Tim Miller Speaks Out

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I wonder if LE was aware of the "dirty" laundry in the dryer, wonder if they checked the dryer at all.

just thought of something....so there was dirty laundry in the dryer and dirty laundry on the floor too? b/c isn't that where HC "pink shirt" was found, on the bottom of the laundry pile on the floor?
I thought that a letter was written and given to Ron and it was left to him to decide when to mail it and the time came when he did? I read that here didn't I?

I must have missed that...what letter now?
a five year old does not threaten to tell dad about an adult having a visitor and doesn't know anything about intimacy. The most I can imagine a 5 yr old "telling" about is if a caretaker were "mean" to them or hit them or did something direclty TO them that they know their parent wouldn't like. Five year olds are not thinking about sex, cheating spouses, intimate relationships. It has no ring of truth that this child would threaten their caregiver with telling her father about the caregiver having sex or something with another man. That whole scenario makes no sense. So, haleigh says...what....I'm telling dad you ______ but you could say we didn't ________ we were playing a game, etc. why would you panic and abduct a 5 yr old who saw you doing something they probably can't even explain or be sure of or understand.

How did Ron "know" that Haleigh would have said "I'm gonna tell Daddy"? Either it's just a lie...or he has used Haleigh as his spy............
I disagree. Drugs were not the priority. Finding Haleigh was the top priority at that point. Drugs were very low on that list, imo.

My first thought on reading that the panel had been removed was drugs but I also thought about evidence, evidence like bloody clothing or vomit on clothing or anything that could prove that Haleigh was injured.
I wonder if LE was aware of the "dirty" laundry in the dryer, wonder if they checked the dryer at all.

just thought of something....so there was dirty laundry in the dryer and dirty laundry on the floor too? b/c isn't that where HC "pink shirt" was found, on the bottom of the laundry pile on the floor?

I read somewhere around WS that it is common for LE to take the lint screen from the dryer when going through the crime scene. Since LE kept the house for a good period of time, I would assume the lint screen was checked out.
a five year old does not threaten to tell dad about an adult having a visitor and doesn't know anything about intimacy. The most I can imagine a 5 yr old "telling" about is if a caretaker were "mean" to them or hit them or did something direclty TO them that they know their parent wouldn't like. Five year olds are not thinking about sex, cheating spouses, intimate relationships. It has no ring of truth that this child would threaten their caregiver with telling her father about the caregiver having sex or something with another man. That whole scenario makes no sense. So, haleigh says...what....I'm telling dad you ______ but you could say we didn't ________ we were playing a game, etc. why would you panic and abduct a 5 yr old who saw you doing something they probably can't even explain or be sure of or understand.

Well, I can tell you that my five year old granddaughter tells about everything she sees her big sister doing with her boyfriend. The last time I saw her she said "Guess what? I saw D........... kissing John!" She is a regular spy and tattletale. Five year olds understand a lot more than they use to, it seems like it to me anyway.
I thought that a letter was written and given to Ron and it was left to him to decide when to mail it and the time came when he did? I read that here didn't I?

I think the letter would have been sent prior to this phone call......this call was on August 18th best we can figure.
I am finishing up the one hour interview.

I know what they are talking about when they mention "the gun".

But can someone give me a link to where "the tree cutter?" was talked about here on WS? I completely missed that one.
Just a thought that maybe Misty not being familiar with crime scenes could have picked up the clothes before the cops got there in an effort to clean the house up a little bit. Maybe she was embarrassed by having dirty clothes on the floor and didn't know she should leave everything as it was. JAT

Wasn't it a part of her alibi that she had been cleaning that night?

Whisperer, I do not think Nejame will pull out. They may have met their match in him. He can be just as manipulative as they can, imo; but for the good.
I read somewhere around WS that it is common for LE to take the lint screen from the dryer when going through the crime scene. Since LE kept the house for a good period of time, I would assume the lint screen was checked out.

The only thing though, is RC stated there was no detergent at the house and that there was dirty laundry in the dryer, so she (MC) couldn't be doing laundry that night.

Is there a way to tell how old the lint is on the screen, and in the garbage?
I think the letter would have been sent prior to this phone call......this call was on August 18th best we can figure.

maybe i missed this one, what letter? i thought i was doing so good here....
maybe i missed this one, what letter? i thought i was doing so good here....

TN was supposed to have written a letter to MN, requesting his assistance, but was leaving it up to RC whether it was mailed or not. After the fiasco with the Croslins, evidently it was mailed.
Anyone have any idea if/when we will hear these phone messages that Tim received? The you-know-what will hit the fan then!
OT~ but I really want to know what four names were mentioned on that tape the reporter says he had and sent forward to LE, even if the person that told this to the reporter is suspect.

I would guess the Croslin's, just a guess but since LE ran out and picked up hank jr for questioning after Misty's tapes were released I had a suspicion that it might have been them....course with cousin joe thrown in there somewhere too.

Ya know the sickest thing of all? Le has cleared no-one to my satisfaction. And if Cousin Joe by some small chance went in that trailer that night and tried to seek some revenge on RC, and was seen by Haleigh and hurt her to avoid being found out.....we will never know. There have been so many lies and mixed up stories that some freak could be walking around scott free because this bunch couldn't tell the truth. We have better hope of someone walking into the police department and confessing than we do of hearing the truth. I wish everyone would be forced to do a LD test. Oh my gosh, I have turned into my mother...
TN was supposed to have written a letter to MN, requesting his assistance, but was leaving it up to RC whether it was mailed or not. After the fiasco with the Croslins, evidently it was mailed.

My understanding is the letter was faxed. But what do I know? JMO
I just finished the whole hour of tape. That was very good. I'm really glad I listened to all of it.
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