The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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i can't get it to post - Alexander/IMG_0236.jpg.html?sort=3&o=167
Here is another perspective.... before I wondered how she would get TA in the shower the way he was positioned. I guess I was thinking she would have to have drug him from another direction... but this clearly shows the hallway... the sink to the left.. and the shower to the right... when she drug him from the master bedroom... and turned that corner... he would have already been in the direction in which he was found... make sense? Or am I totally wrong here?


The closet next to the shower.
Murder Planning 101 (cont): Try your best not to photograph yourself while in the act of the murder.

For real. Can you imagine how difficult this would be without the photographs. She really did everyone a favor by including the camera in her plans.
I think we decided it really doesn't matter, he suffered, wasn't rendered unconscious.

Aside from that I'd say we are still running around 50-50 the best guess

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The gruesome thought occurred to Mr. Knot as I was creating several experiments on our kitchen floor involving maple syrup and rigatoni pasta....

If JA stabbed TA first instead of shooting him, could it throw a wrench in the premeditation charge?

His thought was that if she staged the robbery to get the gun (premeditation) but then got there, had sex, spent hours, and then killed TA not with the gun she fake-stole, but with a knife that arguably came from within Travis' house, would that NOT negate premeditation?

I threw up a little in my mouth. Then thought I'd ask you folks.

If the gunshot really DID come last could this really rule out premeditation , and thus, murder one? :eek:
Of course not! You must tell them only of the one pair which is free of any blood spatter or other incriminating evidence.


And the remains of them.... are somewhere out in the desert....js

The gruesome thought occurred to Mr. Knot as I was creating several experiments on our kitchen floor involving maple syrup and rigatoni pasta....

If JA stabbed TA first instead of shooting him, could it throw a wrench in the premeditation charge?

His thought was that if she staged the robbery to get the gun (premeditation) but then got there, had sex, spent hours, and then killed TA not with the gun she fake-stole, but with a knife that arguably came from within Travis' house, would that NOT negate premeditation?

I threw up a little in my mouth. Then thought I'd ask you folks.

If the gunshot really DID come last could this really rule out premeditation , and thus, murder one? :eek:

That's what the DT was arguing after Martinez rested in court... Defense wanted the premeditation charge dropped.... thus no death penalty. If I'm correct.... I could be wrong... but I do believe that was the argument her DT presented last.

The gruesome thought occurred to Mr. Knot as I was creating several experiments on our kitchen floor involving maple syrup and rigatoni pasta....

If JA stabbed TA first instead of shooting him, could it throw a wrench in the premeditation charge?

His thought was that if she staged the robbery to get the gun (premeditation) but then got there, had sex, spent hours, and then killed TA not with the gun she fake-stole, but with a knife that arguably came from within Travis' house, would that NOT negate premeditation?

I threw up a little in my mouth. Then thought I'd ask you folks.

If the gunshot really DID come last could this really rule out premeditation , and thus, murder one? :eek:

Interesting question, but the premeditation still exists (car, dyed hair, license plate, disabling phone). Until she opens her mouth and tells us, her plan could have been 1. stab 2. slice 3. shoot. OR 1. shoot 2. slice. 3. stab

I don't know if it matters the order of operations if the end result is the same. If she came with the knife it's part of the whole murder package. But using his own knife on him could also have been a part of her plan. Know what I mean?
I am sooo glad I am not the only person who remembers that icky stuff!

But I really do think it's super weird that his privates are so bright red.

And then the Kool Aid stains? I think I'm pretty street/bedroom savvy, but for pete's sake, it seems like there ought to be a correlation. And yet I cannot think of anything that would cause that bright red weiner. Can I say weiner?

:floorlaugh: Ok - I posted the large KY cayenne spiced photo a few days ago or last week. What I didn't post was the hilarious webpage that went along with it. Now, I don't know if this product ever really existed or if it is a spoof but here it is for your enjoyment and possible explanation for the very red johnson. :giggle:

Note: this is a print page so a print options window will open, just click the "cancel" button or red "x" in the upper right, then view the page.

12/26/09: New "Cayenne Pepper" KY Jelly Adds Excruciating Hotness to Bedroom


The gruesome thought occurred to Mr. Knot as I was creating several experiments on our kitchen floor involving maple syrup and rigatoni pasta....

If JA stabbed TA first instead of shooting him, could it throw a wrench in the premeditation charge?

His thought was that if she staged the robbery to get the gun (premeditation) but then got there, had sex, spent hours, and then killed TA not with the gun she fake-stole, but with a knife that arguably came from within Travis' house, would that NOT negate premeditation?

I threw up a little in my mouth. Then thought I'd ask you folks.

If the gunshot really DID come last could this really rule out premeditation , and thus, murder one? :eek:

Premeditation occurred when she picked up the weapon, be it the knife or gun, and inflicted an injury which could have caused death. Travis was not armed. Whether she stabbed him in the heart, or shot him in the head, there were also many subsequent injuries which clearly indicate she wanted him to die.

It wasnt improperly fired though exploded into his forehead and went through the bone and into his brain and spiralling from velosity until it slowed down coming to rest in the left cheek.

All the arteries supplying blood to the head and brain were completely severed from the throat being sliced wide open ear to ear and would stop any blood from getting to the brain. That is when she shot him last after she had cut his throat he had very little blood from the wound. She shot him close in the area where the bullet casing was found ejected upon of his already spilled blood. After that she put him in the shower stall by dragging him.

A .25 caliber has been used to murder others before. At one time the most popular gun used by a hitman was a .22 handgun and it did the job and a .25 is a little more powerful.

She didnt have to be experienced in firearms ..its really a simple mechanism. Point and fire.

Hitmen and others uses them because the bullet tend to do more damage bouncing around the brain than one with a direct path that exits.

The gruesome thought occurred to Mr. Knot as I was creating several experiments on our kitchen floor involving maple syrup and rigatoni pasta....

If JA stabbed TA first instead of shooting him, could it throw a wrench in the premeditation charge?

His thought was that if she staged the robbery to get the gun (premeditation) but then got there, had sex, spent hours, and then killed TA not with the gun she fake-stole, but with a knife that arguably came from within Travis' house, would that NOT negate premeditation?

I threw up a little in my mouth. Then thought I'd ask you folks.

If the gunshot really DID come last could this really rule out premeditation , and thus, murder one? :eek:

i was reading that of she shot him last - after he was already dead - it makes it worse, extreme cruelty, which they need to prove for a death penalty case also - imo
It's one minute to showtime and I didn't have time to check, but I'm sure this was posted earlier, so my apologies for the repeat.

In case anyone wasn't aware, 48 Hours is revisiting their initial interview, mixing in some current updates. Right now (Saturday January 13), on CBS.

I'm a few minutes behind with my DVR but my blood is boiling watching her...
Oh sure. This was back in 2007/2008 before people were getting anywhere near as careful about passwords are they are now. Even I can probably tell you his password: N-A-P-O-L-E-O-N. :)

OMG, I am in stitches!

When DH and I first began living together (mind you we had been engaged in college 20 years prior), I was ordering his mother's bday gift on his Amazon acct and when I had to log on I said, jokingly, "Lemme guess....password 'Elvis'?" which was his dog's name.

He just stared at me and said "wow! How did you KNOW?"

Kind OT here but I highly recommend Small Sacrifices from Ann Rule. It is about the Diane Downs case-the 80's version of Susan Smith. I recommend this (if you are able to not be triggered by it) because of its fascinating portrait of a female psychopath/sociopath whose actions are very similar to both CA and JA. She too used men sexually, was a stalker extreme and highly manipulative, bent on destroying the men whose lives she entered. like CA she claimed abuse from her father-who, oddly enough, runs a large website talking about how she is innocent :screwy: Again I can't recommend this enough if you want to try to gain a better understanding of someone like JA especially.
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As far as the passwords, I have a male friend who would tell anyone his passwords. He had me log in to his bank account and check his balance once. I told him he was crazy and to NOT tell his string of random girlfriends any of this information. I've known him for half my life and he's always been very forthcoming with private information like this. I think some people are just way too trusting. My husband begrudgingly told me his PIN number a few months after we were married. He password protected his computer and didn't want to tell that, either. Some people are very guarded and some aren't.
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