GUILTY TN - Benjamin Shook for kidnapping, rape of 14yo girl, Surgoinsville, 2015

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I have a hunch it's quiet for a reason. :crossfingers:
Right! Well maybe those RFID chips everyone is so afraid of should be implemented into the RSO's and they blow their penis off if they get online !

:silly:........oh my...:laughing:
Her FB is out there for anyone to see......the pic of her lying down in a seductive pose should NEVER have been allowed! Moms and dads!! PAY ATTENTION!! :facepalm:
We have been hashing things out a few weeks now. I know the lack of reliable information is quite unsettling for us Websleuthers. Maybe with the national exposure given by Nancy Grace will stir things up and get people moving.

I had a thought about this app that Shook used to lure H with. This app is not available to computer users but two types of Smart phone browsers Android and Windows. H is under 16 so she had to have her father along to purchase the phone.So technically the phone contract is in his name. Even if an app is available as "free" it still should not be available to download without parental approval. Maybe this would stop some of this type of activity. What is sad that "society" is playing catch-up with these applications. Now these apps can be a tool for good but what makes them so attractive to Sexual Predators? I have thought about maybe a tracking chip could be installed in a piece of clothing that the child would wear or an article of jeweler that they wear. Idk just thinking out loud.
:bump: bumping for H. I can't get her off my mind tonight. :(
We have been hashing things out a few weeks now. I know the lack of reliable information is quite unsettling for us Websleuthers. Maybe with the national exposure given by Nancy Grace will stir things up and get people moving.

I had a thought about this app that Shook used to lure H with. This app is not available to computer users but two types of Smart phone browsers Android and Windows. H is under 16 so she had to have her father along to purchase the phone.So technically the phone contract is in his name. Even if an app is available as "free" it still should not be available to download without parental approval. Maybe this would stop some of this type of activity. What is sad that "society" is playing catch-up with these applications. Now these apps can be a tool for good but what makes them so attractive to Sexual Predators? I have thought about maybe a tracking chip could be installed in a piece of clothing that the child would wear or an article of jeweler that they wear. Idk just thinking out loud.

These apps are already on the phones and don't have to be downloaded at all. And parents who don't know what these apps are, are not going to know they should be removed from their kid's phone. I had always bought and paid for both of my grandsons' cellphones, paid the bills and kept up with what they were using. But last year when the contracts were running out, their father decided he would buy them phones and put them on his account. As soon as the youngest grandson showed me his phone, I knew immediately what this app was, only because it's been mentioned on WS quite alot. Otherwise I wouldn't have known. It just so happened my grandson asked me to help him figure out how to work this new phone and I uninstalled this app. But he's such a technology whiz, I'm sure he's figured out how to install it again. And it doesn't have to be this app that lures kids in...there are new free apps being added to the "play stores" from the phone carriers every day!
The thing with technology, teens, tweens, perverts and predators is... there are always ways around pretty much every safeguard you put in place. That being said, even though it seems overwhelming to many parents to figure out what kinds of apps their kids are using this month (or this week, since things change so quickly) it's pretty much OUR JOB to know what they're using and how these apps work.

I don't have snapchat, kik, tumblr, instagram or most of the other apps on my phone because I don't use them. But I know what they are and how they work. Here's a great place to start for a crash course in what's up:,ssl&ei=Gd2TVbjrO9apyASspYG4DQ

Go through the list of apps, DOWNLOAD them to your phone, sign up, login and mess around with them to see how they work. Then, you'll know. (then go ahead and cancel your account and uninstall them once you know how they work)
If you read her FB she does not think much of herself!

Very Sad!
I'm concerned that he knows he's being sought, and if they are on foot in the woods he may begin to feel his chances of escape are greater if he goes it alone. They need to find H asap. Every day makes me more afraid!

Remember Adam Mayes?
Here's an updated Amber Alert Report, unfortunately no new sightings, just tips coming in that so far have lead nowhere. I'm glad that people are still calling them in. At least they're trying.

I'm afraid now that they may not still be in the area. The last sighting in Sugar Grove on Flat Ridge, will be a week tomorrow, I'm not even sure that sighting was confirmed. The last confirmed sighting that I know of was at the Sugar Grove Exxon. I'm so afraid they've already caught a ride with a trucker and are way out of the area. I hope I'm wrong. I hope she'll be found soon and is still alive. I hate to think like that, but she hasn't been seen for a week. I hope he hasn't harmed her...we don't know how his mind might work in these dire circumstances.
Thanks for the update AnnaGrace. The fact that there have not been any more recent sightings also has me concerned.

On Tuesday, the US Marshal’s Service unveiled a new billboard they hope will help them find 14-year-old HW. It will be displayed across the East Coast.

The two were last spotted at a gas station in Sugar Grove.

Searchers don’t believe they have left the area.

And why would that be ? Shook could have picked up a newspaper off a magazine stand and read the same articles and information we're all reading, including the part about setting up a command center in the middle of town.

He may have bailed out of there before they even got things mobilized and set up. Oh well, keep searching....can't hurt I guess.

Get ready for the next headline: "Searchers believe pair are no longer in area."
I am worried H is still in the area, but creep-a-zoid is not. =/
The National Forests are so dense in some places that you could walk right past someone and never know they're there. We have the Jefferson National Forest just a few miles away from us and there are a few old mines there. It's a beautiful place and one of my favorite places to go. I just hope H is ok and she is found quickly. She has been on my mind constantly since I first heard about her disappearance.
The National Forests are so dense in some places that you could walk right past someone and never know they're there. We have the Jefferson National Forest just a few miles away from us and there are a few old mines there. It's a beautiful place and one of my favorite places to go. I just hope H is ok and she is found quickly. She has been on my mind constantly since I first heard about her disappearance.

You're so right! We used to own a large piece of land surrounded on three sides by the Cherokee National forest. We hiked the property a lot and just separating by 20 or 30 yards we'd lose sight - and sound - of each other.

Shook seems to know his way around primitive camping so who knows where they could be. One thing though - I wonder how much food they have. It's hard to tell from the video of them at the store. They'll need more supplies sooner or later.
The horror movie of Adam Mayes does come to surface every now and then because of some similarities.
It is a sad fact that so many of these missing children or teens do have such poor-self images of themselves. I can remember being that age but I had a great support system with a good group of friends and to what I contribute a whole lot of influence is my church youth group. Without those two influences I could have easily been sucked into the party or drug scene
God please watch over this young lady. She has not been forgotten and so many people are looking for her. Melt the heart of this man and show him the right choice to make in this matter!
You're so right! We used to own a large piece of land surrounded on three sides by the Cherokee National forest. We hiked the property a lot and just separating by 20 or 30 yards we'd lose sight - and sound - of each other.

Shook seems to know his way around primitive camping so who knows where they could be. One thing though - I wonder how much food they have. It's hard to tell from the video of them at the store. They'll need more supplies sooner or later.

I've been thinking about their food supply too. This is the time of year for the blackberries and wild raspberries to be ripe but unless they have an unlimited supply, they won't last long. They won't have any problem getting water if they are near a creek. And of course he could live off wild game if he has trapping skills but he'd still have to clean it and cook it. There are ways to survive out in the wilderness but a 14 year old girl isn't likely to have those skills. And not to embarrass anyone, but what is she going to do when her "friend" comes to visit?

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