They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

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All verdicts must be unanimous, so every jury member found her not guilty.

ok. still in shock......but......this is the part that i find utterly unbelievable. how in god's name is it possible that this was a unanimous decision?

there is no possible way that 12 human beings with even the fewest number of functioning brain cells could possibly have agreed that she was innocent of absolutely everything.

something is seriously wrong here.
I'm in shock - how can the jury come to this conclusion??? I swear if I had money I'd track them down and ask them. HOW??? After that jailhouse call? And I'm sure CA is in 7th heaven, planning her next brownie baking party. The DT all over there celebrating and poor LDB, JA and FG getting their briefcases and walking out stunned.

Where is Charles Bronson when you need him??

Salmon patties and chile being served at the Anthony home tonight. *rolling my eyes as I sob without end*
there is no possible way that 12 human beings with even the fewest number of functioning brain cells could possibly have agreed that she was innocent of absolutely everything.

something is seriously wrong here.

Yeah, something is wrong here.

The jury never said that she was innocent. I doubt anyone in that jury would bet on her being innocent.

They found her not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Everything is on the prosecution to prove that she was guilty, which is why people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

So no matter how guilty she appeared to be on television, the jury unanimously said that the prosecution didn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

I think that is where a lot of the confusion and hurt feelings come into play, where people think that the jury just said that she was innocent, but that isn't the case at all.
although this is so shocking I don't think it's fair to jury bash, we don't know what they went through and what went on
[ame=""]Prosecution: Disappointed, Surprised[/ame]
ok. still in shock......but......this is the part that i find utterly unbelievable. how in god's name is it possible that this was a unanimous decision?

there is no possible way that 12 human beings with even the fewest number of functioning brain cells could possibly have agreed that she was innocent of absolutely everything.

something is seriously wrong here.

I just made this almost exact statement to my dtr a few minutes ago........

ALL 12 people think she did NOTHING wrong???I cannot comprehend this, it's just not logical..... I could see a hung jury but all 12 jurors think she did nothing wrong?????????????????
I have to say I agree with the poster who said that the deaths of children will rise from this verdict..they just gave a step by step on how to kill your child and get away with it...I am just speechless!!
We will probably never know what happens when Casey sees her parents when she gets out, but I believe there is a very real possibility that they will welcome her home with open arms and huge smiles on their faces and say "Welcome home.... WE won!"

I think all of the Anthonys lied for one purpose. To totally confuse the jury and cause reasonable doubt. I think it was a big, fat game with all of them from the beginning.
And it worked.
Yeah, something is wrong here.

The jury never said that she was innocent. I doubt anyone in that jury would bet on her being innocent.

They found her not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Everything is on the prosecution to prove that she was guilty, which is why people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

So no matter how guilty she appeared to be on television, the jury unanimously said that the prosecution didn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

I think that is where a lot of the confusion and hurt feelings come into play, where people think that the jury just said that she was innocent, but that isn't the case at all.

I know they did not say that she was innocent. BUT...IMO there is NO way that following the logical conclusion to the evidence presented (Scott Peterson trial had less evidence and he is on death row) 12 people who did not even review the evidence could arrive at such a quick verdict.
I wrote a post under this thread, maybe on page 2 or 3, thanking everyone here for 'being there' for me during the past 3 years because family and friends just don't quite 'get it'.

I clicked the POST REPLY button and that was the last time I was able to see any posts until about 10 minutes ago....server for WS was too busy.
In other words, I'm a little late to the topic.
I had to listen, in shock, to the verdict all by myself without my support system (WS) to fall back on.

This morning my husband told me to be prepared.
He said "I hope you can prepare your heart now for the verdict today (somehow he knew the verdict would be revealed today)."

When I asked him what he meant he told me he was 99% sure that Casey would NOT get charged for the worst of charges against her.

He told me the Pros case was too much circumstantial, not enough 'meat'.
He went over their case almost point by point and then explained how how the Def. was able to go through loop-holes to get around those points.

I should have listened.
I should have done as husband said and prepared my heart.

About a half hour ago I got an email from hubby (he's at work) and told me not to blame the jury.
The jury, each member, was given a list of questions they had to ask themselves.
They had to be true to not only themselves with the answers but true to our court system, the public, their Higher Power (if they have one).

If each juror had even the slightest, the tiniest, the most minute nagging doubt, they HAD to go with their heart....with their own truth. That's our justice system.

I keep re-reading my husband's email, trying to think this whole thing through logically and Not with my heart. I've even asked questions of myself, playing devil's advocate.
I'm having a hard time.

I'm just rambling now.
I'm just trying to understand.
Not a big deal ICA has a felony on her record for stealing. She never has worked so why start now. Let the defense support her and they will be begging for Cindy to take her back. If she is threatened then that person will go to jail while she walks free.

Doesn't feel good having a baby killer walking free among us!

Oh yeah, cause we have seen that she does know how to call 911 when she thinks she is in danger.

Now, as far as the jury goes ~ We'll see them, and soon.

Depends on who offers the biggest check and how fast it is deposited, IMO.
These people knew what they were getting into, and I'm sorry, but as quickly as the selection went, I figured that something like this would happen.

Every one is out for the all mighty dollar.
And, I guess on one hand, I can see that also, with the economy, etc. {and I am NOT pointing blame or being politicly rasist, etc}
My family is "hurting also" in this economy, but, I also know that I have lived on much less, and been much happier.

At any rate - I don't want to stir any hornets nests up, or start any fights.

But, IMO, this jury was selected to quickly and they were pushed, and knew they would be.
So, their measley daily allotment for jury dury was well worth the pay, when the continued payments into their future will pay off well for them, IMO.
I am sick and disgusted. ABsolutely sick. NEVER will I follow another case. Never. I have no words to describe how I feel, as we have ALL prayed for justice for our baby for THREE years. WHO did it? WHO? This is heart breaking and I am still in shock. Total absolute shock. I will NEVER watch another show that discusses this case and I will NEVER read any book by anyone on this case. I know you all feel the same and I honestly think that I am going to need some kind of counselling right now. Is there going to be a "support" thread for us in here? Because I need some kind of support right now. Love you all for hanging in there through this and Caylee, we will NEVER forget you, our Darling Little Angel in Heaven. NEVER.
I bet Judge Strickland now wishes he had not been so generous towards KC during the check fraud trial, and charged her with all the misdemenors.
Well throughout ICA's entire life she has gotten away with everything and her parents made it all right for her. Today is no exception!
Wow! It was just reported that GA and CA and their attorney is getting death threats!
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