The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #12

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Travis' first blog entry. And guess who comments? :rolleyes:

And she double posted, too. Ugh. Once under her blog ID and once unde her name. Ick.

And then she decides to start her own blog. I don't think this is stalking---but I think it is snaring---seducing. Trying to show herself as someone with the same interests and introspective ideas as Travis. It was positioning, and marketing. This is her manipulation. She had not moved on.
I believe he was doing quite a bit of manipulating himself.
He was a professional salesman after all.

Just curious what manipulating you think Travis was doing. Not trying to be adversarial, just curious because I don't see it.
Did you notice anything about those men, that set them apart, as to why they would be willing to put up with so much chaos ? I haven't known many willing to deal with all the drama....long term anyway. (Speaking specifically about BPD relationships)

You weren't asking me but I'll tell you what I have read and it's this-- a person with a chaotic childhood - taking care of 'broken' parents - can be set up by this chaotic childhood to tolerate craziness, or to even be attracted to it, because it's what they knew. It's familiar. Or they want to "rescue" a broken person & in so doing they are 'resurrecting' the damaged parent or parents.
Travis may have been inclined to give a broken person like Jodi too much slack. He tolerated more nutbag behavior than an undamaged person would.
I heard a woman friend of Travis interviewed today and she was saying that Travis helped everyone--he lifted people up.
You weren't asking me but I'll tell you what I have read and it's this-- a person with a chaotic childhood - taking care of 'broken' parents - can be set up by this chaotic childhood to tolerate craziness, or to even be attracted to it, because it's what they knew. It's familiar. Or they want to "rescue" a broken person & in so doing they are 'resurrecting' the damaged parent or parents.
Travis may have been inclined to give a broken person like Jodi too much slack. He tolerated more nutbag behavior than an undamaged person would.
I heard a woman friend of Travis interviewed today and she was saying that Travis helped everyone--he lifted people up.

It's so sad that such a wonderful attribute was exploited to such a vicious and cruel ending.
Sorry to read this Linda. We, more specifically my daughter had a stalker. It was awful and very scary. She, her best friend, me and more all had razor blades broken off in tires in our cars, my dogs eye was razor bladed and had to be removed, he followed her everywhere, was seen hiding at her work, got into our computers, home, etc. I could go on and on. I was so worried about her. We got a home alarm and eventually cameras around our home.
Stalkers are a breed all their own. What is it your sons stalker is after with your son? What are the police doing about it if anything?

Oh how awful. Is he out of the picture now? I'm so sorry.
It's so sad that such a wonderful attribute was exploited to such a vicious and cruel ending.

I know...and that is what is so heartbreaking about this whole mess. He was trying to overcome his past and he had come a long way and he was loving and kind from what everyone is saying about him..and he helped people... then he had to cross paths with that crazy witch...
Hmm apparently I'm not allowed to be realistic.
If my viewpoint is interpreted as victim unfriendly I'll not mention TA again.
I simply cannot buy this wonderful, virtuous image of him.

I mean I see TA as someone who has some serious flaws.
He seems to deliberately encourage her attention.
I got the impression he initiated his fair share of the sex/sexting/phone sex stuff (don't have example off-hand but will search).
He's clearly quite the ladies man (from his blog and the insinuations of his friends) - I don't buy that it's in some cute, virginal, wholesome Mormon fantasy sort of way.
I don't think he abused anyone physically.
I think everyone on earth who has ever been in a romantic relationship has committed acts of 'verbal abuse' so I'm even going to bother with that one.

I think his psychology is interesting if we want to explore the nature of their relationship dynamic. I am not blaming him for his fate It would be like blaming someone for being killed in a tsunami or something. It's a freak act.

I find it hard to believe that there is a person on earth that has not at least felt used by a romantic partner, who has not been cheated on, lied to, misled. Yet 99.99% of people do not slaughter anyone because murder is wrong.
IIRC her last defense team had her evaluated because they did not think she was competent to stand trial

Wow...sounds like they were going for insanity at that point. Til they ditched her. Wonder what those psych tests indicated. :jail:
This makes me sick. Shame on Alyce Laviolette, the possible Defense Witness, supposely expert in Domestic Violence for enabling falsehoods and presenting misconceptions of what type of abuse occurred. Stalking Jodi couldn't get away? Last I heard, stalkers were the ones abusing.

Yeah, "Alternatives to Violence" indeed. What were Jodi's alternatives to slaughtering an unarmed nude man as some kind of necessity? Oh boy I can't wait to see Martinez skewer this woman. She deserves every bit of infamy she gets for participation in this case.:furious:
Hmm apparently I'm not allowed to be realistic.
If my viewpoint is interpreted as victim unfriendly I'll not mention TA again.
I simply cannot buy this wonderful, virtuous image of him.

I mean I see TA as someone who has some serious flaws.
He seems to deliberately encourage her attention.
I got the impression he initiated his fair share of the sex/sexting/phone sex stuff (don't have example off-hand but will search).
He's clearly quite the ladies man (from his blog and the insinuations of his friends) - I don't buy that it's in some cute, virginal, wholesome Mormon fantasy sort of way.
I don't think he abused anyone physically.
I think everyone on earth who has ever been in a romantic relationship has committed acts of 'verbal abuse' so I'm even going to bother with that one.

I think his psychology is interesting if we want to explore the nature of their relationship dynamic. I am not blaming him for his fate It would be like blaming someone for being killed in a tsunami or something. It's a freak act.

I find it hard to believe that there is a person on earth that has not at least felt used by a romantic partner, who has not been cheated on, lied to, misled. Yet 99.99% of people do not slaughter anyone because murder is wrong.

You seem to be focused on the Mormon thing and Travis's struggle to live up to the ideal standard. I would bet the struggle is a common one in the Mormon community. I had read somewhere that *advertiser censored* addiction is also rampant. Mormons are human beings. Human beings are sexual beings. Denying that would cause anyone to struggle.

I don't care if he was virginal. I don't care if he bedded every woman he ever met.

Had you said, he sometimes spoke to her in an abusive way. I would agree.
Hmm apparently I'm not allowed to be realistic.
If my viewpoint is interpreted as victim unfriendly I'll not mention TA again.
I simply cannot buy this wonderful, virtuous image of him.

I mean I see TA as someone who has some serious flaws.
He seems to deliberately encourage her attention.
I got the impression he initiated his fair share of the sex/sexting/phone sex stuff (don't have example off-hand but will search).
He's clearly quite the ladies man (from his blog and the insinuations of his friends) - I don't buy that it's in some cute, virginal, wholesome Mormon fantasy sort of way.
I don't think he abused anyone physically.
I think everyone on earth who has ever been in a romantic relationship has committed acts of 'verbal abuse' so I'm even going to bother with that one.

I think his psychology is interesting if we want to explore the nature of their relationship dynamic. I am not blaming him for his fate It would be like blaming someone for being killed in a tsunami or something. It's a freak act.

I find it hard to believe that there is a person on earth that has not at least felt used by a romantic partner, who has not been cheated on, lied to, misled. Yet 99.99% of people do not slaughter anyone because murder is wrong.

Are you referring to a particular post, because I haven't read anything here that holds Travis up as the paragon of virtue. I've had long discussions here around the topic of Travis' conflicting urges (sex/mormonism) and his inability to make a clean break with Jodi.

These are the same inconsistencies or conflicts that would be found in almost any human being if their life were laid bare before the world.

I've found almost all the opinions here very balanced about Travis, and even Jodi.
Just want to mention the person that walks around with BPD 24/7.

Not minimizing the affect on their partner but the BPD deals with this
illness with no cure in sight. All they have is therapy, medication, and DBT
classes which hopefully teaches control of their emotions and puts them in
the gray area of thinking instead of black and white.
Their emotions are always on a roller coaster ride and while the mate can
or does, leave there is no escape for the person living the nightmare.

Only the closest of relatives/friends stay by their side and I do agree
they are a handful.

Just needed to mention the other side of this crippling mind disease
and mention there are these victims and also the lives of the people they touch.

(Probably not well explained but I think my point is there) :)

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