Tim Miller Speaks Out

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Well, teh ain't a plumber.........but there is a trap thingy in your pipes, and in would hold stuff in it for awhile.......suds, lint, those type things. I would imagine they checked for obivous signs of blood and the like . Probably the same thing with the bathroom pipes.

And anything else that may have been thrown down the drain. KWIM?

So on the 18th..at that moment in time, TN thinks she is ready to break, so convinced is she that she calls Tim right then.........at that moment in time she could get the info that she has been waiting for all these months....and she says:

"We can get her tomorrow".

Tomorrow.........this is why I have a problem with these people. Let's just wait untill tomorrow. :rolleyes:
Supposedly, she also stated that Misty was no longer talking to Ronald. So if she was going to break...it would not be to them. Tim said that the relationship he had with Misty was that she appeared to look at him as a "grandfather". In other words, she trusted Tim. I think Teresa felt like if he confronted her at that point...he could get her to talk or take the tests. He did.

We also do not what time that call came in to Tim. Maybe she knew it was impossible for Tim to get there that night so tomorrow was as quickly as he could take care of it.
Then why take the cover off to check underneath the bathtub space? I would hope they did check every space available to place Haleigh in that mh.

Why would the pipes be wet? Unless there was a leak, I can't imagine since it would supposedly have been hours between washing the blanket and when they check the pipes. Makes no sense to me.
wet? how bout checking for evidence? I would hope they did check every pipe for evidence. Yes they did take the panel off of the bathtub and while your of the opinion it was for a hiding Haleigh, that just so happened to maybe decide to hide on the night the door was bricked open, I again, think they were checking pipes for evidence..........and if they didnt that would be scary....jmooc
Well, teh ain't a plumber.........but there is a trap thingy in your pipes, and in would hold stuff in it for awhile.......suds, lint, those type things. I would imagine they checked for obivous signs of blood and the like . Probably the same thing with the bathroom pipes.
Yes, that could be another reason for it. Didn't they take other pieces from the walls besides the tub and the water heater tho?
I must have missed your post while I was typing mine....Excellent thinking. Why do I feel like this isn't about finding Haleigh anymore?

I have felt like it's not been about finding Haleigh for a longgggggg time. And that breaks my heart.
Then why take the cover off to check underneath the bathtub space? I would hope they did check every space available to place Haleigh in that mh.

Why would the pipes be wet? Unless there was a leak, I can't imagine since it would supposedly have been hours between washing the blanket and when they check the pipes. Makes no sense to me.

You don't have to take the cover off the water heater to check the pipes. Just check the pipes behind the washer itself. Or feel inside the washer to see if the tub is still damp.
They were not looking in those places to determine whether laundry had been done. They were looking for drug stash.
ETA: Or a dead body.
You don't have to take the cover off the water heater to check the pipes. Just check the pipes behind the washer itself. Or feel inside the washer to see if the tub is still damp.
They were not looking in those places to determine whether laundry had been done. They were looking for drug stash.
ETA: Or a dead body.
I disagree. Drugs were not the priority. Finding Haleigh was the top priority at that point. Drugs were very low on that list, imo.
Well, teh ain't a plumber.........but there is a trap thingy in your pipes, and in would hold stuff in it for awhile.......suds, lint, those type things. I would imagine they checked for obivous signs of blood and the like . Probably the same thing with the bathroom pipes.
......Well Im thinkin your pretty dang well educated enough to be one, if your pipes were in need of fixin!!!
............move over mr teh!
wet? how bout checking for evidence? I would hope they did check every pipe for evidence. Yes they did take the panel off of the bathtub and while your of the opinion it was for a hiding Haleigh, that just so happened to maybe decide to hide on the night the door was bricked open, I again, think they were checking pipes for evidence..........and if they didnt that would be scary....jmooc
I don't know. You were the one that brought up "dry pipes".
I am tired of "thinking" and "supposing" about what other people are thinking and supposing. I want the truth. I want to know why we are hearing from everyone and their brother EXCEPT Law Enforcement. I don't trust anyone anymore and I think Misty must be in one hell of a situation over there at Granny Sykes.

The other day I read a comment from AH. He thought Misty might be suffering from "a form of Stockholm Syndrome". I don't agree with him but if he had any idea whatsoever that all this stuff was swirling its way down the pipe then I understand the comment a little better. Misty needs to go to LE or the FBI and talk. Find someone to trust. Even if she did something wrong and has to implicate herself, confess. I have a feeling that Law Enforcement does not want to put Misty Croslin behind bars. If they did they would have arrested her long ago. They would have found something to haul her in on. Nope, I am of the opinion that they want the person that Misty thought she was protecting.

Truly no-one is protecting her they are all covering their own arses and I want justice.
Supposedly, she also stated that Misty was no longer talking to Ronald. So if she was going to break...it would not be to them. Tim said that the relationship he had with Misty was that she appeared to look at him as a "grandfather". In other words, she trusted Tim. I think Teresa felt like if he confronted her at that point...he could get her to talk or take the tests. He did.

We also do not what time that call came in to Tim. Maybe she knew it was impossible for Tim to get there that night so tomorrow was as quickly as he could take care of it.

Well, shoot, I just knew you would agree with me. :crazy: I don't think the phone call he was talking about had anything to do with the tests.....it sounded to me like "AT that moment".....but as they say, let's just agree to disagree on this...........I hate those words..........lol.
Kamky, it loses something when you take out Tim's stuttering and other things. I tried to include every nuance when I transcribed it word for word.

Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
Partial transcription of the raw audio:

Tim Miller: Uhm...you know...last night...thattt..when we talked about that Ronald said if he had $35,000 we could get her home. Well...you know what...I've got five people that could go ahead and get $35,000 and we could put it in a special account tomorrow. And when little Haleigh comes home...he can go ahead and give that $35,000 to somebody and we are all full of .

TJH: Now wait a second...wha...$35,000...how would that...ah...get him off the hook about getting his kid home? Maybe I missed something there!

Tim Miller: No. Ronald Cummings said...I've got a voice message on my phone that Ronald Cummings called his father in law and his father in law called me and said, "Tim, I thought you came down here to be a friend, but apparently you're not because Ronald called me and said if he had $35,000 he could have his daughter home."
Well...you know what...uh...like I said I've got five friends. I don't have $35,000, but I would donate something to that cause...uh...but a...we could have $35,000 in a special account tomorrow. And uh...if its a week or two weeks before Haleigh comes home...we'll give the $35,000 away. We don't need all this other drama. I mean if she's alive...let's get her home!

TJH: Wow! OK!

Tim Miller: And I am willing...and I am willing...to play the voice message tomorrow.
LOL, true! I was attempting brevity and wanted to get all three parts of the transcript out there. I missed some posts in the middle of this thread, so didn't realize you also did a transcript.
Anyway, this section is a bit hard to follow, but I take it to mean that Ron thinks he knows who Misty was with that night and believes that if he had enough money, he could "buy" Haleigh back. Ron knows that LE would not use the reward money for this purpose, but thinks that the $35,000 amount might do the trick. Interesting that he called his FIL and dropped the hint that if he could get the money, maybe a deal could be worked out. Interesting that Ron's FIL then called TM and repeated the story, as if he were wondering if this "offer" was for real!
I must have missed your post while I was typing mine....Excellent thinking. Why do I feel like this isn't about finding Haleigh anymore?


Let's see....Ron knows who has Haleigh, 'cause he knows that he needs just $35000 to get her back. Ok, so he decides to think about whether he wants to do that for seven months while is daughter hangs with the kidnappers. In the meantime, he has no living expenses, doesn't go back to work, doesn't get a new job, doesn't use the over $12,000 in child support payments as a down payment to get Haleigh back, doesn't sell his car and truck, doesn't sell his wife's diamond ring, doesn't make her get a job, just sits around thinking about whether he should try to find a way to get the money?????

mmmhmm right....GMAB!


So on the 18th..at that moment in time, TN thinks she is ready to break, so convinced is she that she calls Tim right then.........at that moment in time she could get the info that she has been waiting for all these months....and she says:

"We can get her tomorrow".

Tomorrow.........this is why I have a problem with these people. Let's just wait untill tomorrow. :rolleyes:
Wasn't the 19th (which would have been "tomorrow") the day that Misty took the LDT's, etc?
It is quite possible that during conversations of Tim leaving the first time, Tim mentioned how much it costs for a certain period of time to conduct a search. It is also possible that Ronald thought if he came up with that x amount, in this case $35,000, that Tim would not leave and keep searching.

Now...I don't have any reason to believe Hank Sr. after all the carp he has pulled on Ronald to date. So I am not convinced Ronald ever called him to say something about the money.

I think Tim may have taken it wrong and instead of realizing it was a reference to either the search or to reward...he thought it was for a pay off or ransom.

We are going to have to wait to hear exactly what Tim heard on that phone message from Hank Sr. to see what he could have taken from it.
Wasn't the 19th (which would have been "tomorrow") the day that Misty took the LDT's, etc?

Was it? IDK........maybe I read it wrong, maybe I didn't. To be honest it's getting real confusing with all these changing stories and who's supporting who, but no not really, that are trying to set her up, but wait a minute, I'm standing behind her..untill well, you get the picture. :)

Let's see....Ron knows who has Haleigh, 'cause he knows that he needs just $35000 to get her back. Ok, so he decides to think about whether he wants to do that for seven months while is daughter hangs with the kidnappers. In the meantime, he has no living expenses, doesn't go back to work, doesn't get a new job, doesn't use the over $12,000 in child support payments as a down payment to get Haleigh back, doesn't sell his car and truck, doesn't sell his wife's diamond ring, doesn't make her get a job, just sits around thinking about whether he should try to find a way to get the money?????

mmmhmm right....GMAB!

IMO, IF Ronald EVER mentioned getting this money...it wasn't for him to live on. It was to find Haleigh and bring her home. Again, we have NO idea when this phone call took place to Tim from Hank Sr. It could have been long before May when he finally got the back support.

Tim did mention it was how much it cost to conduct a search (which he is known to have mentioned before in other cases), I can easily see how Ronald would be desperate to raise that kind of money.
Was it? IDK........maybe I read it wrong, maybe I didn't. To be honest it's getting real confusing with all these changing stories and who's supporting who, but no not really, that are trying to set her up, but wait a minute, I'm standing behind her..untill well, you get the picture. :)
I agree it is confusing. If Ronald doesn't want her to bolt then he darn sure needs to pretend to support her until he has "proof" meaning she talks and confesses to what happened. He would have to convince her that he is on her side until that time. For him to go on television and say, "She is guilty" by not backing her up...he may as well just ditch her and the idea he will ever find out what happened, imo.

The cat will be out of the bag if Tim releases the tape from Teresa tho, imo. I would also like to hear from MN and have him back everything Tim says on camera.
The last thing Misty states is washing blankets before sleeping...I would hope LE checked the dryer for Blanket lint in the filter (or on top of the garbage if she emptied it after each load). IF No lint found/No wash done.

Apparently there was no laundry detergent, according to RC, so there was no laundry being done that night. And to add to that The clothes in the dryer were dirty.
I would love to know what NG said to RC during the commercial break last night. Oh to be a fly on the wall...I'm just curious.
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