The State Rests in the State v Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #10

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Let's remember that there were NO photos of them together on that day, but it was pretty obvious that they were both naked at some point. Neither of them looked happy in ANY of the photos.
I know why Jodi never wipes her tears in the courtroom and only wipes her nose. (Had to catch up with trial due to work) - I think it's because she doesn't want to ruin her eye make up.

She's THAT shallow.

Oh and because there are NO real tears. She was clearly trying to get to the witness Ute, her friend, but her friend refused to look at her, so Jodi starts crying and pulling the "Feel sorry for me" martyr face.

You can see Ute was having NONE of it lol

Jodi's expressions remind me of a child trying to manipulate their parents by making "sad faces"
She learned how to cry from the Lindsay Lohan school of acting.
Omg, this movie. It has never left me. I'll never, ever forget his sweet mom and dad.

I had a wall saying made with a quote from that movie and it's on the wall in my stairwell...I see it every day. "I think God put some people on Earth just to be an example for the rest of us" It was said about the Bagby's. Sigh...that movie had the same impact on me as it has you. :(
Jodi and Ryan had made plans as to when Jodi was supposed to be in Utah to see him. That arrival time does not leave time for Jodi to sleep with Travis or "talk" him into not taking Mimi on the upcoming trip. Jodi had a set plan, Travis being awake ruined that plan. Not only did that tick her off to the point of the overkill but it also screwed up her planned alibi with Ryan. Add to that the questions she would be asked by Ryan as to why it took her so long to get to his house, why her cell phone was not on, etc Jodi was really ticked off. No, this was definately pre-meditated but it did not go as planned. Jodi had to make it up as she went along and that is something she is not good least from what we have seen from LE interview tapes.

I'm watching the 48 hours video that was posted here earlier (thank you!). It's amazing how real she sounds. She truly believes her nonsense.

Yreka looks like a lovely little town by the way.
Well she clearly dropped the gun at one point. She could have had the gun and the camera, then dropped it and went for the knife she had sequestered in her "bell bottom" sweat pants.

How/when/why would she drop the gun. I just don't see her putting the camera to her eye to take a picture while holding the gun on him. Looks more like tired of her stupid picture taking instead of scared in his eyes to me.

If she is left handed, would she hold the gun with her left and take the picture with her right?

What if she takes the pictures... then attacks him from behind with the knife as he is near the sink area? He goes to the ground, she keeps striking at his head and back down the hallway, finishes with the throat slash. Drags him back to the shower, washes him off, then shoots him.

I just don't see him shot already at the sink... it looks more like spray and blood from a deep stab. It must have been a struggle for her to drag him down the hall back to the bathroom. Why not leave him there if already shot and throat cut? Why take him back to the bathroom anyway? A heavier caliber gun and we would probably know from where the shot came from.
I am so disgusted. I have decided it doesn't matter if he was deviant or not. It doesn't matter if she shot him first, stabbed him in the heart first or held him down and slit his throat. It just doesn't change the fact that he is DEAD and SHE killed him. If the jury comes with anything less than felony murder, I will never trust the US legal system again. I am tired of murderers going free or getting ten years. Jury questions are sickening. Sounds like the jury isnt even listening to the evidence.

I lost my faith in the system long ago ...I agree with you about the jury's questions.

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Let's remember that there were NO photos of them together on that day, but it was pretty obvious that they were both naked at some point. Neither of them looked happy in ANY of the photos.

Travis unhappy because he really, really did not want her there. Jodi unhappy because Travis had screwed up her plans and now her alibi was going to also be screwed up.

Well, I've read reports she is ambidextrous, and with zoom, sure.

I say no because that photo you are talking about is fairly clear. With low light situations, it is very difficult to get a clear shot without a tripod or a super steady hand. I'm saying I don't believe it would be possible to do. Just don't see it.
Sorry to just jump in and ask a stupid question, but I haven't followed since the beginning. Was there proof that they had spent time having sex before his death? I'm another one wondering if he even knew she was in the house until the shower.
Essentially. There were photos in the early afternoon of them (around 1 pm IIRC?) both nude with a bottle of KY on the bed. About half past 5 pm there was photos of him in the shower; there has been dispute at least on this board as to whether or not he was aware of all the shower pics she took. But he probably did know she was still in the house, unless she pretended to leave and instead came in the bathroom & attacked him.
How/when/why would she drop the gun. I just don't see her putting the camera to her eye to take a picture while holding the gun on him. Looks more like tired of her stupid picture taking instead of scared in his eyes to me.

If she is left handed, would she hold the gun with her left and take the picture with her right?

What if she takes the pictures... then attacks him from behind with the knife as he is near the sink area? He goes to the ground, she keeps striking at his head and back down the hallway, finishes with the throat slash. Drags him back to the shower, washes him off, then shoots him.

I just don't see him shot already at the sink... it looks more like spray and blood from a deep stab. It must have been a struggle for her to drag him down the hall back to the bathroom. Why not leave him there if already shot and throat cut? Why take him back to the bathroom anyway? A heavier caliber gun and we would probably know from where the shot came from.

Ok well they are saying she dropped the gun upside down at some point because it was taking one pic on the way down and then landed upside down and took two more pics as the button got depressed by the camera itself (theoretically).

She is left handed and it's a "right handed camera". Testimony that she couldn't have easily shot the camera with her left hand. So in my way of thinking she'd take the photos with her right hand and use a weapon in her left.

That's all I got...
I want to know why the heck Jodi was dressed when she killed Travis. Did she really think that one stab to the heart would kill him immediately and she would get no blood on her? The guy she just had sex with is in the shower and she goes in the bathroom, fully clothed, to take pictures of him? Makes no sense. But then nothing she has said so far makes any sense so I guess it is just the way she is.
I know Nancy got her panties in a wad over these juror questions tonite (although she did crack me up with her last caller thinking this was some kind of ritual Satanic killing saying "all I can say is thank Heaven you are not on the jury" snap!). I'm not so concerned about these juror questions for the following reasons.

1. Sometimes people just ask questions for the sake of needing to ask a question. My father is one of those people.

2. There ARE intelligent people on that jury who will steer the, I'll say it, dumb ones.

3. There is a chick on the front row sitting on the edge of her seat the whole time with her 3 toned hair and paying attention to EVERYTHING. Also taking notes on everything. She won't let that kind of stupidity go on. I was guessing who might be foreperson and although she's quite young, she got my vote. For whatever that's worth in the guessing game dept.

4. They will hear over and over in closings "there is no dispute on either side, Jodi Arias commited this crime". Jose Baez may have tried to muddy the waters with some jury confusion but this defense team isn't that devious imo.

I agree with all of the above.

I didn't know you've already attended! I just saw your posts saying you were thinking about going next Wednesday (or the following Wed). Can you share more? Hopefully the juror you described will actually get picked to deliberate.

An example of your point #1 -- during Drew Peterson's trial last year, there was a jury question during deliberation, “Just to be clear judge, what does unanimous mean?”. I thought if that's not a sign of things going south, I don't know what is. THESE are the people who are debating the verdict?? Maybe they'll ask for the definitions of Guilt and Innocence too. Well that turned out okay. Odd as it was.

For me I will hold my judgement until after a verdict and give the jury the benefit of the doubt. I'm glad they're engaged and thorough and I cannot judge every jury based on the Pinellas12. Though they haunt my dreams sometimes. :furious:
Ok well they are saying she dropped the gun upside down at some point because it was taking one pic on the way down and then landed upside down and took two more pics as the button got depressed by the camera itself (theoretically).

She is left handed and it's a "right handed camera". Testimony that she couldn't have easily shot the camera with her left hand. So in my way of thinking she'd take the photos with her right hand and use a weapon in her left.

That's all I got...

There would be no clear photos if that scenario happened. You just can't take a clear photo in low lighting like that.
Travis unhappy because he really, really did not want her there. Jodi unhappy because Travis had screwed up her plans and now her alibi was going to also be screwed up.


How was she going to get in without her being heard by the roommate or Travis, shoot him (with pillow or without), then get out? The roommate there messes that one up for me.

As we see, she can/could/did tell the other guy a bunch of crap. He believed.

Seems more to me like she shows up and wants to talk, he lets her in, they talk and go to sleep, sex stuff/pics, she ask if he has changed his mind- he says 'no', he goes to take a shower, she gets dressed and says she wants some good-bye pics of him. There it goes.
I want to know why the heck Jodi was dressed when she killed Travis. Did she really think that one stab to the heart would kill him immediately and she would get no blood on her? The guy she just had sex with is in the shower and she goes in the bathroom, fully clothed, to take pictures of him? Makes no sense. But then nothing she has said so far makes any sense so I guess it is just the way she is.

I think that she was dressed to make him think that she left and was taking those shower photos without him knowing. I don't think she cared about getting blood on herself. We heard that there was "cool-aid stains" on the rental car and the floor mats were gone.
I want to know why the heck Jodi was dressed when she killed Travis. Did she really think that one stab to the heart would kill him immediately and she would get no blood on her? The guy she just had sex with is in the shower and she goes in the bathroom, fully clothed, to take pictures of him? Makes no sense. But then nothing she has said so far makes any sense so I guess it is just the way she is.

I think she was leaving. They were done having sex. maybe he had to go somewhere. who knows? She probably had no idea how much blood there would be but obviously the clothes were dealt with. They never found them, did they?
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