The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #18 *ADULT CONTENT*

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- this is a quote from another poster.

My response.

Hm. I imagine I could be one of those people you are talking about. Except that I think everyone posting here thinks Jodi is guilty of premeditated murder.

In a couple of months I will have been married to my hubby for 40 years.

My job for a few years before I retired was working with the homeless and a lot of them were women that were in the abused woman's shelter.

I was able to learn a lot about the double standard and the shame that these women get to experience all of the time.

I will rail against this paternalistic society where lawmakers can talk about legitimate rape and the Violence Against Women Act cannot be passed.

I will not accept that a woman is a *advertiser censored* whereas the man cannot control himself. He is seduced by the jezebel. :furious:

I am confused. I don't recall anyone calling Jodi a *advertiser censored* or claiming Travis was incapable of controlling himself.

I believe Jodi was sexually aggressive, manipulative and wielded her sexuality as a means to get what she wanted. Only it failed, Travis didn't want to marry her.

I believe Travis was a normal man with sexual urges that he struggled with because of his faith. His biological urges won out and he paid with his life.

BBM: And where is there any evidence of abuse? The DT can't seem to come up with a single witness that can back up her latest story. If the last couple of days are any indication, they really have nothing. Their only choice is putting her on the stand and GHT with that.
And where is there any evidence of abuse? The DT can't seem to come up with a single witness that can back up her latest story. If the last couple of days are any indication, they really have nothing. Their only choice is putting her on the stand and GHT with that.

Totally agree!

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It's late and I can't remember her name (maybe Desiree Freeman?), the younger sister who went on trips with her brother and TA and JA. Anyway, I've seen some people posting that she would have been 13 years old at the time and I'm confused because she is a senior in college. So, how old is this chick?

She's a senior at BYU, who went on a 2 yr mission trip to England, there is no way she was 13 in 2007.
Off to bed. Can't wait to see katiecoo's reports from the courtroom tomorrow. G'nite all. :eek:fftobed:
I don't know who said they were fake, but I'm assuming the State's expert whoever that might be, including possibly the FBI, said so. My point is that Nurmi wouldn't be standing up there in front of the court referencing documents in an evidentiary hearing that were previously ruled to be fake by the court OR lying about whether he had an expert report to the contrary when the court clearly would have seen the expert reports and been acutely aware of the ruling, if not having made it herself.

okay. Drilling down to the core issue of the posts about the letter. If it is a proven forgery, is the judge going to let Nurmi use it for any purpose in any context. I think she is not.

If it can be used to impeach someone at a hearing that is not part of trial, then it can be used, even if it is a forgery or inadmissible. It depends on context.

I;m going to see if I can replay that portion and then tell you the exact context. But essentially, anything, even something fake, may be used to impeach someone depending on context. But I think it went something like: "You were told by the prosecutor that jodi forged letters, correct?" "What letters?" "These right here." "No, I knew they were fake due to the way they were written and I knew they had been deemed forgeries." "Oh really? Isnt it true that you knew an expert had deemed them to be likely written by Travis?" "All I know is that they were excluded so they must have been determined to be fake. The prosecutor's office told me nothing."

Here are the links in case you don't already have them.


:nono: If I may refresh your recollection:

Juan Martinez: I'm gonna object to this portion of him reading this, clearly these letters have been shown to be forged by the defendant and the fact that he's reading them is inappropriate.

Direct to the above statement by JM:
Testimony regarding the letters starts here:
She's a senior at BYU, who went on a 2 yr mission trip to England, there is no way she was 13 in 2007.

I thought she was a rather "odd" witness. Beyond having a poor memory, she seemed board, sleepy, disinterested and ........................I don't know. I can't put it into words.
Did any one else get that vibe?
I am so in love with the prosecutor. I also think the judge is very good. She resolves issues quickly and then moves on. Where was she when Caylee needed her?

Finally, I am so grateful for Lisa. Honest, kind, and truthful...
I should add that I have seen several LDS members on other sites that are not thrilled to have T be a "spokesman" for lack of a better word, for their faith.
They are basically disowning him because of their judgments about how he conducted his life. This is so sad. To loose a beautiful life is bad enough, but to have him scorned by his own - after his death especially - is very disheartening.
My prayers for T's family for the strength to endure.
I thought she was a rather "odd" witness. Beyond having a poor memory, she seemed board, sleepy, disinterested and ........................I don't know. I can't put it into words.
Did any one else get that vibe?

Yes, very odd
I'm thinking that with the last 2 days being so disastrous for the defense team, that they need to break the cycle tomorrow, so that JM doesn't turn any more defense witnesses into prosecution witnesses. So I'm thinking it may be time for the defense to bring in some of their expert witnesses. With the upcoming week or 2 break in testimony, the defense has to be literally desperate to leave SOMETHING of substance in the jurors' minds to ruminate on during the break. And I think they may try diligently to make sure JM doesn't have a chance for the last word before the week long break!

So maybe we will see Alyce LaViolette tomorrow, or another expert with a dry, boring testimony. The very last thing that the defense wants, imo, is a jury to be pondering Lisa Andrews testimony for days on end. She was just excellent. Kudos to her!

And JMO, but I think Alyce LaViolette will blather on about how "lots of different behaviors can be characterized as abusive". I also think, based on watching some of her speeches, that she will say it doesn't matter whether Jodi was REALLY abused or not-- only if Jodi believed she was abused. I think we will hear some dragon slaying justification from her, too-- Jodi had to act in the blink of an eye to pre-emptively save her own life-- pre-emptively, but WITHOUT premeditation. (Opening the door to plant reasonable doubt about 2nd degree murder to save Jodi's sorry hide from the needle.)

I don't believe any of that, but based on ALV's philosophy, I think that is what we may hear from her. Lots and lots and lots of "introspection" about what goes on in the minds of abused women.

Juan to Lisa: "At that time and because of your inexperience, you thought that he should have controlled his penis (Juan gestures towards his own nether region) from becoming tumescent ...or getting big"
My Day in Court Part 2:

So...the deputy on and off all afternoon kept coming out saying "I'm trying to find you girls two seats". And then after the break he pulled us in (just as I was talking to my friend Michael Keifer, a journalist covering this for the local paper and he was trying to get me a way to get in). We didn't sit together (ironically her name is katie!) but we both got in.

The environment in there is so freaking intense I can't tell you. I felt my anxiety level go up the minute I sat down. It is such an intense vibe in there. Saw Lisa for like one second of testimony and all the other final witnesses for the day.

I made a bunch of notes so here goes:

The size of the courtroom is like a huge ballroom you might find yourself in for a big wedding reception. I can't impress how LARGE it is. Jodi is WAY far away from the jury. I could barely see her today with my view.

The jury is attentive, many taking notes. I'm fixated on this one female juror in the front, 30 something, tri color hair, she's paying such detailed attention. I keep thinking she could be foreperson. She's WAY in to everything.

Tanisha's husband holds his arm around her waist every time she stands. Looks like he's literally holding her up. good man. He looks much younger in person than on tv.

On Jane Valez Mitchell yesterday an older female friend of Travis was on as a guest. I met her today When the younger sister Desiree 's name was called as a witness, she sharply turned around looking at the person behind her with a long long WTF type stare.

All of Travis ' family are in suits and dresses. Very dressed up.

Nurmi takes forever to get to a point.

I once again talked to their Victim Advocate and she handed me her card saying "tell them tomorow you're with me and you can get in". :great: It was after I asked her if she'd slip a card to the family for me tomorrow. Which I will do. And I will mention the WS community on my card to just so you know.

At the end of court, Juan walked up to the family, checked in with them, he said "are we good?" and they nodded. I'm glad I saw that.

I think that's it for now. I'm going back early tomorrow. I will get in for sure and can stay for the morning (have to work in the afternoon).

I'm thinking tomorrow will be a BIG day. Just a hunch.

Now gonna read some posts and CRASH. :seeya:

Wow! You really are cool, Katie!! Thank you so much.

I was thinking about the pics when the camera was on the ground. I think she messed up earlier when taking the bed photos. I think she had previously set the camera to take an automatic series of photos when she was taking sex/bed photos, and then she forgot she had the setting that way. Then, when she went into the shower area to distract him with more pictures prior to killing him, she forgot the setting was for auto-series. So, she thought she was only taking 1 photo at a time, dropped the camera, and stabbed him. Not realizing the camera was taking more pictures automatically while on the ground.

Just a thought I had why LE got lucky with those extra pics.

I think that's a very smart theory.

Excellent review. Thank you so much for keeping us WS in mind.

It is so interesting about how the reporter thinks that the judge is going to chambers too much.

One thing that is so disturbing to me that the judge is allowing so much non-important testimony from the defense witnesses that seems to have nothing to do with anything. In past trials, I have seen judges question the attorneys where this is heading to be sure they are trying to make some valid point or something. Wondering why this judge seems to be allowing so much extra non-important garbage from the defense witnesses. If you get a chance to talk with Beth or one of the pros there, maybe you can see if they even agree or if they have noticed this.

I think the judge is going above and beyond to make sure jodi is able to put on a defense, but really, it seems so irrelevant half the time and just a blatant attempt to make people dislike Travis, rather than finding this to be a valid self-defense claim. I have heard nothing that points to self defense thus far.

"Yes, but, reading some posts here, I am afraid that some juror will equate Travis less than perfect conduct with their own, past heartbreak and secretly find jodi at least a little bit justified.

The defense has not begun to open the door to a self defense claim but they might get a juror who never got over a past break up or who hates men and strike gold just by *advertiser censored* shaming Travis. - this is a quote from another poster.

My response.

Hm. I imagine I could be one of those people you are talking about. Except that I think everyone posting here thinks Jodi is guilty of premeditated murder.

In a couple of months I will have been married to my hubby for 40 years.

My job for a few years before I retired was working with the homeless and a lot of them were women that were in the abused woman's shelter.

I was able to learn a lot about the double standard and the shame that these women get to experience all of the time.

I will rail against this paternalistic society where lawmakers can talk about legitimate rape and the Violence Against Women Act cannot be passed.

I will not accept that a woman is a *advertiser censored* whereas the man cannot control himself. He is seduced by the jezebel. :furious:

If you actually hit the quote button, it will quote the quote and show the poster who posted the post. That post was by me. I do not know if you are one of the people I referenced because I have not tracked your posts. I remember content very well but I forget from day to day, for the most part, a poster's general opinions or who wrote what.

Please see below:


Edited out funky quotes.... Below is my reply

I am confused. I don't recall anyone calling Jodi a *advertiser censored* or claiming Travis was incapable of controlling himself.

I believe Jodi was sexually aggressive, manipulative and wielded her sexuality as a means to get what she wanted. Only it failed, Travis didn't want to marry her.

I believe Travis was a normal man with sexual urges that he struggled with because of his faith. His biological urges won out and he paid with his life.

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Ditto and thank you so much.

I read one post in all the 14 threads and thousands of pages in which anyone called jodi a *advertiser censored*. She is no *advertiser censored*. She's not a person with loose sexual morals. She is a person who clinically and methodically uses sex as a tool to get something she wants and to manipulate people, IMO. That is very, very different than a "*advertiser censored*".

And Travis was not unable to control, himself. He chose to have sex with jodi because he loved it. Like Linda said, he was a normal man with a healthy sexual appetite. he was also a man constrained to withhold sex from himself by his religion. That didn't create an "uncontrollable" situation but it did create an almost untenable one. It unrealistic to expect that a 30 year old virgin who just discovered the joys of sex would choose to forego it after a sociopath uses her charms to get in and then uses her sexuality to stay in.

See, the way, human, you are phrasing it is as if jodi was a gal who killed some rapist because he claimed her tight clothes drove him wild, so he raped her and she defended herself and killed him the process.

I am a feminist. I totally agree that there is a double standard in society. But right now, it;s working the other way with some. They have experienced heartbreak or see Travis as a "dog" for continuing to have sex with her after the broke up so they want to paint Travis as a deviant monster and those of us who disagree are unfairly being portrayed as calling poor jodi a *advertiser censored*.

Here's some logic: The person who ends up dead on the floor of their bathroom, moments after posing for pictures that show he or she is unarmed and naked in the shower, stabbed too many times to count, and shot and practically decapitated, while their killer remains totally unscathed and due to the timing and other factors, obviously premeditated the act, that person is the victim. Not the killer. And it is highly unlikely, given such a scenario, that the murderer was ever the victim in the relationship.

Travis'' fault was not saying no to someone who was using his love of sex to remain in his life. That could happen to a female victim as well. (But generally, men and women are somewhat different so it likely would have been a different way (than sex) to remain a part of a female victim's life, like money or children, whatever).

In any event, it happened to Travis. This is not about paternalism. This is about a different kind o0f double standard: A man is seen as causing his own murder if he has a relationship with two women at once. Human, you are claiming that many of us see Travis as unable to control himself but really, your logic, in my humble opinion, leads to believing that indeed, it was JODI who could not control herself because she lost her mind as a result of Travis' behavior.

I reject either theory. Both parties were able to control themselves but only one was abused. Only one was slaughtered.

Finally, as a feminist, I am really starting to get offended by people who accuse me of using a double standard simply because I think jodi manipulated Travis with sex. Please stop it.

And another thing... what the HE?? is "*advertiser censored* shaming?" I have never heard of that expression.

*advertiser censored* shaming is when a person (usually a woman) is made to feel ashamed for their sexual conduct. It's like the modern scarlet letter. I actually think that's what the defense is trying to do to Travis, in a sense.
I should add that I have seen several LDS members on other sites that are not thrilled to have T be a "spokesman" for lack of a better word, for their faith.
They are basically disowning him because of their judgments about how he conducted his life. This is so sad. To loose a beautiful life is bad enough, but to have him scorned by his own - after his death especially - is very disheartening.
My prayers for T's family for the strength to endure.

Ugh. What you just said makes my heart ache.
My Day in Court Part 2:

So...the deputy on and off all afternoon kept coming out saying "I'm trying to find you girls two seats". And then after the break he pulled us in (just as I was talking to my friend Michael Keifer, a journalist covering this for the local paper and he was trying to get me a way to get in). We didn't sit together (ironically her name is katie!) but we both got in.

The environment in there is so freaking intense I can't tell you. I felt my anxiety level go up the minute I sat down. It is such an intense vibe in there. Saw Lisa for like one second of testimony and all the other final witnesses for the day.

I made a bunch of notes so here goes:

The size of the courtroom is like a huge ballroom you might find yourself in for a big wedding reception. I can't impress how LARGE it is. Jodi is WAY far away from the jury. I could barely see her today with my view.

The jury is attentive, many taking notes. I'm fixated on this one female juror in the front, 30 something, tri color hair, she's paying such detailed attention. I keep thinking she could be foreperson. She's WAY in to everything.

Tanisha's husband holds his arm around her waist every time she stands. Looks like he's literally holding her up. good man. He looks much younger in person than on tv.

On Jane Valez Mitchell yesterday an older female friend of Travis was on as a guest. I met her today When the younger sister Desiree 's name was called as a witness, she sharply turned around looking at the person behind her with a long long WTF type stare.

All of Travis ' family are in suits and dresses. Very dressed up.

Nurmi takes forever to get to a point.

I once again talked to their Victim Advocate and she handed me her card saying "tell them tomorow you're with me and you can get in". :great: It was after I asked her if she'd slip a card to the family for me tomorrow. Which I will do. And I will mention the WS community on my card to just so you know.

At the end of court, Juan walked up to the family, checked in with them, he said "are we good?" and they nodded. I'm glad I saw that.

I think that's it for now. I'm going back early tomorrow. I will get in for sure and can stay for the morning (have to work in the afternoon).

I'm thinking tomorrow will be a BIG day. Just a hunch.

Now gonna read some posts and CRASH. :seeya:

Glad you got to go inside in spite of rude "cut in line" man.
Thanks for being our eyes and ears in the courtroom.

Edited out funky quotes.... Below is my reply

I am confused. I don't recall anyone calling Jodi a *advertiser censored* or claiming Travis was incapable of controlling himself.

I believe Jodi was sexually aggressive, manipulative and wielded her sexuality as a means to get what she wanted. Only it failed, Travis didn't want to marry her.

I believe Travis was a normal man with sexual urges that he struggled with because of his faith. His biological urges won out and he paid with his life.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is not "*advertiser censored* bashing".

Jodi is more than a "loose woman". She is a predatory psychopath. Psychopaths choose their victims. They study the available prey before choosing which one to attack.

Jodi studied Travis and determined that he was psychologically vulnerable and then she went after him. Even though Travis knew that Jodi was responsible for slashing his tires twice with a knife, he was unable to assess that she could also slash him. This is why Jodi chose Travis to be her next victim/boyfriend over the other successful men with money that she knew.

Travis' testosterone level and lack of impulse control allowed Jodi into his life, but his psychological inability to sense Jodi's evilness, cost him his life.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
I should add that I have seen several LDS members on other sites that are not thrilled to have T be a "spokesman" for lack of a better word, for their faith.
They are basically disowning him because of their judgments about how he conducted his life. This is so sad. To loose a beautiful life is bad enough, but to have him scorned by his own - after his death especially - is very disheartening.
My prayers for T's family for the strength to endure.

Well.....I believe that only God can truly judge in the end. Everyone is imperfect and one is infallible. I have tried and failed big time (in the past) to live up to what I believe....and I do believe TA was very sincere and truly believed what he preached. I do believe he tried very hard to keep on the "straight and narrow" up to a point....then his humanness won over. I don't think it makes him a bad person....a weak one, a human one. I think maybe he would have grown from this experience and moved on to bigger and better things. If he just....had done a few things differently.

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I'm thinking that with the last 2 days being so disastrous for the defense team, that they need to break the cycle tomorrow, so that JM doesn't turn any more defense witnesses into prosecution witnesses. So I'm thinking it may be time for the defense to bring in some of their expert witnesses. With the upcoming week or 2 break in testimony, the defense has to be literally desperate to leave SOMETHING of substance in the jurors' minds to ruminate on during the break. And I think they may try diligently to make sure JM doesn't have a chance for the last word before the week long break!

So maybe we will see Alyce LaViolette tomorrow, or another expert with a dry, boring testimony. The very last thing that the defense wants, imo, is a jury to be pondering Lisa Andrews testimony for days on end. She was just excellent. Kudos to her!

And JMO, but I think Alyce LaViolette will blather on about how "lots of different behaviors can be characterized as abusive". I also think, based on watching some of her speeches, that she will say it doesn't matter whether Jodi was REALLY abused or not-- only if Jodi believed she was abused. I think we will hear some dragon slaying justification from her, too-- Jodi had to act in the blink of an eye to pre-emptively save her own life-- pre-emptively, but WITHOUT premeditation. (Opening the door to plant reasonable doubt about 2nd degree murder to save Jodi's sorry hide from the needle.)

I don't believe any of that, but based on ALV's philosophy, I think that is what we may hear from her. Lots and lots and lots of "introspection" about what goes on in the minds of abused women.

Speaking of Violette, I have heard it wondered upon on this thread if she actually spoke to JA.
I remember reading in the court minutes that she took many, many notes, (presumably from an interview with JA) and that the state had a hard time getting the entire set of notes from her grasp. I hope she is not able to testify to anything JA said herself.
As I understand, that is prohibited, but it seems sometimes it "leaks" in.
I thought she was a rather "odd" witness. Beyond having a poor memory, she seemed board, sleepy, disinterested and ........................I don't know. I can't put it into words.
Did any one else get that vibe?

I was upset with her and her brother. I said earlier that I think they got into a fight with Travis + Jodi on that trip and they have hated them ever since and I think they are purposely going to try to twist the truth to the defense benefit. The siblings seem to me to be spoiled brat "my crap dont stink" type people and since Jodi and travis were more laid back, they did not get along with them.

I dont mind them telling the whole truth, but I despise if they twist the truth on purpose like when the girl just could not remember what was so "over the top". Gimme a break. Go back home to your brother.
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