The "Totally Off Topic" Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Taximom said:
close, I hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like the antibiotics might help in this case.

Thanks, Bee. It doesn't hurt as bad right now but I'm taking Advil on schedule. It's just a little hard to walk normal.

ah, thanks TM....

you might want to try Aleve, instead of Advil for that toe....take 2 to start with the first 24 hours, then one every 12 hours for a 2 or 3 days...??

i find that Aleve (naproxen) helps with things like that (joints, bones & whatnot)
raisincharlie said:
Outside of baseball and racing - I don't care for professional sports. I'll take college sports any time, any day. My boys are big on basketball so college b-ball is one of our favs here. Our area college football teams stink, always have so there is not much interest in the area anyway. But college football is definitely IMO better than the pros - good luck to the Buckeyes ! Get well toe!
My husband laughs at me because I rarely get interested in watching any college or pro sports on tv unless it's time for championships-then I'm all gung-ho. I love going to games, but with 4 kids we didn't do that very much.

You are right though, college football is much more exciting than the NFL. I'd like to know what happens to all that energy! Maybe the money is in the pocket, so no worries? :confused:
close_enough said:
ah, thanks TM....

you might want to try Aleve, instead of Advil for that toe....take 2 to start with the first 24 hours, then one every 12 hours for a 2 or 3 days...??

i find that Aleve (naproxen) helps with things like that (joints, bones & whatnot)
I've never taken Aleve, but hubby has. I'll have to try it. Thanks!
Taximom said:
My husband laughs at me because I rarely get interested in watching any college or pro sports on tv unless it's time for championships-then I'm all gung-ho. I love going to games, but with 4 kids we didn't do that very much.

You are right though, college football is much more exciting than the NFL. I'd like to know what happens to all that energy! Maybe the money is in the pocket, so no worries? :confused:
I think it does come down to the money. College kids play for the love of it ! Some of course have dreams of going beyond - most do not so the game is the dream. Funny - March is a month I am totally worthless - suffer severely from March Madness!
Taximom Sorry to hear about your toe Owwwwwwwww is right!
I have broken a foot and a leg and nothing is more painful than breaking your toe!! Nailed my baby toe once on a coffee table - thought I was going to :sick:

I'm sorry I missed your post yesterday - you should have iced it immediately. You still might want to do that if it is swollen.

I take Ibuprofen for everything. I think Advil's in the same category isn't it?
And I would not tie up your foot.

The good thing is that these toes seem to heal very quickly.
Good Morning Close,

Actually I think the little green guys are kind of funny. It is the ones that crawl around underneath your nails that give me the heeby jeebies! Nasty :eek:

Taximom, by OSU do you mean Oregon State University? That's how much I know about football! LOL Scandi
I just have to cheer you up a bit Taximom :) All spelling mistakes intended, lol.

Tuday be my baby girl's 18th birthday I be so glad dat dis be my lass chil
support payment! Munth after munth, year affer year, all dose payments!

So I call my baby girl, LaKeesha, to come over my house, and when she get
here, I say, "Baby girl, I want you to take dis check over to yo momma
and tell her dis be the last check she ever be gittin' frum me, an' I wunt you come back an' tell me da 'spression on yo mama's face."

So, my baby girl take da check over to her momma. I be anxious ta hear whut
she say and 'bout the 'spression on 'er face.

Baby girl walk through the door, I say, "Now whut yo momma say 'bout dat?"

She say to tell you dat " 'you ain't my daddy' ... and watch da 'spression
on yo face

Samiya said:
She say to tell you dat " 'you ain't my daddy' ... and watch da 'spression
on yo face


Crack me up Sami :D :D So funny!

Reminds me of when my boys were in the 4th and 5th grades respectively.
The talent show was coming up, and my hubby, a musician who collected old records, came up with an idea for a skit. Black face, and the traditional comedy act with the comedien vs the straight man.


"Hey 'ya Rastus

Ramos, good to see 'ya brotha

What's happenin ma good man

Well I just got back from A fRIca

Oh, nows you mean Africa, right

Thas what I sait man, A fRIcka . . ."

On and on, saw a rhinasahorus, etc, etc. But it was so funny, as they were all dressed up in plaid pants and the paint job was killer great.

And we walked out of the auditorium, we were met by the principal. NO Way you can put this on in the talent show! Somehow my hubby convinced him it was a classic art form of comedy the boys were doing with no racial stereotyping involved. Sputter, Sputter And then my hubby told him this act was found on one of Al Jolsen's old records, and the boys did perform it that night and they got a standing ovation! Scandi
She might have got a new contract on her trip and working on it, but I sure miss her too.
scandi said:
She might have got a new contract on her trip and working on it, but I sure miss her too.

Hi scands, jilly, otto, strach, Bee, Ocean, close, Floh, jm2irish, pack fan, Mrs.M., BarnG, taxi, sami, charlie, and .... and and ---->

You're 100% spot on, scands. The contract came through for a team of us and we're working hip-to-the-leather (apparently that means we galloping ahead), and ..... I have a US trip soon: v excited about it.

I've read up lots: cannot comment MORE than my total thoughts and feelings since DAY ONE (and these may have won me opponents, however my feelings have NEVER changed) - and to this effect, long before many others joined us, I've cut pasted and/or repeated my very early thoughts here (recalling a hugely humourous moment with Jilly when I first whispered in mini-font tones "hello Lee, Long time no see!":

1. JY did it - this is cast like molten iron in my soul
2. AND ..... JY did it MUCH closer to dawn than midnight ...... (sorry Close - I know u and others feel t'was near or closer to midnight - I STILL think it was closer to dawn and as early as 4 - thorugh 5 or 6 am)
3. As per my very early posts, 1st week Nov 06, I still think the blunt force trauma * WAS PART OF THE MURDER* and that there is/are more murder wounds that LE are keeping back. I suspect these to be 1. strangulation and 2. stabbing (in that order).
4. As per those same, early November posts, YES .... I firmly STILL maintain my initial belief AND AS POSTED .... that the taped 911 call that we heard has/had been spliced a MINIMUM of 5 times.5 times - indeed 5 separates splicings.

Personally .... and again .... from Day One I ALWAYS EXPECTED the "other woman/en" would appear on the scene ..... and repeatedly posted I was waiting for the womEn to emerge.

The rest is incidental. Jason Young is, IN MY OPINION, a cold-hearted, greedy, egotistical, selfish, lying, cheating, pathological, psychotic, SOB. His DNA ought to be stopped in it's longevity here and now .... and all this 'evidence' collection demanded by so-many is, IMO, merely a by-product of the multiple savvy spin-doctors who know how to capitalize off of the multiple-actions of others - be they criminals or not...

I also felt (from Day One), that ther would be Internet exposure, credit, gambling and romantic exposure ....

Forget the search warrants: those alreay detail what we long know..... I'm zoning in on WHAT HAS NOT BEEN SAID/NOTED/REPORTED OR DETAILED.... I personally happen to think J Young is a total loser, a failure, a complete cad using/deceiving his moher and maybe one or two other friends or associates: I feel his very own ground .... the same turf he's tried to build upon ..... is eroding underneath him and that he's a total cop-out on life. He's (IMO) leaving "it all up to his lawyers" because he has neither the back bone nor the spinal column to embrace the truth/remaining facts oif truth....

He forgets God's looks down upon us all .... (JMHO)

So? I'm waiting.... That's all: jus' waitin'
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi scands, jilly, otto, strach, Bee, Ocean, close, Floh, jm2irish, pack fan, Mrs.M., BarnG, taxi, sami, charlie, and .... and and ---->

I've read up lots: cannot comment MORE than my total thoughts and feelings since DAY ONE (and these may have won me opponents, however my feelings have NEVER changed)
So? I'm waiting.... That's all: jus' waitin'

Congratulations on the contract ! Good for you and glad your trip was productive. I am sure you are busy - we got too spoiled looking for your humor and wit - but do drop in and let us know how you are luv. There will soon be more information here to study on. As to the opponents - there is this very nice function called Ignore - works very well. :p
This note is for Scandi and Close ... let me know if you make it through the transcripts on Porco. One thing that really has me confused is the key in the door and whether it could have been a hidden key that Chris used to let his dad back in the house ... of course, the biggest question is if the parents were attacked at say 3, and the jeep was seen at 4, then where was Chris when his father was stumbling around the house? Also, there is no evidence in the vehicle, although it certainly looks like Chris is the culprit, so how did he make sure there was no blood evidence on him or his vehicle. I didn't read anything where it was addressed that he might have worn some sort of suit that was later discarded, but I zipped through some of the transcripts. Also, I wondered if his brief stop at the house the previous Saturday was part of setting up the plan, hiding a weapon, drugging their ice cream so they slept more soundly ... and finally, Joan's understanding of the damaged phone in August and the true story are interesting, suggesting that Chris had a dry run on cutting the phone lines.
Hi Otto, I have to work all afternoon, but will read it tonight and see what I think. :)
Samiya said:
I just have to cheer you up a bit Taximom :) All spelling mistakes intended, lol.

She say to tell you dat " 'you ain't my daddy' ... and watch da 'spression
on yo face

:D :D
That worked. Actually, I have a relative that this happened to, but it didn't go on for 18 yrs! Whew!

Hi guys! Missed y'all this weekend. No arrest yet? Bah humbug.

My toe is much better, thank you. Jilly, :sick: is exactly how I felt at the time. Then I got the crud Sunday morning. I hope y'all don't get that. Blech.

Little one has it now, but she's doing better.

otto, I'd love to read more about the Porco case. I saw a little about that on tv a few weeks ago. I couldn't say one way or another about the son being guilty or not at this point. The one thing that had me wondering was the neighbor seeing his car in the driveway in those wee morning hours. Hmm.

I'm off to check out my favorite forum here for any new info: MY.
Taximom said:
:D :D
That worked. Actually, I have a relative that this happened to, but it didn't go on for 18 yrs! Whew!

Hi guys! Missed y'all this weekend. No arrest yet? Bah humbug.

My toe is much better, thank you. Jilly, :sick: is exactly how I felt at the time. Then I got the crud Sunday morning. I hope y'all don't get that. Blech.

Little one has it now, but she's doing better.

otto, I'd love to read more about the Porco case. I saw a little about that on tv a few weeks ago. I couldn't say one way or another about the son being guilty or not at this point. The one thing that had me wondering was the neighbor seeing his car in the driveway in those wee morning hours. Hmm.

I'm off to check out my favorite forum here for any new info: MY.

Hey TM, I'm not sure if you saw the link on the other thread, but this one looked pretty good to me: I was interested in the similarities between Jason and Chris in terms of driving a long way to the murder scene and back, and apparently leaving little or no evidence; especially not where you would expect it - like the vehicle and clothes. I started with the opening statements and that's where I learned a lot more about the father actually surviving for some time, but it's really sad. I rather doubt that the construction guy really saw the vehicle, but maybe he did. I'm back at work so I can only read a bit in the morning and a bit in the evening again but if anyone is interested in comparing the cases, perhaps we could put it on a separate thread and then I'd be sure not to miss the comments.
Hi Annie! :blowkiss: Great to hear from you! And yes - Congratulations on the Contract!! :woohoo:

Great post as well! I don't think you missed anything! :D I'm definitely in your camp. This guy has done absolutely nothing to show that he even cares about his wife aside from going to the funeral. I wonder if he said anything when he subsequently visited her gravesite. Probably not - this guy is still conniving imo.
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