The State Rests in the State v Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #10

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I think that any "duress" is because he didn't know she was coming...he had mixed (guilt) feelings about sex with her, but she was forcing the issue so that she could get him into a vulnerable position since her plan of killing him in his sleep hadn't worked out. I think he truly did want to move on and was also a bit scared of her. I just think that these photos are telling because even she had an odd look on her face and not sexy at all. I think that the photos of her were quite possibly taken with a timed camera instead of Travis taking them.

You know...that makes sense. I also got a weird vibe off that pigtail photo..she's looking directly in to the camera with that vacant look. Not like she's looking at him. I don't know, it could be she's just looking at the timed camera and posing.
I've blocked the Orlando nitwits out of my mind. I really don't compare this one with that one as the huge difference in that guilt is already known and decided in this case. It's really about saving her life for her defense imo.

I posted some updates from my day in court (yesterday) on the previous thread. Can you search on my posts? It's kind of long...lemme see if I can direct you to it. I was disappointed it was a short day. But I was able to block out another day to go the week of the defense case. Gawd how would I love to see JA on the stand. Whew!

No problem I can go search for your posts. At this point it would be... thread #8, right? And probably the last 15, 20 pages? Or the beginning pages of thread #9? Those are the only pages I've missed so I'll find them. Thank you :)
If she testifies and you manage to see that... *BOMBSHELL!* Cannot get any more explosive than that. BS will be flying from the stand. Bring protection!
Here's what I'm afraid of... That the jury is disregarding what the DA said in the opening statement about JA killing him because that's not evidence that was presented during the trial. With all the men on the jury, I think they are not able to believe that JA was capable of killing and dragging TA by herself because of her small frame and that's why they were asking all the questions about the roommates alibis and such. I'm worried that they are going to find that the state hasn't proven their case and she's going to walk... Obviously this isn't what I want to happen, but from their questions, I'm afraid that this is the line of thinking they are using. I PRAY that I'm wrong!!

I can see how they could get confused (or one or two of them) as the case was tried almost like it was trying it as a whodunit. But let's not forget, the defense also admitted in openings that she did it. And they will have to continue to sing that tune. I just think there could be a not so bright juror who's just not following but I'm relying on the smart ones to bring them up to speed. I'm telling you there is one man on that jury who appears quite in his 80s for sure. My Dad is 81 and he asks tons of questions. Believe me. ;) (love him and his questions though even though they drive me nuts at times)
I just finished watching today's testimony.

Kinda lame last witness before resting. IMO

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You know...that makes sense. I also got a weird vibe off that pigtail photo..she's looking directly in to the camera with that vacant look. Not like she's looking at him. I don't know, it could be she's just looking at the timed camera and posing.

Yep...even the crotch shots could be on a timer. Travis not only didn't look excited at any time during those photos, he REALLY didn't look excited...if you know what I mean. :blushing:
Hey guys this question is from reporters of ABC (out of Arizona)
Do you know what type of car Mimi (Marie) Hall drove at the time of Travis's death?
Can you give me any information please
It's second to last. Last is just of his seated body with his head "cut off" from the photo. Foreshadowing??? Either way, she got all romantic and dreamy over that photo w/ Det. Flores and she KNOWS she started slaughtering him just moments after that shot was taken. Evil crazy *$^#^&$

If you know:

What is the time period between the last photo in the shower, and the ceiling pic?

Same for the time between the ceiling pick and him on the floor?
Hey guys this question is from reporters of ABC (out of Arizona)
Do you know what type of car Mimi (Marie) Hall drove at the time of Travis's death?
Can you give me any information please

I don't know if that has ever been brought out. At least I don't remember ever hearing it.
I thought that the eyes one was the last one of him alive. I could be wrong though.

Photo #159 is of Travis - the eyes taken at 5:29:20

Photo #160 which I didn't make any notes on was taken at 5:30:30

Photo#161 is the ceiling shot
I know. I wonder if we will ever hear any speculation on that. Down the road.

I have named several scenarios that could have been behind the duct tape. Mostly I have thought she used it to tape the knife to her hand so that he couldn't grab it away from her. I sure hope we find out! I suspect it goes towards further premeditation.
In that last photo of a living TA in the shower, sitting, looking directly at the camera with that eery look, couldn't there be the image of JA, with camera in one hand and gun or knife the other, visible in his eyes and seen with specialized equipment/technology? TIA
I did rather enjoy Jodi's performance today! The boo boo face aka sad puppy dog the pouty face I make when I'm trying to get my husband to do something he doesn't want to do! It always works for me...I hope it doesn't work for jurors.

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SICK is a nice word for it, Lotus. That's reprehensible & shamefully disrespectful. She really has no sense of restraint or honor, even for the dead. <smh>

So, not only did this lying ***** pre-meditate the murder of a good, good man, she also post-meditated this horrible crime. Yep, all bases covered. Grrrrrrr. Cried herself to sleep. What pure b.s. She needs to save those tears for later. :jail:

No problem I can go search for your posts. At this point it would be... thread #8, right? And probably the last 15, 20 pages? Or the beginning pages of thread #9? Those are the only pages I've missed so I'll find them. Thank you :)
If she testifies and you manage to see that... *BOMBSHELL!* Cannot get any more explosive than that. BS will be flying from the stand. Bring protection!

Found it:

Hi Websleuthers!

I attended the trial today and made a few observations, even though it was a short day that you guys might be interested in.
The courtroom is huge. The multi media in there is almost feels like a sports bar as there are screens EVERYWHERE. Including facing the gallery and the screen for the jurors to view is across the room from them and the size of a small movie theatre screen. I can only imagine those horrific crime scene photos shown on that huge screen. :(

I was taken to a seat right behind Travis' family. His sisters both smiled at me and are much more beautiful in person than on TV. I sat for part of the time with their victim's advocate who was very friendly and we talked quite a bit about the trial.

Jodi was talking for a bit while some of the interrogation video was showing w/ her attorney smiling and semi giggling. WEIRD

When they aren't in their chairs the height of those chairs is so obvious...Jodi's is WAY lower than her attorney's. Not sure the jury can see that but it's so obvious.

She is more slender in person and was wearing super baggy ill fitting brown pants today and ugly flat black shoes. She walks with a limp apparently has the ankle restraints on the whole time she's in court. She was definitely writing notes and not drawing on the page.

At the end of the day when she walked out she turned around and VERY briefly acknowledged her mother but not in a warm loving way..that same vacant detached expression she always has. It's eerie and reminds me of the feeling I had when I saw Scott Peterson in person. There is an alien quality to these people. I guess that's definitive of sociopathy.

I had a little conversation with Juan Martinez outside the courtroom as we ended up by the elevators alone and I'd just been to a party over the weekend with a mutual friend so I struck up a little conversation. Iwas surprised at how warm and approachable he was. Very friendly.

I got to hang out a bit with Beth Karas (I also know her from the Peterson trial...she remembered me!). She's always just so welcoming and friendly as well. I'm going to invite her out to dinner while she's here as she gave me her contact info. She's just a doll.

Oh, the jury. They are all very attentive. I looked several times and ALL the women were taking notes. There are a couple of quite elderly men on the jury. One looks to be in his 80's. I think 3-4 men look under 40ish. I never saw any of them looking at Jodi.

I think that's about it. It's not hard to get in there...they said there's never a waiting list which is surprising kinda.

I'm gonna go back next Wed I think unless something conflicts. I'll report back again if anything interesting occurs that's not shown on TV. :seeya:
Photo #159 is of Travis - the eyes taken at 5:29:20

Photo #160 which I didn't make any notes on was taken at 5:30:30

Photo#161 is the ceiling shot

Wow! I wonder if the eyes one (which looks very very intense to me) was when he realized she had weapons!
Photo #159 is of Travis - the eyes taken at 5:29:20

Photo #160 which I didn't make any notes on was taken at 5:30:30

Photo#161 is the ceiling shot

Could you do the time for 161 and the next one of him on the floor and her sweatpants showing?
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