The White Ford 250 Pick Up Truck Towed from the Family Home

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Was TH driving a white, Ford F250 on June 4th that cannot be found? Is it missing?

No, it is not missing but apparently would not start and was towed to the repair shop a few days ago; Some of us are trying to figure out why LE does not have possession of it. Also, it was shown on the flyer released today to parents, students, etc asking when/if they saw it on June 4th.
OT- In a book I am writing about a missing person, when they find the person's truck months later, but no sign of him, LE keeps it for like a year before finally releasing it back to family, meanwhile they have to make the payments, etc...I have read about this happening so I think it does and hope I have this sorta right...
No, it is not missing but apparently would not start and was towed to the repair shop a few days ago; Some of us are trying to figure out why LE does not have possession of it. Also, it was shown on the flyer released today to parents, students, etc asking when/if they saw it on June 4th.

Was that the actual truck on the flier or one that looks like it? If it isn't the actual truck, why not? They couldn't take a picture of it?
If they found something they would have had to have kept the truck. Chain of evidence.
But what if it was just tire tread? Wouldn't they have made an impression and then looked it up to match the tread to whatever model and size - then compare that as to what tires are on the truck? Would they still impound the truck - if that was ALL they had?
Was that the actual truck on the flier or one that looks like it? If it isn't the actual truck, why not? They couldn't take a picture of it?

I couldn't figure that either among so many other things about this case.

LE said the truck showing in the flier was similar to what she was driving.:waitasec:

Ok, this truck thing just does not make sense to me. How is this truck not a part of the investigation? The more I think about it, the more frustrated I am that LE would allow the truck to go anyplace but to the forensics lab. Surely they could have obtained a warrant for the truck, as soon as they determined that no one else saw Kyron after Terri said she last him, as well as once they labeled this a criminal matter. This truck should be in evidence now, it seems to me. I am very confused and not at all certain what to believed from any source, including LE. :(

the only thing I can think of is maybe another Horman has a Ford F250, and Terri borrowed it? I don't know.... it all makes no sense to me at all!!!
First post...interesting forum here...

My theory is that the questionaire is related to getting a search warrant for the truck. I think any judge you took what we know of events to and asked for a search warrant of the truck would say that so far, the police haven't put the truck at Kyron's last known location, put SM or anyone else in that truck on the day of his disappearance. There has to be probable cause, which is actually a fairly high bar. It can't just be suspicion. So, I'm thinking maybe the quesions are to help establish probable cause. If enough witnesses put SM in the truck on that day, that could get you a search warrant. It is true that the owner of the truck could give permission, but there are reasons, especially where the owner of the property may not be clear, spouses are involved (think spousal testimonial privilege), voluntariness under such circumstances, etc. why LE would want the warrant.
I couldn't figure that either among so many other things about this case.

LE said the truck showing in the flier was similar to what she was driving.:waitasec:


Odd, yes, as didn't we read the truck is back home today? And there is a good photo of it at the Grandpa's house and being towed away. :waitasec: It must not matter,
Is it back home? I read here that Terri was seen driving the Mustang but not about truck being home.

I feel certain that a search warrant could have been obtained when they decided it was a criminal investigation; warrants for home, computers, vehicles, etc...especially if they have even one person saying Kyron traveled in that vehicle on that day. I think they just want as many people as possible to put it in writing. Many judges will do things in cases involving a missing and possibly live child that they may not do in cases when LE has plenty of time to gather more evidence. Plus I have trouble imagining any scenario that first weekend when the Hormans would have denied the police a request to search home, vehicles, etc...LE stated they have been and are cooperating.
Was that the actual truck on the flier or one that looks like it? If it isn't the actual truck, why not? They couldn't take a picture of it?

I believe the actual truck has some decals on it, being able to identify those decals would verify the sighting as real vs. someone thinking they saw some kind of white truck that day.

But what if it was just tire tread? Wouldn't they have made an impression and then looked it up to match the tread to whatever model and size - then compare that as to what tires are on the truck? Would they still impound the truck - if that was ALL they had?

Great Thought Wise Old Owl. I don't think there would be a need to keep the truck. The chain of evidence would be in the properness of how they obtained the tire to test and the testing of it. That then would be their evidence and there would be no reason to retain that actual tire. IMO
I feel certain that a search warrant could have been obtained when they decided it was a criminal investigation; warrants for home, computers, vehicles, etc...especially if they have even one person saying Kyron traveled in that vehicle on that day. I think they just want as many people as possible to put it in writing. Many judges will do things in cases involving a missing and possibly live child that they may not do in cases when LE has plenty of time to gather more evidence. Plus I have trouble imagining any scenario that first weekend when the Hormans would have denied the police a request to search home, vehicles, etc...LE stated they have been and are cooperating.

I'm thinking maybe LE wants a more specific search warrant than just "searching." Like to test for blood, quite frankly. Different search warrants require different things. Just deciding its a criminal investigation doesn't automatically get you a search warrant for that kind of thing. Again, even if the family is totally cooperating and that isn't just LE rhetoric, there are reasons why they'd want the warrant anyway. Obviously, I have no idea one way or the other, but it wouldn't surprise me.
the only thing I can think of is maybe another Horman has a Ford F250, and Terri borrowed it? I don't know.... it all makes no sense to me at all!!!

Or....another Horman is a frequent borrower of this pick-up......
Great Thought Wise Old Owl. I don't think there would be a need to keep the truck. The chain of evidence would be in the properness of how they obtained the tire to test and the testing of it. That then would be their evidence and there would be no reason to retain that actual tire. IMO
Don't even need to "test" the tire. If LE has found tire tracks out there on Sauvie Island - CSI will cast those tracks and then back in the lab look them up to identify make, size, etc.

Then all you have to do is identify the tires on the truck - which is actually written on the tires themselves - if you look close enough.

So only testing to be done would be on the tracks found in the "field".
Don't even need to "test" the tire. If LE has found tire tracks out there on Sauvie Island - CSI will cast those tracks and then back in the lab look them up to identify make, size, etc.

Then all you have to do is identify the tires on the truck - which is actually written on the tires themselves - if you look close enough.

So only testing to be done would be on the tracks found in the "field".

I think your post is accurate as to how a possible match is initially made, but surely once the type of tire from a vehicle and a tire print is determined, the actual tire is then examined.

I know I've heard something about how each tire print is completely unique due to "individuation" or something like that........iow, you and I may have the exact same type of tire on our own vehicles, but my print would differentiate from yours due to wear patterns, marks left by things we've run over, etc. So, if I left a tire impression at a crime scene, and you somehow ended up as a suspect, your tire print would NOT match, even though it was the exact same make and model of tire.

Right? Now I'm confusing myself! :blushing:
Was that the actual truck on the flier or one that looks like it? If it isn't the actual truck, why not? They couldn't take a picture of it?

I suspect the fact that the photo is of similar truck instead of actual truck is very simple. They either didn't have a clear photo of the entire truck, or the photo they had wasn't in right format, etc. So they just used a stock photo or whatever they could legally pull from online. I don't think it means anything except that they didn't have an appropriate photo of the Horman truck to use for the flier.
I couldn't figure that either among so many other things about this case.

LE said the truck showing in the flier was similar to what she was driving.:waitasec:


For some reason this statement is what is most puzzling to me thus far in this case.

Do they just not want to say "ok , yeah, the truck SHE was driving" so as not to make it look like they are targeting her?
I suspect the fact that the photo is of similar truck instead of actual truck is very simple. They either didn't have a clear photo of the entire truck, or the photo they had wasn't in right format, etc. So they just used a stock photo or whatever they could legally pull from online. I don't think it means anything except that they didn't have an appropriate photo of the Horman truck to use for the flier.

That could be true but wondering...

Just thinking.
:waitasec: could it be that they don't want to be accused later if a trial occurs, of course they identified this truck but couldn't add any addtional information? Like if they say similar then someone could then state it looks like the one I seen except for the one I saw that day had ...decals on the back window? This would give room for clarification, was this indeed the correct truck they seen this morning but requesting how it may have been unique, stickers..bumper stickers..scratches..rear view mirror/air freshers or hanging items. Using a "similar" truck could prove useful for exact indentification. Using the exact truck could appear leading and they may question how they are sure it was the one they seen and claim the memory was hampered by the photograph.
Again, it could be that Terri's story is that she was driving the truck and LE is trying to prove that she was. One should speculate about why she'd say she was driving the truck if she wasn't. And if she really wasn't, who else had access to the truck? If Kaine's alibi is that he was at work, how did he get there? Is there a third family vehicle? Was someone else at the house, perhaps visiting for the weekend to come? Is this someone that Terri would take the heat for because, in her own words, she "hasn't done anything!" And if there is a problem with her poly's, is there someone she would lie for, and she knows she's been caught and the pressure is now getting to HER to stop covering for "whoever" it is.

It is worth keeping in play at least that someone else was driving the truck Terri says she was. And to wonder why.

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