill her would also be at least mentally abusive.
According to the toxicology report, Caylee had not been dosed with drugs in the months before she died.

However, I'm not so sure she wasn't physically abused. Besides the claims of the hairdresser that saw bruises, there are pictures of Caylee taken by two different boyfriends of Caylee with bruises under different eyes.

Caylee at Ricardos with a bruise under her left eye:

Caylee at Tony's with a bruise under right eye:

That is at least 2, maybe 3 separate bruising incidents within a 6 month period. Christina Crawford's MOMMY DEAREST, illustrates how women that present themselves to family and friends as "doting moms" can be anything but "doting" when nobody is around. A woman who can tape over her child's mouth and nose with duct tape to "erase" the child and get even with her mother, might also get frustrated enough over being bothered during an important texting session to strike out.

I remember about the hairdresser from the hearing. I'll look for a link.


that is the same bruise,at ricardo's apt. it's taking by a pc camera,therefore no mirror image ont he other one.
eah, Cindy wanted control and for a while it worked. And now look at her crooked little plan. A dead granddaughter and a lying theiving child killer in jail to be put possibly to death or LIP MO as usual.
What about behind closed doors? You think that crazy excuse for a mother wasn't nasty to little Caylee? I must disagree. Look a Caylee's face when certain people took her picture? Very very telling. And the burn marks on her face at near the end of her time? Hmmm Something doesn't sit well with me. IMO she was secretely abused. Justice for Caylee
that is the same bruise,at ricardo's apt. it's taking by a pc camera,therefore no mirror image ont he other one.

The picture at Tony's apartment was taken with Tony's cell phone. If you blow up the picture behind the sofa you can see that the words on the picture aren't reversed. Also the bruise isn't in the same shape as the bruise Caylee had at Ricardo's. Here's another picture of Caylee at Tony's apartment with the bruise.

The picture of Caylee at Ricardo's is the one where Caylee is wearing her "Big Trouble..." pink t-shirt. It isn't a mirror image or the "Big Trouble" words would have been reversed.

In his July interview with LE, Ricardo tells LE that Caylee got a bruise at his apartment on January 23 from running into a table. Page 5

Tony took his pictures of Caylee on June 2.

I am not sure when the hairdresser said she saw Caylee with bruises.

I thought someone said the picture taken at TL's apartment looked as if there may have been hair on Caylee's cheek and not a bruise. I don't know as I have not followed that closely. I think what is sad are the dark circles under Caylee's eyes in some of the more recent pictures. While the circles are not dark, they are still there. Also in some pictures Caylee seems to have a light red rash around her mouth. It could be something medical but wouldn't KC have brought her daughter to the doctors to see what was causing it?

Another thing I find disturbing is when RM stated he woke up one morning and Caylee was gone. He asked KC where she was KC stated her mother had called and told KC to bring Caylee home, yet CA denies this happened. Where was that child? Was she interferring with something KC wanted to do? I think we can see the fog lifting on this one and it's not very pretty.
I do have to give you that! Their behavior after the fact has been nothing short of stunning, but I cannot lay the blame of the murder at their grandchild at their feet as I still believe they truly never thought their daughter was capable of that heinous of a crime.
I can, without flinching.

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