Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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You can't put yourself in KC's shoes because what happened in Fla with Baby Caylee is not in you nor your soul to do such a thang. I can see by your post that you have a hard time knowing/feeling/understanding how a mother could do such evil crap to her baby.

Today on the news, a woman saw a tennis shoe sticking out of the ground at a Children/s Play Ground. It was attached to a baby boy---3-5yo (they don't know the age--last report I heard). Witnesses said there was a woman seen there with 4 kids. Was this baby boy killed by his mother---buried in a play ground? Probably so. Why would she bury him in a play ground.

Maybe the lil boy loved the play ground and he was killed by accident so mommy took him to his bestest spot. Wouldn't that be special.

Maybe she had to many kids and got mad and beat one ovem to death. But if she did kill him---for what ever reason-----Mother's do in fact kill their babies.

Maybe you would leave your child there with your mom---maybe you don't hate your mom---maybe you do love your baby more than you hate your mom (SP figures KC hated CA more than she loved Caylee). See? You aren't KC and she can/did do it---because she isn't the NORMAL PEEP. You are.:blowkiss:
Mamabear this post made me cry and my eyes are so blurry
I can not reply to this at all. Sorry.
There are so many great theories on this thread and this entire forum but in all honesty, I doubt we will ever know what really happened.

KC will never confess, there is no cause of death, there wasn't enough evidence with the remains to be able to even pin-point an exact date of death, no witness to the crime, etc....

But wouldn't it be great if....drifting off to dream world....In the middle of the trial KC stands up and reveals all...."I'm tired of all this speculation...I went through the secret door in my bedroom into the library and killed her with the candlestick. Prof Plum and Mrs. Peacock helped with the cover-up."....OK, I know this isn't a joking matter but I stand by my original statement that we will never know what really happened.

OMG---I have had that very same day dream---but mine was like---KC stands up---adjust her clothes, slowly over her beautiful, hot body and struts to the center of the Court Room---turns and looks at her Mother and as she is pulling her hair out of her face and slowly runs her hand down her body says, "Ladies and Gentlemen---the murderer sits right in this court room and there she sits, in that stupid azz green shirt. You see, Ladies and Gentlemen, she killed that child--------" etc.
OMG---I have had that very same day dream---but mine was like---KC stands up---adjust her clothes, slowly over her beautiful, hot body and struts to the center of the Court Room---turns and looks at her Mother and as she is pulling her hair out of her face and slowly runs her hand down her body says, "Ladies and Gentlemen---the murderer sits right in this court room and there she sits, in that stupid azz green shirt. You see, Ladies and Gentlemen, she killed that child--------" etc.

hmmmmm :confused: :nono: :nono: :nono:
I do not think she can sell that can of beans.
She knows her parents loved that child and everyone knows that.

But I can see her go to the front of the room and say.
I did what my parents told me to do.
I originally was very scared but after a couple of weeks I told my parents,
they convinced me to shut up and they will help me.
We could not call 911 till the car was found and we'd see what is in it.
Then we knew we had to make that call.
I can see that....
Oh, I love you, Nephers, but I so hope you are wrong about us never knowing for sure! :blowkiss:
But, unfortunately, I fear you are right.

In my own little fantasy version of the game 'Clue', we have George up on the stand, finally coming clean with all he knows.

In the words of one of the detectives, George is a guy who knows a lot. And, I feel his knowledge of these events may be more than he can keep buried inside of himself, when it comes time for him to take the stand at trial.
But, like I said, this is what happens in my own little fantasy version of the game of 'Clue'.

GA knows a lot - but my Mom once said knowledge in the hands of he who knows what to do with it is a great thing, and knowledge in the hand of he who does not know how to implement it can be a dangerous thing.
YES she was a very wise woman may she RIP.

GA knows enough that we have a case that has no ties to the perpetrator.
The waiting game was long enough to find a body without any leads on it. Nothing with fingerprints...etc....
He fixed it good for his Casey whom he is so proud of.:rolleyes:
How can you be proud of someone who by the age of 22 has slept with just about anything that moves. :confused:

I am over GA. I had great pity for him at first. I really did. :(
Since he cant get a Job maybe he can get some room and board in jail. :furious:
GA knows a lot - but my Mom once said knowledge in the hands of he who knows what to do with it is a great thing, and knowledge in the hand of he who does not know how to implement it can be a dangerous thing.
YES she was a very wise woman may she RIP.

GA knows enough that we have a case that has no ties to the perpetrator.
The waiting game was long enough to find a body without any leads on it. Nothing with fingerprints...etc....
He fixed it good for his Casey whom he is so proud of.:rolleyes:
How can you be proud of someone who by the age of 22 has slept with just about anything that moves. :confused:

I am over GA. I had great pity for him at first. I really did. :(
Since he cant get a Job maybe he can get some room and board in jail. :furious:

I'd like to see the whole fam-damly sharing one cell. Forever.
I'd like to see the whole fam-damly sharing one cell. Forever.

Brini, we can't have that! Because in my fantasy Casey gets convicted of 1st degree murder with special circumstances but during the penalty phase the jury decides to "spare" her and only gives her LWOP (life without the possibility of parole). After a few years of good behavior she is put in a GenPop cell with the female version of TeaBag (of Prison Break). Heh.
I'd like to see the whole fam-damly sharing one cell. Forever.

They can't put the whole family in one cell.

That would mean sentencing GACALA to:

"Life with KC"

That is obviously TORTURE, and not covered by Florida law.
I think Casey from some form resentment for her life turning out as it did
either neglected Caylee which ended in the loss of her sweet daughters life.

I also think Casey was not going to let the threats her mom made happen.
Her mom threatened to take Caylee away from her by proving her unfit mother. Then I think she left with Casey and stayed away from home
but something went wrong with all the driving around having to think of a way to make it w/o moms help she got sloppy and somehow Caylee suffered the consequences of her moms stupid thinking. Then after Caylee died , Casey had to think of a way to keep LE from finding where the body was so she avoided
contact with her mom. She had to come up with something so she used this make believe nanny story. I believe this nanny that mom kept hearing about was what Casey said when ever she went somewhere with Caylee so mom would get off her back. A pretend nanny and God only knows where she left the baby in the trunk or apartment w/o supervision. I do not think this was the first time she neglected Caylee while out partying I think this time it blew up in her face and Caylee paid the price.
I think Casey from some form resentment for her life turning out as it did
either neglected Caylee which ended in the loss of her sweet daughters life.

I also think Casey was not going to let the threats her mom made happen.
Her mom threatened to take Caylee away from her by proving her unfit mother. Then I think she left with Casey and stayed away from home
but something went wrong with all the driving around having to think of a way to make it w/o moms help she got sloppy and somehow Caylee suffered the consequences of her moms stupid thinking. Then after Caylee died , Casey had to think of a way to keep LE from finding where the body was so she avoided
contact with her mom. She had to come up with something so she used this make believe nanny story. I believe this nanny that mom kept hearing about was what Casey said when ever she went somewhere with Caylee so mom would get off her back. A pretend nanny and God only knows where she left the baby in the trunk or apartment w/o supervision. I do not think this was the first time she neglected Caylee while out partying I think this time it blew up in her face and Caylee paid the price.

But the problem with that theory is that Casey was home with George and Caylee on June the 16th, allegedly left the house with Caylee to prove to George she was "going to work", and then she returned to the house after George himself went to work, and in that short span of time (between like 1:30 and 7 p.m.) she either flat-out murdered Caylee or Caylee died an accidental death (I don't think so). By the time rolled around to meet up with TonE (about 7 p.m. or so) she's all snugged and hugged up with him at the Blockbuster and renting gory horror movies (including one with a dead body in the trunk) seemingly WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD. This does not smack of a neglect case to me.
Through all of the documents that have been released the intelligent people here at WS have pieced together a good bit of the story. I don't expect that Casey or her family will ever tell the truth of what happened, but it is my hope that the state has some more secrets to be revealed at a later date. Hopefully, we will have a much clearer picture of what happened to Caylee as this trial nears and by the time it's over, I'm hoping, we won't need the truth from any of the family.
all signs point to she either drown her or smothered her which seems to be how most mother's that murder thier children seem to kill .....esp young children they can't fight back
The prosecution will easily be able to show that there NEVER was a nanny
and from that point forward the case goes downhill like a landslide for the defense team.

aother thing i think the proscution will do is show that when the "nanny" was supposedly watching the baby it really was the parents, and when the parents were supposedly watching the baby it was really a trunk of a car that was watching the baby

which also adds to the fact that the nanny never existed

i will eat my left arm if she either doesnt cut some type of a deal or is found guilty

she is done, get and keep her off the streets before she kills again
Brini, we can't have that! Because in my fantasy Casey gets convicted of 1st degree murder with special circumstances but during the penalty phase the jury decides to "spare" her and only gives her LWOP (life without the possibility of parole). After a few years of good behavior she is put in a GenPop cell with the female version of TeaBag (of Prison Break). Heh.
Actually I would not like that at all :crazy:
With parents like hers :confused:
You know if you plant tomatoes don't expect a watermelon to grow.
all signs point to she either drown her or smothered her which seems to be how most mother's that murder thier children seem to kill .....esp young children they can't fight back

I think a drowning or poisoning, purposefully, on the 16th. I think she maybe left the house on the 15th (GA never saw them the next morning), but came back in on the 16th after GA left for work, as she probably did every day. (Have to look back at cell pings, to make sure, I get confused!)

She finally got up the mojo (Don't love using "mojo", but I don't know how else to put it) to act on what she had fantasized about. She "empowered" herself to make the decision to be unencumbered. So many things were coming together for her alter-life, if she was free from Caylee and the obligations of motherhood, she was untouchable. Even with AH's bad check fiasco, she could always leave town if she had to, as long as she did not have a baby in tow.
And she was going to show CA what a spiteful b**ch she could be.
Caylee's birth caused CA to pay way more attention to KC than she had in all of the rest of KC's life. By then, KC didn't want mom's attention, or input, or friendship, unless it involved the usual one way must kiss KC's behind or babysit her child type of friendliness...And she resented CA deeply, and was ready to assert herself. CA did nothing but invalidate all of KC's (immature, irresponsible and twisted) thoughts and actions. KC was subconciously extremely angry, but I don't think she was angry in the way that would cause her to beat Caylee that day. As jeepgirl (in my home state of Va.!) pointed out, that is typically what a male would do in filicide. I think her anger was channeled to CA and rooted in KC's own failures.

She did not snap out of it that day and have a second thought, perhaps she experienced a "euphoria", as has been reported in behaviors in suicide cases. She felt all would be right . So sick to write about, so sick.

She felt no remorse for Caylee at that moment. As SP alluded to, it was so much more about CA at this time. KC was also desperate, as one can be when they are flat broke with no prospects for success.

She applied the heart sticker as if to say "you're a cute, kid,' (Makes me :furious:) but I think KC had achieved sufficient detachment from Caylee, in those hours, to follow-through, A-Z. When she was done, she got paranoid about anyone coming home, made calls to see if the coast was clear, and got the hell out of there ASAP.

What is surprising is that she didn't run like hell. She stayed around the scene of the crime-I believe it is not because she did not have the means, she could have conned evey person on her phone list out of $20.00 and gotten on a train to somewhere-Maybe she was actually going to try to establish a life where CA did not ever get to see Caylee, where eventually she could go to Cali or NY, and CA would never get to "visit"....i dunno know, I have lost some clarity when it comes to that part...

Of course, MOO!
But the problem with that theory is that Casey was home with George and Caylee on June the 16th, allegedly left the house with Caylee to prove to George she was "going to work", and then she returned to the house after George himself went to work, and in that short span of time (between like 1:30 and 7 p.m.) she either flat-out murdered Caylee or Caylee died an accidental death (I don't think so). By the time rolled around to meet up with TonE (about 7 p.m. or so) she's all snugged and hugged up with him at the Blockbuster and renting gory horror movies (including one with a dead body in the trunk) seemingly WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD. This does not smack of a neglect case to me.

Actually I have long had some questions or doubts about the exact chain of events on the 16th, or what GA really saw that day.

Also keep in mind KC really does appear to not operate the way the rest of us do. She will boldly BS her way through anything, and does not seem squeemish when she does it. remember leading the cops into Universal Studios to go to her office? She does not sneak, she does not hide, she boldly does things in plain sight in such a way that noone questions.

I think Caylee died either very late June 15th or very early morning June 16th. I think what GA saw leaving that day was KC carrying Caylee's already dead body out under the guise of carrying a sleeping child to the car to go to the nanny's. She just picked up the body, wrapped in in a blanket, maybe with her oft mentioned sunglasses on, and carried it through the house past her father to the car. Waving good bye as she went.

I think George saw Caylee after she died twice, but only came to realize that much later. Once when KC carried her out of the house on the 16th, and once as a mysterious laundry bag in the car trunk the day of the gas can incident.
Theonly1 is the girl in your picture the girl who was in the okder movie called "The Bad Seed" That was some bad girl.

I remember having fights with my Mom - I too lived in her house when I left my first husband.
But if I stormed out I left the baby home. I never took her with me. I'd go and drive, or talk to a Friend,
and come back calmed down.
WHY TAKE THE BABY when you are storming away from Cindy?

Maybe taking Caylee wasn't her choice.....maybe Cindy told her to take her....the situation you talk about, with leaving the baby when you left to calm down was a convienience....maybe Casey wanted to go do just that...blow it off, go party or whatever she wanted to go do...but Cindy realizing what BS that was to be able to go take off and once again blow off her responsiblities by leaving Caylee with Cindy so Casey could go do her thing, maybe told her like, "Umm excuse me, if you're going then you're taking your daughter with you!!" ....maybe not but who knows.....I'm sure Casey would have loved to just go, and leave Caylee there...Just opinion again....different spin
Actually I have long had some questions or doubts about the exact chain of events on the 16th, or what GA really saw that day.

Also keep in mind KC really does appear to not operate the way the rest of us do. She will boldly BS her way through anything, and does not seem squeemish when she does it. remember leading the cops into Universal Studios to go to her office? She does not sneak, she does not hide, she boldly does things in plain sight in such a way that noone questions.

I think Caylee died either very late June 15th or very early morning June 16th. I think what GA saw leaving that day was KC carrying Caylee's already dead body out under the guise of carrying a sleeping child to the car to go to the nanny's. She just picked up the body, wrapped in in a blanket, maybe with her oft mentioned sunglasses on, and carried it through the house past her father to the car. Waving good bye as she went.

I think George saw Caylee after she died twice, but only came to realize that much later. Once when KC carried her out of the house on the 16th, and once as a mysterious laundry bag in the car trunk the day of the gas can incident.

I think you are right about what GA saw.
I used to think KC kept Caylee in the trunk while she partied.Maybe she did at times,but the problem with that is Caylee would quickly start putting up a fuss any time she had to leave with KC.She would have shown signs of being scared of her.Maybe that's actually what was happening.Maybe Caylee started fussing whenever she had to go with KC and KC got Pizzed off .
I just wish someone would come forward with the truth.
Actually I have long had some questions or doubts about the exact chain of events on the 16th, or what GA really saw that day.

Also keep in mind KC really does appear to not operate the way the rest of us do. She will boldly BS her way through anything, and does not seem squeemish when she does it. remember leading the cops into Universal Studios to go to her office? She does not sneak, she does not hide, she boldly does things in plain sight in such a way that noone questions.

I think Caylee died either very late June 15th or very early morning June 16th. I think what GA saw leaving that day was KC carrying Caylee's already dead body out under the guise of carrying a sleeping child to the car to go to the nanny's. She just picked up the body, wrapped in in a blanket, maybe with her oft mentioned sunglasses on, and carried it through the house past her father to the car. Waving good bye as she went.

I think George saw Caylee after she died twice, but only came to realize that much later. Once when KC carried her out of the house on the 16th, and once as a mysterious laundry bag in the car trunk the day of the gas can incident.

I've considered what you've written before as well. While I'm not married to the theory of Casey murdering Caylee on the 16th vs. the 15th (I used to be quite staunch in that it was done of the 15th), I am quite convinced that it was no "accident" (hence my earlier post).

I also totally agree that it is likely GA saw the canvas bag in the trunk at some point. Why was he so determined to "bust" Casey on the gas can theft (and innately know the cans were in her trunk)? He told the public (through Greta) and the police/FBI that he went to her trunk under the guise of getting some tire wedge. But then in later interviews he tells of Casey huffing to the trunk, thrusting the gas cans at him with colorful language, and no mention is made of the tire wedges. Either she innately knew his "tire wedge tale" was a ruse to get into her trunk for the cans or he never really mentioned to her about the tire wedge and was straight up asking her about the cans (and then the wedge story would have been a lie to Greta so the public would not think ill of Casey for stealing the cans).

If I recall correctly, in one of the interviews (perhaps it was with the FBI) GA mentions seeing in the trunk some detergent, a BAG, etc. Dollars to doughnuts he saw the canvas bag in the trunk and his stomach rolls to this day when thinking about it.

Further, it is possible to me that he indeed may have seen Caylee wrapped up in the Pooh blanket "going to the Nanny's house" and not heading out on her own two little feet (the dump site with Caylee's remains had no shoes). No mention has been made (that I know of) about what Caylee had for breakfast that day, what she did that morning, or anything. We've heard about Cindy pausing outside the door before she went to work to hear them "breathing" (God, this is statement is suspect to me). [I guess that is revisionist history on her part to prove Caylee was alive that morning after she came up missing and then dead.]

And (in my opinion) George wigged out on the stand at the Morgan depo when Morgan tried to ask questions about that morning and what he saw with Caylee. In my opinion, George said Morgan was trying to ask him about his last conversation with Caylee when in fact Morgan was simply trying to ferret out some facts about Caylee's possible final day.
I think Casey from some form resentment for her life turning out as it did
either neglected Caylee which ended in the loss of her sweet daughters life.

I also think Casey was not going to let the threats her mom made happen.
Her mom threatened to take Caylee away from her by proving her unfit mother. Then I think she left with Casey and stayed away from home
but something went wrong with all the driving around having to think of a way to make it w/o moms help she got sloppy and somehow Caylee suffered the consequences of her moms stupid thinking. Then after Caylee died , Casey had to think of a way to keep LE from finding where the body was so she avoided
contact with her mom. She had to come up with something so she used this make believe nanny story. I believe this nanny that mom kept hearing about was what Casey said when ever she went somewhere with Caylee so mom would get off her back. A pretend nanny and God only knows where she left the baby in the trunk or apartment w/o supervision. I do not think this was the first time she neglected Caylee while out partying I think this time it blew up in her face and Caylee paid the price.

bold by me

See, this is something that I totally don't understand about this case. Casey made up the nanny way before Caylee went missing. Was it just a total coincidence that a ZFG just happened to be at the SGA on the same day as Casey? IIRC, Casey had mentioned Zanny the Nanny to friends and her mother well before that day. If so, what are the odds that this would occur? A woman with the same name as the one Casey made up months prior just happens to visit the same apartment complex where Casey first tried to say she dropped off Caylee.
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