TN - Eight people killed, Sumner County deaths linked, Apr 2019 *Arrest*

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Thank you! It was almost impossible!

And that's why more followers of this heinous crime are needed to help @Subiechik21 to dig deep for information please.

I keep on saying that I'm in UK and very limited to access to several sites. As much as I want to help out and get this case moving, I can't, I'm stuck!

Come on Websleuthers, let's get going again, push and dig deep.
Roll on tomorrow, so looking forward to this hearing after all this time. Mind you I do see several dates were cancelled and carried over.
Yes I am afraid it will be Cancelled/Conitinued again! I just asked my husband what today was & he not so kindly reminded me that this is the 4th time I asked the day. To my defense this time I was asking for a different reason!

I will be looking for updates on this hearing tomorrow, in all seriousness.
Yes I am afraid it will be Cancelled/Conitinued again! I just asked my husband what today was & he not so kindly reminded me that this is the 4th time I asked the day. To my defense this time I was asking for a different reason!

I will be looking for updates on this hearing tomorrow, in all seriousness.

Haha, my husband has been the same. I'm on tenterhooks just in case it's another 'should have been'. I have to wait for I think 5 hours (must check it out in morning) for hearing to start as your time and uk time differences. Oh well, never mind.
Forgot to report in with some very interesting conversations, done ask where I read them. So,

"Cummins has been rocking like he did in court ever since he was a child." So said a cousin in an interview.
Even more interesting, it seems his father, Mr Cummins Sr has the same affliction. Must be genetic, so we are incorrect in thinking MC was doing his rockabye to make him look insane.

As I don't have the link, let's just say it's JMO for now.
Haha, my husband has been the same. I'm on tenterhooks just in case it's another 'should have been'. I have to wait for I think 5 hours (must check it out in morning) for hearing to start as your time and uk time differences. Oh well, never mind.
It is CST time zone (I had to check for myself), in case anyone didn't know.
I spent ages looking yesterday and this morning. Unbelievable there's nothing showing.

Maybe YouTube might have an offering at a later date. I did check Nick Beres but no mention on his page either.
I spent ages looking yesterday and this morning. Unbelievable there's nothing showing.

Maybe YouTube might have an offering at a later date. I did check Nick Beres but no mention on his page either.
Thank you for that, life kinda got in the way! I also have not been able! to find is quite frustrating!
Right, I have this evening posted on Nick Beres page. He's with NC5 news. I know in the early days Nick did several reports on Cummins so I thought I'd drop by and ask what he knows currently, if anything. Fingers crossed guys. Opps and girls lol.
When you go to "General" on his court page, it says his next hearing date as Sept. 18 2020.
View attachment 258678

I've made a note of that in my diary. Courts are starting to get busy. What with Vallow/Daybell two days this week, Cummins was supposed to be on on the day if another hearing I've been awaiting. It's all go. Arghhhh.
Of course they're seeking the death penalty. This "piece of excrement" really deserves to be put to death as soon as possible.
And I don't even care about his alleged "mental illness"....everybody knows "mental issues" are often used to avoid the death penalty for weirdos like Cummins.
I know the US Supreme Court says that those who have severe mental illness can't be sentenced to death but I think our "supreme" justices maybe must leave their Plato's hyperuranium and back to reality...

Imo, the DA already knows this monster isn't mentally ill by criminal judicial standards or they wouldn't seek the death penalty. He'd have a better chance of escaping the DP if his IQ was below 70.

Imo, he isn't mentally ill. He's like the majority of all murderers who are just saturated with evil, and mean as hell.

It puzzles me somewhat that when murders like this happen the first thing assumed is the defendants are mentally ill. It's assumed even more so if the murder defendant is a female. Why that is usually assumed almost immediately I've never been able to understood even after following murder cases including mass murders for over four decades.

All we crime bloggers have to do is either read here or watch all of the true crime shows to know being evil does not require mental illness. Often it requires a decayed dead soul who possesses no remorse or compassion for any other human being.

Sadly, I think we will see more, and more violent homicides rise this year after the overall homicide rate had declined in the past seven years in our country.

It seems now they dont even hide the violence or murderous rages anymore since we are seeing innocent victims being killed or gravely injured before our very eyes when people just stand there videoing it. :(

It shows so many do not value human life anymore. It's so frightening because it lets us all know none of us are really safe anymore no matter if we lead a law abiding life. We could still fall prey at anytime. At this point in time across our nation so many seem to think extreme violence is the answer to everything. :( so we may see more mass murders as well.

It's extremely rare for murder defendants to be found legally insane no matter the gender of the offender.

Is he prephaps a psychopath or sociopath? Very possible for many murderers are along with having narcissistic traits.

However, both know right from wrong, but they just don't care, which is usually proven in court as the evidence is presented by the prosecution witnesses during the trial.

Out of thousands of murders occurring each year only a teeny tiny minority of defendants are truly mentally insane at the time the murders were committed.

The last data I read only 1 to 3 percent of all murder defendants each year even go for the mentally insane defense, and less than 1 percent of those who do are found mentally insane by their juries. Sometimes the defense tries that defense because they simply have nothing else.

My heart still breaks for all of his many victims, and families.

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