The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

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I think what is one of the more frustrating things that I can't understand about those that don't believe she did, is who do you think killed Caylee, or if you think it was an accident, why did KC don't act like someone who accidentally had a child die....either way Caylee died and KC's proven actions of stealing, staying with boyfriends and partying after Caylee's death showed no concern for the loss of her child. How can you try to defend someone who could care less about her child being dead, no matter how it happened? Not meaning to offend, just wondering if you would feel the same way if it was your child. I would really like to hear your theories of what you think happened.
My point is that Caylee wouldn't have been in the truck even 1 day after the murder if it was a premeditation murder committed by intelligent (according to the Prosecution) KC. She would have had where to put the body all planned out and it wouldn't have been in the trunk when the gas can incident occured.

The woman who only thought 10 minutes ahead at any given time? Intelligent does not necessarily include the ability to preplan or are you saying she was actually quite dumb?

I actually don't believe the body was in the trunk during the gas can incident, but I do think by then the trunk stunk to high heaven, except for a little extra chloroform she dumped in there, and the trash, which did not include anything that could smell.

Oh yeah, stunk of dead squirrels according to the text messages FCA sent to Amy...
Here's a question for posters who believe George may have sexually abused FCA, or even, God forbid, little Caylee.

Let me make it very very clear, that my post is not directed at anyone in particular, or even those who have declared their belief that FCA in the midst of the lies told by a confirmed habitual liar, may have told one truth.

So, et tu? Let's just say, one of your nieces, or one of your daughters, or one of the neighbours children accused you of sexual advances - or even abuse. After all, a fair number of sexual abusers of children are women.

And the local police or sheriff's office came to your door, to ask you a few questions. There is no evidence, just the word of a child, or even a young adult who has a "lost memory" restored. You can deny it of course. But then the parent of that child tells another parent, and so it goes until the whole town is talking about it.

And when you walk down the street, or shop in the local supermarket, people stop in groups to talk about you, and you hear names like Sandra Cantu being thrown around. But you have friends who defend you, and say this is nonsense, there is no proof. And indeed there isn't, except this one child. and we know a child would never lie about that.

Time passes, and despite the odd Radio show discussing the possibility, and maybe a blurb on the local TV, you aren't charged - but people say about you - well you never know...y'know? She looked pretty shifty at the supermarket the other day, and hid her face and ran out to her car when we asked her about it. She denied it, but I just don't know....

It died down, years passed, but some people never forgot that, and people still talked about you behind your back when you walked by......

But there wasn't any proof - just a hinky feeling about you...Couldn't/doesn't happen? It happens every day. Just like mother's killing their children.

Oh I agree with you 110%

There was a case outside of mansfield Ohio about a man accussed of raping his niece and killing his wife's mother. He went to prison for a long time. Then they found out it was somebody else (who was also in same prison at the time)

I don't know if GA did or didn't. It was bought up in trial. Never proven though. But it's easier to explain Casey's action if you can see it happening. But you are right, saying it doesn't make it true. I guess deep down in my head....I know nothing can truly explain her "not a care in the world" attuide for 30 days.
My point is that Caylee wouldn't have been in the truck even 1 day after the murder if it was a premeditation murder committed by intelligent (according to the Prosecution) KC. She would have had where to put the body all planned out and it wouldn't have been in the trunk when the gas can incident occured.

Hmm - could we use the same logic for her reasons for stealing Amy's money from her checking account while her friend was away on vacation? So you are saying she thought it out and decided during one of her several shopping sprees on Amy, that she thought her friend Amy wouldn't notice that FCA had cleaned it out by using the checkbook Amy left in the glove compartment of her car? Interesting. IMO
If you think it wasn't pre-meditated, then you believe it was an accident? Why would she not have called 911? Why would she use the duct tape? Why would she go the day of Caylee's death and rent movies and spend the night with a guy she hadn't know but a couple of months? Why would she wait until the trial to say it was an accident? Why when she called home to get Tony's number didn't she tell anyone? Why did she say "Surprise, Surprise" when the mention of a drowning was brought up by her mom? Why when the detective offered the scenario of an accidental drowning didn't she cry and say that it was? Why didn't she cry for her dead child?

And why wouldnt she explain the accident? Revealing any shameful event would have to be better than having the millions of people think you murdered your child. But we all know that there is no way can she justify the way Caylee was found. She prefers to sit back and let her defenders do some guessing on her behalf while she jets around the country, downs a cold one and smiles.
Oh I agree with you 110%

There was a case outside of mansfield Ohio about a man accussed of raping his niece and killing his wife's mother. He went to prison for a long time. Then they found out it was somebody else (who was also in same prison at the time)

I don't know if GA did or didn't. It was bought up in trial. Never proven though. But it's easier to explain Casey's action if you can see it happening. But you are right, saying it doesn't make it true. I guess deep down in my head....I know nothing can truly explain her "not a care in the world" attuide for 30 days.

You are right - it was brought up at trial as a theory during an opening statement by the Defense Team, and no evidence was admitted, so this supposed sexual abuse was never mentioned after that, because there was absolutely no evidence to admit.

So, you don't know if GA did or didn't - and my point was - I don't know if you did or didn't either, ya know? But people talk and talk, cause there is something about sexual abuse that is interesting to folks and what's a reputation a person has to live with for the rest of their lives, and so what if it isn't true, right?

So you are saying it would be okay if someone floated the same theory about you - someone who say had some kind of beef with you about something entirely different. You wouldn't mind if this kind of thing was said about you? My statement was not to offend anyone, but have them think before repeated this really foul lie.

And sure, FCA was free to do what she pleased for the first time in three years - that easily explains her attitude in the 31 days. She had freedom finally from the child she referred to as "that little snothead".
If you think it wasn't pre-meditated, then you believe it was an accident? Why would she not have called 911? Why would she use the duct tape? Why would she go the day of Caylee's death and rent movies and spend the night with a guy she hadn't know but a couple of months? Why would she wait until the trial to say it was an accident? Why when she called home to get Tony's number didn't she tell anyone? Why did she say "Surprise, Surprise" when the mention of a drowning was brought up by her mom? Why when the detective offered the scenario of an accidental drowning didn't she cry and say that it was? Why didn't she cry for her dead child?

In all honesty, I DO NOT know what happened to Caylee. I guess I keep coming here hoping for a ding, ding, ding, in my brain or some one here comes up with some very convincing evidence that I missed. All the questions you ask are certainly questions in my mind too, but not evidence of murder. My stance is the prosecution didn't prove the crimes they charged. I am very open to an accident. Drowning to me is a possibility wither GA is involved or not. I don't think that chloroform was made or involved.
Hmm - could we use the same logic for her reasons for stealing Amy's money from her checking account while her friend was away on vacation? So you are saying she thought it out and decided during one of her several shopping sprees on Amy, that she thought her friend Amy wouldn't notice that FCA had cleaned it out by using the checkbook Amy left in the glove compartment of her car? Interesting. IMO

That is the ONE thing on which I will give a pass to the jury. Previous bad acts on the part of Casey Anthony were not allowed to be used against her in the trial. Limited testimony that spoke to the pathological lying was integral to the case and was allowed (albeit only to a restricted degree).

Stealing all of the money from your best friend's account (as well as the $400 cash Casey stole when staying with Amy), as well as stealing from the limited funds of your infirm, aged grandfather is clearly a statement about one's character. I don't think it would have mattered to this jury however.
I have been reading about some relationships that seem to be found in studies having to do with murders, family murders. There seems to be a special interest in mother-daughter arguments. The classify it in degrees of heat of the moment. The worst, category 3 can result in alienation or disconnection from the mother. Arguments at high levels can result in daughter or son performing outrageous acts against their family.
Because it had a bag of garbage in it and she didn't want to get caught stealing garbage from TL's apartment ...

LOL.......or maybe it was easier to just "park next to the dumpster" rather than put the garbage "in it"......
Hmm - could we use the same logic for her reasons for stealing Amy's money from her checking account while her friend was away on vacation? So you are saying she thought it out and decided during one of her several shopping sprees on Amy, that she thought her friend Amy wouldn't notice that FCA had cleaned it out by using the checkbook Amy left in the glove compartment of her car? Interesting. IMO

OK, let's slow down here for a minute.
I am saying the prosecution said it was premeditated murder. Here is what the prosecutions theory was.
Caylee was in KC's way because she wanted to party and have a free beautiful life.
KC looked up How to Make Chloroform 84 times.
She made chloroform. (no evidence but they claimed it)
KC chloroformed Caylee.
KC wrapped duck tape around Caylee's mouth and nose, murdering her.
KC placed a heart sticker on the duck tape.
KC wrapped Caylee's dead body in the Winnie the pooh blanket and then in trash bags, then in a canvas or laundry type bag.
Now they want you to believe the planned murder stopped there that she didn't plan where to dispose the body.
This is the point I am trying to make. Why would she go to all the trouble above and then - duh - not plan where to put the body. Just put it in the trunk and drive around for several days.

This is why I don't think it was premeditated but an accident of some sort.
That is the ONE thing on which I will give a pass to the jury. Previous bad acts on the part of Casey Anthony were not allowed to be used against her in the trial. Limited testimony that spoke to the pathological lying was integral to the case and was allowed (albeit only to a restricted degree).

Stealing all of the money from your best friend's account (as well as the $400 cash Casey stole when staying with Amy), as well as stealing from the limited funds of your infirm, aged grandfather is clearly a statement about one's character. I don't think it would have mattered to this jury however.

I agree, and agree but we have blurred the lines of what was used in trial and not here. I was simply replying to the term intelligent being used in why it doesn't make sense that she taped and dumped the body so close to home since FCA is intelligent...and that was simply the incident that came to mind as to her "10 minutes ahead" kind of thinking.
I can't put the website due to TOS, but at your search engine, type in Caylee Anthony graphic evidence photos...they are at several locations. It is heartbreaking.

sorry to keep bringing this topic up but the unblurred pictures have been released? i haven't been able to find them.
OK, let's slow down here for a minute.
I am saying the prosecution said it was premeditated murder. Here is what the prosecutions theory was.
Caylee was in KC's way because she wanted to party and have a free beautiful life.
KC looked up How to Make Chloroform 84 times.
She made chloroform. (no evidence but they claimed it)
KC chloroformed Caylee.
KC wrapped duck tape around Caylee's mouth and nose, murdering her.
KC placed a heart sticker on the duck tape.
KC wrapped Caylee's dead body in the Winnie the pooh blanket and then in trash bags, then in a canvas or laundry type bag.
Now they want you to believe the planned murder stopped there that she didn't plan where to dispose the body.

This is the point I am trying to make. Why would she go to all the trouble above and then - duh - not plan where to put the body. Just put it in the trunk and drive around for several days.

This is why I don't think it was premeditated but an accident of some sort.

You are correct, those are the facts the prosecution made but not the facts the SA used in their determination of premeditated. The act of cutting the duct tape and placing it strip by strip over Caylee's nose and mouth alone made it premeditated.
The SA did not present any information as to what was the "final straw" to the individual you have kindly outlined above in the material bolded above. That was to discuss her frame of mind, what she wanted in her life, and how she viewed her child.

Premeditation does not have to included planning. It is that second that caused FCA to not rip the tape off of Caylee's mouth and think what am I doing to my poor child! It was the time it took to place the next two (or three ) strips of tape on her face.

Again, premeditation does not have to include long term planning. If it did, anyone who carries a knife of any kind with them could be accused of planning a murder. That reminds me, I'd better remove my swiss army knife out of my backpack lest someone accuse me of some kind of nefarious planning re my hiking companions....
In all honesty, I DO NOT know what happened to Caylee. I guess I keep coming here hoping for a ding, ding, ding, in my brain or some one here comes up with some very convincing evidence that I missed. All the questions you ask are certainly questions in my mind too, but not evidence of murder. My stance is the prosecution didn't prove the crimes they charged. I am very open to an accident. Drowning to me is a possibility wither GA is involved or not. I don't think that chloroform was made or involved.

Thank you for answering. At first I too believed it was an accident and if you look at each piece of evidence independent of all other evidence, yes you can pick it apart, but to me I had to start looking at all the evidence overall. There was no evidence of a drowning or any other type of accident. The prosecution did the best they could with the physical evidence that they had. There was no DNA where Caylee was found because of the length of time and the weather during that time. What kind of evidence would it have taken for you to believe that KC killed Caylee? If her body had been found earlier and her DNA such as a hair was found on Caylee...she was KC's child, so her DNA would have bound to have been there. Is it just so out of the realm of sense that any mother would do that so you can't believe KC would?

KC was responsible for Caylee since she was her only parent raising her. Caylee is dead. Caylee was found in two trash bags and a laundry bag thrown out on the sided of the road. KC lied to her friends the entire time that Caylee was "missing". KC stole from her best friend to shop and buy stuff for her and her new boyfriend. KC partied and was in a hot body contest while she knew her child had just died. There was duct tape in Caylee's hair where the body was found. KC told the police that she knew her mom would never forgive her and that she would never forgive herself. KC told all her friends that Caylee was at the beach, at Universal while she was in a trash bag on the side of the road. KC is not a nice person. I was never for her receiving the death penalty, but we never even got that far. Yes, the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers. I don't want this case to be remembered for what KC got away with or what KC is doing now or how unfairly KC was bombarded by media and attention. I want this case to be remembered for a two year old child that had her life unfairly come to an end and that she never got the chance to grow up.
The duct tape was entwined in her hair...what do you think it was there for? Go look at the graphic pictures from the trial. I tried to link the, but it wouldn't....I don't understand who else people think could have done this. KC is the only person with motive, opportunity, and all the evidence links back to her in some way.
You never know ... maybe there was a dress up Halloween-type party at TL's pool on 6/16 and FCA dressed Caylee up as a mummy using the Henkel duct tape. The tape came off of Caylee x/c for the hair ... kinda like when little girls get gum or Silly Putty in their hair. Now that would explain how the duct tape was entwined in her hair ...
If I can help you with this part of the crime that would be a great start.
Of our 5 senses, hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste, which of these senses would you guess is the most deeply encoded in our long term memory?

Seriously? I'm not a 12 yr old... honestly!:floorlaugh:
I can't put the website due to TOS, but at your search engine, type in Caylee Anthony graphic evidence photos...they are at several locations. It is heartbreaking.

Thanks, I just wanted a guide to go there when I was ready. I saw the scrambled images and was sick to my stomach then. But, the actual pics would help me with the duct tape debate.
sorry to keep bringing this topic up but the unblurred pictures have been released? i haven't been able to find them.

I can't post the website here, but if you google Caylee Anthony graphic photos you will see some of the pictures. All of the pictures that they jury saw have not been released, but the ones of her skeleton, hair and pelvis have been published, which is even more amazing to me since they saw worse pictures than we have.
If you think it wasn't pre-meditated, then you believe it was an accident? Why would she not have called 911? Why would she use the duct tape? Why would she go the day of Caylee's death and rent movies and spend the night with a guy she hadn't know but a couple of months? Why would she wait until the trial to say it was an accident? Why when she called home to get Tony's number didn't she tell anyone? Why did she say "Surprise, Surprise" when the mention of a drowning was brought up by her mom? Why when the detective offered the scenario of an accidental drowning didn't she cry and say that it was? Why didn't she cry for her dead child?
Exactly, when babies die accidentally through no fault of their parents, "good mothers" cry and mourn and bury their children. They blame themselves. They suffer. KC did none of that. She was happy as a clam. She acted like nothing was wrong. Those are the responses of a murderer.
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