Theory Thread #2 - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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Of it all is the notion that OP will put in improved sports equipment at the prison and encourage fellow inmates to participate in sports after they serve their time, thus winning OP an early release on parole and then a job with a large corporation on the public speaking tour, a motivational speaker. That is ridiculous! The other things are ridiculous too, but that one takes the prize. A convicted murderer can make all of that happen? I don't think so.

BTW, I've had the pleasure of attending a number of speaches by paid speakers. One was the 12th man to walk on the moon, an astronaut; great guy. Another was a Prisoner of War in Viet Nam, his speach was amazing! Another speech that I attended was given by a lady that taught at a school for the blind, she gave her speach in near darkness of the room, it wasn't until the end that she disclosed that she herself had lost her sight after many years of teaching blind children. I just cannot imagine a hotheaded SA murderer like OP being hired by any corporation to speak about his life, his crimes, and his ordeals in the SA prison system.

Well, people apparently hire Wayne Derman, so nothing would surprise me :D
Hi everyone,
I am new to posting to this thread but I have been reading all your posts with great interest. I've also watched the trial very closely, but to my disappointment, several questions still remain unanswered - or perhaps I just missed the testimonies in which these were answered. Can anyone help answer these questions for me?

1. Why did Nel never ask OP what he did upstairs when he left RS's body at the bottom of the staircase? The daughter of the second guy on the scene said that he went upstairs and was gone for a long time. I bet he was tampering with the evidence or trying to unlock Reeva's phone??
2. One picture was shown during the trial that showed blood spatter on the wall at the head of the bed in the bedroom. Whose blood was it and how did it get there? This was never discussed?
3. There was a metal panel in the bathroom that was severely dented - looked as though someone kicked it very hard or hit it with a bat - why did nobody ever ask about that?
4. A picture showed a bullet hole in the bedroom's main door - how did that get there?
5. If OP was so "vulnerable" about the ladders left outside, why the hell did he sleep with the sliding doors leading to the balcony WIDE OPEN????
6. It was found that OP was searching for *advertiser censored* on the early evening of the 13th - why did Nel never suggest that perhaps RS found the *advertiser censored* and that is why they argued??? Maybe she went downstairs to eat her midnight snack, and took his iPad with her and found the *advertiser censored* and that is when she went back upstairs to confront him. They argued, she fled to the bathroom and he shot her in a fit of rage, after screaming "get the eff out of my house!".

I am so excited to hear Masipa's judgement tomorrow I can barely contain myself!!! I'll be standing up at 1:30am to watch the proceedings!!!! (I am a South African living in Austin, TX)

Hello Apples

Indeed all these things have been discussed. Unfortunately points 1, 3, 4 and 6 could not be proved and it would have been pointless to ask Pistorius about them because he could say anything he liked. There would be no guarantee that he would incriminate himself. A basic rule for barristers is "Don't ask a question to which you don't already know the answer". It was better to leave these things hanging unexplained than to have him plausibly explain them away, as he may have done.

As for point 2, the blood spatter, it may have come from when Pistorius carried Reeva out through the passageway and through the bedroom. The bedroom is quite small. It was obviously not thought to be of any significant use as evidence.

Point 5, indeed is only one of many things that show Pistorius not to be very security conscious. It merely reinforces the fact that the gated compound in which he lived was very safe. Other residents were also sleeping with open windows.
:eek:fftobed: :pillowfight:

See y'all in 6 hours... cannot get in touch with our in-house lawyer :wink: as her mailbox is fulllllllllllllllllllll grrrrr. But... I do have on best sleuthing that our favorite breakfast hostess is gonna be here! (lol, not depending on her hubby this time like the HOA that she missed!) hehehehe
I recall "one-who-shall-remain-nameless" was cleaning floors at the beginning of closing arguments, lost track of time, although spouse did not. Spouse did not want to disturb the floor-cleaning, thus did not remind "one-who-shall-remain-nameless" that it was time to catch the closing. "OWSRN" missed some of closing arguments. Spouse in dog-house.

Confirmed! She'll be here! And perhaps tell us about the wonderful doggie house she now has! hehehe

Did anyone else notice this massive slip-up of OP during his testimony?? Nel didn't even notice, and never jumped on this!!!

Oscar Pistorius Trial: Monday 14 April 2014, Session 3
Watch the video here:

Crucial moment: at 16m52s to 17m03s in the video
Advocate Nel: "Why would you scream, why would you scream out?"
Oscar Pistorius: "I was scared… I wanted to ask Reeva why she's phoning the police…"

Did anyone else notice this massive slip-up of OP during his testimony?? Nel didn't even notice, and never jumped on this!!!

Oscar Pistorius Trial: Monday 14 April 2014, Session 3
Watch the video here:

Crucial moment: at 16m52s to 17m03s in the video
Advocate Nel: "Why would you scream, why would you scream out?"
Oscar Pistorius: "I was scared… I wanted to ask Reeva why she's phoning the police…"


Gosh yes he did say that! Quick someone phone Nel!
Hello Apples

Indeed all these things have been discussed. Unfortunately points 1, 3, 4 and 6 could not be proved and it would have been pointless to ask Pistorius about them because he could say anything he liked. There would be no guarantee that he would incriminate himself. A basic rule for barristers is "Don't ask a question to which you don't already know the answer". It was better to leave these things hanging unexplained than to have him plausibly explain them away, as he may have done.

As for point 2, the blood spatter, it may have come from when Pistorius carried Reeva out through the passageway and through the bedroom. The bedroom is quite small. It was obviously not thought to be of any significant use as evidence.

Point 5, indeed is only one of many things that show Pistorius not to be very security conscious. It merely reinforces the fact that the gated compound in which he lived was very safe. Other residents were also sleeping with open windows.

Hi Cherwell!
Thank you for your kind reply. I am sorry that I am late to the party, I only discovered this forum about a week ago so I haven't read through every single post! So thank you for patiently answering questions that may previously have arisen.

Is there going to be another thread tomorrow specific to the verdict reading?? I cannot wait!
Hi Cherwell!
Thank you for your kind reply. I am sorry that I am late to the party, I only discovered this forum about a week ago so I haven't read through every single post! So thank you for patiently answering questions that may previously have arisen.

Is there going to be another thread tomorrow specific to the verdict reading?? I cannot wait!
Yes, the thread most likely will open around 9:30 a.m. SA time (3:30 a.m. EST)
Did anyone else notice this massive slip-up of OP during his testimony?? Nel didn't even notice, and never jumped on this!!!

Oscar Pistorius Trial: Monday 14 April 2014, Session 3
Watch the video here:

Crucial moment: at 16m52s to 17m03s in the video
Advocate Nel: "Why would you scream, why would you scream out?"
Oscar Pistorius: "I was scared… I wanted to ask Reeva why she's phoning the police…"

This is driving me crazy. When I listened to this the last time I picked it up too and went racing downstairs to tell my husband that I had just picked up something amazing. Without telling him what it was, I asked him to come and listen and tell me what he heard. He heard "I wanted to ask Reeva why - if she's phoning the police". I couldn't tell you how many times we listened to it. I've just listened again and again with the volume turned right up. Now I don't know. All I can say is that I can't imagine Nel would have missed that because that was the whole point of his question, "Why would you scream?"
It is quite possible she was breaking up with him that evening. Just because someone is gifting a card and present on Valentines Day does not mean that their relationship is stable and moving forward.
Many years ago my partner delivered a gift and a card the week of Valentines Day. The day of the actual holiday I received an email from my partner declaring the relationship over. I couldn't reconcile the paradox of sending a gift and a card for Valentine's Day while simultaneously desiring to "break up". It does happen.
I wonder, if any, what personal words she wrote in the card she had given him along with the present.
I remember listening to that and thinking the silence was so long that OP was about to confess.

Right. It's almost midnight here in the UK, so I'm going to get some sleep, and will see you all later for the VERDICT!!!

If it is wrong to feel gleeful tonight knowing we are hours away from a verdict, then, I don't want to be right!

You're going down OP. JMHO [Just my hopeful opinion]

Ah ... plenty of time to casually drive to the sunny coast of Mozambique. LOL

How many hours to drive from Gauteng to Maputo City, Mozambique?
549k – 6 1/2 hours

How many hours to drive from Jo’burg to Maputo, Mozambique?
545k – 6 hours 46 mins – map included

Just a nice day trip with a picnic on the way.
Retweeted by Oscar Pistorius
The Notebook @Notebook  6 May 2012
Don't worry when she fights with you, worry when she stops... because it means there's nothing left for her to fight for.

This OP tweet is rather creepy and foreboding, in light of the murderous tragedy that eventually unfolded.

Perhaps Reeva was indeed ending their relationship and trying to leave that night.

Maybe she finally got sick of his foul moods, control tactics, self-absorbed ego and petty abuses.

I'm pretty sure that was referring to his "true love" VM... I would say that relationship was the core of any problems OP and RS had, at least on OP's end.

Amid the amorous comings and goings, he got together with Vicky Miles in 2006, the school sweetheart whom he described as ‘my true love’. They split two years later, only to be reunited a short while afterwards, but they broke up again last year.[_id]=95762
Before Pistorius attained star status, he was attached to Vicky Miles, who had known him since his school days.
A photo of them in 2006 shows Miles on his lap, both of them beaming. They split up in 2008 but reunited, only to break up again in early 2012.
How many hours to drive from Gauteng to Maputo City, Mozambique?
549k – 6 1/2 hours

How many hours to drive from Jo’burg to Maputo, Mozambique?
545k – 6 hours 46 mins – map included

Just a nice day trip with a picnic on the way.

Didn't he just get a nice new car too? A white one so it wouldn't draw attention, according to Jodi....
Excellent post.

I hope the judge sees things as most of us saw them during the trial.

As I try to put myself in the judge's shoes I come back to a few main things. The witnesses that heard screaming is definitely one of those things but even above that for me is when I take a step back and think about what OP was trying to convince me of. That he thought there was an intruder and so instead of making any attempt to either flee the house or yell at them to identify themselves while he already has his weapon in hand, that he would instead just rush towards them and blast away through a closed door at no telling who behind that door?

No, its not going to happen, and didnt happen. The common sense thinking of the scenerio is enough to convince me that OP was lying through his teeth during the trial.
And that alone is almost enough. But when combined with the other testimony of female screaming and the other many odd things about this case, it puts it easlily over the top for a guilty verdict for me.

I agree with your post.

And I still can't get past the fact that he would go grab his gun and run gung-ho towards the bathroom, without FIRST verifying his girlfriends actual location. His version, that it was too dark to see her, but he never really looked anyway cuz his back was always facing her, and he spoke to her but never heard a reply, yet he still raced to the toilet and shot through the door....:no:
It is quite possible she was breaking up with him that evening. Just because someone is gifting a card and present on Valentines Day does not mean that their relationship is stable and moving forward.
Many years ago my partner delivered a gift and a card the week of Valentines Day. The day of the actual holiday I received an email from my partner declaring the relationship over. I couldn't reconcile the paradox of sending a gift and a card for Valentine's Day while simultaneously desiring to "break up". It does happen.
I wonder, if any, what personal words she wrote in the card she had given him along with the present.

Nothing more than what I've said to pretty much everyone I've ever cared about(Mom, Dad, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, good friends, old bf's and gf's, my cats ... "I love you." Note there's no hearts, just 3 kisses and a grin...

From everything we've read about what RS was like, I can't see her not saying that in a Valentine card to anyone she felt compelled to give one to, even if it was going to be the only one she planned to share with them.
This is driving me crazy. When I listened to this the last time I picked it up too and went racing downstairs to tell my husband that I had just picked up something amazing. Without telling him what it was, I asked him to come and listen and tell me what he heard. He heard "I wanted to ask Reeva why - if she's phoning the police". I couldn't tell you how many times we listened to it. I've just listened again and again with the volume turned right up. Now I don't know. All I can say is that I can't imagine Nel would have missed that because that was the whole point of his question, "Why would you scream?"

I almost fell out of my chair when I heard this. And then when Nel just went on like nothing was awry! You can even see perplexed looks on the audience's faces!!!!!! I was so shocked, if I were there I would have klapped him big time side the face (Nel, not OP) Hehe.
Hello Apples

Indeed all these things have been discussed. Unfortunately points 1, 3, 4 and 6 could not be proved and it would have been pointless to ask Pistorius about them because he could say anything he liked. There would be no guarantee that he would incriminate himself. A basic rule for barristers is "Don't ask a question to which you don't already know the answer". It was better to leave these things hanging unexplained than to have him plausibly explain them away, as he may have done.

As for point 2, the blood spatter, it may have come from when Pistorius carried Reeva out through the passageway and through the bedroom. The bedroom is quite small. It was obviously not thought to be of any significant use as evidence.

Point 5, indeed is only one of many things that show Pistorius not to be very security conscious. It merely reinforces the fact that the gated compound in which he lived was very safe. Other residents were also sleeping with open windows.

Perhaps better yet, is that his own DT didn't try to explain them away, likely hoping if they didn't draw attention to them that it might slip under the judge's radar.

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