It's too bad cooler heads did not prevail and people stopped to look logically at this latest antic.
Take a good look at the spot that is being searched - does that really look like a logical place to hide a body if you don't want to be caught? It's all open, people are walking by, people are jogging, people are walking dogs and there is a row of houses that backs up directly on the spot. So let me ask you, if you wanted to dispose of a body and did not want to get caught, exactly how and why would you put a body in that particular area? All day long people are walking around, the park police are patrolling, people could be in their backyards - someone could SEE YOU. It doesn't make any sense. According to the forensics report, it could not have been on the 24th - no way, no how. That "cross" is obviously not made out of beads, it is ridiculously big, it looks like something a little kid would make and it doesn't make sense for her to mark the spot - it isn't buried treasure that people would be looking for with X marks the spot. It's an in your face, very visible brightly coloured kiddie cross, not a subtle hint by any means. Also the gate closes at dark and during daylight hours anyone can see you.
Just try to put yourself in KC's shoes - you have a dead body in the car, you don't want to found and you really, really don't want anyone to link you to disposing of it. What area would you go to? Wouldn't you go to an area where people don't jog, they don't walk their dogs, they don't stroll and they don't fish? Wouldn't you go to some industrial area where people work and go home at night and joggers aren't running by and nosey dogs aren't digging around? It would be a lot easier than taking a huge chance on being seen at a public park, wouldn't it? It would be an area like that Lake Underhill area where there is light industry and people go home at five o'clock and they don't go tripping around in the woods that are around the businesses. Isn't that also where LE was most interested as was Equusearch? KC is not someone who wants to get caught, it feels burdened by this, who would feel sentimental to leave either a sign of respect or a neon sign in a tree, blinking on and off "here I am!!" KC is about self preservation, not dropping bread crumbs like Hanzel and Gretel so that someone can rescue her.
If you want to help solve this crime, you have to put aside the emotions, the spats and the spectacles and try for some logic and objectivity.