This is very difficult....however, (if DB confessed now...)

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The lesser charges were included and the jury could have convicted her of lesser crime than first degree murder if they wanted to. As it is the jury apparently didn't think that FCA was guilty of anything except lying to police, even child abuse.

I think the jurors have said that they thought the possibility of an accidental drowning or another way and the prosecution have failed to make their case.

It's not so much as not guilty as the prosecution not making their case.

Casey Anthony is a case that 99 times out of 100 is pleaded before it ever makes it to trial typically.

I've never understood why the grandmother waited a month to call police. If she was truly as alarmed as she said she was on the 911 call, why the long delay?
Why is this turing into a Casey Anthony thread? Just wondering. Caylee has an entire forum here on WS.
Since this thread is already OT, I'd like to ask a question. Does DB have another brother. If so, where does he live? Also, everyone is discussing the family support, who are the family members and what is their relationship to DB? tia
Title of the thread: If DB confessed.................

I do not know what the public reaction would be, but I do know what mine would be and it isn't good.

It is not up to me to forgive DB of anything criminal. What I certainly do not forgive her for is the changing stories, the drinking very heavily early in the evening with a sick baby and children in the home that she alone was responsible for, and that she was not forthcoming with LE in the crucial first hours as well as since.

If, in fact DB confessed now, I would be very angry that DB caused extreme emotions in myself as well as others. So many people have agonized over this beautiful Baby Lisa. I still would even if her little body were found. There can be no excuse for any mother leaving their poor, dead child out in the extreme elements for even a moment.

I would be angry that she would have ran LE and searchers around in circles trying to find Baby Lisa when she (DB) would have known all along just where she was. I would be angry that so many valuable resources were wasted when one person could have told where Baby Lisa is.

I would be angry that DB had let this go on, and on, and on. Baby Lisa deserves better. The two boys deserve better. The people who love Baby Lisa deserve better.

I can only speak for myself, but I have been angry since this whole unlikely, convoluted bunch of stories first came out.

So; my reaction would be anger. (even more than I feel now)

While I agree that a lot of cases should not be compared to FCA, the fact is that unfortunately a lot of cases ARE STILL being compared to her case -- and will for a long time to come --

And that is because of the UNexpected OUTCOME -- THAT is why it is used as a "baromet" so to speak --:waitasec: not a good "analogy" ... but YKWIM ...

And the "comparisons" are being compared not only on the "boards" -- but by attorneys, the "talking heads" -- and I would NOT be surprised IF the FCA case is being discussed by DA's -- not "publicly" -- but with respect to their strategy.

JMO ... but I do NOT see Deb "breaking down" ... Jeremy -- yes -- Deb -- NO ...
She will continue her DENIAL in her part as to what REALLY happened to Baby Lisa -- until she is "caught" ...
All JMO ... and MOO ...

BBM: I agree with your comment.
question. Does DB have another brother. If so, where does he live? tia
Not 100% certain, but I think the other brother is Steve Netz. I think he lives in Mo. and I think he is a cook/chef. A while back, I exchanged a couple PM's with someone here (sorry I forget which one) that thought Steve could be a POI, especially because of the 'white blob' and a cook often wearing while pants. My memory is fuzzy on Steve, but I also recall that he possibly has a record. It is possible that Steve is DB's uncle, not brother. I'm sure someone on here will clear that up for us.
Not 100% certain, but I think the other brother is Steve Netz. I think he lives in Mo. and I think he is a cook/chef. A while back, I exchanged a couple PM's with someone here (sorry I forget which one) that thought Steve could be a POI, especially because of the 'white blob' and a cook often wearing while pants. My memory is fuzzy on Steve, but I also recall that he possibly has a record. It is possible that Steve is DB's uncle, not brother. I'm sure someone on here will clear that up for us.

DB's other brother (not PN) is Tony Netz. I believe Steve Netz is her uncle but I'm not 100% on that. Definitely not her brother, though.
Interesting. Does anybody think Jersey is a patsy? Did he roam the neighborhood looking for work and a lot of folks had Megan's cell number, the best way to reach him? Or were the phones ditched and Jersey found them: "Eureka! Free phones!"

Idk. . why do you ask?
kansascitypi said:
Interesting. Does anybody think Jersey is a patsy? Did he roam the neighborhood looking for work and a lot of folks had Megan's cell number, the best way to reach him? Or were the phones ditched and Jersey found them: "Eureka! Free phones!"
I don't doubt that some people had Megan's number to reach Jersey. However, the night of Lisa's disappearance, I believe it was Jersey that made those calls on the cell phones. I wrote that in my 'theory' way back months ago and I've never wavered from that opinion. I don't know how he got the phones, and I'm not saying he had anything to do with taking BL.

Those phone calls imo are of paramount importance in this case. With the large majority of people thinking DB is guilty, there has not been one even close to reasonable theory (imo, of course) to tie her to making those calls.
Until that happens, DB is innocent of harming BL and SODDI. MOO
Not 100% certain, but I think the other brother is Steve Netz. I think he lives in Mo. and I think he is a cook/chef. A while back, I exchanged a couple PM's with someone here (sorry I forget which one) that thought Steve could be a POI, especially because of the 'white blob' and a cook often wearing while pants. My memory is fuzzy on Steve, but I also recall that he possibly has a record. It is possible that Steve is DB's uncle, not brother. I'm sure someone on here will clear that up for us.

Capital letters: THANKS....and Holy Sh-t!!!!
Capital letters: THANKS....and Holy Sh-t!!!!

Steve Netz is Deborah's Uncle - the house they stayed in belonged to him - not sure if PN was renting it or what. IIRC
It is being reported here that some of the family hadn't met Lisa before she went missing. Would those people be in a position to evaluate DB's behavior before the disappearance? It doesn't sound like a terribly close family.

DB's own husband didn't know she was pregnant until he saw Lisa on TV. It is what it is - DB is sneaky and not at all straightforward. She isn't likely to ever confess to anything, if there is anything for her to confess to.
DB's own husband didn't know she was pregnant until he saw Lisa on TV. It is what it is - DB is sneaky and not at all straightforward. She isn't likely to ever confess to anything, if there is anything for her to confess to.

I suspect the Irwins were not thrilled with the situation. They never met DB or Lisa. They were suing JI for visitation of his son. Clearly they were estranged. . .all about the time DB came on the scene.
I would think if anyone would notice a change in DB's behavior before or after the event, it would be family. I agree that the family sticking by her speaks volumes, unless one wants to think the entire family is suspect.

It's not at all unusual for family to stick together - even in the most heinous of crimes. Read the Jorelys Rivera threads. This man drug a 7 yr old into a vacant apartment, sexually molested her, slashed her throat, chest, and face, and then threw her in a dumpster. His family said he could never have done it. That's just the latest crime that comes to mind, there are countless.
I suspect the Irwins were not thrilled with the situation. They never met DB or Lisa. They were suing JI for visitation of his son. Clearly they were estranged. . .all about the time DB came on the scene.

You completely lost me....Who was suing JI for visitation?

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