Tire Tracks, Shoe Prints and DJH's cars

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Yes, that's right. And until someone can show me or remind me of a reliable source that said they were searching for the tires that made the tracks right next to Jacob's footprint, I'm starting to believe that they put a lot of effort into finding tracks that were different from those.

(I do want to go back and find Patty's quotes about the footprint to remember if she said anything about UNidentified tire tracks adjacent to the footprint...totally possible, but I'm not finding it right now.)

This isn't my only theory, and I'm sorry to be in the position of having to sleuth what LE knows instead of being able to sleuth anything that would be new to the investigation...

Theory: LE knew by next day that the tracks next to Jacob's footprint were made by a Rassier vehicle. Ruling out vehicles from the farm (presuming the perp wasn't the farmer) would be as basic as IDing and ruling out a family's fingerprints at a break-in before IDing perp fingerprints. But it quickly became enough of a red flag that a Rassier car drove by Jacob's print, so they checked him out at the school the next day and followed up with a property search soon after...and he has been a person of interest since then.

But he wasn't the top person of interest because there were those other tracks, the unidentified tracks, which were--again, I THINK, not the same tracks we've been looking at and not even that close to Jacob's footprint. Since they had no idea what mysterious car those came from, it was important to find out and they put a lot of effort into it. No luck.

Then Kevin came forward, and we are left with the local-man-on-foot theory, who just may have used one of the vehicles on his own family's farm to move Jacob somewhere either on the property or off the property as his next step. This isn't a new idea--lots of people have wondered this.

This theory can be DR by himself or DR with a friend, or even just a friend of family member of DR.

Again, not my only theory, as Hollinger gives me nightmares. But then they had to have known each other too, from St. Johns and through music, and I can fit Hollinger right into this theory too, or Gillespie, or any other potential suspect.

I'd really hoped this case would break last year, right before the 25th year. Here we are with the date coming up again tomorrow. I really wish I could do something besides guess at what LE knows. Frustrating. I'm so grateful and amazed at all the Wetterlings have done for other children while living with this grief and frustration. They need some of that good karma to come back to them.
What IF one combined your theory of the Rassier vehicle and your nightmare of Hollinger?
Sorry to butt in here, Tracker can butt in after me. It has to be kevins, because that is what he remembered during a hypnotism. A girl in the passenger seat that was covering her face. Kevin was with his girlfriend and traversed the entire drveway that night, 30 minutes after the abduction.

Although your synopsis makes sense.......I think the POI stated he saw a small, dark car as opposed to a larger medium colored car. And in that dark, smaller car was a person(woman or child) with hands cupped over their face on the passenger side of the vehicle. Thus an additional set of tire tracks.
Although your synopsis makes sense.......I think the POI stated he saw a small, dark car as opposed to a larger medium colored car. And in that dark, smaller car was a person(woman or child) with hands cupped over their face on the passenger side of the vehicle. Thus an additional set of tire tracks.

I think someone has been caught on a lie.
It appears so. Otherwise LE missed the additional set of tire tracks.

Make it public. I call on LE to publicize the fact that you can prove DR lied about eyewitness testimony. I truly think they can. The pressure would be devastating.
Make it public. I call on LE to publicize the fact that you can prove DR lied about eyewitness testimony. I truly think they can. The pressure would be devastating.

I wonder if this isn't 'old news' to LE.....
I'm afraid I'm very willing to combine those theories. Always hoping Jacob is alive somewhere, that one of the other stories of him calling or being sighted is true. J Brown keeps the sex trafficking stuff real for me. But after all of the possibilities presented here over the years, I feel like LE has a good picture in mind involving DR. I hope it's not Hollinger if there's a second perp, but he'd be right up there as a likely one.

Wondering when and if anything will happen. Wondering if DR parents are still living on the farm. They are getting very old.
I'm afraid I'm very willing to combine those theories. Always hoping Jacob is alive somewhere, that one of the other stories of him calling or being sighted is true. J Brown keeps the sex trafficking stuff real for me. But after all of the possibilities presented here over the years, I feel like LE has a good picture in mind involving DR. I hope it's not Hollinger if there's a second perp, but he'd be right up there as a likely one.

Wondering when and if anything will happen. Wondering if DR parents are still living on the farm. They are getting very old.

"The vast majority of the abuse against minors is from either a family member, or someone they know such as a coach, teacher or church leader, according to Dr. Fred Berlin, founder and director of the Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic in Baltimore."(Credit: Discovery News, Erik Niiler, Nov. 18, 2011).

Inquiring minds want to know, was Hollinger present at the hockey rink where Jacob and his father had been earlier on the day Jacob was abducted?

Jerry remembered. “I had this sense of danger for Jacob. I can almost point to the spot on the ice where it happened to this day.” Jerry found Jacob, and the ominous feeling soon passed, but in retrospect, he said, “It prompted me to wonder if possibly the abductor had been in the ice arena at that time, in a sense looking at Jacob or stalking him.” " (The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes, page 397, paragraph 6).

There is a reason Mr. Wetterling made this statement. The reason is he felt genuine concern for his son in that hockey rink on that day. Something or should I say someone set off Mr. Wetterling's anxiety about his son's safety. But was he able to recognize the specific person he was concerned about? Would he have known anything at all about that person's history if he did pinpoint someone? Are people who know this man afraid to say something for fear of retribution from a possible sociopath -- a sociopath with a lust for young boys and an unyielding compulsion to have sex with them? Maybe someone into whose eyes they have looked and didn't like what they saw and whose behavior unnerves them?

The FBI apparently has access to everything that might be helpful in solving this case. Has this man been on their radar? Did they search areas where he lived? Have particular areas near his residence been searched with GPS and cadaver dogs and if not, why not? Ditto any nearby lakes. Seek and you shall find, right? The sheriff has been seeking at the Rassier farm for a long time. Has due dilligence been given to other potential suspects? Further, do we have any way of knowing whether the FBI is still actively engaged in helping to solve this crime? (i.e. applying time and resources)

" In May of 2013, it was reported that one of Rassier’s 911 calls was lost, leading to questions about the efficacy of the investigation. A Huffington Post article in 2012 showed that Rassier claims his civil rights had been violated by zealous law enforcement officials. However, as of February 2013, a convicted sex offender in the area, Matthew Feeney, was reinvestigated as a possible suspect, but then ruled out, according to FOX9.com new story. For now, Jacob is still missing and the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office remains open to new leads." (Credit: Forensics Colleges, Copyright © 2013-2015 Sechel Ventures).
If you read about the farm search in 2010 , you will see that it was instigated by the MN BCA, not the sheriff. The FBI as well as the NCMEC was also involved with Team Adam . I provided the link as to who they are.

I cannot understand why people keep talking about the Sheriff who never started this case in the first place in 1989. Which number Sheriff is he?

There are so many people and agencies involved in this. I do not understand why this is not understood.
If you read about the farm search in 2010 , you will see that it was instigated by the MN BCA, not the sheriff. The FBI as well as the NCMEC was also involved with Team Adam . I provided the link as to who they are.

I cannot understand why people keep talking about the Sheriff who never started this case in the first place in 1989. Which number Sheriff is he?

There are so many people and agencies involved in this. I do not understand why this is not understood.
Well, I do understand this. I'm not from the area but I see that Sanner was elected to his first term as sheriff in 2002, so he's been on the case for over a decade. Maybe someone else can speak to the efforts of whomever was sheriff in 1989 -2002. I recognize that all of the agencies referenced above have been involved. My curiosity is in the realm of how involved are they still? Who or which agency is currently at the lead in Jacob's case? Is Team Adam still investigating? It's surely clear how many agencies have been involved. So we are left in the dark to guess at what legitimate evidence these agencies may or may not have. I guess transparency with regard to this case is not possible because- authorities do not want the perpetrator to know what they've got on him? For such a high profile case with so many investigative resources involved, it seems (?) precious little progress has been made so far -- and it makes me think -- is that perhaps because they have been pursuing the wrong person? Five years have passed and apparently the right kind of technological advances still have not been made -
Phantom well put I wish we knew the secret information that Sas seems to know. He knows exactly who did it!
It appears so. Otherwise LE missed the additional set of tire tracks.

What sticks with me is that the scent ends with Jacobs last print next to the tire prints. Even if Jacob were picked up and carried, there would have been a scent trail. Short of putting Jacob in a huge ziplock bag, the only other options would be a car or truck. That said, the vehicle could have been one that belonged on the farm.
There would be scent in the farm truck, which, no one has proven that there was one.

What sticks with me is that the scent ends with Jacobs last print next to the tire prints. Even if Jacob were picked up and carried, there would have been a scent trail. Short of putting Jacob in a huge ziplock bag, the only other options would be a car or truck. That said, the vehicle could have been one that belonged on the farm.
There would be scent in the farm truck, which, no one has proven that there was one.

If only we could know if there was or was not, if farm vehicles were sniffed or not, if farm vehicles were kept long after that night or not. Or if something happened to farm vehicles, like what we know happened to two small outbuildings. Or not...

Does someone know what happened to those buildings? How did the fire start?
The POI has addressed that on numerous occasions and has been posted on these boards. The search function is your friend.


Does someone know what happened to those buildings? How did the fire start?
If he was put in a vehicle, you don't know for certain which way that vehicle was pointing..with the little track evidence available to the public. Then after Kevin comes forward you now have LE focusing on a perp that was on foot. Knowing they obviously have much more info than us...that tells me they have the other tracks accounted for and one of them could've been a Rassier farm vehicle for all we know.

So in effect, we have narrowed the field. Fact: The scent trail the dog followed ran from the abduction point to his last track. Fact: If someone had picked Jacob up, his scent trail would have continued and not come to an abrupt end. Fact: Had Jacob continued to walk alongside his abductor, the scent trail would have continued and not come to an abrupt end.

What option are you left with? Something that would contain his scent that could have been on a farm driveway at night. The options are very limited.

To say a vehicle was not involved flies in the face of LE's own evidence. The only other options are a sealed container or go straight up in the air.

Had DR or anyone else walked Jacob across the grass, into the woods, back out to the road, into a field or any other egress point, there would have been a detectable continuation of the scent trail. And there darn well would have been footprints, both Jacobs and the Abductors.

I favor a vehicle, however I cannot say 100% if it was one of the farm vehicles or one that came in from the road without a better look at the print field.

If the dog was never used to check the vehicles and the out buildings....well that just boggles my mind... Or was it and that is the piece we are missing? The dog said "Hey, Jacob was here!!" But there is no physical evidence....

And again, we have the abductor being picky about age and other possible factors...shopping if you will.

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