The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #12

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I think BPD's in particular are recognized by their tumultuous relationships, revenge seeking, and frantic, stalker behaviors. I think empathy failure is the most recognizable trait of APD's and pathological sense of entitlement distinguishes narcissists.

I don't know that there's much use in the differentiations because they are all personality disordered (character defect) and they all lack insight, refuse to take responsiblity and resist treatment

Again, I am in no way a psych expert -- but I do deal with people affected by personality disordered individuals on a daily basis

Hey that sounds right to me! Classic BPD character in "art": "I will not be ignored Dan!". Who am I referencing? Same actress paid a Narcissist in Dangerous Liasions. ;)
They break up and become friends with benefits. JA clearly cannot handle this evidenced by the stalking. If someone is not handling a break up and a FWB deal that they continue to have strong feelings and want more from the relationship. Despite this, he continues to have sex with her and go on (and completely paying for) mini-vacations with her. He was using her.

I do not see how his behavior can be interpreted as kind or honorable. I also do not see how one could argue that he was doing all this because he was afraid of further abuse or that she would kill herself.

Am I missing something? Maybe I'm crazy - projecting too much lol.

I agree with you. If you are crazy, so am I. I know I am projecting a little bit due to the experiences I have had with relationships I have had with men and religion. I would bet we all do a little bit.
They do that dialectical behavioral therapy for Borderlines but those who practice that simply have the patience of Saints. They test test test and manipulate manipulate manipulate and wreak havoc in every relationship. I worked inpatient Psych for years and the Borderlines were revolving doors...and exhausting.

I'll take my brother with his diagnosis of Schizophrenia any day of the week over a Personality Disorder. Who, also, by the way, after 20 years of extreme symptoms is about 99% symptom free. This last year has been walking in a miracle. It's like he "woke up" like those patients in the movie Awakenings. My brother is back...after all these years. Tangent but just wanted to share because it's the biggest joy and light in my life.

both of these. I work in a psych hospital and I agree with all of these statements. Dealing with cluster B's for 12 hours a day tries everyone who has to deal with them.....the drama, the constant attention that they draw round themselves which takes attention away from the others on the unit. Very SMI individuals are a cakewalk compared to them.

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I so wish we knew more about her youth. I would love a sit down with her brother specifically...and the rest of her siblings. There absence is most intriguing
BBM: No, Borderline Personality Disorder is not Bi-Polar. Bi-Polar is a "Mood Disorder" while BPD is a personality disorder.
One little tidbit of difference between them (and there are many) is that with a Mood Disorder, there will by cycles of mania or depression. Sometimes these cycles occur quickly (cyclothymic) and sometimes over the course of six months.
On the other hand...
BPD can change minute by minute between rage, clinginess, "I hate you; don't leave me", forgetting there was an incident ten minutes ago, etc...

There is even a book titled that!
Same with those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorders. They are not "mood" disorders, they are disordered personalities---and there are no very successful treatments. Someone here mentioned that their personalities are "defective" and that's a great way to look at it.

I knew a therapist who did not agree that borderlines couldn't "help" it, when I argued that point with her (that they have no choice, they couldn't help it) she would fight me tooth and nail saying they choose who to manipulate and how. I think it's a gray area.

Whatever her psychological issues (we can all agree they are not run-of-the-mill) she knew what she did was wrong because she tried like hell to cover it up before and after the fact.

I wonder if there will ever be a real treatment for psychopaths/borderlines/etc.

I can tell you that being the daughter of a mother with BPD, especially prior to the diagnosis, I always thought the manipulation was deliberate. Now I know it is not, but it's hard to change ones perception when one experiences the abuse that comes with the territory. Sorry, a little OT.

Just wanted to add...very thought provoking posts today. I think the long recess has really helped put our thinking caps on!

BBM: No, Borderline Personality Disorder is not Bi-Polar. Bi-Polar is a "Mood Disorder" while BPD is a personality disorder.
One little tidbit of difference between them (and there are many) is that with a Mood Disorder, there will by cycles of mania or depression. Sometimes these cycles occur quickly (cyclothymic) and sometimes over the course of six months.
On the other hand...
BPD can change minute by minute between rage, clinginess, "I hate you; don't leave me", forgetting there was an incident ten minutes ago, etc...

Correct me if I'm wrong...
bipolar can be pretty well controlled by meds - it's a chemical imbalance.
Personality disorders are ingrained wrongful ways of thinking that can only be treated with therapy. The success rate of treatment is low esp. for the Cluster B's (which inc. BPD)
Well I'm going to watch my favorite show, Suits...then try to sleep! Wish me luck or I'll be back. Consider that a warning:)
I read the difference between Narcissist/Histrionic/Borderline/Antisocial wrt bad behavior is motivation. Antisocial PD is motivated by the need for stimulation; Narcissist by the need to maintain their superior self-image; histrionic the need for attention; borderlines fear abandonment.
They all lack empathy.

Wow, that's concise and sums it all up in a very clear nutshell!
I would agree. His continuing to engage her wasn't kind or honorable. I would also agree he enjoyed the sex, is it using when the other person is using sex to manipulate? Or is it a push? I think we can agree they used each other for sex. Both had their own reasons and agenda for doing so.

I agree with this and it is a balanced view. She used her sexual availability to be near him, and to try and "convince" him she was the woman he was looking for, she manipulated his desire for sex so she could push her agenda.

He knew she was not a woman he wanted to be "official" boyfriend and girlfriend with, let alone marry, knew his friends didn't approve of her, and knew the "relationship" was over, but continued to see her, travel with her and interact with her because she provided sex.
I think BPD's in particular are recognized by their tumultuous relationships, revenge seeking, and frantic, stalker behaviors. I think empathy failure is the most recognizable trait of APD's and pathological sense of entitlement distinguishes narcissists.

I don't know that there's much use in the differentiations because they are all personality disordered (character defect) and they all lack insight, refuse to take responsiblity and resist treatment

Again, I am in no way a psych expert -- but I do deal with people affected by personality disordered individuals on a daily basis

BBM: While I'm not disagreeing with you, I think that the diagnosis of BPD is most quickly made by the pro's when they hear of:

*cutting* (self mutilation)
suicidal ideation
suicide attempts
short relationship histories
feeling you must "walk around on eggshells" around them or trigger them into rage
Hey that sounds right to me! Classic BPD character in "art": "I will not be ignored Dan!". Who am I referencing? Same actress paid a Narcissist in Dangerous Liasions. ;)

No--bipolar is a MOOD disorder, borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder. Bipolar is highly treatable with medication, BPD, not so much.

jumping off from your post, one diagnosed with bipolar can also have any of the Cluster B's....which can be doubly hard to cope with.

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BBM: While I'm not disagreeing with you, I think that the diagnosis of BPD is most quickly made by the pro's when they hear of:

*cutting* (self mutilation)
suicidal ideation
suicide attempts
short relationship histories
feeling you must "walk around on eggshells" around them or trigger them into rage

yep yep yep yep....Jodi's lack of consistency in any relationships particularly with women speaks of this. Threats of suicide. Makes me wonder if those "scratches" she pointed out to Det.Flores from her "feral cat" weren't actually self inflicted. hmmmmm
I so wish we knew more about her youth. I would love a sit down with her brother specifically...and the rest of her siblings. There absence is most intriguing

I wish I knew more about her too. That said, I respect her side of the family for not blabbing (the good or bad) to NG and Dr. Drew (yuck and yuck).
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