The Roy Kronk Connection- Opening Statements-Kronk takes the stand 2011.06.28

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So true! Just get the question out for the jury, he cares not if there is an objection. I eagerly await what HHJP has in store for Baez when this is over. Hopefully, prison stripes.

He'll be lucky to have a job as Ann Finnell's secretary...
I think RK has been fairly believable in his explanation of why he said "a skull rolled out" when really the skull never rolled at all... in his second interview he says "I challenge anybody to give an exact second-by-second breakdown of what the h*ll was going on when you discover something like that, okay?"

That seemed to satisfy LE's concerns.
Gosh I just read DC and Luke P emails, I am now 100% convinced we will never know how all the "stories" in this case will end. I bet the SA could prosecute 100 more cases off this one case if they wanted.
Meanwhile, a couple from Pt. Saint Lucie, searching what has come to be known as Casey Anthony's "hide out." Deep within the 430 pages of documents released this week, was testimony from a childhood friend, that she and Casey Anthony used to come to a special place in the woods near her home to spend time. These amateur detectives said they drove to the area to take a look.

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]He should have left Roy Kronk out of it as [/B]far as I'm concerned!! It is not believable in any way shape of form. I was even starting to believe Jose for a minute until he brought Roy into it. There is not way that Roy just happened to know where they hid the body and moved it. If he had known where the body was he would not have moved it. That was just one lie to far and it will be the thing that hangs Casey in my opinion. One lie too many and they ruin the rest of the lies.

No kidding, where did that come from?
Does anyone really think JB has some bombshell to drop about RK after all this time. Especially after trying to have KC declared imcompetent this week?
I think RK has been fairly believable in his explanation of why he said "a skull rolled out" when really the skull never rolled at all... in his second interview he says "I challenge anybody to give an exact second-by-second breakdown of what the h*ll was going on when you discover something like that, okay?"

That seemed to satisfy LE's concerns.

It really sounds like something somebody caught in a lie would say.IMO.
It really sounds like something somebody caught in a lie would say.IMO.

Respectfully disagree - can you imagine stumbling across a skull??? IMO, it IS likely that one wouldn't be able to recall the exact details of every minute if something like that happened to any one... What a shock it would be to find a human body/skeleton. :twocents:

:eek:fftobed: ....can't wait to see how this turns out tomorrow.
No kidding, where did that come from?
Does anyone really think JB has some bombshell to drop about RK after all this time. Especially after trying to have KC declared imcompetent this week?

It may actually be pretty easy for Baez to have Kronk look like a liar. IMO, RK is lying about a number of things in his various previous testimonies.

I don't think he moved the body, but Baez will try to push things in that direction.
I actually thinks it helps the state if he picked the skull up, hit it with a stick or kicked it and that duct tape is STILL HANGING ON.

Holy mother of duct tape...

(it tells me how it would really be on and around if it was never touched or lived through storms, we're lucky they found as much as they did, nobody intentionally touched moved or manipulated it)

I thought the duct tape was attached to the hair mass and resting under the jaw,which made it hold the jaw in place ,and was not attached to the skull ?

I had thought was attached by a piece of stingy materiel to the hair mass and nothing sticky was left on the tape. I believe this is what I heard from watching the testimony of the ME and other people who have taken the stand. But it has been awhile and I may be mixed up.

Please someone correct me if I am mistaken.
Going back to when Kronk met LE at the swamp... IMO, the reason why Kronk "let" that officer blow it off and walk away was because he had only one other alternative at that moment. He would have had to say "Listen, I know there is a body in that water right where I am pointing. I've already walked out there previously and looked directly at it with my own eyes. I guarantee you will find it too if you just get your boots wet."

He didn't want to say that to the officer. So he let it go. Well, no he didn't let it go.

But, he didn't have to be so vague if he knew exactly where the body was. He should have lead LE directly to the body the first time.
It may actually be pretty easy for Baez to have Kronk look like a liar. IMO, RK is lying about a number of things in his various previous testimonies.

I don't think he moved the body, but Baez will try to push things in that direction.

RK is a flawed human being who (unfortunately for him) found Caylee's remains and thought he had won the lottery. Instead, he opened his entire life to scrutiny and judgement and now finds himself a minor player in a major drama.

But, he didn't have to be so vague if he knew exactly where the body was. He should have lead LE directly to the body the first time.

He tried. He called 911 twice, the Caylee hotline once, and then met LE at the scene where he was belittled and humiliated for his efforts. Maybe you or I would have been more forceful than that, but RK's self-esteem didn't reach that far.

Then why would he videotape himself slicing open bags and digging around under pavers at that house?

Do you think it's possible that he was searching for the body at that house because it was owned by a Gonzalez?

I thought it was Hoover taping him???
It may actually be pretty easy for Baez to have Kronk look like a liar. IMO, RK is lying about a number of things in his various previous testimonies.

I don't think he moved the body, but Baez will try to push things in that direction.

He is the biggest threat to the prosecutions case, IMO. He told too many stories for reasons that I don't understand at all. I don't believe he actually did anything wrong but he sure did give Baez a lot of ammunition to use in attempting to create reasonable doubt.
He tried. He called 911 twice, the Caylee hotline once, and then met LE at the scene where he was belittled and humiliated for his efforts. Maybe you or I would have been more forceful than that, but RK's self-esteem didn't reach that far.


Right, i know. I guess I should have been more clear. If RK KNEW precious Caylee was in those woods "for sure' on 8-11 and was looking for some kind of reward or recognition (as people are claiming) he would have led LE right to the bag the first time around (IMHO)
There is definitely some kind of coincidence between the g/f being a jail guard for ICA and i don't ususally believe in coincidences, BUT I've listened to all his calls and interviews and i feel like he was just a good soul caught up in a bad situation.
I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time :innocent:
BTW, does anyone have any proof about the g/f or is this just a LP story "off the record" Thanks!!
Right, i know. I guess I should have been more clear. If RK KNEW precious Caylee was in those woods "for sure' on 8-11 and was looking for some kind of reward or recognition (as people are claiming) he would have led LE right to the bag the first time around (IMHO)
There is definitely some kind of coincidence between the g/f being a jail guard for ICA and i don't ususally believe in coincidences, BUT I've listened to all his calls and interviews and i feel like he was just a good soul caught up in a bad situation.
I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time :innocent:

Someone corrected me in another thread and reported that investigation found RK's girlfriend was actually a clerk of some sort at the prison. She never had contact with the prisoners and couldn't have overheard KC and JB. Don't know for sure it's true.

Regardless, I believe this man is an unfortunate victim of circumstance who thought he'd be cried a hero and, sadly, found he was to be tarred a villain instead.

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