The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #18 *ADULT CONTENT*

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I should add that I have seen several LDS members on other sites that are not thrilled to have T be a "spokesman" for lack of a better word, for their faith.
They are basically disowning him because of their judgments about how he conducted his life. This is so sad. To loose a beautiful life is bad enough, but to have him scorned by his own - after his death especially - is very disheartening.
My prayers for T's family for the strength to endure.

:( That's just horrible of them, I hope Travis' family knows that many more people in this world feel love for him, even though most of us never had the chance to meet him.
Love Juan, and love the way he treated Lisa. He gave her an opportunity to say out loud that she said things in the break up letter that were unfair to Travis -- because she was angry at the time and immature. I think that is so valuable, not just for purposes of this trial, but for Lisa and the guilt and regret she must have experienced since Travis' death. Very poignant, powerful moment.
Speaking of Violette, I have heard it wondered upon on this thread if she actually spoke to JA.
I remember reading in the court minutes that she took many, many notes, (presumably from an interview with JA) and that the state had a hard time getting the entire set of notes from her grasp. I hope she is not able to testify to anything JA said herself.
As I understand, that is prohibited, but it seems sometimes it "leaks" in.

I was pondering that very issue, JusticeJunkie.

Well, if the defense tries to get Jodi to testify by proxy (Alyce LaViolette), I can just imagine that Juan Martinez will be ALL OVER THAT!
I like this, can we get all verified professionals to put this in their title?? :)

Oh just one last thought. I heard Nancy Grace came in to court for just a very few minutes at the end of the day then popped back out. I missed her (please no rotten tomatoes...I will always love Nancy for personal reasons). I saw her though in her "studio" and took a picture of her from the back through the big picture window on the truck. :seeya:

Nitenite all...

PS. Thanks to all of you for caring I went to court today and "being there" with me. As much as this interests me, it also takes a lot out of me emotionally and energy wise. So it's good when you make me feel like it's a worthwhile endeavor. lots of love....
:( That's just horrible of them, I hope Travis' family knows that many more people in this world feel love for him, even though most of us never had the chance to meet him.

I added that specifically to wonder aloud if that was the case with the brother and sister team. I hope that was not the case.
Love Juan, and love the way he treated Lisa. He gave her an opportunity to say out loud that she said things in the break up letter that were unfair to Travis -- because she was angry at the time and immature. I think that is so valuable, not just for purposes of this trial, but for Lisa and the guilt and regret she must have experienced since Travis' death. Very poignant, powerful moment.

I couldn't agree more!!!
I like this, can we get all verified professionals to put this in their title?? :)


FYI - I did not put that as my own title and was not aware of it until you pointed it out. :blush: I think the mods/admins must have to do that.
I added that specifically to wonder aloud if that was the case with the brother and sister team. I hope that was not the case.

Well, you aren't the only one. I hope not either but...
FYI - I did not put that as my own title and was not aware of it until you pointed it out. :blush: I think the mods/admins must have to do that.

I think they did and that is why I asked if the others can have that as well. I think it helps if a person can see it.

I read one post in all the 14 threads and thousands of pages in which anyone called jodi a *advertiser censored*. She is no *advertiser censored*. She's not a person with loose sexual morals. She is a person who clinically and methodically uses sex as a tool to get something she wants and to manipulate people, IMO. That is very, very different than a "*advertiser censored*".

And Travis was not unable to control, himself. He chose to have sex with jodi because he loved it. Like Linda said, he was a normal man with a healthy sexual appetite. he was also a man constrained to withhold sex from himself by his religion. That didn't create an "uncontrollable" situation but it did create an almost untenable one. It unrealistic to expect that a 30 year old virgin who just discovered the joys of sex would choose to forego it after a sociopath uses her charms to get in and then uses her sexuality to stay in.

See, the way, human, you are phrasing it is as if jodi was a gal who killed some rapist because he claimed her tight clothes drove him wild, so he raped her and she defended herself and killed him the process.

I am a feminist. I totally agree that there is a double standard in society. But right now, it;s working the other way with some. They have experienced heartbreak or see Travis as a "dog" for continuing to have sex with her after the broke up so they want to paint Travis as a deviant monster and those of us who disagree are unfairly being portrayed as calling poor jodi a *advertiser censored*.

Here's some logic: The person who ends up dead on the floor of their bathroom, moments after posing for pictures that show he or she is unarmed and naked in the shower, stabbed too many times to count, and shot and practically decapitated, while their killer remains totally unscathed and due to the timing and other factors, obviously premeditated the act, that person is the victim. Not the killer. And it is highly unlikely, given such a scenario, that the murderer was ever the victim in the relationship.

Travis fault was not saying no to someone who was using his love of sex to remain in his life. That could happen to a female victim as well. But generally, men and women are somewhat different so it likely would have been a different way (than sex) to remain a part of a female victim's life, like money or children, whatever.

In any event, it happened to Travis. This is not about paternalism. This is about a different kind o0f double standard: A man is seen as causing his own murder if he has a relationship with two women at once. Human, you are claiming that many of us see Travis as unable to control himself but really, your logic, in my humble opinion, leads to believing that indeed, it was JODI who could not control herself because she lost her mind as a result of Travis' behavior.

I reject either theory. Both parties were able to control themselves but only one was abused. Only one was slaughtered.

Finally, as a feminist, I am really starting to get offended by people who accuse me of using a double standard simply because I think jodi manipulated Travis with sex. Please stop it.


Thank you for this great post. I totally agree. Jodi recognized that Travis was too nice to kick her butt out the door even, so she would even invite herself over at times and she knew he would not be mean to her and throw her out. She knew he would go ahead and invite her in and she knew he would ultimately accept her sexual advances. This was one way she manipulated him.

The poor guy was too kind to people and she knew it.
I'm dumbfounded by so many people claiming what's going on here is "*advertiser censored* shaming". This has absolutely nothing to do with men vs. women regarding promiscuity and everything to do with one specific woman and her propensity toward using sex to get what she wants. Let's not forget the murderer - - is - - on trial here. Unlike most women. I'm also not sure why saying she has, what appears to be, a tiny penis. It really is open to interpretation if that's a good or bad thing. I guess I just found the upset over it to be troubling as we're not talking about women or promiscuous behavior in general.
To lube or not to lube....

Pig tails verses pony tails

Types of women's panties

Hey! I have a semi new topic! Since when do abusive men that force themselves on women use silky rope? Jodi claims the last time he tied her up... The rope was too scratchy! Kinda considerate, don't ya think?

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that struck me strange to! - why would an abusive man worry if the ropes are too scratchy and uncomfortable??
I added that specifically to wonder aloud if that was the case with the brother and sister team. I hope that was not the case.

Finally caught up to you all!

I actually wondered that this afternoon too!!
Thank you for this great post. I totally agree. Jodi recognized that Travis was too nice to kick her butt out the door even, so she would even invite herself over at times and she knew he would not be mean to her and throw her out. She knew he would go ahead and invite her in and she knew he would ultimately accept her sexual advances. This was one way she manipulated him.

The poor guy was too kind to people and she knew it.

I think T's sister said it best when she said "Jodi is like a drug to him".
We've all heard of addicts that will do the most horrendous things, so far out of their nature and personality to get that fix.
Jodi should be banned from not just the FDA, but the public. She is wildly dangerous, and evidentially addicting to some.
I am clearly not a juror... but I have to say... THAT picture and that moment has stuck in my head all day. After the testimony of Lisa... to end it that way was just like... THIS is WHY we are here. It was a brilliant move. Sad for the family BUT I think the family will agree.. whatever it takes for justice!! Juan Martinez is a seasoned prosecutor. The defense is always using their papers/emails/notes as if they are following some sort of script... Juan gets up there with no notes.. no papers.. and simply does what he does best! He is GOOD!
On the other hand....
I can't help but feel some sympathy for the defense team. Knowing that Nirmi attempted to get off of this case... knowing they have nothing to work with.. knowing they have to walk into that court room day after day.. knowing what Jodi did... knowing they must defend her to the best of their ability. He may be a snake... but he is human too. He will have this trial attached around his neck for the rest of his life, whether he is an attorney or not. At least thats how I see it. Sorry if I chased a rabbit.. guess this was just weighing on my mind tonight.

I feel better hearing from Katie that Martinez was checking in with them. I:m sure he is taking with them a lot and letting them know every thing he is doing to get justice for Travis.

Here are the links in case you don't already have them.

Awesome. Thanks!!!

I like this, can we get all verified professionals to put this in their title?? :)


Ask the admins to add it to mine. I think its new.
I'm way behind, but I wanted to thank you to PrincessSezMe for my tiara! :great:

And yes, I actually counted how many times Nurmi said okay. I was just glad he only got one witness today! LOL
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