The Possible Abuse of Caylee REVISIT

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I guess I might have to write you a book - but don't know if I could because even after all these years, it's still very difficult to talk about - but I can say my childhood was emotionally brutal - and I think even now I have many many scars. Even though my father died when I was five, I'd been extremely close to him, and he was steadfast in his love for me and showed it by always being there for me. I was classified as a "bright" child, and read constantly, plus school kept me grounded. I had a tight love with my brothers and sisters although I almost never actually saw them. My mother sent me one letter in 12 years, to let me know she was getting married again but she couldn't take me back, but never on birthdays, Christmas, etc. Foster kids are always outsiders, invisible people, not part of the family, on the outside looking in - it's hard to explain. So it was difficult for me to parent, because I had no roadmap to follow. I just knew how bad my life had been and could never let that happen to my girls, or to myself again. Obviously I wasn't good at close relationship, since I didn't really understand how they "worked" and trust was difficult. No, I didn't have anyone to count on, or to set an example, so I read. Dr. Spock was my hero - he was the current child expert at the time. I guess I instinctively knew kids needed routine, to eat well, be kept clean, taught to be honest - all those things. No doubt it was a huge struggle to understand it all. I asked my daughter not long ago what important things she learned from me (if any - haha) and she said the value of consequences, to have silly fun, to enjoy nature, and to be ferociously loyal to the people you love. She and I both know I made mistakes - I'm not a naturally physically affectionate person, and she knows why, and sometimes I was too strict, because I was afraid for them. Maybe that's it right there - I had rules and told them the reason for them. One thing I definitely know for sure, angels watched over me for those years.

You are an amazing woman with a strength that is so inspiring! May you be blessed your whole life through, you deserve wonderful things!!

I don't believe I have ever seen an article or a book about what it is like to be a foster child. Are there any handbooks out there for foster parents to read regarding looking after their foster child's emotional needs? Such as a do's and don'ts. Might do some parents good to read this type of information as well. KC appeared to be too detached from her child. Clearly no bonding ever took place between the two. Hard to believe KC never reflected that anger out onto her child. AL having to hold her from showing her anger at the hearing last month will not go unnoticed by the jury unless KC learns to control it. JMO

In that regard, it is difficult to bond if you have never bonded. Just as it is difficult to love if you have never felt loved. I know I sound like a broken record sometimes but society needs to know. Casey's parents caused much damage.
In that regard, it is difficult to bond if you have never bonded. Just as it is difficult to love if you have never felt loved. I know I sound like a broken record sometimes but society needs to know. Casey's parents caused much damage.

Very well put. And we can see the results. Have to wonder how Caylee would have turned out in this family?
I think Caylee was emotionally neglected by Casey, due to all her texting and surfing.
Very well put. And we can see the results. Have to wonder how Caylee would have turned out in this family?

A few of us have brought that up before but it isn't a popular discussion. I suspect she'd probably have ended up much like her mother, sadly. Ecspecially because had she lived, her mother would have been bringing her along on her adventures. I cannot even begin to tell you what it is like to stand there and watch as your mother lies and steals and makes stories up about people who have done nothing wrong and know you can't say anything about it to anyone. After awhile it really does become "normal"... it feels wrong but it's as normal as normal can be.
In that regard, it is difficult to bond if you have never bonded. Just as it is difficult to love if you have never felt loved. I know I sound like a broken record sometimes but society needs to know. Casey's parents caused much damage.

Absolutely OneLostGirl, and something as simply as being affectionate, a child that isn't used to being touched, has difficulty touching affectionately.

My kids laugh quietly to themselves when we meet someone new in a family group or with acquaintances, because they know how uncomfortable I am hugging or being hugged by a stranger. Parents should and do touch their children with affection - just think of the head rubs, the back rubs, all that touching children love - if you don't have that - then what?
I look at the pictures and videos of Casey and Caylee and wonder if Casey was capable of showing motherly affection to Caylee, and if not, maybe that's why Caylee at times clung to her.
All I can say is thank God we've gotten away from all that hug a stranger stuff at meetings, etc.
A few of us have brought that up before but it isn't a popular discussion. I suspect she'd probably have ended up much like her mother, sadly. Ecspecially because had she lived, her mother would have been bringing her along on her adventures. I cannot even begin to tell you what it is like to stand there and watch as your mother lies and steals and makes stories up about people who have done nothing wrong and know you can't say anything about it to anyone. After awhile it really does become "normal"... it feels wrong but it's as normal as normal can be.

I hear ya olg! Been there, done that, and backed far, far away! Poor little Caylee was just beginning to hear all of the lies and it must have been so confusing. Biggest threat to KC is a voice of truth!
Absolutely OneLostGirl, and something as simply as being affectionate, a child that isn't used to being touched, has difficulty touching affectionately.

My kids laugh quietly to themselves when we meet someone new in a family group or with acquaintances, because they know how uncomfortable I am hugging or being hugged by a stranger. Parents should and do touch their children with affection - just think of the head rubs, the back rubs, all that touching children love - if you don't have that - then what?
I look at the pictures and videos of Casey and Caylee and wonder if Casey was capable of showing motherly affection to Caylee, and if not, maybe that's why Caylee at times clung to her.
All I can say is thank God we've gotten away from all that hug a stranger stuff at meetings, etc.

See, in my case -and I suspect in The Anthony home as well, my mom was overly affectionate. You see all that weird touching going on with Cindy, the way she rubs all up on everyone male, her son included? The way she rubs on his back when he's talking at the memorial? not so much rubbing but like.. I don't know, like he was 6 months old and she could consume him, become 1 with him with the rubbing, kinda like when you are swaying with your baby to help rock him to sleep in your arms? When they are little like that, you sometimes catch yourself doing that swaying standing in line at the grocery store, ya know? It becomes so naturally a part of who you are at that time in your life. To me, that's that rubbing that Cindy does.
It's not sexual, I do't think (and I know in my home it wasn't) but could be taken that way by outsiders I suppose. But it is too much.. there is a point where a parent can go too far in showing affection. Cause it feels to a child (and young adult) just as it looks to outsiders.
I hear ya olg! Been there, done that, and backed far, far away! Poor little Caylee was just beginning to hear all of the lies and it must have been so confusing. Biggest threat to KC is a voice of truth!

Well, I think that was also the biggest threat to Cindy too.
See, in my case -and I suspect in The Anthony home as well, my mom was overly affectionate. You see all that weird touching going on with Cindy, the way she rubs all up on everyone male, her son included? The way she rubs on his back when he's talking at the memorial? not so much rubbing but like.. I don't know, like he was 6 months old and she could consume him, become 1 with him with the rubbing, kinda like when you are swaying with your baby to help rock him to sleep in your arms? When they are little like that, you sometimes catch yourself doing that swaying standing in line at the grocery store, ya know? It becomes so naturally a part of who you are at that time in your life. To me, that's that rubbing that Cindy does.
It's not sexual, I do't think (and I know in my home it wasn't) but could be taken that way by outsiders I suppose. But it is too much.. there is a point where a parent can go too far in showing affection. Cause it feels to a child (and young adult) just as it looks to outsiders.

I guess I can see your point although I was thinking of mother and child affection. When I watch Cindy it is creepy - I see and feel is as a need type of skin hunger, which is sexually based. I think it is something emotionally off in Cindy - it's almost like an anxiety based hunger to touch skin drives her and then she's on some kind of a high while she is - I doubt she is aware how beyond normal her behavior is. Constant stroking isn't affection or maybe that's me. As soon as you are "forcing" any kind of affection on a child - even in the way of mother/child affection - it's just plain wrong.
If this has been posted then forgive me but according to Jane Valez Mitchell Facebook the lead homicide detective is alleging that Caylee was possibly abused by Casey before she was murdered. I just thought this was interesting and would be good discussion. I wonder why they are thinking this? They must have some sorta of evidence and if it is true it makes you wonder how George and Cindy didn't know about it.

The lead homicide detective in the Casey Anthony case is grilled by the defense team and he's not holding back! This is the same cop who claims Casey's car smelled like a dead body. TONIGHT: We'll examine his stunning claims that little Caylee was possibly abused!
If this has been posted then forgive me but according to Jane Valez Mitchell Facebook the lead homicide detective is alleging that Caylee was possibly abused by Casey before she was murdered. I just thought this was interesting and would be good discussion. I wonder why they are thinking this? They must have some sorta of evidence and if it is true it makes you wonder how George and Cindy didn't know about it.

Link to watch Livestream if you don't get HLN at 7:00pm EST:
Seems pretty possible that Casey might have abused her daughter in some manner prior to murdering her. Especially given the duct tape wrapped around her head. :(
I am thinking that there might have been some pictures of Caylee being abused as those pictures have not surfaced that George and the detective were talking about. I would suggest the defense stop it while they are ahead as I feel that we haven't even touched the evience that they have in this case.
If this has been posted then forgive me but according to Jane Valez Mitchell Facebook the lead homicide detective is alleging that Caylee was possibly abused by Casey before she was murdered. I just thought this was interesting and would be good discussion. I wonder why they are thinking this? They must have some sorta of evidence and if it is true it makes you wonder how George and Cindy didn't know about it.

Well I hope there is some factual basis for this story and it is not some media beat up. Thanks for the heads up, I'll be tuning in.
If the timer55 stream is not on tonight I think Patty will probably put it up on youtube, she's a gem like that.

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