The State Rests in the State v Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #10

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After she is convicted:rocker: I hope someone will explain to me where this woman got don't rent cars, buy gas, go on trips, etc. without money........remind me to ask this again after the verdict please and thank you very much.:seeya::great:

Yes all those cash deposits while she was on the road. The best explanation I've heard (other than she was turning tricks down the road) was that she was stopping and pulling money out of other people's accts via ATM's and depositing it in her own account so she could use cards along her murder trail (of course leaving off the murder part).
After she is convicted:rocker: I hope someone will explain to me where this woman got don't rent cars, buy gas, go on trips, etc. without money........remind me to ask this again after the verdict please and thank you very much.:seeya::great:
AFAIK she was working...she worked at Margaritavi-oh no, that's right. She lied about working there. ;)

She did work at Casa Ramos though. She at some point worked for Pre-Paid Legal. And I'd hazard a guess that she manipulated plenty of people into loaning her money...then we can also throw in the likelihood she'd steal money from her grandparents as easily as she could a gun. Then there's also her up and coming professional photography business too...

The girl had a lot of options.
That grief lady during Casey's trial made me cry....I'll never get the image outta my head of the mom holding an umbrella over her sons grave all stark contrast to Caylee's body rotting in a trash bag,around the corner, in a swamp.

I agree, that was very sad (and displayed how a mother really grieves). My point was that can the defense try to come up with some kind of scenario where jodi blacked out, didn't know what she was doing, and came up with all these stories.

ie - ugly coping? To explain Jodi's behaviour after slaughtering TA?

Just thinking out loud! :)

To politely disagree with everyone, I don't see such a story in his face. His stare just looks rather bored. I think that our knowing his sad fate is coloring some opinions.

I cover his face in half and isolate his left eye and I too see deep concern or fear or even terror.
To politely disagree with everyone, I don't see such a story in his face. His stare just looks rather bored. I think that our knowing his sad fate is coloring some opinions.

You need to look at all his other photos to compare, especially his eyes. imo
To politely disagree with everyone, I don't see such a story in his face. His stare just looks rather bored. I think that our knowing his sad fate is coloring some opinions.

I not convinced either and hate to give opinions on photos such as these. Objectively looking at it, he appears to be trying to look sexy. He also looks bored, tired, confused. Etc...
I agree with every word, except "panic" I disagree... I believe "rage" and "determination" would be more fitting.

where I am coming from with panic is fear but I chose not to use that word because it implies I support self defense. She was afraid because something went wrong. She was afraid because it wasn't like in the movies. She was afraid because she had started something that without an unfair advantage she wasn't sure she could finish.

She may be overly self confident but I think she knew that she would not be able to take Travis if she didn't sucker punch him in whatever action she took. When he didn't die after whatever first attack, she was probably worried that she was about to get her just desserts (deservingly seeing as she just shot him or stabbed him depending on which you believe).

I also believe that she was pissed that things did not go as planned and that is another reason it was so violent. She probably felt like he "forced her" to do the other things because he was supposed to just die.
Here in Maricopa County, Sheriff Joe only allows The Weather Channel and The Disney Channel - from what I learned from a documentary on Tent City... He said because the Federal Government requires jails to provide cable TV, he allows them to see how hot it is outside and cartoons...

I was so shocked to hear the Feds would require cable TV in prisons that I checked and found that Florida does not provide cable TV, so I doubt it is required. NOT questioning you or your memory just the accuracy of the documentary.
Other than that pic itself, her reaction to it when under interrogation, she warmed up with a bright smile speaking of how much she loved that photo of him..."the one where he's looking right at you". Knowing...KNOWING...she took that mere moments before she began slaughtering him.

I'd highlight weirdo details like that for the jury in the closing if I was doing it.
Speaking of ugly coping -- can we expect to see "grief lady" take the stand in this case too?


Complete with the cartoon "birdies" flying around her head. "Chirp, chirp". Her testimony was so bizarre, do you remember? We honestly thought she had been drinking. :lol:
I not convinced either and hate to give opinions on photos such as these. Objectively looking at it, he appears to be trying to look sexy. He also looks bored, tired, confused. Etc...

I agree. I think its easy to read into it because we all know what happened. I think Jodi was probably honest about him saying he felt gay posing for those shots. Men do not tend to take as many pictures especially trying to look sexy. Facebook is a perfect example of that.
I'm really sorry I asked. I simply thought maybe there was an interesting interview or something I hadn't read about JA's past.
And I'm sorry I provided a link to what info I knew about diagnosing psychopathy - didn't know it would get me treated like this.
I can see I'm not welcome here.

I'm sorry you don't feel welcome. You are welcome here.

I don't think there is much of anything in terms of interviews on Jodi's past.
The only thing I've seen in regards to her state of mind is on the 48 hours piece. It was said she had been evaluated and was found to be fit to stand trial.

Clearly a back-up plan, imo. If he even had given her any sliver of doubt about whether they had a future, he wouldn't be dead right now, imo.
I agree with you but I believe Jodi knew that ship had sailed before she even left California.

With Travis's childhood...and the sex games they played his life style you think Jody thought she had her own 50 Shades of Gray ???
Hmm. I'm confused. What sex games? And what about Travis' childhood? He was the son of drug addicted parents who was subjected to a lot of abuse and neglect before he turned 10 which iirc is when he went to live with Mum Mum. If anything, very often, a history of prior abuse can make people vulnerable to future abuse. And we know abusive personalities typically target the vulnerable.

As far as we know Travis was a virgin until he met Jodi.
Hey b.
You have to have a gun for an abusive boyfriend. Gun came from GPs... but she threw it away in the panic afterwards (not sure where, she was in shock). Knife was in the bedroom because Travis was like that with scary knives.

JMO, but I think that she used the same knife that she slashed the tires with and yes, I do believe that it was she who slashed the tires.
Although most (including me) think it was premeditated from the moment she "stole" the gun from her grandparents, it can also be premeditation began the moment he raised his hand in self defense and she chose to inflict yet another life threatening, and taking, wound. That's enough premed right there to qualify...for the DP.

oops ment to say did not say it was not premeditated.
One of the many problems with the DP is illustrated by this case.

In my opinion the prosecution was foolish to go for the DP, as juries are famously reluctant to sentence women to death.

In this case, Jodi's age and her (totally insane) reasoning will work in her favour...this is what the French call a "crime of passion" and it is treated more lightly in European countries simply because it occurred between two lovers.

I suspect the jury in this case will deep down believe that she was acting as a "woman scorned" and that Travis in some way contributed to her fury.

I can't say I disagree - what she did is revolting and horrific, but she didn't do it randomly like James Holmes, or without a clear motive.

Travis was clearly unable to stop having sex with her, yet dismissing her immediately afterwards as if she was a hooker.

I can understand her rage, and I suspect the jury will be able to as well.

If the only choices are the DP or Not Guilty, the jury will almost certainly lean toward acquittal.

If the choice was LWOP or Not Guilty, they would have no problem at all finding her guilty as charged.

I was thinking out loud!! It seemed Jodi like CA lived in her own fantasy world ..
where I am coming from with panic is fear but I chose not to use that word because it implies I support self defense. She was afraid because something went wrong. She was afraid because it wasn't like in the movies. She was afraid because she had started something that without an unfair advantage she wasn't sure she could finish.

She may be overly self confident but I think she knew that she would not be able to take Travis if she didn't sucker punch him in whatever action she took. When he didn't die after whatever first attack, she was probably worried that she was about to get her just desserts (deservingly seeing as she just shot him or stabbed him depending on which you believe).

I also believe that she was pissed that things did not go as planned and that is another reason it was so violent. She probably felt like he "forced her" to do the other things because he was supposed to just die.

I would normally agree with you. However, I believe her to be a psychopath and they really don't feel much fear at all as evidenced by her numerous interviews. They're typically very determined laser focused folks. A person with a conscience would be scared to death, sweating, displaying signs of fear in a police interrogation situation. Even innocent people get scared. can you imagine if they thought you had slaughtered someone? This Jodi would probably pass a polygraph on everyone of her tales, ninjas included.
I agree. I think its easy to read into it because we all know what happened. I think Jodi was probably honest about him saying he felt gay posing for those shots. Men do not tend to take as many pictures especially trying to look sexy. Facebook is a perfect example of that.

Exactly. My dd's little "boyfriend" recently posted a pic of himself on fb and if he had been murdered immediately after you would swear he was looking into his tormentor's eyes and just trying to do anything to please him/her. In reality, he was trying to look like a tween's perception of model hot. I wish I could post it here so you could see how [insert any negative emotion here] he looks.
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