The Verdict is In - post your thoughts here

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I agree, Palomine -- he impressed me from that first presser in Cary. So elegant in a friendly, not snobby, way; so eloquent in his soft, even voice and manner; intelligent, loving, patient in what he says -- what a great dad to raise his children and a great grand-dad for Nancy's little girls.

Hi borndem!!! That's all - Just Hi ... again! :blowkiss:

I hope everyone who has pointed their twisted fingers at JA and NC's other friends, who did nothing but love, care about, and worry about their missing friend stops and reconsiders. Words hurt. Words damage. NC's death has been painful enough to her family & friends without all the ugliness and venom thrown in on top.
I agree, Palomine -- he impressed me from that first presser in Cary. So elegant in a friendly, not snobby, way; so eloquent in his soft, even voice and manner; intelligent, loving, patient in what he says -- what a great dad to raise his children and a great grand-dad for Nancy's little girls.

very nice looking family
well, i missed the whole thing:(

but i've caught up now and really appreciate the links!

I pray for the Rentz family.........may they find some comfort as this is the outcome they wanted......they are very gracious people, my heart goes out to them....

i also feel for brad's family and the girls...........they are victims as well..........

i am surprised at the verdict and from what i observed, i do not agree with it......that being said, i do respect the jury and their decision.......that is our system and so far, it's the best system going....

i do hope there are investigations into cpd and their practices.....but i won't hold my breath......

this is the first case i have posted on glad i came out of lurking:crazy:

thank you for the warm welcome and the refreshing to be able to talk with fellow trial addicts (lol) and i enjoyed it immensely.....will look forward to next time:seeya:
Just want to thank everyone for the good discussion and debate for the past 2 months. I pray that none of you experience the pain that these people have gone through for the past 2.5 years. Hopefully those little girls will be unscarred by the pain and suffering that their mother went through.
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
A special report on the #coopertrial, with guests representing the family, legal experts. Watch NOW:
7 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
There you have it....Cummings was hitting the scotch:woohoo:

:Welcome1: belated, but just jump on in, RPD!!!

We're always glad to have one more :nuts: in the group!!
Cooper trial the most watched trial in WRAL's history.

Just wait until JY's trial, WRAL!
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
A special report on the #coopertrial, with guests representing the family, legal experts. Watch NOW:
7 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

I started watching this and they have a former ADA as a talking head answer the issue of hearsay evidence..and the two clips they showed was some witness restating what Nancy said to them...I thought a victims words was admissible as an "Exception" to the hearsay rule?????? The other item was talking about opinion evidence (NOT Experts)..and that I do agree with..Both sides, especially defense eliceited alot of person opinion of what they heard or thought..and since both sides allowed it I guess it is no harm no foul!!

I tend to think the upset with "Internet" angers by Judge G. was directed towards GOLO..I saw printing out of their tweets..and given what I have read even here of what was said over there...I tend to believe none of the admonished were directed towards W/S at all!!
Even though it was in the jail parking area, Brad caught his 1st breath of fresh air in 2 1/2 years.:great:
Guess he's now getting processed at Central Prison in Raleigh, where he'll spend the first of many nights for many years to come. Save a space for Jason, Brad!
Wonder if Kurtz & Trenkle agree in their gut BC is guilty?
The Adventures of Brad chapter 2...
I am sure others noticed but there was a whole different kind of family connection between Brad and his parents and Nancy and hers. I understand in this case that NC was the one gone from her family, but I never one time got a warm fuzzy feeling between BC and his parents. I also wonder as someone mentioned last night where was the brother. Why wasn't he at least there for the deliberation and then verdict. The Cooper's didn't show much emotion IMO. I just have this gut feeling, they really weren't sure of what happened. My observation only. MC did fine on the stand but I am not sure that BC showed all this confusion and sadness for any other reason than it was his mother. Any other ideas?
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