Tips to be released shortly

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I half believe in psychic ability but only that very *few* people truly have the gift and even fewer would know how to harness it at will.

What I find so sad is that all these people decided they should call in and give ambiguous information which could not possibly be of any help. I've had my own dream but I have no idea if it has anything to really do with Caylee even though it's about her. I would never call law enforcement and waste their time - even if it's just to take the information down.
im sure this has been mentioned already...but sure detectives had to research a lot of these...seem to me - most have been waste of time & $...

I'm gonna hazzard a guess that any tip that began " I had a vision and caylee spoke to me..." was given pretty much the exact level of thorough investigating that it deserved.

Well I do see one positive in these tips for the defense. It would seem that many of the tipsters actually make the Anthony family look sane and normal by comparison. And that takes alot to do.
I half believe in psychic ability but only that very *few* people truly have the gift and even fewer would know how to harness it at will.

What I find so sad is that all these people decided they should call in and give ambiguous information which could not possibly be of any help. I've had my own dream but I have no idea if it has anything to really do with Caylee even though it's about her. I would never call law enforcement and waste their time - even if it's just to take the information down.

I have had a dream about her too and would never call in that as "tip." Plus, God's telling lotsa people lotsa different stories!
So....has anyone seen ANYTHING other than psychic predictions and "God told me to call"???

I haven't! Does anyone think that maybe the non-psychic tips aren't being released? Surely there must be some people who reported ACTUALLY seeing Casey or her car or a child they believed to be Caylee??
One tip that's believable:

"I had a vision that Caylee is in heaven with Jesus."

umm....Thanks for calling.
My head hurts from reading those "tips". What drivel.
Oh boy I love the one that states that she didnt' take the polygraph because she is a woman and she will not confess to her own guilt. If it was a man he would have taken the polygraph. Because she's cute! Tip 1256

The amount of crackpots out there scare me.
Let's just hope none of these cuckoos get a jury seat....OMG
Dreams and visions.

Let's see. A child goes missing in Florida, land of swamps, lakes and woods. The visionaries conclude that she is in the water or in the woods. Great clues.
Ok, I have headache brain and must be missing something because I can't find the tips on those newspages.

Hmm, maybe that's a good thing...:waitasec:

eta: Found PattyG's links. Thanks Patty :blowkiss:
I do not see them on the site, all I see is the article relating to the tips being released

Scroll back here a few pages and you will see the links. They are also in Daily Updates, Documents and Reference threads to all Interviews etc.
I love how most of them start saying I am not a crackpot or I am not crazy......
I haven't! Does anyone think that maybe the non-psychic tips aren't being released? Surely there must be some people who reported ACTUALLY seeing Casey or her car or a child they believed to be Caylee??

These are all . The court ordered all tips to be turned over and the prosecutor said that was fine with them because the tip line was closed on 8/18 and most of the sighting tips were tips that Cindy gave them by people that had chosen to call her instead of dialing 911 or calling their local LE directly.
The other great psychic tip- "She's near water"

HI- ITS FLORIDA! We're surrounded by water on three sides, not to mention all the lakes, canals, and manmade "ponds"
I haven't! Does anyone think that maybe the non-psychic tips aren't being released? Surely there must be some people who reported ACTUALLY seeing Casey or her car or a child they believed to be Caylee??

The tips (cant say as to source) that they have run down and are not relevant in other discovery or at all, are supposed to be in there.
Anything classified as discoveryable is in there; anything relative to current investigative efforts would not be, IIRC..

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