the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #85

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Thank you for sharing your story. May you stay strong on your journey from victim to survivor to thriver.
I must be dense , if she says she did not even look back
At Travis after she "got away" how can she even know he
Is a threat to her ? If that story were true he coulda been
Doing something taking a whiz ...
Unless she was hell bent on killing him
Which i dont believe any of her story and believe she
Planned it and went there intending to kill him
Just another part of her story i found absurd !
I will follow the discussion here but don't plan to have livestream or TV on during the experts' testimony. I'm reminded of the "grief expert" who testified in the CA trial who appeared to be :tipsy: on the stand. Her court appearance was clearly a performance: "It's showtime!" :rolleyes:

I'd watch Juan Martinez read the phone book.
It means there is no evidence of bruises on her neck in Jodi-speak.

No, I think he has a photo. The way she sprung into that story just to point out that in this one photo she had covered them with make up, he's got a photo.
the box with the blood/water stain was found in the linen closet in Travis' bathroom, upstairs.

Thanks, I was thinking it had to be given the kind of tile. Jeepers, it looks like it was in several inches of water or something because the stain is pretty even around the bottom edge. I wonder how that could have happened?

Also I'm still wondering about the evidence pictures of the closet off the laundry. and if they found cleanup evidence there.
I am not gonna lie. I feel a little strange not waking up knowing I wont get to see JM v. JA into at anytime this morn. Anyone excited about anything coming up? There is still rebuttal, no? He isn't done that correct?
Lol I was thinking the same. I'm like dreading nurmis long drawn out questioning of these. Experts. I almost slept in!
That is why I can't watch them. They are not "highly refined educated professionals" they paid greedy ambulance chasers (that is the polite way to say it).

I am a HUGH advocate for court appointed expert rather defense/prosecutor experts. At least, there might be some objectivity. May not be absolutely perfect but at least can be some resemblance of professionalism rather than paid ambulance chaser. JMHO

I wonder if they extra-bill the defence for having to go toe to toe with Martinez. Danger money, if you will! :floorlaugh:
Remember, he can't anticipate when she's going to change her story so having the transcript of that particular piece of testimony is impossible. If he really wanted to he could stop testimony to find it but that's like going down a rabbit hole, who knows how long it would take. He will probably point out her inconsistencies in closing argument at some point.

Schuby, that's a good point and thanks for answering. I just wish that with all the technology available, he could have a legal assistant sitting there in front of a computer to search for and draw up that part of the testimony. Of course, knowing Jodi, she'd just say the court reporter got it wrong...

p.s. my first time quoting; how do I put your name in the quote box? Thanks.
I believe her name is Alyson LaViolette (sp), a social worker who 'helped' JA in the beginning of her case - and surprise surprise was lied to.
Alyce, yes. And I agree Jodi lied, not only to her but likely to many LaViolette could have interviewed, however...

What family and marriage therapist of decades long practice who specializes in domestic violence assumes every client, much less one facing death row in a murder trial, is inherently honest either?

If laypeople who have just lived through it are finding parts of her accounts implausible; finding emotions lacking that should be triggered; witnessing elements of abusive or controlling behaviors, on her part, through her testimony alone (much less the bounty of other evidence of those behaviors out there); how exactly does that escape an expert's notice - especially if that expert, as she claims in her writings, is truly an advocate for all abuse victims?
If all the wounds (29 stabs, slit throat and gunshot) each took one second to carry out then only 31 seconds are left for a confrontation or any other actions... then Travis standing at the sink also decreases that 31 seconds...
No, I think he has a photo. The way she sprung into that story just to point out that in this one photo she had covered them with make up, he's got a photo.

Yes, yesterday he was about to show it. We never got to see that photo. There was a sidebar and that was the end of that except for a few questions Juan had asked her about it. Wonder why it could not be shown.
It would of course be interesting to have 2 players actually simulate the entire JA story of the bathroom death struggle in order to map time and event duration. JA’s story is on its face utterly preposterous and a total fabrication. Serious trial observers debate the actual crime.
The following must be accounted for:


*Travis in the shower sitting position
*The camera angle goes askew. TA arises and assumes a standing position.
*A struggle ensues. TA fights and sustains deep defensive wounds to his hands.
*Knife thrusts to TA body. TA manages to get to the bathroom sink. A considerable amount of blood is expelled at or on the sink. TA expectorates a substantial amount of blood spatter.
*Some 20 knife thrusts to the back torso and back of head. (To land a knife wound into skin muscle and cartilage, free the knife, re-*advertiser censored* the hand and land another blow takes time. Example- try landing 20 blows into a slab of ham and clock yourself and note how much time elapses!)
*Movement down the bathroom hallway.
*JA positions herself over TA body in order to gain optimal purchase so as to slice his throat back to the vertebral column.
*The dropped camera has to be moved to a new position.
*TA has to bleed out to the point of unconsciousness.
*TA’s near dead body has to be positioned so that JA can haul the corpse back into the bathroom,


I believe it is conventional wisdom that the events above could occur in the space of 62 seconds but such activity would be characterized as “frenzied”.

The Shot Second Theory –

Once JA gets the corpse back into bathroom she has ample time to access the gun, and shoot him in the head. The shot is from the JA standing position to TA recumbent position ie angled downward from right to left.
One theory as to why JA would shoot TA post mortem= is to prepare the crime scene AS IF there was more than one assailant. The two weapon crime would be viewed as a community effort of two or more thus exculpating JA.
To bolster this theory please note that JA independently asked Agent Flores if the crime had been committed by more than one person. This strange question was posed because JA wanted an indication if the complexity of the crime scene was being interpreted the way she had set it up. That is, TA murder must have been a two person effort.
Good thinking. I believe the devil may be in the details. If the blood at the sink shows 2 patterns, one from coughing and one dripping from a wound along the edge, then this scenario is even more probable.
To some extent the JA trial has sullied the Mormon Church. To be sure both JA and TA did not comport with Mormon Church sexual behavior standards. I would think, therefore, that officials of the Mormon Church would want to distance themselves from Jodi Arias and this trial’s aftermath.

I would also think that the Church has ample grounds to officially excommunicate Jodi Arias. Once a verdict is rendered in this case and this verdict is 1st degree murder I would look to the Mormon Church to announce that Jodi Arias has been excommunicated and her name has been completely expunged from the Church archives.

That won't happen because it would draw public attention to yet another Mormon murderer. The biggest concern, number one priority, for church leaders is bad publicity.

Also, just FYI, no one is actually ever "removed" from the Mormon church membership list. A note is added to the file that the member has been ex'd, or resigned, requested no-contact, etc. This is because that person may show up again in some other part of the world pretending to be a member in good standing. Or pretending to be a new convert. that I'm thru picking up after the man slobs around here.....was there ever any proof that Travis paid Jodi to be the maid at his place?
Just finished watching youtube from all of yesterday. Of all the things that JM said to her during all of his various questioning, my very very very favorite is awhile back when she was crying on the stand. JM didn't miss a beat, he didn't hesitate, he just said ma'am were you crying when you stabbed Mr. Alexander, were you crying when....etc. That is my very favorite moment of this whole trial!!!

I have watched this scene of JA crying and sniffling during the JM cross many times.

I think this activity was a total ACT and was instigated on cue.
If you look carefully at JA face and eyes – there are NO tears streaming down her cheek. Her eyes are not wet. JA grabbed a Kleenex to wipe her nose and NOT her eyes. There was NO mucous coming out of her nose. She managed to cover her face with her hair, her hands, and the Kleenex to conceal the lack of moisture and mucus.

Also there was NO change in color of JA facial skin during this “display”. She was NOT flushed by redness as would normally be detected in her cheeks, below her eyes, her forehead, or chin.
The “sobbing” was PURE THEATER and nothing else.

Finally when the jury left and the camera scanned to JA standing at the defense chair she was composed, calm and showed NO evidence of having cried.

In contradistinction note Janine Driver’s (The Human Lie Detector on the Dr Drew show) admission of being abused by a spouse. Her eyes welled up with tears and tears flowed down her cheek. Her cheeks and chin and forehead were flushed and reddened.This was authentic grief.
Schuby, that's a good point and thanks for answering. I just wish that with all the technology available, he could have a legal assistant sitting there in front of a computer to search for and draw up that part of the testimony. Of course, knowing Jodi, she'd just say the court reporter got it wrong...

p.s. my first time quoting; how do I put your name in the quote box? Thanks.

Yeah, I agree, it's frustrating watching her contradict herself when he's trying to make a point. I don't know about the quote? The names come up auto for me. Welcome on board by the way! :seeya::seeya:
Can someone tell me what time court is today? Thanks so much- I feel like such an idiot having to ask! :) that I'm thru picking up after the man slobs around here.....was there ever any proof that Travis paid Jodi to be the maid at his place?

No, I don't believe there is proof. I think she did maid work in exchange for money she owed him. Such as the car, trips, etc. It was to help pay off her debts.
If all the wounds (29 stabs, slit throat and gunshot) each took one second to carry out then only 31 seconds are left for a confrontation or any other actions... then Travis standing at the sink also decreases that 31 seconds...

I'm wondering in closing if DT will say dragging pic is gunshot wound and stabbings came after thus the 62sec for all of it to happen is incorrect? Idk just seems JA has said a couple of times that she doesn't agree with the sequence of events, even though the fog rolled in:).
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