Tips to be released shortly

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You gotta love Patty, Patty you never fail me.
Hey, then you will miss the ouija board stuff on page 9!

I wonder what page the magic eight ball will make an appearance?

"I asked it if Caylee was in the water near flowers."

Magic Eight Ball said, "All Signs Point to Yes!"
Please don't anyone think I am laughing at the expense of this precious child...


This physic mess is insane..
It is amazing to think of the time, resources and our hard earned tax dollars that are wasted by these tipsters and their worthless tips. They should set up two lines, one for the crazies, dreamers and so called psychics, the other for actual tips only. Fine the heck out of anyone that calls the "actual tip" hotline with some bogus dream or psychic vision.
I wonder how much research they actually put into most of the tips. I mean, some things are just too ridiculous to take seriously.

I know!!! I haven't read very far, but how would the defense think these tips would benefit them. All the ones I've read said that Caylee is dead.
I wonder what page the magic eight ball will make an appearance?

"I asked it if Caylee was in the water near flowers."

Magic Eight Ball said, "All Signs Point to Yes!"

LMAO. I know people get (to use the Anthony family saying because they don't have hearts) "gut" instincts that what they dream or think is somehow the truth and then they go about validating themselves one way or another like "I have never done this", "I have been so right many times", "My dreams always come true", etc. etc. etc. BUT, what a huge waste of time for law enforcement to have to listen to people pant about meditation and dreams.
Goodness, a tipster from Michigan didn't miss a thing...

Drug dealers were involved.
The whole family was involved.
A guy or two were involved.
The family talks in code.
Casey killed Caylee and sold her body.
Gas was used to confuse the dogs.
Gas was used to burn the body.

Hey, is this from a poster here? ;)
Lots of people with visions and stuff. Too many medications and illegal drugs too readily available.
Help! I'm just getting an article...where is the link for the tips?

ETA: got it!
I'm sorry I don't mean to offend any one that might, just might believe this "stuff" but come on this is really, really sad. George and Cindy are going to get this IIRC. And the state of Florida are paying people to listen to this. I would be on the floor RMFAO. Sorry
These poor people taking the calls. I wonder how got the giggles when taking some of these so called tips?:rolling::rolling:
Help! I'm just getting an article...where is the link for the tips?

ETA: got it!

Someone has posted the direct links above and another poster has them downloaded and is posting them on a document dump site as I type.
oh my sometimes I read these hairbrained theories on here and think where do they come up with them. I never realized their is an entire country who actually takes it to the next level and calls them into the police!!
So....has anyone seen ANYTHING other than psychic predictions and "God told me to call"???

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