The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

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JMO, but if there's a general discredit to the pictures of Caylee climbing the ladder and the fact that there were no child locks on the doors to the back yard, then in all fairness I believe a photo-shopped video of a super-imposed image should be discredited to. Again, JMO. :)
There was no evidence produced that showed Caylee could climb the ladder. I have a picture of my daughter sitting on a tractor holding on to the steering wheel. Does not prove she climbed up there or could drive the tractor.
People do hide deaths and for that they should be in jail. If it was accidental, where was her grieving...she was that reasonable to you?

Because I've seen a lot with hospice care, and I've seen a lot of families grieve in different forms when it comes to death of a loved one, it actually does seem reasonable to me.

This seems reasonable?! Seriously? I'm so sick of the everyone grieves differently excuse to cover for Casey's bizarre and totally inappropriate behavior in the wake of 'losing' her child - whether by accident or intent (which I believe).

Being a long time member of Compassionate Friends (Google it), I'm also all too familiar with different ways grief manifests itself, especially upon losing a child. Never once - not EVER - have I come across a mother who immediately upon losing their child went :woohoo:, let's go rent a couple movies and *advertiser censored** all night, huh baby? Followed by humping other women on a dance platform to show off her 'hot body'. Where on this planet is this 'reasonable'?

I'm disgusted.
IIRC, KC texted Amy saying her car smelled... then a couple days later she said her dad ran over a squirrel. She didn't say "Amy, my car smells like death and I can't for the life of me figure out why".

She also told LA that TL helped her clean the squirrel out of her car. She's a liar, but she did realize there was a smell that someone, someday was going to notice...
What Casey was exhibiting, IMO, is inappropriate grieving. Many people party after they lose their loved ones. Heck, when my great uncle passed away everyone in my family went to the bar... us kids included. Adults had drinks and us kids were left to the pool table.

I respectfully disagree. Did you and your family deny the family member was dead? Did you tell people you had spoken to that person after they had passed away? I understand what you are saying but it is an entirely different set of circumstances.
Originally Posted by beccalecca1
What Casey was exhibiting, IMO, is inappropriate grieving. Many people party after they lose their loved ones. Heck, when my great uncle passed away everyone in my family went to the bar... us kids included. Adults had drinks and us kids were left to the pool table.

And did you kids all lie and say that your poor dead great uncle was living it up in Tampa? Were people frantically searching for your uncle while you were shooting pool?

By any reasonable measure you want to apply - what Casey Anthony was doing was NOT grieving and we all know it.
That is typical grieving behavior. Loved ones getting together who shared in a persons life. Very common to do it in a bar.

I would like to poll all bartenders and see how many moms of two year olds go out to bars with people who don't know that the baby is dead and and the mom enters a hot body contest...I bet the only one would be at Fusion.
I may have missed it, but I don't think people are discrediting that ladder picture or that lock info. At least I'm not, I just do not consider either evidence of anything other than the fact that she could climb a ladder with CA's help, and for some reason they didn't use locks.

There was, however, sworn testimony about the skull and the making of that video, so I assume you're accusing them of perjury?

There was sworn testimony from CA stating Caylee could climb the stairs on her own now, the pictures were from the year before.

I'm not sure where the perjury is coming from, or what the sworn testimony was that you're referring to. The video was shown to imply the possibility of the duct tape being over the mouth, just like the pictures and testimony of not child proofing the doors was shown to imply the possibility of a drowning.
What Casey was exhibiting, IMO, is inappropriate grieving. Many people party after they lose their loved ones. Heck, when my great uncle passed away everyone in my family went to the bar... us kids included. Adults had drinks and us kids were left to the pool table.

Yeah, but not for 31 days. Casey was not doing any kind of grieving. She filled her time between partying with scheming. If you wish to believe her lies, even she is now claiming that she hasn't grieved and is just now beginning.
There was sworn testimony from CA stating Caylee could climb the stairs on her own now, the pictures were from the year before.

I'm not sure where the perjury is coming from, or what the sworn testimony was that you're referring to. The video was shown to imply the possibility of the duct tape being over the mouth, just like the pictures and testimony of not child proofing the doors was shown to imply the possibility of a drowning.

I bet CA saw her climbing that ladder when she was at home, not work like her timesheet said, googling how to make chloroform :)
Not just inappropriate grieving
Lying to different people at different about Caylees location
Sending LE on searches to find fake nannys fake friends and fake jobs
Spending money that wasn't hers to buy beer, pizza and clothes for herself

All of this plus hair of Caylee found in trunk with death band. Small of death in car according to Jo Jo, Cindy LE trained dogs and a dude that owned a waste mgt company.

Her actions were so appropriate for someone who murdered her daughter


Complicated grief
The sadness of losing someone you love never goes away completely, but it shouldn’t remain center stage. If the pain of the loss is so constant and severe that it keeps you from resuming your life, you may be suffering from a condition known as complicated grief. Complicated grief is like being stuck in an intense state of mourning. You may have trouble accepting the death long after it has occurred or be so preoccupied with the person who died that it disrupts your daily routine and undermines your other relationships.

Symptoms of complicated grief include:

Intense longing and yearning for the deceased
Intrusive thoughts or images of your loved one
Denial of the death or sense of disbelief
Imagining that your loved one is alive
Searching for the person in familiar places
Avoiding things that remind you of your loved one
Extreme anger or bitterness over the loss
Feeling that life is empty or meaningless
There was sworn testimony from CA stating Caylee could climb the stairs on her own now, the pictures were from the year before.

I'm not sure where the perjury is coming from, or what the sworn testimony was that you're referring to. The video was shown to imply the possibility of the duct tape being over the mouth, just like the pictures and testimony of not child proofing the doors was shown to imply the possibility of a drowning.

Ohhh, right. Sworn tesitimony testimony from Cindy. Because we all know she told the truth during her testimony because she not only said, I do - she said, "I swear to God", right? Bwahaha. :floorlaugh:

Well, according to your link KC skipped steps 1-4 and went straight to 5 on the day Caylee died.

The five stages of grief:
Denial: “This can’t be happening to me.”
Anger: “Why is this happening? Who is to blame?”
Bargaining: “Make this not happen, and in return I will ____.”
Depression: “I’m too sad to do anything.”
Acceptance: “I’m at peace with what happened.”
Not just inappropriate grieving
Lying to different people at different about Caylees location
Sending LE on searches to find fake nannys fake friends and fake jobs
Spending money that wasn't hers to buy beer, pizza and clothes for herself

All of this plus hair of Caylee found in trunk with death band. Small of death in car according to Jo Jo, Cindy LE trained dogs and a dude that owned a waste mgt company.

Her actions were so appropriate for someone who murdered her daughter


Teens perceive death much like adults do. But they may express their feelings in dramatic or unexpected ways. For example, they may join a religious group that defines death in a way that calms their feelings. They may try to defy death by participating in dangerous activities, such as reckless driving, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs, or having unprotected sex. Like adults, preteens and teens can have suicidal thoughts when grieving. Warning signs of suicide in children and teens may include preoccupation with death or suicide or giving away belongings.

Yes, Casey wasn't legally a teen anymore, but I would argue her behavior was that of a teenager (stealing, etc.)
I seem to recall that when FCA was first accused of murder the DT was trying to explain away her behavior by calling it "ugly coping". Call it any name you choose, murder is still murder and Caylee Marie is still dead. Swamp mommy is free, so far, but she can't walk walk into the Target store without wearing a disguise. Before she was behind bars, Target = X marks the spot = blue hoodie = push-up bra = beer = party and sex. How carefree she was before, bold as can be spending funds, cashing checks belonging to her friend and family.
Another thought....I find it ironic that according to the DT all of FCA's friends said she was a good mother in response to JB asking them "was Casey a good mother?" Those "friends" probably wanted to play it safe and kept a very low profile in this high-profile case. Chances are, very few of them spent much time around FCA when she was stuck with caring for Caylee Marie ~ I would say that their opinions had little value to anyone but the DT, who would play it up as "everyone" says FCA was a good mother. The DT never asked those friends how often they observed mommy and daughter together having such a fantastic relationship. These weren't true-blue, count on me, BFF friends. These were the people FCA partied with, all without children. They also were shocked to find that FCA didn't have a job, wasn't an event planner, and thus there was no nanny. The one friend FCA had that was good for Caylee Marie was Jesse Grund. FCA dumped Jesse because he loved Caylee Marie more than FCA.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful little girl.....this fairy tale had an unforgetable and horrendous ending.

Does anybody else believe that Casey has always lied?

I bet she has lied since she was a little girl. IMO. When confronted...her lies come quick and easy.
Not just inappropriate grieving
Lying to different people at different about Caylees location
Sending LE on searches to find fake nannys fake friends and fake jobs
Spending money that wasn't hers to buy beer, pizza and clothes for herself

All of this plus hair of Caylee found in trunk with death band. Small of death in car according to Jo Jo, Cindy LE trained dogs and a dude that owned a waste mgt company.

Her actions were so appropriate for someone who murdered her daughter

Warning Signals of Unresolved Grief/Complicated Mourning
Anyone exhibiting these warning signals should be evaluated by their Primary Care Physician or a Mental Health Practitioner ASAP.
Severe depression
Psycho-physiologic reactions
Drug Dependency
Psychotic States
Inhibited or Absent Grieving
There was sworn testimony from CA stating Caylee could climb the stairs on her own now, the pictures were from the year before.

I'm not sure where the perjury is coming from, or what the sworn testimony was that you're referring to. The video was shown to imply the possibility of the duct tape being over the mouth, just like the pictures and testimony of not child proofing the doors was shown to imply the possibility of a drowning.

There was sworn testimony from the Medical Examiner that the position of duct tape (just slightly dropped to below the skull in a rounded form) indicates to her that it was used across the lower portion of the face. Without something holding the mandible in place (in her expert opinion - the duct tape) it would not have been found in the correct anatomical position relative to the rest of the skull.

It was her expert testimony that the tape was therefore applied prior to decomposition. The video was shown to illustrate the location of the mandible relative to the mouth and nose.

The picture of Caylee climbing the ladder and the back of a child (we really don't know who the child was) standing at the doorway are evidence that she
was one day climbing the pool ladder and that a child was standing at a partially open doorway. Clearly the photographer was in the near vicinity of the child in the photograph.

Perhaps there is a photograph of Caylee at the zoo. Does that mean a tiger ate her? ...I guess so if Baez threw it out in his opening remarks.
There was no evidence produced that showed Caylee could climb the ladder. I have a picture of my daughter sitting on a tractor holding on to the steering wheel. Does not prove she climbed up there or could drive the tractor.

Well, I disagree since testimony is considered evidence and CA testified she could climb the latter by herself the summer she passed. The pictures were from the summer before.
Well, I disagree since testimony is considered evidence and CA testified she could climb the latter by herself the summer she passed. The pictures were from the summer before.

What does her ability to climb a ladder prove? She could also tell on mommy...
Being logical, doesn't it seem that if every single action of Casey's fits like a square peg in a round hole as far a grief is concerned ~ but is a perfect template for consciousness of guilt ~ It only makes sense that it is beyond a reasonable doubt that she is covering her own guilt.

We shouldn't have to flail ourselves about to make excuses or find hidden explanations for her actions. She acted guilty in every sense. Occam's Razor and all that.
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