Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *Arrests* #2

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New here but have been trying to keep up with the forum discussions on this case! You guys are brilliant in many of the suggestions and posts!! This case caught my attention Wednesday before the Amber alert was in place. I have many questions just like many of you. This case is mind boggling and so extremely sad! Fore warning, long post!
What was MBs mom threatening her with that was so bad it scared her??? Did she threaten to call CPS to have child taken if Mom did not let her take EB? Did she threaten to tell MBs secrets of something else unrelated to EB if MB did not let her take the baby? And still with all the threats, she starts the process of buying her mom a car??? Really??
MBs dad called cps because "MB was getting threats from Mom" so MB couldn't (please correct me if I'm wrong and misheard in interview) so where is dad? Why isn't he beside his daughter through these interviews??
So many unanswered questions and so many untruths!!!
IMO, the reporter doing the interviews was probably told beforehand to not make MB feel attacked so she will keep spewing lies and maybe she will say something to help move this investigation along!
Except I don't think that EP ever saw his child at Christmas or was he ever on leave in TN (accordiing to @Tricia last YTube). Unfortunately -- MB's inaccuracies are really hindering police here. And so infuriating knowing her child is at stake. MOO

Yes, I also understand that EP didn't see Evelyn over Christmas. But, that wouldn't, imo, prevent MB from telling her boyfriend a lie to the contrary in order to explain or invent an injury having happened to Evelyn over Christmas. MB seems to be very inventive in her story telling!
I have to be off for a bit but I want to be clear that my explaining my Romani culture isn't meant as a defense or excuse to this family in any way. Rather to offer a different perspective removed from American societal norms. Applying those to a case where it doesn't apply is going to give people a skewed perspective. I think MB's upbringing and culture being different is the reason that LE and most people think she killed her child. People are reading into something as an apple when it's an orange.

I might agree in many other cases that if the mom is lying about a missing child it doesn't look good but I don't think this case is that simple.

I don't believe that MB knows where Evelyn is, personally. She may have an idea if Evelyn is being purposefully hidden from CPS but I'm not really sure she knows much of anything aside from what AB has told her at this point.

I believe something was done with Evelyn by AB and MC. I don't know what that something is and I am very concerned about it. I don't trust MC's involvement and influence nor am I willing to trust AB with her history. I think addiction and feuding with her ex are WAY bigger factors to why Evelyn is missing than anything else.
I know some people here don't want to see it from outside of their own experience bubble but unless you've been on the receiving end of systematic racism you will have to really expand your heart and empathy to understand it.

Someone who is Romani that I know had CPS called on them because their child was "always dirty" according to multiple reports from parents at the childs school. They reported he often had black eyes and bruising and obviously was being abused. He wasn't dirty, he didn't have bruises. He has an OLIVE SKIN TONE. CPS was threatening to remove the child from his parents care for his skin tone. The mother had to bathe the child in front of the CPS worker to show them it didn't wash off and they were still monitored after that. That's one experience of many.

Tell me how that fosters any trust or belief that the law and CPS are there to help us keep our children safe? Would you feel safe going to them after experiencing that or something similar?
That is exactly why CPS conducts a thorough investigation before they can open a case. They cannot threaten to remove a child simply based on the child's skin tone. They need to supply a complete history of medical, dental, and mental health records, interviews with teachers, family, doctors and all who are familiar with the child before even considering opening a case of child neglect or abuse. Imo
Are there pictures of EB with AB, TB sr., TB jr., EP, anyone? Is the boy on the boat TB jr's?
I'm not understanding why she can't take a polygraph, because she is pregnant. Is that really a thing?

From: "What You Need to Know Before Taking a Polygraph"

"With the above in mind, it can be assumed that if a pregnant woman expresses her informed consent to undergo a polygraph examination, there are no obstacles in performing such a procedure (especially in the relatively safest and least cumbersome second trimester of pregnancy)."

Whoops! Coming out of the police station she said LE wanted to do a polygraph but they couldn't... because she's pregnant. In addition, LE said they don't run polygraphs at their station. She should have Googled that information first before blabbing out another lie. I think she couldn't, (literally could-not) wait another exciting moment to announce her pregnancy though so she threw caution to the wind.

ETA: There seems to be a perception distortion of how other people think and feel about her on the part of MB, imo. She feels, imo, that being pregnant is good news iow. She really believes that other people will see it as good news, too; thus the public announcement with a great big smile :)! I think she is miles away from any kind of reality and don't know if it's a continual problem or if the stress of this situation has brought it out. Either way, she is not thinking and acting even remotely as a person would be expected to... and that's after taking into account that people behave differently under stress. She is really way out there... Jmo.
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That is exactly why CPS conducts a thorough investigation before they can open a case. They cannot threaten to remove a child simply based on the child's skin tone. They need to supply a complete history of medical, dental, and mental health records, interviews with teachers, family, doctors and all who are familiar with the child before even considering opening a case of child neglect or abuse. Imo

I'm aghast that a websleuther would have such faith in child protective services.
We see in case after case after case that they fail these children and yet my saying and awful experience with CPS being racist is met with you telling me they cannot threaten to remove a child because of their skin tone?
Yeah, never mind. You're right. It didn't happen.
So much for victim friendly.
From: "What You Need to Know Before Taking a Polygraph"

"With the above in mind, it can be assumed that if a pregnant woman expresses her informed consent to undergo a polygraph examination, there are no obstacles in performing such a procedure (especially in the relatively safest and least cumbersome second trimester of pregnancy)."

Whoops! Coming out of the police station she said LE wanted to do a polygraph but they couldn't... because she's pregnant. In addition, LE said they don't run polygraphs at their station. She should have Googled that information first before blabbing out another lie. I think she couldn't, (literally could-not) wait another exciting moment to announce her pregnancy though so she threw caution to the wind.

While I agree she did it for attention, you are giving her too much credit. She hasn’t presented herself as the brightest bulb in the box. I don’t think she threw caution to the wind, but rather she just acts on anything that pops into her head. MOO
MBs dad called cps because "MB was getting threats from Mom" so MB couldn't (please correct me if I'm wrong and misheard in interview) so where is dad? Why isn't he beside his daughter through these interviews??

I think MB's dad (TB) contacted CPS because he had not seen his granddaughter since Thanksgiving and was probably suspicious of MB's response as to the whereabouts of EB.

I don't think TB made contact with CPS because he believed MB was being threatened by AB. TB also stated that he told his former spouse AB that he was contacting CPS and alleges she told him he would regret it if he contacted them.

Reportedly, TB and his son each contributed $10K to the reward fund for EB initiated by the County Sheriff. I think he's supporting LE in search of his granddaughter and most likely not standing at MB's side during interviews because he knows she's been untruthful.

I have to be off for a bit but I want to be clear that my explaining my Romani culture isn't meant as a defense or excuse to this family in any way. Rather to offer a different perspective removed from American societal norms. Applying those to a case where it doesn't apply is going to give people a skewed perspective. I think MB's upbringing and culture being different is the reason that LE and most people think she killed her child. People are reading into something as an apple when it's an orange.

I might agree in many other cases that if the mom is lying about a missing child it doesn't look good but I don't think this case is that simple.

I don't believe that MB knows where Evelyn is, personally. She may have an idea if Evelyn is being purposefully hidden from CPS but I'm not really sure she knows much of anything aside from what AB has told her at this point.

I believe something was done with Evelyn by AB and MC. I don't know what that something is and I am very concerned about it. I don't trust MC's involvement and influence nor am I willing to trust AB with her history. I think addiction and feuding with her ex are WAY bigger factors to why Evelyn is missing than anything else.
I enjoyed your perspective and knowledge on it. I think most people are capable of respecting another persons opinions and experiences even if they don’t necessarily agree with them. Thanks for sharing!
While I agree she did it for attention, you are giving her too much credit. She hasn’t presented herself as the brightest bulb in the box. I don’t think she threw caution to the wind, but rather she just acts on anything that pops into her head. MOO
She might even think if one is pregnant that they can't be arrested.
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