The Possible Abuse of Caylee REVISIT

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I actually just posted this on another thread in PL since I thought it would be OT here, but now may relate to the bolded above?

You know, I got thinking (while replying on another thread)...

You know what the "skills" of the cameraman (shooting GA hands, etc) during this interview (GA "microscope") reminded me of......

The video of Caylee sitting in the high chair, no one engaging with her, but eventually the camera pans to UNDER the high chair tray and videotapes Caylee's legs (remember, Caylee even bends over at the waist to try to engage the camera person?)

So possible that the same person videotaped BOTH these events...Cindy??

Do we know for a FACT that Holly B was actually in that room...or that it was ACTUALLY Holly's voice we were hearing asking questions?

Is it possible that this "video shoot" involved George, Cindy, and ? (insert cohort name here) and was given to Holly B as an "exclusive" to post online? (This never actually aired on television, correct?)

This would certainly give Cindy ALL the control over the shoot, including questions asked.

Could it have been CINDY as opposed to KC who was taping the "silent" videos as documentation for ???????

In one of them you hear Casey cough.
Would excessive time in a carseat be a possible factor?? I wonder if with all of KC's gas issues, and pings all over Orlando (and that's only what we've seen from discovery) if she spent an exhorbitant amount of time driving thus Caylee spent too much time in a carseat with the inability to sit forward. Just a thought.
Would excessive time in a carseat be a possible factor?? I wonder if with all of KC's gas issues, and pings all over Orlando (and that's only what we've seen from discovery) if she spent an exhorbitant amount of time driving thus Caylee spent too much time in a carseat with the inability to sit forward. Just a thought.

IIRC that was one of Val's theories. :(
"Here the skull closing too soon but her brain was still growing as it should be."

We do not know whether or not her brain was still growing as it should. There was no brain (nor any other organs) to be autopsied, so whether Caylee's brain was growing normally is unknown.
"Here the skull closing too soon but her brain was still growing as it should be."

We do not know whether or not her brain was still growing as it should. There was no brain (nor any other organs) to be autopsied, so whether Caylee's brain was growing normally is unknown.

Well....I understand your post but disagree a bit. Based upon interviews of Cindy and George by the SA....and info gained from all the docs.....Caylee appeared to be a child that was developmentally on target, that displayed no obvious deficits, and that seemed to demonstrate average age appropriate skills and one that had met chronological milestones within a normal time range. While an actual physical examination of her brain was not can be deduced (by generally accepted medical standards) that her brain was considered "normal". Obviously any tumors, plaque, of other anomalies would not be proven without an actual brain, but from what we have seen, her brain itslef was in order.....her skull perhaps.....was not.
"Here the skull closing too soon but her brain was still growing as it should be."

We do not know whether or not her brain was still growing as it should. There was no brain (nor any other organs) to be autopsied, so whether Caylee's brain was growing normally is unknown.

Fine point, will amend to say "The posterior half of the sagittal suture appears to be in the beginning stages of premature synostosis" and given the behaviors exhibited there is a strong probability that her brain was still growing. Had there been soft tissue available to post, some of the quandries of this case would be moot!
I SO want to say that I agree with you 100%....but just can't.

I just cannot get that image out of my head of seeing KC lose complete control and anger, fists and teeth clenched, in that jail video during a visit with her parents. (And keep in mind, her anger was unleashed because they "wouldn't let her talk"...)

As much as I hate to consider it, I suspect Caylee may have been at the receiving end of more than one similar outburst by KC...

Agreed --- it can be physical yet not leave a mark. I recall those times where KC desperately wanted to go meet her boy-of-the-moment and could not because there was no-one to babysit Caylee. I hate to wonder what KC did to Caylee during those times.

It all factors in with the escalation of behaviors by KC around the same time Caylee is better able to talk and tell ..... creating even more backlash from spite.
I think there are lots of ways a Mother can abuse her child without leaving bruises. There is rough handling when dressing them, pushing, shoving, pinching, slapping, the list goes on and on before we even start on emotional abuse.

I also think it's pretty clear Casey's role in life was to be a taker. Both a taker of things and a taker of emotions to feed her need. Anyone who's raised a child knows how demanding it is just to manage the every day to day tasks involved, and much of it can give a Mother real joy. But children can appear to take take take if your joy and happiness doesn't come from experiencing their happiness and well being.

Casey was in need overload - it had to be all about her all of the time. I can't picture her giving one iota of herself to Caylee unless there was someone there to witness it and admire Casey for it. Otherwise, yes, I can "see" her being spiteful, mean and then as Caylee got older and started expressing herself, just plain cruel. Am I making any sense?

...I don't believe caylee was physically abused,at least I hope not...the reason being is that I don't think her friends would have let that happen or would have been quiet about it.I do believe that kc loved her ,in her own way,she was just never hers,that's what she resented,I also believe in kc's fantasy world she believed what she did was justified,for caylee to be in a better place,when she talked about caylee being at the beach,the park etc. I think she really meant for taking her along to parties or her bf house I don't see anything wrong with it.
I just flat out,respectfully, have to disagree with almost the entire statement. She may not have been physically abused, but as anyone who has suffered it knows, mental and emotional abuse leave quite an array of deep and painful scars...invisible to the naked eye of the beholder but as painful as physical abuse could ever be.

Casey loved nobody but Casey and that fact has been proven over and again. She had no respect for laws, boundaries, morality, ethics, nothing...she had no respect for her parents who were keeping her sorry a$$ alive and in style. And she certainly had no respect for her baby daughter to take her into the bed with a lover that she had not been with for that long. She was not just taking Caylee to her boyfriends, she was sleeping with her boyfriend with Caylee in the bed. 'Course, as Ricardo once told us, she had already "put" Caylee to sleep by the time he came in of the she did that is anyones guess? Win her over with chloroform...or put her to sleep with it? Hmmm...something to think about.

And all those lies she told about the better place she felt Caylee was in? Those were all horrible lies to disguise the fact that Caylee was ACTUALLY and in REALITY rotting in the trunk and then later rotting on the side of the road like so much garbage. Giving Casey Anthony the credit of imagining her child in a better place is way more than I can ever do...she removed that baby from her "island" which was her home, and threw her away like garbage after she robbed her of her precious life and I for one hope that she either A.) Is put to death or B) Is killed in prison while serving her life sentence.

She took Caylees life.
She does not deserve her own.
This child abuse theory based on the beginning stages of premature synostosis is interesting. I can't get on board with it because there is not enough info for me.
I wonder what "early stages" means exactly? Does that mean it would have closed prematurely in a month? or prematurely in 5 years? or was it possible that it would not have fused even though it was in early stages? Premature synostosis happens for other reasons and sometimes it happens for no reason.

Have we seen other pictures with her "crooked" smile? or is there only one in all these pictures?
this statement and others assume the suture is closed. I don't think the report states that it closed prematurely:
>It should be noted that Dr. Green’s opinion that Caylee was an abused child is based not only on the finding of premature closure of the sagittal suture<<

I don't know,like I said it is certainly an interesting theory and I appreciate it, but need more information.
This child abuse theory based on the beginning stages of premature synostosis is interesting. I can't get on board with it because there is not enough info for me.
I wonder what "early stages" means exactly? Does that mean it would have closed prematurely in a month? or prematurely in 5 years? or was it possible that it would not have fused even though it was in early stages? Premature synostosis happens for other reasons and sometimes it happens for no reason.

Have we seen other pictures with her "crooked" smile? or is there only one in all these pictures?
this statement and others assume the suture is closed. I don't think the report states that it closed prematurely:
>It should be noted that Dr. Green’s opinion that Caylee was an abused child is based not only on the finding of premature closure of the sagittal suture<<

I don't know,like I said it is certainly an interesting theory and I appreciate it, but need more information.

I'm with ya.
I just cannot think of any other reason why she would have silent videos?:waitasec:

Not to mention that according to reports these two women are talkers and known as such - it's not like they are quiet women known for their well chosen but few words.

Could GA have been the one behind the camera in those videos?

Adding - I need proof of something. It would be easy to end any speculation regarding the question I often find myself considering. I'm not allowed to discuss it here so I'll leave my comment vague but if I had proof, I could close the chapter that keeps me questioning if there was ever another type of serious abuse within the A's nuclear family.
Not to mention that according to reports these two women are talkers and known as such - it's not like they are quiet women known for their well chosen but few words.

Could GA have been the one behind the camera in those videos?

I heard Casey coughing in one of them.......
This child abuse theory based on the beginning stages of premature synostosis is interesting. I can't get on board with it because there is not enough info for me.
I wonder what "early stages" means exactly? Does that mean it would have closed prematurely in a month? or prematurely in 5 years? or was it possible that it would not have fused even though it was in early stages? Premature synostosis happens for other reasons and sometimes it happens for no reason.

Have we seen other pictures with her "crooked" smile? or is there only one in all these pictures?
this statement and others assume the suture is closed. I don't think the report states that it closed prematurely:
>It should be noted that Dr. Green&#8217;s opinion that Caylee was an abused child is based not only on the finding of premature closure of the sagittal suture<<

I don't know,like I said it is certainly an interesting theory and I appreciate it, but need more information.

Yes, I am going to try to find more pics that may show that crooked smile of Caylee's because in that one pic her jaw actually looks deformed. Could her jaw be swollen from some kind of injury, or maybe she was getting a new tooth in that caused swelling? JMO, I would think if I were CA or GA looking at that pic they would definitely have to notice it, and want to make an appt with a doctor or dentist for Caylee. I know they provided Caylee with lots of toys and clothes, but it does seem like no one was taking Caylee to the doctor's for regular check-ups as is usual with young children. Were there signs there that indicated abuse or even physical development problems that they just overlooked? They would probably answer that it was up to Casey because afterall, she was Caylee's mother. (yeah, right)
This child abuse theory based on the beginning stages of premature synostosis is interesting. I can't get on board with it because there is not enough info for me.
I wonder what "early stages" means exactly? Does that mean it would have closed prematurely in a month? or prematurely in 5 years? or was it possible that it would not have fused even though it was in early stages? Premature synostosis happens for other reasons and sometimes it happens for no reason.

Have we seen other pictures with her "crooked" smile? or is there only one in all these pictures?
this statement and others assume the suture is closed. I don't think the report states that it closed prematurely:
>It should be noted that Dr. Green&#8217;s opinion that Caylee was an abused child is based not only on the finding of premature closure of the sagittal suture<<

I don't know,like I said it is certainly an interesting theory and I appreciate it, but need more information.

Here is a link to a PDF that has some good solid info about this condition...

Warning...some of the pics not for the faint of heart...
Here is a link to a PDF that has some good solid info about this condition...

Warning...some of the pics not for the faint of heart...
well this is what I mean. Caylee obviously does not have the primary form of this condition and while she may potentially have the secondary form, it is a lot of conjecture based on the report saying she appeared to be in the early stages of premature synostosis. I don't know what the early stages means exactly. It seems that it would not be a factor in any kind of developmental issues or physical deformities at this point. Do we know if children ever present with premature signs of closing but then do not actually fuse premtaurely? How common is it to see this in an almost 3 year old?
It is important to note that the report does not say the suture was closed. This wonderful link you have provided seems to be about this condition as a birth defect, although I have not read it critically.That is not at all what we are dealing with.
I would like to see caylees records and find out if this was an issue prior that perhaps did not progress. I just have a lot of questions.
The doctors report was emotionally charged and a bit sensationalized for me and difficult to tease out the objective facts as we know them.

I think it is a fascinating theory, but I have a hard time leaping to all these conclusions based on this little bit of information, is all I am trying to say.

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