The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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yes a few. take a look thru my posts. i sourced the fox n the nypost reports that both say "police said there was a second man with brewer"
yes a few. take a look thru my posts. i sourced the fox n the nypost reports that both say "police said there was a second man with brewer"
LE dosent want anyone to know who he is. Maybe hes a friend of theirs.
I can't be the only person who finds it odd that it takes yet another conspiracy/police coverup to account for the fact that no police source or spokesman is named for the info "proving" there was a third, also unnamed person at JB's that night.
And we KNOW there was a second man, MP, at the home. The questions are about a third man, or drifter.
I can't be the only person who finds it odd that it takes yet another conspiracy/police coverup to account for the fact that no police source or spokesman is named for the info "proving" there was a third, also unnamed person at JB's that night.

Why do you expect the police to make an official statement on the drifter when they've made nothing known about the case
I can't be the only person who finds it odd that it takes yet another conspiracy/police coverup to account for the fact that no police source or spokesman is named for the info "proving" there was a third, also unnamed person at JB's that night.
Do you believe such behavior is beneath the SCPD?
Why do you expect the police to make an official statement on the drifter when they've made nothing known about the case
And didnt Dormer say LE did not report on burlap? NOT OFFICIALLY. Translation. They let the cat out of the bag.
TKAM, its already out the first call to Mari was made from NJ. Is there more to that? I understand if you cant answer.
TKAM, its already out the first call to Mari was made from NJ. Is there more to that? I understand if you cant answer.

WRONG - 2nd call was from NJ.

I'm specifically talking about the FIRST call. I promise you - it will blow you away.
TKAM, its already out the first call to Mari was made from NJ. Is there more to that? I understand if you cant answer.

AND when you think about it, WHY was PH calling Mari from NJ?
and WHERE in NJ was he calling from?

I can't tell you WHERE, but HE knows and I will tell you that the place in NJ that he called
from begins with the letter H.

What was PH DOING in NJ at the time he called Mari? and WHY call from NJ?
It really makes me wonder why he uses his wifes phone to call Mari?
AND when you think about it, WHY was PH calling Mari from NJ?
and WHERE in NJ was he calling from?

I can't tell you WHERE, but HE knows and I will tell you that the place in NJ that he called
from begins with the letter H.

What was PH DOING in NJ at the time he called Mari? and WHY call from NJ?
Hmmm, Hackensack?
I seldom comment here, I have my reasons, lol. But there is some confusion here. It seems like you are all talking about early reports about another person being at Brewers house. I was under the impression this had been proven to be false. That there were reports of someone who had stayed there but was not there that night. This of course is the Drifter, who I spoke with personaly and read his book, he claims he was not there that night and had moved out before. So is there new info I am missing or are you going off old reports or articles that we all know can't be trusted due to all the false info that was shoved out there over the years. It seems the drifter story could easily be checked out and verified if he was still staying in the OB house at the time or was staying somewhere else. Though with all the corruption in the case from the chief of police down who knows what was really checked out and what wasn't. So is there new reasons to think there was someone else there that night or is this based on old articles?
zero didn't you see my post from Mari and Maureen's sister where they discuss there are infact TWO Drifters (men who stayed at Brewers) but one of them WAS therethat night Shannan died. Or see my many posts where i say: the guy who wrote the book wasn't there, he's not the real drifter, he's just a guy who stayed at Brewer's and tried to cash in. Lenny, who was still staying at Brewer's after JB moved out seems like a much better candidate for the individual who was there. And it's a myth that the early press reports are wrong, they are actually correct, like the police said, there WAS a second man partying with JB that night, I've even seen a photo of Lenny taken by some people knocking on JB's door. Lenny was there when the 48 hours camera when to Oak Beach and knocked on Jb's door as well. There is NO evidence that says the drifter wasn't there that night. Instead we have press reports from the Nypost and Foxnews that the POLICE reported the drifter's presence that night. This announcement also coincided with their announcement of a suspect in April 2011 (by one day). I believe the confusion is aggravated by the author of book who was a just a guy who was trying to cash in on the case. He wasn't there that night so isn't the drifter. But one man was. Was that man Lenny?
Sorry, I did not see that. Thanks for clearing it up, I understand now. I totally agree about the book and also believe that house had people in (admitted by the drifter book) it involved in all sorts of question acts. I have never understood why Brewer and any and all of his friends/accomplices looked into more deeply. Thank you for clearing up my confusion so quickly. And again sorry to have missed it, one of the reasons I don't comment here to much is because you all move fast and I offten miss things. Lol. Most of my questions are answers in other posts and comments. Just missed this one.
No problem. You seem to have spent a number of years communication with people about this case on your blog. Unfortunately the focus seems to be more on people obsessed with the case than the actual case itself, which seem like a waste to me. But in all this time, have you ever heard any mention of Lenny or his last name?
AND when you think about it, WHY was PH calling Mari from NJ?
and WHERE in NJ was he calling from?

I can't tell you WHERE, but HE knows and I will tell you that the place in NJ that he called
from begins with the letter H.

What was PH DOING in NJ at the time he called Mari? and WHY call from NJ?

Interesting- I saw it reported somewhere in a thread that he called from Jersey City- which was very odd given that's where Shannan Gilbert lived, and where her boyfriend resided. There was a short discussion on whether he made the trip to meet with or track down the boyfriend and if so why, I recall. I'm guessing it's "Hoboken" that the call was traced to- but calls coming from JC and calls coming from Hoboken sometimes map to the same towers since the city lines touch on multiple edges, and the JC heights hovers over Hoboken.
Yes, my interest (that I have blogged about at least) has been about the people who deeply involved themselves in the case,but remember most of them were more than obsessed, they got real close to the case and affected it greatly. And stories of Hackett, CCC, and all the JBs as well as others were all wrapped in with what I looked into. So to say its not about the case is not really fair.though I admit I did not think when I first started blogging about the people I did that It would be so connected to the actual case. Another reason I don't comment here too much is because I know most here feel as you do about me and my blogs. I don't quite get it, since everything I blogged about is all over this place. Also without a certain fluke and mom, the case against Hackett might not have ever happened, so again I feel they all have their place in this and I was just trying to figure it out.But I agree I'm not a sleuther like most here and I tried not to sleuth the case as much as make sense of all the stuff out there being said about it. I think (hope)all of us just want the same thing, and that's all these murders to be solved and justice for the victims and their families, as well as stop to it from continuing and that means any and all people involved to be where they belong. Until then keep up the good work of questioning all that needs to still be answered on this case and the others here.
As for the name Lenny, I can't remember hearing it or not. It is familiar though, still as you must know there are those out there throwing out all sorts of names. I read through old emails and links all the time, if I see the name pop up I'll let you know.
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