Timmy & Chelsea Croslin; and the hours before Haleigh went missing.

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Why did LE dismiss the stories of the two men who gave statements that they had a visit from a very drunk Ronald Cummings at around 6 pm the evening of Feb. 9th. He was, in accordance to their stories, talking about going and robbing a drug dealer and he was talking about needing money really bad. Why wasn't this taken seriously by LE?
Lone you are so right. This would be THE interview! The one I would not want to miss! Pat would chew her up and spit her out.
BTW, didn't Teresa also say that she picked Haleigh up? Which did she say first , she picked her up, or her son picked her up?:waitasec:'
Which of her stories is true? Maybe neither.

IMO.. Teresa Neves never claimed she picked up Haleigh.. Teresa Neves knew it was most imperative everyone believe her son picked up Haleigh, dropped Haleigh off at the MH and then immediately left for work....She knew that tid bit of information would provide an alibi for her son and put ALL the focus smack dab on Misty..
Last thing she wants anyone to know is her son went looking for Haleigh after Misty and/or Chelsea picked Haleigh up that day..
Croslins don't want that tidbit of information out either since I suspect they know exactly what happened to Haleigh when Ron C caught up with Misty in the Shell Harbor area.... JMHO
Why did LE dismiss the stories of the two men who gave statements that they had a visit from a very drunk Ronald Cummings at around 6 pm the evening of Feb. 9th. He was, in accordance to their stories, talking about going and robbing a drug dealer and he was talking about needing money really bad. Why wasn't this taken seriously by LE?

Thats another $64,000.00 question.. And one that infuriates the HELL-O out of me when I think about it...JMHO
Thats another $64,000.00 question.. And one that infuriates the HELL-O out of me when I think about it...JMHO

Especially when LE took AS seriously. MOO is that they don't take her account as seriously anymore but they certainly did at one time...the timeline LE put together was based on AS's initial statement of being at the MH that evening at 7 PM.

I can't figure out why any statement made by any family member in this case was ever taken to the bank by LE, while statements from others (non-family, who have no dog in this fight) seemed to be ignored.

Might LE ever get it together enough to go back and look at all those non-family-member statements and see if any have merit? Sadly, I am not convinced that they will.
Especially when LE took AS seriously. MOO is that they don't take her account as seriously anymore but they certainly did at one time...the timeline LE put together was based on AS's initial statement of being at the MH that evening at 7 PM.

I can't figure out why any statement made by any family member in this case was ever taken to the bank by LE, while statements from others (non-family, who have no dog in this fight) seemed to be ignored.

Might LE ever get it together enough to go back and look at all those non-family-member statements and see if any have merit? Sadly, I am not convinced that they will.

But it was and always has been the case! We're only seeing now what Crystal S. has been up against for years with this family. And we wonder why people won't/don't step forward in this case... :crazy:
BBM..IIRC There was a marriage and she did get a ring, an heirloom according to Teresa Neves.. And IIRC she had to give the ring back not too long after the wedding too..
Also, I do suspect something did happen to Haleigh accidentally, but I seriously doubt Misty or Chelsea were the ones physically or actually responsible for the incident.. IMO..Haleigh's father is the one who is responsible for that accident..JMHO JMHO

I see what you're saying Em. Maybe Chelsea really didn't call the investigator that called in to Levi's show. Maybe it is just another kook trying to insert herself into this case. Seems we can't take anyting at face value concerning this case. :banghead:
Hope this answers your question dodie;

All parties must consent to the recording or the disclosure of the contents of any wire, oral or electronic communication in Florida. Recording, disclosing, or endeavoring to disclose without the consent of all parties is a felony, unless the interception is a first offense committed without any illegal purpose, and not for commercial gain. Fla. Stat. ch. 934.03. These first offenses and the interception of cellular frequencies are misdemeanors. State v. News-Press Pub. Co., 338 So. 2d 1313 (1976).

Under the statute, consent is not required for the taping of a non-electronic communication uttered by a person who does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in that communication. See definition of “oral communication,” Fla. Stat. ch. 934.02. See also Stevenson v. State, 667 So.2d 410 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1996); Paredes v. State, 760 So.2d 167 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2000).

I think it's safe to say that, in this case, there would be a reasonable expectation of privacy!
thank you very much. these secret recording laws are different from state to state & they seem so contradictory. Here, the last I heard, you can legally tape, as long as 1 person is aware...lol, & I guess that 1 person would be the taper? moo.
Especially when LE took AS seriously. MOO is that they don't take her account as seriously anymore but they certainly did at one time...the timeline LE put together was based on AS's initial statement of being at the MH that evening at 7 PM.

I can't figure out why any statement made by any family member in this case was ever taken to the bank by LE, while statements from others (non-family, who have no dog in this fight) seemed to be ignored.

Might LE ever get it together enough to go back and look at all those non-family-member statements and see if any have merit? Sadly, I am not convinced that they will.

IMO.. IF they won't and don't then PCSO needs to be investigated by an outside agency..IMO.. To the maximum degree....
Every person who came forward, told what they knew that contradicted the statements made by Ron C and family and never heard back from LE needs to contact a higher authority than PCSO. Those assigned to investigating this case who have basically ignored information from outsiders not connected to family need to be canned..Fired on the spot...JMHO
IMO.. IF they won't and don't then PCSO needs to be investigated by an outside agency..IMO.. To the maximum degree....
Every person who came forward, told what they knew that contradicted the statements made by Ron C and family and never heard back from LE needs to contact a higher authority than PCSO. Those assigned to investigating this case who have basically ignored information from outsiders not connected to family need to be canned..Fired on the spot...JMHO

That's right Em! We can only hope & pray that those who have gone forward, told their stories, only to hear nothing back from LE, will do just that - Contact the FBI. If I were in their position and were absolutely certain of my recount, I would make a written statement of the incident(s), including all interactions I've had with LE (to no avail) and have it witnessed/notarized so that somehow my statement (to cover myself just in case LE later claims to have lost the records... :crazy:) is on the record - in my own words. No one in HaLeigh's family (the Cumming's) is going to do the right thing - Moo, HALEIGH'S ONLY HOPE FOR JUSTICE IS THE COMMUNITY SHE LIVED IN!
IMO.. IF they won't and don't then PCSO needs to be investigated by an outside agency..IMO.. To the maximum degree....
Every person who came forward, told what they knew that contradicted the statements made by Ron C and family and never heard back from LE needs to contact a higher authority than PCSO. Those assigned to investigating this case who have basically ignored information from outsiders not connected to family need to be canned..Fired on the spot...JMHO

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Em, I think that those are the ones who just got promoted!
IIRC, Levi was going to try and get the two people who made statements that Ronald Cummings was at their location at around 6:00 pm on his show. Hope that he does.
Especially when LE took AS seriously. MOO is that they don't take her account as seriously anymore but they certainly did at one time...the timeline LE put together was based on AS's initial statement of being at the MH that evening at 7 PM.

I can't figure out why any statement made by any family member in this case was ever taken to the bank by LE, while statements from others (non-family, who have no dog in this fight) seemed to be ignored.

Might LE ever get it together enough to go back and look at all those non-family-member statements and see if any have merit? Sadly, I am not convinced that they will.

As I've said before, Grandmothers can lie even better than young people. They have been lying for a longer period of time and they've had plenty of practice. It has always irritated the heck out of me that LE's timeline was based upon what Annette Sykes told them. A lot of valuable time has passed and a lot of evidence destroyed due to LE taking her word and jumping on it like it was gospel.
IMO.. Teresa Neves never claimed she picked up Haleigh.. Teresa Neves knew it was most imperative everyone believe her son picked up Haleigh, dropped Haleigh off at the MH and then immediately left for work....She knew that tid bit of information would provide an alibi for her son and put ALL the focus smack dab on Misty..
Last thing she wants anyone to know is her son went looking for Haleigh after Misty and/or Chelsea picked Haleigh up that day..
Croslins don't want that tidbit of information out either since I suspect they know exactly what happened to Haleigh when Ron C caught up with Misty in the Shell Harbor area.... JMHO

You know just the fact that Teresa Neves put herself out there in LE's face claiming to know everything about everybody should have been suspicious to LE. She knew every little detail about who slept where, was the bedroom door closed or opened, who picked Haleigh up that afternoon, what Ronald and Misty were doing Sunday night. You name it and she knows it. And, she professes to have not been there at all. Imagine that!! I guess she has special powers or something. She even knew to send her mother over to check on the children..........WOW! She also knew that Ronald had a fight with Misty's cousin over a gun. She knew this but Ronald didn't know this, dang she is good.
You know just the fact that Teresa Neves put herself out there in LE's face claiming to know everything about everybody should have been suspicious to LE. She knew every little detail about who slept where, was the bedroom door closed or opened, who picked Haleigh up that afternoon, what Ronald and Misty were doing Sunday night. You name it and she knows it. And, she professes to have not been there at all. Imagine that!! I guess she has special powers or something. She even knew to send her mother over to check on the children..........WOW! She also knew that Ronald had a fight with Misty's cousin over a gun. She knew this but Ronald didn't know this, dang she is good.

I think the FBI needs to have a sit-down with TN (Now that's one video-taped interview I'd love to watch).
I would like to see an interview of the AC man. It really doesn't matter who conducts the interview at this point--I would just like to see this guy and hear directly from him whether he saw Haleigh that evening or not, as well as his account of who else was present, what time it was, etc.

Someone mentioned in a post "what a tangled web" we weave when first we practice to deceive. IMO, that's exactly how this case evolved into the mess that it is.

In the beginning I think they were all just trying to get through one day at a time. They didn't consider anything they said coming back to haunt them later. Each little lie was probably expected to be forgotten soon and in some instances I think the liars themselves even forgot what they had initially said...which could account for some of the changing stories. Other stories probably changed when they realized their initial story was raising eyebrows.

Lies mired then all into a mudpit that they can't even "bog" their way out of. They got in so deep that each attempt to lie their way out just dug them deeper. And the fact that they did such a good job getting rid of evidence has even those who were the least involved in a position of not being able to prove it.

Many great thoughts here, especially about them thinking that this would just go away. But to the AC guy, I don't know. I'm sure he went from MH to MH, doing his job, seeing many, many children, and probably not having any stand out to him. If he does know something however, they sure have mummed him up!
Many great thoughts here, especially about them thinking that this would just go away. But to the AC guy, I don't know. I'm sure he went from MH to MH, doing his job, seeing many, many children, and probably not having any stand out to him. If he does know something however, they sure have mummed him up!

True, the AC man may not recall every stop he made that day. The reason I think he might recall 202 Green Lane, however, is because he was apparently awakened at 4 AM at his home by LE to answer questions about that particular service call. So IMO he could have recall that he might not have of other service locations.

Many people have just assumed LE showed the AC guy Haleigh's picture and he said, "Yeah everything was just the way they all said it was, the little girl was happy and healthy, and the babysitter was acting a lot more mature than most 25 and 30 year olds..." and so on.

I would have liked to hear from this man if only to quash a few rumors and assumptions, KWIM?
True, the AC man may not recall every stop he made that day. The reason I think he might recall 202 Green Lane, however, is because he was apparently awakened at 4 AM at his home by LE to answer questions about that particular service call. So IMO he could have recall that he might not have of other service locations.

Many people have just assumed LE showed the AC guy Haleigh's picture and he said, "Yeah everything was just the way they all said it was, the little girl was happy and healthy, and the babysitter was acting a lot more mature than most 25 and 30 year olds..." and so on.

I would have liked to hear from this man if only to quash a few rumors and assumptions, KWIM?

I think more likely he said "I was there, and think there might have young children there and an older one who claimed to be the babysitter."

Even more likely he said that nobody was home or answered the door or there was/were one or two young people there higher than a kite & children unsupervised.
I think more likely he said "I was there, and think there might have young children there and an older one who claimed to be the babysitter."

Even more likely he said that nobody was home or answered the door or there was/were one or two young people there higher than a kite & children unsupervised.


Whether he thought of that serivce call as eventful or ordinary...I want to know which.
You know just the fact that Teresa Neves put herself out there in LE's face claiming to know everything about everybody should have been suspicious to LE. She knew every little detail about who slept where, was the bedroom door closed or opened, who picked Haleigh up that afternoon, what Ronald and Misty were doing Sunday night. You name it and she knows it. And, she professes to have not been there at all. Imagine that!! I guess she has special powers or something. She even knew to send her mother over to check on the children..........WOW! She also knew that Ronald had a fight with Misty's cousin over a gun. She knew this but Ronald didn't know this, dang she is good.

Between what Ronald and Teresa have said that they know should have solved the case almost immediately -- they both must have those special powers 'cause Ron claims he was at work & everything that happened -- but couldn't figure out for months that it's hard to do laundry without soap. And I still want to know which door was broken into.
True, the AC man may not recall every stop he made that day. The reason I think he might recall 202 Green Lane, however, is because he was apparently awakened at 4 AM at his home by LE to answer questions about that particular service call. So IMO he could have recall that he might not have of other service locations.

Many people have just assumed LE showed the AC guy Haleigh's picture and he said, "Yeah everything was just the way they all said it was, the little girl was happy and healthy, and the babysitter was acting a lot more mature than most 25 and 30 year olds..." and so on.

I would have liked to hear from this man if only to quash a few rumors and assumptions, KWIM?

Yep, although a name has popped up on other forums, he hasn't been named by LE or in news articles so we can only refer to him as the AC man. However, we do know that according to Misty's story the AC man showed up and Misty supposedly called Ron and announced that the AC man was there and handed the phone to the AC man???? I put the ?? marks because Misty actually states that she handed the phone to Ron in her statement, but some people have been very helpful in re-directing us to the "correct" translation that Misty really meant that she handed the phone to the AC man so that Ron could speak to him. So, of course the AC man probably told LE that he spoke to Ronald on the phone since Ronald was not at home but was instead werking at an honest job just trying to make a decent living to take care of his family all by himself the best that he could. Ronald has latched onto this tidbit of alibi as tight as a tick on a hound dog and doesn't hesitate to throw it out that this man was at his home while he was at werk. However, we really don't know what the AC man told LE but it must have been good because he was totally cleared within an hour and a half from the time that the 911 call was made. Now, that's damn good detective work! Yep.
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