The surveillance video-**identified** man and the box of wine

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Personally I dont see what the video or the wine have to do with anything anymore. We know who the guy is, which to me was the biggest issue, just in case it was a man that the mother might have been fooling around with and could have taken the baby. But this isnt the case. So I am not sure why this video is so important and keeps coming up. I think the focus needs to be changed to something else.
I mentioned back before we got a forum.... I think before the video was released (but was on the news) that I wondered if the guy in the video was a teen and if she was buying it for someone underage. It also fits with the rumored text from her brother at 2:30 saying he is ready whenever she is. That's if it was 2:30 in the afternoon which of course we don't know yet...unless we do now....has that ever been confirmed?

I was wondering myself if that could have been 2:30 in the afternoon instead of morning, but then when I checked my phone, it gives the date and the time and states AM/PM. I'm guessing most phones do that so they are probably sure it was an AM call.

Your phone also gives the day you made a call or txt and 2:30 in the afternoon would have been Monday and 2:30 am would have been Tuesday. If you pulled your phone records that is how it would show.
Has it been reported where the brother lives?

I don't see why it would be a problem for DB to have gone to the store instead of JI. JI could have just as easily prepared dinner IMO. Maybe he wanted to stay home with the kids before a night at work and DB welcomed a break. Maybe the brother prefers his sister's company to the BIL.

I was assuming that JI had been home all day too because he wasn't scheduled to work until that evening.

So far we've heard that the teen neighbour, DB's brother, DB and possibly JI were all there at the house at various times during the day. And another neighbour was there in the evening.

Just thinking it was a pretty busy place that day. For a Monday.

A few points that have been raised and why I don't think they're suspicious...

I've taken my three kids in the beer store before and responsible drinking by parents isn't unusual. Even if she was breastfeeding Lisa, having a reasonable amount of wine (a glass or two, from what I've read) was not harmful.

As a parent of young kids, sometimes there are days when you'll find any dumb ol' excuse to get out of the house sans kids and I don't think it's at all unusual she might have gone out with her brother for just a few items.

Even if she had tons of baby wipes at home, she may have seen a travel pack of wipes (they come in pouches for diaper bags) and decided to buy it while she was already at the store for the wine. When I still had kids in diapers I'd just throw a few wipes in a zipper bag but other moms buy small pouches for the diaper bag or to keep at Grandma's, babysitter's, etc. Ditto with the baby food -- maybe it was on sale or she was anticipating needing it in the near future. As a parent of LOs you do whatever you can to think ahead and avoid extra shopping trips.

A bit off-topic for this thread, but IMHO it's not unusual she put Lisa to bed in day clothes instead of jammies. As a mom of three who finally went down for the night, I can verify they are in comfortable clothes but I don't think all three made it into their jammies. If your baby falls asleep nursing it's not worth the battle to wake her just to change her into pajamas.

I personally think she gave her brother the change because she appears to be wearing sweatpants in the surveillance video and maybe they didn't have pockets. If she was carrying the box of wine in one hand and would be opening the car door with the other, she wouldn't want to juggle a handful of change as well.
I was assuming that JI had been home all day too because he wasn't scheduled to work until that evening.

So far we've heard that the teen neighbour, DB's brother, DB and possibly JI were all there at the house at various times during the day. And another neighbour was there in the evening.

Just thinking it was a pretty busy place that day. For a Monday.


Which IMO shows that nothing happened to the baby earlier in the day. Shortens the amount of time parents (either or both) would have to get rid of evidence and hide Lisa fi their was an accident. IMO it would have had to be after that 5:00 trip to buy wine. not that I think they are involved, because I don't.
Substance abuse allegations are very serious. Without an MSM link please do not post those rumors here. We are not sleuthing family members. Thanks.
Could something have happened at home, dad getting angry or impatient with baby, while mom is gone, shook too hard, etc? MOO

Mom comes home to discover ... they both cover up .. decide to wait and say she was taken, mom stages things, then goes to bed with son, closes door?

MOOOOO ... far fetched, I know ... but the thought popped in my head, after reading this thread. :dunno:
Substance abuse allegations are very serious. Without an MSM link please do not post those rumors here. We are not sleuthing family members. Thanks.

I didn't mention any names or circumstances, grandmaj. But if it's off limits for the forum, I'm fine with that. I only mentioned it in passing anyway. :)

Thought I had a point to make but then I realized I didn't. It's gonna be one of those days....
I wonder and this theory only!!!! If she went to pick her brother up after he was drinking. The supposed text or call in middle of night. Could she have left the kids at home alone while they were sleeping because she was just gonna be afew minutes? Didnt notice baby was gone when she returned. That could of been why she left all lights on? She didnt want to tell police about leaving kids alone. moo and just a theory.
Maybe in the grander scheme of things, this tape/the store visit holds significance and we someday hear how it fits in with Lisa's disappearance (if that's the case).

I hope LE have all they need to know from this visit and even if DB failed to tell LE about this visit upfront, and even if she bought her brother the wine and he's underage, that tape won't become more stimulating to watch. ;)

Most likely, it's just media sensationalism anyway; blowing up every tidbit to give it that "breaking news umph" networks so desperately crave.
I guess my above post should be moved to the theory thread but i dont know how. I just wanted to add that she told dad about this and he was a little miffed at her. thus she failed poly because she left out wine and leaving kids home alone. THEORY ONLY!!!!!! somebody could of seen her leave that house with out the kids that night. moo
According to Dan Abrams this morning on GMA, DB bought bulk baby food at the time of this purchase.

Also, it was revealed in another report (should be in this thread somewhere) that the FBI told the store clerk the receipt had been FOUND by them. Ie. it wasn't like DB was offering this trip to the store as proof she expected Lisa to be around beyond that night.

Thus it appears these two bits of information are useful in possibly theorizing the following:

1) Lisa was alive at 5 p.m. that day
2) At 5 p.m. Debbie did not expect to lose Lisa that night (unless she was involved in a plot to sell the baby, etc.)
Who is the source behind the release of the surveillance video? LE would have been the only ones with this informtion and the authority to release it, right?
According to Dan Abrams this morning on GMA, DB bought bulk baby food at the time of this purchase.

Also, it was revealed in another report (should be in this thread somewhere) that the FBI told the store clerk the receipt had been FOUND by them. Ie. it wasn't like DB was offering this trip to the store as proof she expected Lisa to be around beyond that night.

Thus it appears these two bits of information are useful in possibly theorizing the following:

1) Lisa was alive at 5 p.m. that day
2) At 5 p.m. Debbie did not expect to lose Lisa that night (unless she was involved in a plot to sell the baby, etc.)

We don't know if DB bought the baby food/wipes at all. It may have been her 20 year old brother who bought the baby items. Does he have a baby, I wonder?

Another poster in the "facts" thread is reporting that two separate purchases were made... the baby items and the wine. DB walks out with the wine. The brother is holding a grocery bag. Are the baby items for his child?
Haven't read the entire thread, so apologies if this has already been mentioned: Could DB have a bridge card? If so, alcohol/tobacco products cannot be purchased with a bridge card. The separate purchase of baby products/wine makes sense if DB uses a bridge card. jmo
Who is the source behind the release of the surveillance video? LE would have been the only ones with this informtion and the authority to release it, right?

It belongs to the store. They can release it to whomever they please.
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