TIMELINE: Shannan Gilbert

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How could you possibly know with any degree of certainty who was a patient of what doctor without being in violation of HIPAA laws?

Especially since the no one even knows who she is. How on earth could anyone "know" what doctor she saw?
need to correct my post above -- Barbara Brennan did not actually reside on Anchor Way - her address is 43 The Bayou....so here's a corrected photo


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Especially since the no one even knows who she is. How on earth could anyone "know" what doctor she saw?

Re Your 1st Sentence: Good Point!

Re Your 2nd Sentence: That's a really, really good question!
How could you possibly know with any degree of certainty who was a patient of what doctor without being in violation of HIPAA laws?

Because I am not blind. I also don't care about violating HIPAA laws.
on the timeline - this report states that Barbara Brennan (where the last 911 call originated) phoned at 5:22 am


And I've done a Wikimapia screen capture of Brennan's home, showing a possible path/road right across the street.

IMO, I think it's highly possible someone just drove Gilbert's clothing out to the spot where her items were found.
That's not a road. It's a drainage ditch.
That's not a road. It's a drainage ditch.

Yeah, there really isn't an easy way to get to that spot. The closest accessible is area is CPH's back yard. Maybe it was thrown from his observation deck? (pic attached) I also wonder how well you could see SG from that deck with a pair of "birding" binoculars.


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Yeah, there really isn't an easy way to get to that spot. The closest accessible is area is CPH's back yard. Maybe it was thrown from his observation deck? (pic attached) I also wonder how well you could see SG from that deck with a pair of "birding" binoculars.

Truth, be honest, did you take that from the land sub?
Truth, be honest, did you take that from the land sub?

no, that is a publicly available picture from mass media. I know it's not as exciting, but believe it or not I spend the vast majority of my time driving my 2005 Volvo S40 T5, and no it isn't bulletproof.

The Land Sub is a total monster when it comes to stationary sleuthing, but she has some exhaust issues, and when it's raining real hard the periscope leaks. Ice cold drips of water hitting you in the face can really disrupt nap time.


  • bed n periscope.jpg
    bed n periscope.jpg
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no, that is a publicly available picture from mass media. I know it's not as exciting, but believe it or not I spend the vast majority of my time driving my 2005 Volvo S40 T5, and no it isn't bulletproof.

The Land Sub is a total monster when it comes to stationary sleuthing, but she has some exhaust issues, and when it's raining real hard the periscope leaks. Ice cold drips of water hitting you in the face can really disrupt nap time.

Nice. I knew a PI once who had a periscope in his van. Not as fancy as the one you have, though.
no, that is a publicly available picture from mass media. I know it's not as exciting, but believe it or not I spend the vast majority of my time driving my 2005 Volvo S40 T5, and no it isn't bulletproof.

The Land Sub is a total monster when it comes to stationary sleuthing, but she has some exhaust issues, and when it's raining real hard the periscope leaks. Ice cold drips of water hitting you in the face can really disrupt nap time.

You should get those exhaust problems fixed. You don't want one those naps you take to turn into a permanent one!

To be safe, you should have your Carbon Monoxide levels Checked after you sleuth, IMHO.
You should get those exhaust problems fixed. You don't want one those naps you take to turn into a permanent one!

To be safe, you should have your Carbon Monoxide levels Checked after you sleuth, IMHO.

That is exactly what I thought!
They are very cheap and can plug into an outlet, which I am sure a van like that has. If not you can get an inverter that uses the cig lighter socket and then gives you a few standard plugs. I know about those from prepping for hurricanes and needing electric afterwards. They are cheap too everyone should have one imo.
stay safe!
Thanks, I have been reading just not posting so much. Still on a borrowed computer. Also became a tad bit uneasy with getting so deep into other peoples business that may or may not be involved criminally with the case, by posters. Not anyone in particular just as a concept in general. The case was/is getting to much of me I think.

The other thing I am having a hard time with is the battle between some of being closed minded to any theory but their own.
1. It is only the doctor no one else
2. It will never be the doctor ever

I think as a community we are losing out on some great thinkers who may close them selves off from something they may have picked up on.

just a few things I need to consider and wait for that autopsy report, it cannot be long, huh, it may be mid or early March. When that hits it will get even more crazy. I just hope it is promising as to figuring out Shannan's last night. I some how doubt it.

Also to all, please don't take anything I say personally I am open to all sides of theories we just have not anything as proof yet. I say yet because this killer will come down.
@ the quiet girl-

Well put post (#35). I agree with everything you put in it. I think we should all take some time and really take in what you wrote. You made some very important points, IMHO!
I would like to add the address, where Shannan Gilberts lived at the time she disappeared, to the timeline but I cant enter the timeline, could somone from admin do that?
It´s nice to have all basic info in one 1st timeline post.

This is the address:

159 Christopher Columbus Drive Jersey City NJ

Here is backup.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Shannan Gilbert lived in this apartment building on (in the picture it show housenumber nr 159 Christopher Columbus Drive )Christopher Columbus Drive in Jersey City before her disappearance in May 2010. She had dreams of becoming an R&B star. Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011. Ian C. Bates/The Jersey Journal.
The Shannan Gilbert Timeline

May 2, 2010:
Gilbert's mother says she received a strange phone call from a doctor who lives nearby, saying Shannan had been in his house the day she disappeared.

"He called me on the phone. He said he had a halfway house and that Shannon was there," she explained. "She wanted to be off the streets and he was trying to help her."
When we asked [redacted] about the story, he said he didn't say Shannon was in his house.
"Of course not. That's ridiculous," he said.
[redacted] is a former head of Suffolk County Emergency Medical Services and a former police surgeon who lives in the area where Gilbert was last seen, after visiting with a client.
[redacted] denies ever meeting Shannan Gilbert, but he says police have interviewed him about the case two or three times. He wouldn't say what about.

May 3,2010:
the boyfriend (Alex Ditz) and the driver (Michael Pak) returned to Oak Beach in search of Gilbert and checked local beaches and area hospitals, according to the driver

Brewer, the john, said he didn’t realize Gilbert was missing, or that she had run through the neighborhood, until he got a call in the days after. Pak, the driver, and Diaz, the boyfriend, dialed him on a three-way call to discuss what happened.

First, I respectfully snipped your post to focus on one section.

I was thinking about this timeline the other night & I recalled Sherre Gilbert's statements in the recent TV show (don't remember if it was 48 hrs or the other.)

Anyway, the day after Shannan went missing (which would be May 2, 2010) Sherre said she & her mom got a call from Alex Diaz asking if they had seen Shannan. Sherre said why would you think she was here? And basically in other words, Sherre didn't know Shannan was missing. Diaz explained that Shannan had not come home.

So, apparently Mari had not received a call from someone claiming to be Hackett *on that day* as she said, or at least not until after Diaz call.

I recall Mari stating that the only call she received between the last call from Shannan and Hackett's call was one from Sherre saying Alex had called her wondering where Shannan was. Mari at one time also said she found it odd that there were no calls from Alex to Shannan's phone after 5AM on the morning she disappeared. You would think he would have called her cell phone first before calling her family.
So, apparently Mari had not received a call from someone claiming to be Hackett *on that day* as she said, or at least not until after Diaz call.

Correct. And if you listen to the Here Women Talk interview ( link ), Shannan's sister clarifies:

Sister: We found, um, a Dr. [redacted] who actually had called my mom. um. The day after she was reported missing. And basically told her, um, a fabricated story. Cuz when we had confronted him about it he denied it. But he told my mom that he saw shannan and he basically uh, er, ran um, a little like uh treatment place, and he saw shannan, took her in, and then in the morning, you know, he let her go. And then the driver came to pick her up. So when we confronted him ...

Woman: So let me just reframe this because... so, your sister runs missing from 1st man's house. There's 3 911 calls, police respond but never find her. And this man calls your mom and says I have a shelter or treatment center for people like this that are in this lifestyle and she stayed here and then she just walked off the next day, and she's fine.

Sister: Yeah. That's what he said. And um. We tried to get more information. And he just. I dunno. He just. He was lying.

Woman: And that's before you knew she was missing. Cuz he calls right away.

Sister: He called. Um. He called. Like I think a day after we reported her missing.
Which arguably jives with CPH's statement in his letter to Morairity ( link ).

Even so, the question would be, why on earth would he agree to call Shannan's family in the first place? Esp considering he also claims, in those same letters, he had never even seen, much less, met Shannan. What was he planning to tell them?

"Hello, you don't know me and I don't know your daughter, never heard of her, but these two guys came by and asked me to give you a call"

That, imnsho, is ludicrous.

Given his apparent propensity to lie, I highly doubt much in those letters to Morairity are true. Would love to find out what sort of relationship MP & CPH *really* have. And yes, I do believe they have some sort of arrangement, so to speak. And that the key to Shannan's death will lie therein. Whether said arrangement has to do anything with the other murders is another story altogether.

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